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Created October 23, 2017 17:16
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Using Python to connect to MySQL database.
class UseMySQL:
# Importing MySQLdb and as a smaller name for reusing it.
# To install MySQL Python connection use below command:
# pip install mysqlclient
import MySQLdb as _mysql
def __init__(self, host, user, password, db):
Initializing MySQL details in init method.
host: Host name of the machine.
user: Username of mySQL DB.
password: Password of mySQL DB.
db: Database name of mySQL DB.
self._host = host
self._user = user
self._password = password
self._db = db
def __enter__(self):
This data model/dunder method is used
to employ auto open of my sql connection
and cursor inside 'with' and in turn
close them inside the same with the help
of exit method in order to avoid not so
closed database connections.
self._conn = self._mysql.connect(
host=self._host, user=self._user, passwd=self._password, db=self._db)
self.cursor = self._conn.cursor()
return self.cursor
def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback):
This data model/dunder method is used to employ
auto close of connection and cursor as with block ends.
exception_type: Type of Exception.
exception_value: Exception Value.
traceback: Traceback value.
with UseMySQL(host="localhost", user="someuser", password="somepassword", db="sakila") as mySqlObj:
cursor = mySqlObj
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM ACTOR")
for tup1 in cursor.fetchall():
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