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Last active February 21, 2024 10:58
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func tag(x) {
return func show(n) {
say("hello: " ~ x ~ "!");
say("[ simple test ]");
my node = quasi { say(""); };
walk(node, [
#[Q, tag("Q")],
#[Q.Expr, tag("expr")],
[Q.Term, tag("term")],
[Q.Literal, tag("Literal")],
[Q.Literal.Str, tag("str")],
say("[ macro test ]");
macro replaceStrLiteral(ast) {
return walk(ast, [
[Q.Literal.Str, func (node) {
return quasi { "hi there" };
say("Argument to the macro...")
func getAttrList() {
return [
# simple recursion
[Q.Term.Object, ["propertylist"]],
[Q.Term.Dict, ["propertylist"]],
[Q.Property, ["value"]],
[Q.Trait, ["identifier", "expr"]],
[Q.Term.Func, ["identifier", "traitlist", "block"]],
[Q.Block, ["parameterlist", "statementlist"]],
[Q.Prefix, ["identifier", "operand"]],
[Q.Infix, ["identifier", "lhs", "rhs"]],
[Q.Postfix, ["identifier", "operand"]],
[Q.Postfix.Index, ["index"]],
[Q.Postfix.Call, ["argumentlist"]],
[Q.Postfix.Property, ["property"]],
[Q.Unquote, ["qtype", "expr"]],
[Q.Unquote.Prefix, ["operand"]],
[Q.Unquote.Infix, ["lhs", "rhs"]],
[Q.Term.My, ["identifier"]],
[Q.Term.Quasi, ["qtype", "contents"]],
[Q.Parameter, ["identifier"]],
[Q.Statement.Expr, ["expr"]],
[Q.Statement.If, ["expr", "block", "else"]],
[Q.Statement.Block, ["block"]],
[Q.Statement.For, ["expr", "block"]],
[Q.Statement.While, ["expr", "block"]],
[Q.Statement.Return, ["expr"]],
[Q.Statement.Throw, ["expr"]],
[Q.Statement.Func, ["identifier", "traitlist"]],
[Q.Statement.Macro, ["identifier", "traitlist", "block"]],
[Q.Statement.BEGIN, ["block"]],
[Q.Statement.Class, ["block"]],
[Q.Expr.BlockAdapter, ["block"]],
# array recursion
[Q.TraitList, ["traits"]],
[Q.Term.Array, ["elements"]],
[Q.PropertyList, ["properties"]],
[Q.ArgumentList, ["arguments"]],
[Q.ParameterList, ["parameters"]],
[Q.StatementList, ["statements"]],
func getInheritList() {
return [
# XXX Q::CompUnit?
[Q, []],
[Q.Expr, [Q]],
[Q.Block, [Q]],
[Q.StatementList, [Q]],
[Q.Statement, [Q]],
[Q.Identifier, [Q]],
[Q.Declaration, []], # anything that does Q.Declaration does some other role, so Q is always in the inheritance tree
[Q.Expr.BlockAdapter, [Q.Expr]],
[Q.PropertyList, [Q]],
[Q.Property, [Q]],
[Q.TraitList, [Q]],
[Q.Trait, [Q]],
[Q.ArgumentList, [Q]],
[Q.ParameterList, [Q]],
[Q.Parameter, [Q.Declaration, Q]],
[Q.Term, [Q.Expr]],
[Q.Term.Func, [Q.Term, Q.Declaration]],
[Q.Term.Quasi, [Q.Term]],
[Q.Term.My, [Q.Term]],
[Q.Term.Dict, [Q.Term]],
[Q.Term.Object, [Q.Term]],
[Q.Term.Array, [Q.Term]],
[Q.Term.Regex, [Q.Term]],
[Q.Term.Identifier, [Q.Identifier, Q.Term]],
[Q.Literal, [Q.Term]],
[Q.Literal.Str, [Q.Literal]],
[Q.Literal.Int, [Q.Literal]],
[Q.Literal.Bool, [Q.Literal]],
[Q.Literal.None, [Q.Literal]],
[Q.Regex.Fragment, []],
[Q.Regex.ZeroOrOne, [Q.Regex.Fragment]],
[Q.Regex.ZeroOrMore, [Q.Regex.Fragment]],
[Q.Regex.OneOrMore, [Q.Regex.Fragment]],
[Q.Regex.Group, [Q.Regex.Fragment]],
[Q.Regex.Alternation, [Q.Regex.Fragment]],
[Q.Regex.Call, [Q.Regex.Fragment]],
[Q.Regex.Identifier, [Q.Regex.Fragment]],
[Q.Regex.Str, [Q.Regex.Fragment]],
[Q.Unquote, [Q]],
[Q.Unquote.Prefix, [Q.Unquote]],
[Q.Unquote.Infix, [Q.Unquote]],
[Q.Prefix, [Q.Expr]],
[Q.Infix, [Q.Expr]],
[Q.Infix.And, [Q.Infix]],
[Q.Infix.Or, [Q.Infix]],
[Q.Infix.DefinedOr, [Q.Infix]],
[Q.Infix.Assignment, [Q.Infix]],
[Q.Infix.Assignment, [Q.Infix]],
[Q.Postfix, [Q.Expr]],
[Q.Postfix.Property, [Q.Postfix]],
[Q.Postfix.Call, [Q.Postfix]],
[Q.Postfix.Index, [Q.Postfix]],
[Q.Statement.BEGIN, [Q.Statement]],
[Q.Statement.Last, [Q.Statement]],
[Q.Statement.Next, [Q.Statement]],
[Q.Statement.Throw, [Q.Statement]],
[Q.Statement.Return, [Q.Statement]],
[Q.Statement.While, [Q.Statement]],
[Q.Statement.For, [Q.Statement]],
[Q.Statement.If, [Q.Statement]],
[Q.Statement.Block, [Q.Statement]],
[Q.Statement.Expr, [Q.Statement]],
# Q.Declaration before Q.Statement because it's more restrictive
[Q.Statement.Class, [Q.Declaration, Q.Statement]],
[Q.Statement.Macro, [Q.Declaration, Q.Statement]],
[Q.Statement.Func, [Q.Declaration, Q.Statement]],
# Index operation an array of pairs. Does not differentiate between no such value and a nil value.
func atType(xs, t) {
for xs -> x {
if x[0] == t {
return x[1];
func walkAtType(walkers, rootType) {
if atType(getInheritList(), rootType) -> parentTypes {
# breadth-first
for parentTypes -> parentType {
if atType(walkers, parentType) -> res {
return res; # we found a match for the parent
# loop again!
# this time: recurse for depth, find parent's parents
for parentTypes -> parentType {
if walkAtType(walkers, parentType) -> res {
return res; # we found a match for the parent's parent (or we self-recursed again)
# XXX maybe we need `append` in Alma?
func append(to, from) {
if from {
for from -> x {
func findAllAttributes(rootType) {
my attrs = [];
append(attrs, atType(getAttrList(), rootType));
if atType(getInheritList(), rootType) -> parentTypes {
# no breadth-first here since order shouldn't matter...
for parentTypes -> parentType {
append(attrs, findAllAttributes(parentType));
return attrs;
func walk(root, walkers) {
if root ~~ Array {
return (subRoot) { return walk(subRoot, walkers); });
# TODO dict?
my rootType = type(root);
# first: perfect match
if atType(walkers, rootType) -> perfectMatch {
return perfectMatch(root);
# any parent in the inheritance chain
if walkAtType(walkers, rootType) -> parent {
return parent(root);
if findAllAttributes(rootType) -> attrs {
# reconstruct a node, based on its properties, traversed.
my o = [];
for attrs -> attr {
my updatedValue = walk(root[attr], walkers);
o.push([attr, updatedValue]);
return rootType.create(o);
} else {
return root;
[ simple test ]
hello: str!
[ macro test ]
hi there
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