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Created March 14, 2017 05:16
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enum CloudinaryMedia: String {
case image
case video
//MARK: Deleting multiple resources
func deleteResources(of child: Child,
completionBlock: @escaping (_ success: Bool, _ error: DescriptiveErrorType?) -> Void) {
deleteResources(of: child, type: .image, parameter: nil) { (success, error) in
self.deleteResources(of: child, type: .video, parameter: nil, completionBlock: completionBlock)
func deleteResources(of child: Child, type: CloudinaryMedia, parameter: Dictionary<String, String>? = nil,
completionBlock: @escaping (_ success: Bool, _ error: DescriptiveErrorType?) -> Void) {
guard let _childId = child.childID else {
completionBlock(false, Error.unknownError)
var parameters = [CloudinaryConstants.invalidate : CloudinaryConstants.trueValue,
CloudinaryConstants.keepOriginal: CloudinaryConstants.falseValue]
if let _parameter = parameter {
parameters += _parameter
do {
let cloudinaryDeleteEndpoint = ""
let finalURL = String.localizedStringWithFormat(cloudinaryDeleteEndpoint,type.rawValue) + _childId
delete(finalURL, child: child, type: type, parameters: parameters, completionBlock: completionBlock)
catch {
completionBlock(false, Error.unknownError)
func delete(_ url: String, child: Child, type: CloudinaryMedia, parameters: Dictionary<String, String>,
completionBlock: @escaping (_ success: Bool, _ error: DescriptiveErrorType?) -> Void) {
cloudinaryClient.delete(with: url,
parameter: parameters,
mapper: CloudinaryResourceDeleteMapper.self,
completionBlock: { (response) in
switch response {
case .success(let response):
if let _cloudinaryResponse = response.first {
guard let _partial = _cloudinaryResponse.partial,
_partial == true else {
completionBlock(true, nil)
guard let _nextCursor = _cloudinaryResponse.nextCursor else {
completionBlock(true, nil)
let dictionay = [CloudinaryConstants.nextCursor : _nextCursor]
self.deleteResources(of: child,
type: type,
parameter: dictionay,
completionBlock: completionBlock)
} else {
completionBlock(false, nil)
case .failure(let error):
completionBlock(false, error)
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