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amitmerchant1990 / stylish.css
Last active December 28, 2018 00:32
GitHub Fixed Header for better accessibility.
1. Install the Stylish( extension for Chrome.
2. Open up extension options and paste the whole CSS mentioned below.
3. Specify the domain name to be ``.
4. Add a title and save.
.header {
padding-top: 10px;
padding-bottom: 10px;
mlafeldt /
Last active March 27, 2024 09:23
Example Postmortem from SRE book, pp. 487-491

Shakespeare Sonnet++ Postmortem (incident #465)




  • jennifer
  • martym
dAnjou / flask-upload
Created June 5, 2012 12:35
Flask upload example
<VirtualHost *>
WSGIDaemonProcess www user=max group=max threads=5
WSGIScriptAlias / /home/max/Projekte/flask-upload/flask-upload.wsgi
<Directory /home/max/Projekte/flask-upload>
WSGIProcessGroup www
WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
Order deny,allow
asmallteapot /
Created January 24, 2011 15:42
Simple Markdown server in Python. Assumes you have Markdown files in ~/Text. Access ~/Text/Hello.mdown at http://localhost:5000/w/Hello.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
from flask import Flask, redirect, url_for
from markdown import markdown
import os
import re
# create the app
# TODO: load config/template from files, with fallbacks