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Last active December 30, 2021 13:32
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closest point on spline
# NOTE: 给定一个点,找到其在一个样条函数上的最近点(或者说,投影点)
import numpy as np, matplotlib.pyplot as pp, mpl_toolkits.mplot3d as mp
import scipy.interpolate as si, scipy.optimize as so, scipy.spatial.distance as ssd
data = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8),(1,2.5,4,5.5,6.5,8.5,10,12.5),(1,2.5,4.5,6.5,8,8.5,10,12.5)
p = 6.5,9.5,9
# Fit a spline to the data - s is the amount of smoothing, tck is the parameters of the resulting spline
(tck, uu) = si.splprep(data, s=0)
# Return distance from 3d point p to a point on the spline at spline parameter u
def distToP(u):
s = si.splev(u, tck)
return ssd.euclidean(p, s)
# Find the closest point on the spline to our 3d point p
# We do this by finding a value for the spline parameter u which
# gives the minimum distance in 3d to p
closestu = so.fmin(distToP, 0.5)
closest = si.splev(closestu, tck)
# NOTE: 给定一个点,找到其在一个样条函数上的最近点(或者说,投影点)
import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.interpolate
import scipy.optimize
import scipy.spatial.distance
data = (2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16),(1,2.5,4,5.5,6.5,8.5,10,12.5),(1,2.5,4.5,6.5,8,8.5,10,12.5)
p = np.array([1,9.5,13]).reshape(3,1)
# Fit a spline to the data
# s is the amount of smoothing
# k is the parameter of spline degree
# tck is the parameters of the resulting spline
(tck, uu) = scipy.interpolate.splprep(data, s=0, k=3)
tmp = 0
# Return distance from 3d point p to a point on the spline at spline parameter u
def distToP(u):
global tmp
s = np.array(scipy.interpolate.splev(u, tck))
tmp = s-p
return (tmp**2).sum()
def distToPPrime(u):
sp = np.array(scipy.interpolate.splev(u, tck, der=1))
# NOTE: d( f(g(x)) )/dx = f'(g(x)) * g'(x)
return (2*tmp*sp).sum()
# Find the closest point on the spline to our 3d point p
# We do this by finding a value for the spline parameter u which
# gives the minimum distance in 3d to p
# from tqdm import tqdm
# for _ in tqdm(range(10000)):
closestu = scipy.optimize.fmin(distToP, 0.5, disp=False)
## NOTE: constrained multivariate methods
# closestu = scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b(distToP, 0.5, fprime=distToPPrime, disp=False)[0]
# closestu = scipy.optimize.fmin_tnc(distToP, 0.5, fprime=distToPPrime, disp=False)[0]
# closestu = scipy.optimize.fmin_cobyla(distToP, 0.5, cons=[])
# closestu = scipy.optimize.fmin_slsqp(distToP, 0.5, fprime=distToPPrime, disp=False)
## NOTE: univariate methods
# closestu = scipy.optimize.fminbound(distToP, 0, 1)
# closestu = scipy.optimize.golden(distToP)
# closestu = scipy.optimize.brent(distToP)
closest = np.array(scipy.interpolate.splev(closestu, tck))
# NOTE: 求解到这里就结束了,后面都是方便画图用的
## 画图用
import numpy as np, matplotlib.pyplot as pp, mpl_toolkits.mplot3d as mp
# Return the distance from u to v along the spline
def distAlong(tck, u = 0, v = 1, N = 1000):
spline = np.array(scipy.interpolate.splev(np.linspace(u, v, N), tck))
lengths = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.diff(spline.T, axis=0)**2, axis=1))
return np.sum(lengths)
s = "distance along spline to halfway point is %f" % (distAlong(tck)/2)
# Build a 3xN array of 3d points along the spline
N = 1001
spline = np.array(scipy.interpolate.splev(np.linspace(0, 1, N), tck))
# Plot things!
ax = mp.Axes3D(pp.figure(figsize=(8,8)))
ax.plot((p[0].item(),), (p[1].item(),), (p[2].item(),), 'o', label='input point')
ax.plot(closest[0], closest[1], closest[2], 'o', label='closest point on spline')
ax.plot((spline[0, N//2],), (spline[1, N//2],), (spline[2, N//2],), 'o', label='halfway along spline')
ax.plot(data[0], data[1], data[2], label='raw data points')
ax.plot(spline[0], spline[1], spline[2], label='spline fit to data')
pp.legend(loc='lower right')
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