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Created December 9, 2021 13:03
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import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Debug.Trace
import Data.Maybe
import Text.Printf
data Direction = East | South | West | North
nextDirection :: Direction -> Direction
nextDirection East = South
nextDirection South = West
nextDirection West = North
nextDirection North = East
type Board = Seq.Seq (Seq.Seq (Maybe Int))
-- Y=H X=W
nextCell :: (Int, Int, Direction) -> Board -> (Int, Int, Direction)
nextCell (y, x, dir) b = go y x dir
where nextY y South = y + 1
nextY y North = y - 1
nextY y _ = y
nextX x West = x - 1
nextX x East = x + 1
nextX x _ = x
go y x dir = let y' = nextY y dir
x' = nextX x dir
in case indexAt b y' x' of
Just Nothing -> (y', x', dir) -- There's a cell, and it's empty -> same dir
_ -> go y x $ nextDirection dir
safeIndex :: Seq.Seq a -> Int -> Maybe a
safeIndex xs i = if i >= 0 && i < Seq.length xs
then Just $ Seq.index xs i
else Nothing
indexAt :: Board -> Int -> Int -> Maybe (Maybe Int)
indexAt board y x = safeIndex board y >>= \xs -> safeIndex xs x
genBoard :: Int -> Int -> (Seq.Seq (Seq.Seq (Maybe Int)))
genBoard h w = filledBoard -- sequence $ fmap sequence filledBoard
where max = w * h
emptyBoard = Seq.replicate h $ Seq.replicate w Nothing
fillCell cell i board =
if i == max
then board
else let newBoard = updateAt board cell i
in fillCell (nextCell cell newBoard) (i + 1) (trace (showBoard newBoard) newBoard)
updateAt :: Board -> (Int, Int, Direction) -> Int -> Board
updateAt board (y, x, _) value = Seq.adjust (Seq.update x $ Just value) y board
filledBoard = fillCell (0, 0, East) 0 emptyBoard
showBoard :: Seq.Seq (Seq.Seq (Maybe Int)) -> String
showBoard board = concat $ toList $ showLine <$> board
where showLine :: Seq.Seq (Maybe Int) -> String
showLine = (++ "\n") . concat . toList . fmap showCell
showCell :: Maybe Int -> String
showCell = fromMaybe " ?" . fmap (printf "%3d")
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn $ show $ genBoard 5 5
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