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Created May 30, 2021 19:52
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  • Save veprbl/345d882b01923f31fcfc75c1238d305b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save veprbl/345d882b01923f31fcfc75c1238d305b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Sourcing python-remove-tests-dir-hook
Sourcing pip-build-hook
Using pipBuildPhase
Using pipShellHook
Sourcing pip-install-hook
Using pipInstallPhase
Using pythonImportsCheckPhase
Sourcing python-namespaces-hook
Sourcing pytest-check-hook
Using pytestCheckPhase
unpacking sources
unpacking source archive /nix/store/qk4dg2knlz55hw7ykbymkw6d937mg6l4-cramjam-2.3.1.tar.gz
source root is cramjam-2.3.1
Executing cargoSetupPostUnpackHook
unpacking source archive /nix/store/3qbd9gyif2k0fp39f7510g7wxj8akc64-cargo-vendor-dir
Finished cargoSetupPostUnpackHook
setting SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH to timestamp 1621192756 of file cramjam-2.3.1/tests/
patching sources
Executing cargoSetupPostPatchHook
Validating consistency between /build/cramjam-2.3.1//Cargo.lock and /build/cargo-vendor-dir/Cargo.lock
Finished cargoSetupPostPatchHook
no configure script, doing nothing
Executing maturinBuildHook
++ env CC_x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu=/nix/store/35pnk5kwi26m3ph2bc7dxwjnavpzl8cn-gcc-wrapper-10.3.0/bin/cc CXX_x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu=/nix/store/35pnk5kwi26m3ph2bc7dxwjnavpzl8cn-gcc-wrapper-10.3.0/bin/c++ CC_x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu=/nix/store/35pnk5kwi26m3ph2bc7dxwjnavpzl8cn-gcc-wrapper-10.3.0/bin/cc CXX_x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu=/nix/store/35pnk5kwi26m3ph2bc7dxwjnavpzl8cn-gcc-wrapper-10.3.0/bin/c++ maturin build '--cargo-extra-args=-j 1 --frozen' --target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --manylinux off --strip --release
🔗 Found pyo3 bindings
🐍 Found CPython 3.8 at python3.8
⚠ Warning: Please use maturin in pyproject.toml with a version constraint, e.g. `requires = ["maturin>=0.10,<0.11"]`. This will become an error.
📦 Built source distribution to /build/cramjam-2.3.1/target/wheels/cramjam-2.3.1.tar.gz
warning: version requirement `0.6.1+zstd.1.4.9` for dependency `zstd` includes semver metadata which will be ignored, removing the metadata is recommended to avoid confusion
Compiling libc v0.2.95
Compiling proc-macro2 v1.0.27
Compiling autocfg v1.0.1
Compiling unicode-xid v0.2.2
Compiling syn v1.0.72
Compiling proc-macro-hack v0.5.19
Compiling cfg-if v1.0.0
Compiling scopeguard v1.1.0
Compiling inventory v0.1.10
Compiling unindent v0.1.7
Compiling smallvec v1.6.1
Compiling rawpointer v0.2.1
Compiling ndarray v0.14.0
Compiling pyo3 v0.13.2
Compiling zstd-safe v3.0.1+zstd.1.4.9
Compiling crc32fast v1.2.1
Compiling snap v1.0.5
Compiling adler v1.0.2
Compiling cfg-if v0.1.10
Compiling num-traits v0.2.14
Compiling num-integer v0.1.44
Compiling miniz_oxide v0.4.4
Compiling instant v0.1.9
Compiling lock_api v0.4.4
Compiling matrixmultiply v0.2.4
Compiling jobserver v0.1.22
Compiling parking_lot_core v0.8.3
Compiling quote v1.0.9
Compiling paste-impl v0.1.18
Compiling cc v1.0.68
Compiling parking_lot v0.11.1
Compiling num-complex v0.3.1
Compiling flate2 v1.0.20
Compiling paste v0.1.18
Compiling zstd-sys v1.4.20+zstd.1.4.9
Compiling libmimalloc-sys v0.1.21
Compiling brotli-sys v0.3.2
Compiling lz4-sys v1.9.2
Compiling pyo3-macros-backend v0.13.2
Compiling indoc-impl v0.3.6
Compiling ctor v0.1.20
Compiling ghost v0.1.2
Compiling inventory-impl v0.1.10
Compiling pyo3-macros v0.13.2
Compiling indoc v0.3.6
Compiling mimalloc v0.1.25
Compiling brotli2 v0.3.2
Compiling numpy v0.13.1
Compiling zstd v0.6.1+zstd.1.4.9
Compiling lz4 v1.23.2
Compiling cramjam v2.3.1 (/build/cramjam-2.3.1)
Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 17m 17s
📦 Built wheel for CPython 3.8 to /build/cramjam-2.3.1/target/wheels/cramjam-2.3.1-cp38-cp38-linux_x86_64.whl
Finished maturinBuildHook
Executing pipInstallPhase
/build/cramjam-2.3.1/dist /build/cramjam-2.3.1
Processing ./cramjam-2.3.1-cp38-cp38-linux_x86_64.whl
Installing collected packages: cramjam
Successfully installed cramjam-2.3.1
Finished executing pipInstallPhase
post-installation fixup
shrinking RPATHs of ELF executables and libraries in /nix/store/7ndk86ndp53zvf23y39z9njr6kb8y3g3-python3.8-cramjam-2.3.1
shrinking /nix/store/7ndk86ndp53zvf23y39z9njr6kb8y3g3-python3.8-cramjam-2.3.1/lib/python3.8/site-packages/
strip is /nix/store/77i6h1kjpdww9zzpvkmgyym2mz65yff1-binutils-2.35.1/bin/strip
stripping (with command strip and flags -S) in /nix/store/7ndk86ndp53zvf23y39z9njr6kb8y3g3-python3.8-cramjam-2.3.1/lib
patching script interpreter paths in /nix/store/7ndk86ndp53zvf23y39z9njr6kb8y3g3-python3.8-cramjam-2.3.1
checking for references to /build/ in /nix/store/7ndk86ndp53zvf23y39z9njr6kb8y3g3-python3.8-cramjam-2.3.1...
Executing pythonRemoveTestsDir
Finished executing pythonRemoveTestsDir
running install tests
no Makefile or custom installCheckPhase, doing nothing
Executing pythonImportsCheckPhase
Check whether the following modules can be imported: cramjam
Executing pytestCheckPhase
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.9, pytest-6.2.3, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
benchmark: 3.2.2 (defaults: timer=time.perf_counter disable_gc=False min_rounds=5 min_time=0.000005 max_time=1.0 calibration_precision=10 warmup=False warmup_iterations=100000)
rootdir: /build/cramjam-2.3.1
plugins: benchmark-3.2.2
collected 572 items
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF................................... [ 20%]
........................................................................ [ 33%]
............................. [ 38%]
tests/ ........................ [ 42%]
tests/ .. [ 43%]
tests/ ................................................. [ 51%]
........................................................................ [ 64%]
........................................................................ [ 76%]
........................................................................ [ 89%]
............................................................. [100%]
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
______________ test_snappy_raw[Mark.Twain-Tom.Sawyer.txt-cramjam] ______________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5ba4ca0>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/Mark.Twain-Tom.Sawyer.txt')
use_cramjam = True
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_raw(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression raw
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
______________ test_snappy_raw[Mark.Twain-Tom.Sawyer.txt-snappy] _______________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5bbc5b0>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/Mark.Twain-Tom.Sawyer.txt')
use_cramjam = False
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_raw(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression raw
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
_____________________ test_snappy_raw[lcet10.txt-cramjam] ______________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b894c0>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/lcet10.txt'), use_cramjam = True
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_raw(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression raw
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
______________________ test_snappy_raw[lcet10.txt-snappy] ______________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b302e0>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/lcet10.txt'), use_cramjam = False
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_raw(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression raw
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
____________________ test_snappy_raw[asyoulik.txt-cramjam] _____________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5bbcdc0>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/asyoulik.txt'), use_cramjam = True
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_raw(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression raw
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
_____________________ test_snappy_raw[asyoulik.txt-snappy] _____________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b89e80>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/asyoulik.txt'), use_cramjam = False
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_raw(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression raw
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
______________________ test_snappy_raw[kppkn.gtb-cramjam] ______________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b61e80>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/kppkn.gtb'), use_cramjam = True
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_raw(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression raw
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
______________________ test_snappy_raw[kppkn.gtb-snappy] _______________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b2ea30>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/kppkn.gtb'), use_cramjam = False
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_raw(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression raw
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
______________________ test_snappy_raw[html_x_4-cramjam] _______________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b308e0>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/html_x_4'), use_cramjam = True
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_raw(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression raw
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
_______________________ test_snappy_raw[html_x_4-snappy] _______________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b691f0>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/html_x_4'), use_cramjam = False
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_raw(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression raw
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
___________________ test_snappy_raw[fireworks.jpeg-cramjam] ____________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b63eb0>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/fireworks.jpeg'), use_cramjam = True
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_raw(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression raw
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
____________________ test_snappy_raw[fireworks.jpeg-snappy] ____________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b73b20>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/fireworks.jpeg'), use_cramjam = False
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_raw(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression raw
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
________________________ test_snappy_raw[html-cramjam] _________________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b6f4c0>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/html'), use_cramjam = True
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_raw(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression raw
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
_________________________ test_snappy_raw[html-snappy] _________________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5bbca30>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/html'), use_cramjam = False
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_raw(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression raw
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
______________________ test_snappy_raw[urls.10K-cramjam] _______________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b79fa0>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/urls.10K'), use_cramjam = True
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_raw(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression raw
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
_______________________ test_snappy_raw[urls.10K-snappy] _______________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b896d0>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/urls.10K'), use_cramjam = False
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_raw(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression raw
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
___________________ test_snappy_raw[paper-100k.pdf-cramjam] ____________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b2e0a0>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/paper-100k.pdf'), use_cramjam = True
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_raw(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression raw
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
____________________ test_snappy_raw[paper-100k.pdf-snappy] ____________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b7e4f0>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/paper-100k.pdf'), use_cramjam = False
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_raw(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression raw
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
____________________ test_snappy_raw[geo.protodata-cramjam] ____________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b7b790>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/geo.protodata'), use_cramjam = True
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_raw(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression raw
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
____________________ test_snappy_raw[geo.protodata-snappy] _____________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b61880>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/geo.protodata'), use_cramjam = False
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_raw(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression raw
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
_____________________ test_snappy_raw[alice29.txt-cramjam] _____________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b80070>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/alice29.txt'), use_cramjam = True
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_raw(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression raw
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
_____________________ test_snappy_raw[alice29.txt-snappy] ______________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b6f100>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/alice29.txt'), use_cramjam = False
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_raw(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression raw
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
____________________ test_snappy_raw[plrabn12.txt-cramjam] _____________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b73f40>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/plrabn12.txt'), use_cramjam = True
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_raw(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression raw
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
_____________________ test_snappy_raw[plrabn12.txt-snappy] _____________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5bbc640>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/plrabn12.txt'), use_cramjam = False
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_raw(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression raw
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
_______________ test_snappy_raw[fifty-four-mb-repeating-cramjam] _______________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b30280>
file = <test_bench.FiftyFourMbRepeating object at 0x7ffff6888b20>
use_cramjam = True
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_raw(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression raw
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
_______________ test_snappy_raw[fifty-four-mb-repeating-snappy] ________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b63fd0>
file = <test_bench.FiftyFourMbRepeating object at 0x7ffff6888b20>
use_cramjam = False
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_raw(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression raw
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
________________ test_snappy_raw[fifty-four-mb-random-cramjam] _________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b69760>
file = <test_bench.FiftyFourMbRandom object at 0x7ffff68885e0>
use_cramjam = True
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_raw(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression raw
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
_________________ test_snappy_raw[fifty-four-mb-random-snappy] _________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b79be0>
file = <test_bench.FiftyFourMbRandom object at 0x7ffff68885e0>
use_cramjam = False
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_raw(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression raw
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
____________ test_snappy_framed[Mark.Twain-Tom.Sawyer.txt-cramjam] _____________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b7e310>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/Mark.Twain-Tom.Sawyer.txt')
use_cramjam = True
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_framed(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression framed
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
_____________ test_snappy_framed[Mark.Twain-Tom.Sawyer.txt-snappy] _____________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b2ec40>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/Mark.Twain-Tom.Sawyer.txt')
use_cramjam = False
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_framed(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression framed
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
____________________ test_snappy_framed[lcet10.txt-cramjam] ____________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5afb880>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/lcet10.txt'), use_cramjam = True
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_framed(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression framed
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
____________________ test_snappy_framed[lcet10.txt-snappy] _____________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5aee460>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/lcet10.txt'), use_cramjam = False
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_framed(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression framed
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
___________________ test_snappy_framed[asyoulik.txt-cramjam] ___________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5bbc5e0>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/asyoulik.txt'), use_cramjam = True
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_framed(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression framed
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
___________________ test_snappy_framed[asyoulik.txt-snappy] ____________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b7d1f0>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/asyoulik.txt'), use_cramjam = False
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_framed(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression framed
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
____________________ test_snappy_framed[kppkn.gtb-cramjam] _____________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b7b070>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/kppkn.gtb'), use_cramjam = True
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_framed(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression framed
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
_____________________ test_snappy_framed[kppkn.gtb-snappy] _____________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b00ca0>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/kppkn.gtb'), use_cramjam = False
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_framed(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression framed
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
_____________________ test_snappy_framed[html_x_4-cramjam] _____________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b80280>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/html_x_4'), use_cramjam = True
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_framed(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression framed
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
_____________________ test_snappy_framed[html_x_4-snappy] ______________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b61280>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/html_x_4'), use_cramjam = False
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_framed(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression framed
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
__________________ test_snappy_framed[fireworks.jpeg-cramjam] __________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b790a0>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/fireworks.jpeg'), use_cramjam = True
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_framed(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression framed
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
__________________ test_snappy_framed[fireworks.jpeg-snappy] ___________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b63070>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/fireworks.jpeg'), use_cramjam = False
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_framed(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression framed
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
_______________________ test_snappy_framed[html-cramjam] _______________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5afb760>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/html'), use_cramjam = True
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_framed(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression framed
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
_______________________ test_snappy_framed[html-snappy] ________________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b7e190>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/html'), use_cramjam = False
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_framed(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression framed
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
_____________________ test_snappy_framed[urls.10K-cramjam] _____________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5ad1940>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/urls.10K'), use_cramjam = True
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_framed(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression framed
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
_____________________ test_snappy_framed[urls.10K-snappy] ______________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5aee9a0>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/urls.10K'), use_cramjam = False
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_framed(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression framed
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
__________________ test_snappy_framed[paper-100k.pdf-cramjam] __________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b891f0>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/paper-100k.pdf'), use_cramjam = True
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_framed(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression framed
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
__________________ test_snappy_framed[paper-100k.pdf-snappy] ___________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5bbc5e0>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/paper-100k.pdf'), use_cramjam = False
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_framed(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression framed
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
__________________ test_snappy_framed[geo.protodata-cramjam] ___________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b014f0>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/geo.protodata'), use_cramjam = True
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_framed(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression framed
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
___________________ test_snappy_framed[geo.protodata-snappy] ___________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b309a0>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/geo.protodata'), use_cramjam = False
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_framed(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression framed
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
___________________ test_snappy_framed[alice29.txt-cramjam] ____________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b699d0>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/alice29.txt'), use_cramjam = True
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_framed(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression framed
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
____________________ test_snappy_framed[alice29.txt-snappy] ____________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5bbc280>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/alice29.txt'), use_cramjam = False
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_framed(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression framed
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
___________________ test_snappy_framed[plrabn12.txt-cramjam] ___________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5afb760>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/plrabn12.txt'), use_cramjam = True
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_framed(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression framed
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
___________________ test_snappy_framed[plrabn12.txt-snappy] ____________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b2e3a0>
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/plrabn12.txt'), use_cramjam = False
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_framed(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression framed
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
_____________ test_snappy_framed[fifty-four-mb-repeating-cramjam] ______________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b7dbb0>
file = <test_bench.FiftyFourMbRepeating object at 0x7ffff6888b20>
use_cramjam = True
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_framed(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression framed
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
______________ test_snappy_framed[fifty-four-mb-repeating-snappy] ______________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5ad1670>
file = <test_bench.FiftyFourMbRepeating object at 0x7ffff6888b20>
use_cramjam = False
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_framed(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression framed
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
_______________ test_snappy_framed[fifty-four-mb-random-cramjam] _______________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b7e6a0>
file = <test_bench.FiftyFourMbRandom object at 0x7ffff68885e0>
use_cramjam = True
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_framed(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression framed
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
_______________ test_snappy_framed[fifty-four-mb-random-snappy] ________________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5afbfd0>
file = <test_bench.FiftyFourMbRandom object at 0x7ffff68885e0>
use_cramjam = False
"use_cramjam", (True, False), ids=lambda val: "cramjam" if val else "snappy"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_snappy_framed(benchmark, file, use_cramjam: bool):
Uses snappy compression framed
> import snappy
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'snappy'
benchmarks/ ModuleNotFoundError
_ test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into[Mark.Twain-Tom.Sawyer.txt-decompress_raw_into] _
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b30b80>
op = 'decompress_raw_into'
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/Mark.Twain-Tom.Sawyer.txt')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("op", ("decompress_raw_into", "compress_raw_into"))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into(benchmark, op, file):
Uses decompress_into for snappy compression
from cramjam import snappy
data = file.read_bytes()
compressed_data = cramjam.snappy.compress(data)
operation = getattr(snappy, op)
buffer = np.zeros(
len(data) if op == "decompress_into" else len(compressed_data), dtype=np.uint8
> benchmark(
lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in __call__
return self._raw(function_to_benchmark, *args, **kwargs)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _raw
duration, iterations, loops_range = self._calibrate_timer(runner)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _calibrate_timer
duration = runner(loops_range)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in runner
function_to_benchmark(*args, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
data = b'Produced by David Widger. The previous edition was updated by Jose\nMenendez.\n\n\n\n\n\n THE ADVE...ere in her resolution to turn\nhis Saturday holiday into captivity at hard labor became adamantine in\nits firmness.\n'
buffer = array([0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], dtype=uint8)
> lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
E cramjam.DecompressionError: snappy: corrupt input (expected valid offset but got offset 25711; dst position: 0)
benchmarks/ DecompressionError
_ test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into[Mark.Twain-Tom.Sawyer.txt-compress_raw_into] _
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5d96e50>
op = 'compress_raw_into'
file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/Mark.Twain-Tom.Sawyer.txt')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("op", ("decompress_raw_into", "compress_raw_into"))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into(benchmark, op, file):
Uses decompress_into for snappy compression
from cramjam import snappy
data = file.read_bytes()
compressed_data = cramjam.snappy.compress(data)
operation = getattr(snappy, op)
buffer = np.zeros(
len(data) if op == "decompress_into" else len(compressed_data), dtype=np.uint8
> benchmark(
lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in __call__
return self._raw(function_to_benchmark, *args, **kwargs)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _raw
duration, iterations, loops_range = self._calibrate_timer(runner)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _calibrate_timer
duration = runner(loops_range)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in runner
function_to_benchmark(*args, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
data = b'Produced by David Widger. The previous edition was updated by Jose\nMenendez.\n\n\n\n\n\n THE ADVE...ere in her resolution to turn\nhis Saturday holiday into captivity at hard labor became adamantine in\nits firmness.\n'
buffer = array([0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], dtype=uint8)
> lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
E cramjam.CompressionError: snappy: output buffer (size = 9889) is smaller than required (size = 16561)
benchmarks/ CompressionError
_____ test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into[lcet10.txt-decompress_raw_into] _____
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5a23400>
op = 'decompress_raw_into', file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/lcet10.txt')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("op", ("decompress_raw_into", "compress_raw_into"))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into(benchmark, op, file):
Uses decompress_into for snappy compression
from cramjam import snappy
data = file.read_bytes()
compressed_data = cramjam.snappy.compress(data)
operation = getattr(snappy, op)
buffer = np.zeros(
len(data) if op == "decompress_into" else len(compressed_data), dtype=np.uint8
> benchmark(
lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in __call__
return self._raw(function_to_benchmark, *args, **kwargs)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _raw
duration, iterations, loops_range = self._calibrate_timer(runner)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _calibrate_timer
duration = runner(loops_range)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in runner
function_to_benchmark(*args, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
data = b'\r\n\r\nThe Project Gutenberg Etext of LOC WORKSHOP ON ELECTRONIC TEXTS\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n WOR...sis) were replaced by CAPS mh]\r\n\r\n*End of The Project Gutenberg Etext of LOC WORKSHOP ON ELECTRONIC ETEXTS\r\n\r\n'
buffer = array([0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], dtype=uint8)
> lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
E cramjam.DecompressionError: snappy: corrupt input (expected valid offset but got offset 2573; dst position: 0)
benchmarks/ DecompressionError
______ test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into[lcet10.txt-compress_raw_into] ______
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b7bc10>
op = 'compress_raw_into', file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/lcet10.txt')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("op", ("decompress_raw_into", "compress_raw_into"))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into(benchmark, op, file):
Uses decompress_into for snappy compression
from cramjam import snappy
data = file.read_bytes()
compressed_data = cramjam.snappy.compress(data)
operation = getattr(snappy, op)
buffer = np.zeros(
len(data) if op == "decompress_into" else len(compressed_data), dtype=np.uint8
> benchmark(
lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in __call__
return self._raw(function_to_benchmark, *args, **kwargs)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _raw
duration, iterations, loops_range = self._calibrate_timer(runner)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _calibrate_timer
duration = runner(loops_range)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in runner
function_to_benchmark(*args, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
data = b'\r\n\r\nThe Project Gutenberg Etext of LOC WORKSHOP ON ELECTRONIC TEXTS\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n WOR...sis) were replaced by CAPS mh]\r\n\r\n*End of The Project Gutenberg Etext of LOC WORKSHOP ON ELECTRONIC ETEXTS\r\n\r\n'
buffer = array([0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], dtype=uint8)
> lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
E cramjam.CompressionError: snappy: output buffer (size = 234745) is smaller than required (size = 497911)
benchmarks/ CompressionError
____ test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into[asyoulik.txt-decompress_raw_into] ____
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5a23f70>
op = 'decompress_raw_into', file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/asyoulik.txt')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("op", ("decompress_raw_into", "compress_raw_into"))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into(benchmark, op, file):
Uses decompress_into for snappy compression
from cramjam import snappy
data = file.read_bytes()
compressed_data = cramjam.snappy.compress(data)
operation = getattr(snappy, op)
buffer = np.zeros(
len(data) if op == "decompress_into" else len(compressed_data), dtype=np.uint8
> benchmark(
lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in __call__
return self._raw(function_to_benchmark, *args, **kwargs)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _raw
duration, iterations, loops_range = self._calibrate_timer(runner)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _calibrate_timer
duration = runner(loops_range)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in runner
function_to_benchmark(*args, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
data = b"\tAS YOU LIKE IT\n\n\n\tDRAMATIS PERSONAE\n\n\nDUKE SENIOR\tliving in banishment.\n\nDUKE FREDERICK\this brother, an...beards or good faces or sweet breaths will, for my\n\tkind offer, when I make curtsy, bid me farewell.\n\n\t[Exeunt]\n"
buffer = array([0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], dtype=uint8)
> lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
E cramjam.DecompressionError: snappy: corrupt input (expected valid offset but got offset 595; dst position: 0)
benchmarks/ DecompressionError
_____ test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into[asyoulik.txt-compress_raw_into] _____
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b73160>
op = 'compress_raw_into', file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/asyoulik.txt')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("op", ("decompress_raw_into", "compress_raw_into"))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into(benchmark, op, file):
Uses decompress_into for snappy compression
from cramjam import snappy
data = file.read_bytes()
compressed_data = cramjam.snappy.compress(data)
operation = getattr(snappy, op)
buffer = np.zeros(
len(data) if op == "decompress_into" else len(compressed_data), dtype=np.uint8
> benchmark(
lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in __call__
return self._raw(function_to_benchmark, *args, **kwargs)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _raw
duration, iterations, loops_range = self._calibrate_timer(runner)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _calibrate_timer
duration = runner(loops_range)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in runner
function_to_benchmark(*args, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
data = b"\tAS YOU LIKE IT\n\n\n\tDRAMATIS PERSONAE\n\n\nDUKE SENIOR\tliving in banishment.\n\nDUKE FREDERICK\this brother, an...beards or good faces or sweet breaths will, for my\n\tkind offer, when I make curtsy, bid me farewell.\n\n\t[Exeunt]\n"
buffer = array([0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], dtype=uint8)
> lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
E cramjam.CompressionError: snappy: output buffer (size = 77532) is smaller than required (size = 146074)
benchmarks/ CompressionError
_____ test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into[kppkn.gtb-decompress_raw_into] ______
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b0a5b0>
op = 'decompress_raw_into', file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/kppkn.gtb')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("op", ("decompress_raw_into", "compress_raw_into"))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into(benchmark, op, file):
Uses decompress_into for snappy compression
from cramjam import snappy
data = file.read_bytes()
compressed_data = cramjam.snappy.compress(data)
operation = getattr(snappy, op)
buffer = np.zeros(
len(data) if op == "decompress_into" else len(compressed_data), dtype=np.uint8
> benchmark(
lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in __call__
return self._raw(function_to_benchmark, *args, **kwargs)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _raw
duration, iterations, loops_range = self._calibrate_timer(runner)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _calibrate_timer
duration = runner(loops_range)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in runner
function_to_benchmark(*args, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
data = b'\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03...\x11\x11\r\r\x11\x11\x11\r\x15\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x03\r\x11\x11\x03\x03\x15\x11\x11\r\x11\r\r\r\r\x11\x11\x11\x11\x03'
buffer = array([0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], dtype=uint8)
> lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
E cramjam.DecompressionError: snappy: corrupt input (expected valid offset but got offset 50529027; dst position: 0)
benchmarks/ DecompressionError
______ test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into[kppkn.gtb-compress_raw_into] _______
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5ade7c0>
op = 'compress_raw_into', file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/kppkn.gtb')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("op", ("decompress_raw_into", "compress_raw_into"))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into(benchmark, op, file):
Uses decompress_into for snappy compression
from cramjam import snappy
data = file.read_bytes()
compressed_data = cramjam.snappy.compress(data)
operation = getattr(snappy, op)
buffer = np.zeros(
len(data) if op == "decompress_into" else len(compressed_data), dtype=np.uint8
> benchmark(
lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in __call__
return self._raw(function_to_benchmark, *args, **kwargs)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _raw
duration, iterations, loops_range = self._calibrate_timer(runner)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _calibrate_timer
duration = runner(loops_range)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in runner
function_to_benchmark(*args, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
data = b'\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03\x03...\x11\x11\r\r\x11\x11\x11\r\x15\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x03\r\x11\x11\x03\x03\x15\x11\x11\r\x11\r\r\r\r\x11\x11\x11\x11\x03'
buffer = array([0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], dtype=uint8)
> lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
E cramjam.CompressionError: snappy: output buffer (size = 69566) is smaller than required (size = 215072)
benchmarks/ CompressionError
______ test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into[html_x_4-decompress_raw_into] ______
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b00490>
op = 'decompress_raw_into', file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/html_x_4')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("op", ("decompress_raw_into", "compress_raw_into"))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into(benchmark, op, file):
Uses decompress_into for snappy compression
from cramjam import snappy
data = file.read_bytes()
compressed_data = cramjam.snappy.compress(data)
operation = getattr(snappy, op)
buffer = np.zeros(
len(data) if op == "decompress_into" else len(compressed_data), dtype=np.uint8
> benchmark(
lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in __call__
return self._raw(function_to_benchmark, *args, **kwargs)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _raw
duration, iterations, loops_range = self._calibrate_timer(runner)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _calibrate_timer
duration = runner(loops_range)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in runner
function_to_benchmark(*args, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
data = b' content: @ 1099872000000000: \'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\\r\\nX-Google-Crawl-Date: Mon, 08 Nov 2004 17:22:09 GMT...\r\\n<a href=\\"\\"><img src=\\"'
buffer = array([ 99, 111, 110, ..., 0, 0, 0], dtype=uint8)
> lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
E cramjam.DecompressionError: snappy: corrupt input (expected valid offset but got offset 12336; dst position: 27)
benchmarks/ DecompressionError
_______ test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into[html_x_4-compress_raw_into] _______
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5aab7f0>
op = 'compress_raw_into', file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/html_x_4')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("op", ("decompress_raw_into", "compress_raw_into"))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into(benchmark, op, file):
Uses decompress_into for snappy compression
from cramjam import snappy
data = file.read_bytes()
compressed_data = cramjam.snappy.compress(data)
operation = getattr(snappy, op)
buffer = np.zeros(
len(data) if op == "decompress_into" else len(compressed_data), dtype=np.uint8
> benchmark(
lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in __call__
return self._raw(function_to_benchmark, *args, **kwargs)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _raw
duration, iterations, loops_range = self._calibrate_timer(runner)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _calibrate_timer
duration = runner(loops_range)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in runner
function_to_benchmark(*args, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
data = b' content: @ 1099872000000000: \'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\\r\\nX-Google-Crawl-Date: Mon, 08 Nov 2004 17:22:09 GMT...\r\\n<a href=\\"\\"><img src=\\"'
buffer = array([0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], dtype=uint8)
> lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
E cramjam.CompressionError: snappy: output buffer (size = 92318) is smaller than required (size = 477898)
benchmarks/ CompressionError
___ test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into[fireworks.jpeg-decompress_raw_into] ___
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b632e0>
op = 'decompress_raw_into', file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/fireworks.jpeg')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("op", ("decompress_raw_into", "compress_raw_into"))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into(benchmark, op, file):
Uses decompress_into for snappy compression
from cramjam import snappy
data = file.read_bytes()
compressed_data = cramjam.snappy.compress(data)
operation = getattr(snappy, op)
buffer = np.zeros(
len(data) if op == "decompress_into" else len(compressed_data), dtype=np.uint8
> benchmark(
lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in __call__
return self._raw(function_to_benchmark, *args, **kwargs)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _raw
duration, iterations, loops_range = self._calibrate_timer(runner)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _calibrate_timer
duration = runner(loops_range)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in runner
function_to_benchmark(*args, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
data = b'\xff\xd8\xff\xe0\x00\x10JFIF\x00\x01\x01\x01\x00H\x00H\x00\x00\xff\xdb\x00C\x00\x02\x01\x01\x02\x01\x01\x02\x02\x02\...x97\xb4B \xef\x102\x0c\x1b\xbc,\x81)?H\n\x87h\x84\x1c\x98\x88M\x8br\x88\x80\xa6\xe7\x98\x11\x00\x8fW;\xc4T\x7f\xff\xd9'
buffer = array([0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], dtype=uint8)
> lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
E cramjam.DecompressionError: snappy: output buffer (size = 123119) is smaller than required (size = 203418751)
benchmarks/ DecompressionError
____ test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into[fireworks.jpeg-compress_raw_into] ____
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5ac1910>
op = 'compress_raw_into', file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/fireworks.jpeg')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("op", ("decompress_raw_into", "compress_raw_into"))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into(benchmark, op, file):
Uses decompress_into for snappy compression
from cramjam import snappy
data = file.read_bytes()
compressed_data = cramjam.snappy.compress(data)
operation = getattr(snappy, op)
buffer = np.zeros(
len(data) if op == "decompress_into" else len(compressed_data), dtype=np.uint8
> benchmark(
lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in __call__
return self._raw(function_to_benchmark, *args, **kwargs)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _raw
duration, iterations, loops_range = self._calibrate_timer(runner)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _calibrate_timer
duration = runner(loops_range)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in runner
function_to_benchmark(*args, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
data = b'\xff\xd8\xff\xe0\x00\x10JFIF\x00\x01\x01\x01\x00H\x00H\x00\x00\xff\xdb\x00C\x00\x02\x01\x01\x02\x01\x01\x02\x02\x02\...x97\xb4B \xef\x102\x0c\x1b\xbc,\x81)?H\n\x87h\x84\x1c\x98\x88M\x8br\x88\x80\xa6\xe7\x98\x11\x00\x8fW;\xc4T\x7f\xff\xd9'
buffer = array([0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], dtype=uint8)
> lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
E cramjam.CompressionError: snappy: output buffer (size = 123119) is smaller than required (size = 143640)
benchmarks/ CompressionError
________ test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into[html-decompress_raw_into] ________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5ade400>
op = 'decompress_raw_into', file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/html')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("op", ("decompress_raw_into", "compress_raw_into"))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into(benchmark, op, file):
Uses decompress_into for snappy compression
from cramjam import snappy
data = file.read_bytes()
compressed_data = cramjam.snappy.compress(data)
operation = getattr(snappy, op)
buffer = np.zeros(
len(data) if op == "decompress_into" else len(compressed_data), dtype=np.uint8
> benchmark(
lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in __call__
return self._raw(function_to_benchmark, *args, **kwargs)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _raw
duration, iterations, loops_range = self._calibrate_timer(runner)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _calibrate_timer
duration = runner(loops_range)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in runner
function_to_benchmark(*args, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
data = b' content: @ 1099872000000000: \'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\\r\\nX-Google-Crawl-Date: Mon, 08 Nov 2004 17:22:09 GMT...\r\\n<a href=\\"\\"><img src=\\"'
buffer = array([ 99, 111, 110, ..., 0, 0, 0], dtype=uint8)
> lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
E cramjam.DecompressionError: snappy: corrupt input (expected valid offset but got offset 12336; dst position: 27)
benchmarks/ DecompressionError
_________ test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into[html-compress_raw_into] _________
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5ace610>
op = 'compress_raw_into', file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/html')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("op", ("decompress_raw_into", "compress_raw_into"))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into(benchmark, op, file):
Uses decompress_into for snappy compression
from cramjam import snappy
data = file.read_bytes()
compressed_data = cramjam.snappy.compress(data)
operation = getattr(snappy, op)
buffer = np.zeros(
len(data) if op == "decompress_into" else len(compressed_data), dtype=np.uint8
> benchmark(
lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in __call__
return self._raw(function_to_benchmark, *args, **kwargs)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _raw
duration, iterations, loops_range = self._calibrate_timer(runner)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _calibrate_timer
duration = runner(loops_range)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in runner
function_to_benchmark(*args, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
data = b' content: @ 1099872000000000: \'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\\r\\nX-Google-Crawl-Date: Mon, 08 Nov 2004 17:22:09 GMT...\r\\n<a href=\\"\\"><img src=\\"'
buffer = array([0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], dtype=uint8)
> lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
E cramjam.CompressionError: snappy: output buffer (size = 22872) is smaller than required (size = 119498)
benchmarks/ CompressionError
______ test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into[urls.10K-decompress_raw_into] ______
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b7d730>
op = 'decompress_raw_into', file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/urls.10K')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("op", ("decompress_raw_into", "compress_raw_into"))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into(benchmark, op, file):
Uses decompress_into for snappy compression
from cramjam import snappy
data = file.read_bytes()
compressed_data = cramjam.snappy.compress(data)
operation = getattr(snappy, op)
buffer = np.zeros(
len(data) if op == "decompress_into" else len(compressed_data), dtype=np.uint8
> benchmark(
lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in __call__
return self._raw(function_to_benchmark, *args, **kwargs)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _raw
duration, iterations, loops_range = self._calibrate_timer(runner)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _calibrate_timer
duration = runner(loops_range)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in runner
function_to_benchmark(*args, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
data = b"\nhttp://\n^"
buffer = array([116, 112, 58, ..., 0, 0, 0], dtype=uint8)
> lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
E cramjam.DecompressionError: snappy: corrupt input (expected valid offset but got offset 882; dst position: 30)
benchmarks/ DecompressionError
_______ test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into[urls.10K-compress_raw_into] _______
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5afbe80>
op = 'compress_raw_into', file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/urls.10K')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("op", ("decompress_raw_into", "compress_raw_into"))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into(benchmark, op, file):
Uses decompress_into for snappy compression
from cramjam import snappy
data = file.read_bytes()
compressed_data = cramjam.snappy.compress(data)
operation = getattr(snappy, op)
buffer = np.zeros(
len(data) if op == "decompress_into" else len(compressed_data), dtype=np.uint8
> benchmark(
lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in __call__
return self._raw(function_to_benchmark, *args, **kwargs)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _raw
duration, iterations, loops_range = self._calibrate_timer(runner)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _calibrate_timer
duration = runner(loops_range)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in runner
function_to_benchmark(*args, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
data = b"\nhttp://\n^"
buffer = array([0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], dtype=uint8)
> lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
E cramjam.CompressionError: snappy: output buffer (size = 335620) is smaller than required (size = 819133)
benchmarks/ CompressionError
___ test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into[paper-100k.pdf-decompress_raw_into] ___
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b73a30>
op = 'decompress_raw_into', file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/paper-100k.pdf')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("op", ("decompress_raw_into", "compress_raw_into"))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into(benchmark, op, file):
Uses decompress_into for snappy compression
from cramjam import snappy
data = file.read_bytes()
compressed_data = cramjam.snappy.compress(data)
operation = getattr(snappy, op)
buffer = np.zeros(
len(data) if op == "decompress_into" else len(compressed_data), dtype=np.uint8
> benchmark(
lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in __call__
return self._raw(function_to_benchmark, *args, **kwargs)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _raw
duration, iterations, loops_range = self._calibrate_timer(runner)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _calibrate_timer
duration = runner(loops_range)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in runner
function_to_benchmark(*args, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
data = b' </rdf:li>\n <rdf:li rdf:parseType="Resource">\n <xmpG:swatchNa...V\xe0\xf3\xb4@)\xc20\x0c\\\x0eO\x1c\xd5\xcf\x89\xf7]\x92e\x9d\x12\x84\xf5\x19Q\xff\r\xa5hq\xbe(\xb6\xd0\xfa\x05\xb7|HK'
buffer = array([32, 32, 32, ..., 0, 0, 0], dtype=uint8)
> lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
E cramjam.DecompressionError: snappy: corrupt input (expected literal read of length 28; remaining src: 102388; remaining dst: 23)
benchmarks/ DecompressionError
____ test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into[paper-100k.pdf-compress_raw_into] ____
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe59773a0>
op = 'compress_raw_into', file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/paper-100k.pdf')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("op", ("decompress_raw_into", "compress_raw_into"))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into(benchmark, op, file):
Uses decompress_into for snappy compression
from cramjam import snappy
data = file.read_bytes()
compressed_data = cramjam.snappy.compress(data)
operation = getattr(snappy, op)
buffer = np.zeros(
len(data) if op == "decompress_into" else len(compressed_data), dtype=np.uint8
> benchmark(
lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in __call__
return self._raw(function_to_benchmark, *args, **kwargs)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _raw
duration, iterations, loops_range = self._calibrate_timer(runner)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _calibrate_timer
duration = runner(loops_range)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in runner
function_to_benchmark(*args, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
data = b' </rdf:li>\n <rdf:li rdf:parseType="Resource">\n <xmpG:swatchNa...V\xe0\xf3\xb4@)\xc20\x0c\\\x0eO\x1c\xd5\xcf\x89\xf7]\x92e\x9d\x12\x84\xf5\x19Q\xff\r\xa5hq\xbe(\xb6\xd0\xfa\x05\xb7|HK'
buffer = array([0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], dtype=uint8)
> lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
E cramjam.CompressionError: snappy: output buffer (size = 85327) is smaller than required (size = 119498)
benchmarks/ CompressionError
___ test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into[geo.protodata-decompress_raw_into] ____
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5abfb80>
op = 'decompress_raw_into', file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/geo.protodata')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("op", ("decompress_raw_into", "compress_raw_into"))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into(benchmark, op, file):
Uses decompress_into for snappy compression
from cramjam import snappy
data = file.read_bytes()
compressed_data = cramjam.snappy.compress(data)
operation = getattr(snappy, op)
buffer = np.zeros(
len(data) if op == "decompress_into" else len(compressed_data), dtype=np.uint8
> benchmark(
lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in __call__
return self._raw(function_to_benchmark, *args, **kwargs)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _raw
duration, iterations, loops_range = self._calibrate_timer(runner)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _calibrate_timer
duration = runner(loops_range)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in runner
function_to_benchmark(*args, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
data = b'L\x0b\x00\x00T\xe32k\t\x0f\x0e\'\n\x12\t\xc1!\xb5_\x9f\x80\x85\x80\x11\x81\x10\xad]\xe6xn\x08\x12\x18\n\n\r\xab\xe9\...x0b\x08\x9d\xf5\x9c\xbf\xbd\x94\xe0\xc2\x80\x01\xe2\x03\x14\n\x12\t\x9d:\xe7\xd7\xa3\x80\x85\x80\x11~\xb5w\xa1\xbb\'M8'
buffer = array([0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], dtype=uint8)
> lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
E cramjam.DecompressionError: snappy: corrupt input (expected valid offset but got offset 3813933056; dst position: 0)
benchmarks/ DecompressionError
____ test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into[geo.protodata-compress_raw_into] _____
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b7bd00>
op = 'compress_raw_into', file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/geo.protodata')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("op", ("decompress_raw_into", "compress_raw_into"))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into(benchmark, op, file):
Uses decompress_into for snappy compression
from cramjam import snappy
data = file.read_bytes()
compressed_data = cramjam.snappy.compress(data)
operation = getattr(snappy, op)
buffer = np.zeros(
len(data) if op == "decompress_into" else len(compressed_data), dtype=np.uint8
> benchmark(
lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in __call__
return self._raw(function_to_benchmark, *args, **kwargs)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _raw
duration, iterations, loops_range = self._calibrate_timer(runner)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _calibrate_timer
duration = runner(loops_range)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in runner
function_to_benchmark(*args, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
data = b'L\x0b\x00\x00T\xe32k\t\x0f\x0e\'\n\x12\t\xc1!\xb5_\x9f\x80\x85\x80\x11\x81\x10\xad]\xe6xn\x08\x12\x18\n\n\r\xab\xe9\...x0b\x08\x9d\xf5\x9c\xbf\xbd\x94\xe0\xc2\x80\x01\xe2\x03\x14\n\x12\t\x9d:\xe7\xd7\xa3\x80\x85\x80\x11~\xb5w\xa1\xbb\'M8'
buffer = array([0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], dtype=uint8)
> lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
E cramjam.CompressionError: snappy: output buffer (size = 23364) is smaller than required (size = 138384)
benchmarks/ CompressionError
____ test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into[alice29.txt-decompress_raw_into] _____
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5a171f0>
op = 'decompress_raw_into', file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/alice29.txt')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("op", ("decompress_raw_into", "compress_raw_into"))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into(benchmark, op, file):
Uses decompress_into for snappy compression
from cramjam import snappy
data = file.read_bytes()
compressed_data = cramjam.snappy.compress(data)
operation = getattr(snappy, op)
buffer = np.zeros(
len(data) if op == "decompress_into" else len(compressed_data), dtype=np.uint8
> benchmark(
lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in __call__
return self._raw(function_to_benchmark, *args, **kwargs)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _raw
duration, iterations, loops_range = self._calibrate_timer(runner)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _calibrate_timer
duration = runner(loops_range)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in runner
function_to_benchmark(*args, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
data = b'\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n ALICE\'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND\r\n\r\n Lewis Carroll\r\n...oys,\r\nremembering her own child-life, and the happy summer days.\r\n\r\n THE END\r\n\x1a'
buffer = array([0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], dtype=uint8)
> lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
E cramjam.DecompressionError: snappy: corrupt input (expected valid offset but got offset 2573; dst position: 0)
benchmarks/ DecompressionError
_____ test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into[alice29.txt-compress_raw_into] ______
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5ad8430>
op = 'compress_raw_into', file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/alice29.txt')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("op", ("decompress_raw_into", "compress_raw_into"))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into(benchmark, op, file):
Uses decompress_into for snappy compression
from cramjam import snappy
data = file.read_bytes()
compressed_data = cramjam.snappy.compress(data)
operation = getattr(snappy, op)
buffer = np.zeros(
len(data) if op == "decompress_into" else len(compressed_data), dtype=np.uint8
> benchmark(
lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in __call__
return self._raw(function_to_benchmark, *args, **kwargs)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _raw
duration, iterations, loops_range = self._calibrate_timer(runner)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _calibrate_timer
duration = runner(loops_range)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in runner
function_to_benchmark(*args, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
data = b'\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n ALICE\'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND\r\n\r\n Lewis Carroll\r\n...oys,\r\nremembering her own child-life, and the happy summer days.\r\n\r\n THE END\r\n\x1a'
buffer = array([0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], dtype=uint8)
> lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
E cramjam.CompressionError: snappy: output buffer (size = 88074) is smaller than required (size = 177469)
benchmarks/ CompressionError
____ test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into[plrabn12.txt-decompress_raw_into] ____
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b01be0>
op = 'decompress_raw_into', file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/plrabn12.txt')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("op", ("decompress_raw_into", "compress_raw_into"))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into(benchmark, op, file):
Uses decompress_into for snappy compression
from cramjam import snappy
data = file.read_bytes()
compressed_data = cramjam.snappy.compress(data)
operation = getattr(snappy, op)
buffer = np.zeros(
len(data) if op == "decompress_into" else len(compressed_data), dtype=np.uint8
> benchmark(
lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in __call__
return self._raw(function_to_benchmark, *args, **kwargs)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _raw
duration, iterations, loops_range = self._calibrate_timer(runner)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _calibrate_timer
duration = runner(loops_range)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in runner
function_to_benchmark(*args, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
data = b'\r\nThis is the February 1992 Project Gutenberg release of: \r\n \r\nParadise Lost by John Milton \r\n \r\nThe oldes... hand in hand, with wandering steps and slow, \r\nThrough Eden took their solitary way. \r\n \r\n[The End]\x1a\x1a\r\n'
buffer = array([0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], dtype=uint8)
> lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
E cramjam.DecompressionError: snappy: corrupt input (expected valid offset but got offset 26708; dst position: 0)
benchmarks/ DecompressionError
_____ test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into[plrabn12.txt-compress_raw_into] _____
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5aefdc0>
op = 'compress_raw_into', file = PosixPath('benchmarks/data/plrabn12.txt')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("op", ("decompress_raw_into", "compress_raw_into"))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into(benchmark, op, file):
Uses decompress_into for snappy compression
from cramjam import snappy
data = file.read_bytes()
compressed_data = cramjam.snappy.compress(data)
operation = getattr(snappy, op)
buffer = np.zeros(
len(data) if op == "decompress_into" else len(compressed_data), dtype=np.uint8
> benchmark(
lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in __call__
return self._raw(function_to_benchmark, *args, **kwargs)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _raw
duration, iterations, loops_range = self._calibrate_timer(runner)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _calibrate_timer
duration = runner(loops_range)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in runner
function_to_benchmark(*args, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
data = b'\r\nThis is the February 1992 Project Gutenberg release of: \r\n \r\nParadise Lost by John Milton \r\n \r\nThe oldes... hand in hand, with wandering steps and slow, \r\nThrough Eden took their solitary way. \r\n \r\n[The End]\x1a\x1a\r\n'
buffer = array([0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], dtype=uint8)
> lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
E cramjam.CompressionError: snappy: output buffer (size = 319362) is smaller than required (size = 562203)
benchmarks/ CompressionError
_ test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into[fifty-four-mb-repeating-decompress_raw_into] _
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b0ab50>
op = 'decompress_raw_into'
file = <test_bench.FiftyFourMbRepeating object at 0x7ffff6888b20>
@pytest.mark.parametrize("op", ("decompress_raw_into", "compress_raw_into"))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into(benchmark, op, file):
Uses decompress_into for snappy compression
from cramjam import snappy
data = file.read_bytes()
compressed_data = cramjam.snappy.compress(data)
operation = getattr(snappy, op)
buffer = np.zeros(
len(data) if op == "decompress_into" else len(compressed_data), dtype=np.uint8
> benchmark(
lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in __call__
return self._raw(function_to_benchmark, *args, **kwargs)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _raw
duration, iterations, loops_range = self._calibrate_timer(runner)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _calibrate_timer
duration = runner(loops_range)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in runner
function_to_benchmark(*args, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
data = b'oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day!!oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day!!oh what ...iful day!!oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day!!oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day!!'
buffer = array([ 32, 119, 104, ..., 0, 0, 0], dtype=uint8)
> lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
E cramjam.DecompressionError: snappy: corrupt input (expected valid offset but got offset 1752637544; dst position: 27)
benchmarks/ DecompressionError
_ test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into[fifty-four-mb-repeating-compress_raw_into] _
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b790a0>
op = 'compress_raw_into'
file = <test_bench.FiftyFourMbRepeating object at 0x7ffff6888b20>
@pytest.mark.parametrize("op", ("decompress_raw_into", "compress_raw_into"))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into(benchmark, op, file):
Uses decompress_into for snappy compression
from cramjam import snappy
data = file.read_bytes()
compressed_data = cramjam.snappy.compress(data)
operation = getattr(snappy, op)
buffer = np.zeros(
len(data) if op == "decompress_into" else len(compressed_data), dtype=np.uint8
> benchmark(
lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in __call__
return self._raw(function_to_benchmark, *args, **kwargs)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _raw
duration, iterations, loops_range = self._calibrate_timer(runner)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _calibrate_timer
duration = runner(loops_range)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in runner
function_to_benchmark(*args, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
data = b'oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day!!oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day!!oh what ...iful day!!oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day!!oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day!!'
buffer = array([0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], dtype=uint8)
> lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
E cramjam.CompressionError: snappy: output buffer (size = 2572398) is smaller than required (size = 63000032)
benchmarks/ CompressionError
_ test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into[fifty-four-mb-random-decompress_raw_into] _
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5a41bb0>
op = 'decompress_raw_into'
file = <test_bench.FiftyFourMbRandom object at 0x7ffff68885e0>
@pytest.mark.parametrize("op", ("decompress_raw_into", "compress_raw_into"))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into(benchmark, op, file):
Uses decompress_into for snappy compression
from cramjam import snappy
data = file.read_bytes()
compressed_data = cramjam.snappy.compress(data)
operation = getattr(snappy, op)
buffer = np.zeros(
len(data) if op == "decompress_into" else len(compressed_data), dtype=np.uint8
> benchmark(
lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in __call__
return self._raw(function_to_benchmark, *args, **kwargs)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _raw
duration, iterations, loops_range = self._calibrate_timer(runner)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _calibrate_timer
duration = runner(loops_range)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in runner
function_to_benchmark(*args, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
data = b'\x04\x19\x99=\xabVO\xdaaw\xc2\x04B\xcf`R\xe6F\xbc\xe2.\x98`\x9eO\xeb\xa1\x9d[P\x8c\x17\x92\xb2~\x1a\t\xd2\xb9\xa0\xd...<\xe6\xa5HdRx.\xeeEG\xfeQ8%\xd75\xfc\xf5\x13t\xeb\x9e\x8b\xc2\xe2\x0f\x8a\x94SW\x19\x8c\x1d\n\xdf6\x8b\x98\xe4\xf2\x95'
buffer = array([0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], dtype=uint8)
> lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
E cramjam.DecompressionError: snappy: corrupt input (expected valid offset but got offset 153; dst position: 0)
benchmarks/ DecompressionError
_ test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into[fifty-four-mb-random-compress_raw_into] _
benchmark = <pytest_benchmark.fixture.BenchmarkFixture object at 0x7fffe5b7d4c0>
op = 'compress_raw_into'
file = <test_bench.FiftyFourMbRandom object at 0x7ffff68885e0>
@pytest.mark.parametrize("op", ("decompress_raw_into", "compress_raw_into"))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", FILES, ids=lambda val:
def test_cramjam_snappy_de_compress_into(benchmark, op, file):
Uses decompress_into for snappy compression
from cramjam import snappy
data = file.read_bytes()
compressed_data = cramjam.snappy.compress(data)
operation = getattr(snappy, op)
buffer = np.zeros(
len(data) if op == "decompress_into" else len(compressed_data), dtype=np.uint8
> benchmark(
lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in __call__
return self._raw(function_to_benchmark, *args, **kwargs)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _raw
duration, iterations, loops_range = self._calibrate_timer(runner)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in _calibrate_timer
duration = runner(loops_range)
/nix/store/a5g8cmszl30aqv15ffhcq47rl5h1sdg8-python3.8-pytest-benchmark-3.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_benchmark/ in runner
function_to_benchmark(*args, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
data = b'\xec0\x13\x0bo \xd3\xa4\xfe\xebI\xbd\x17w\x99\xfe\xf8\x01\x91\x00\xb0\xb4\xc8u*\x9d\xbe\x93c\x9f\xb2\xf3%\xcf\x08\xe...3h\xc03\xdf\xd9k\xa1b\xeac\xf7t\xd7~\xcd\xa6J\xc1\x14\x85vv\xde\x9c\xab\x8a\xb8\x12,\xb2\x93h\xe9\xa6\xd7/\xc0\x1d\xcf'
buffer = array([0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], dtype=uint8)
> lambda data, buffer: operation(data, buffer),
data=compressed_data if op == "decompress_into" else data,
E cramjam.CompressionError: snappy: output buffer (size = 54006602) is smaller than required (size = 63000032)
benchmarks/ CompressionError
=============================== warnings summary ===============================
benchmarks/ 28 warnings
benchmarks/ PytestBenchmarkWarning: Benchmark fixture was not used at all in this test!
benchmarks/ 28 warnings
benchmarks/ PytestBenchmarkWarning: Benchmark fixture was not used at all in this test!
benchmarks/ 10070 warnings
/build/cramjam-2.3.1/benchmarks/ DeprecationWarning: PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN will be required for '#' formats
return decompress(compress(data, **kwargs))
-- Docs:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- benchmark: 136 tests ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name (time in us) Min Max Mean StdDev Median IQR Outliers OPS Rounds Iterations
test_lz4_block[fireworks.jpeg-cramjam] 48.7044 (1.0) 27,707.3067 (2.44) 205.3951 (1.00) 1,301.2790 (1.08) 53.3108 (1.0) 4.7870 (1.05) 117;1420 4,868.6662 (1.00) 7009 1
test_lz4_block[fireworks.jpeg-python-lz4] 49.7699 (1.02) 26,805.4102 (2.36) 204.8974 (1.0) 1,245.8367 (1.03) 54.3408 (1.02) 4.5663 (1.0) 140;1633 4,880.4923 (1.0) 8300 1
test_lz4_block[Mark.Twain-Tom.Sawyer.txt-python-lz4] 69.9610 (1.44) 11,722.9745 (1.03) 266.5477 (1.30) 1,204.4798 (1.0) 88.1255 (1.65) 39.0909 (8.56) 5;10 3,751.6739 (0.77) 203 1
test_lz4_block[Mark.Twain-Tom.Sawyer.txt-cramjam] 77.5661 (1.59) 24,363.9555 (2.14) 325.3913 (1.59) 1,644.1059 (1.36) 85.1452 (1.60) 6.4969 (1.42) 152;963 3,073.2231 (0.63) 5884 1
test_lz4_block[paper-100k.pdf-cramjam] 119.9078 (2.46) 32,288.0838 (2.84) 526.2637 (2.57) 2,179.5228 (1.81) 131.2550 (2.46) 20.4388 (4.48) 188;557 1,900.1882 (0.39) 4870 1
test_lz4_block[paper-100k.pdf-python-lz4] 125.0375 (2.57) 32,283.9040 (2.84) 533.8933 (2.61) 2,139.7685 (1.78) 136.7591 (2.57) 21.3464 (4.67) 199;627 1,873.0336 (0.38) 5027 1
test_lz4_block[geo.protodata-cramjam] 214.1856 (4.40) 32,368.4532 (2.85) 829.5361 (4.05) 2,558.1475 (2.12) 244.4610 (4.59) 30.9469 (6.78) 160;313 1,205.4931 (0.25) 2568 1
test_lz4_block[html-python-lz4] 216.9758 (4.45) 27,876.2355 (2.45) 837.1693 (4.09) 2,481.8842 (2.06) 241.7509 (4.53) 27.9043 (6.11) 208;433 1,194.5015 (0.24) 3313 1
test_lz4_block[geo.protodata-python-lz4] 224.2010 (4.60) 11,362.7203 (1.0) 889.1752 (4.34) 2,181.0829 (1.81) 233.8160 (4.39) 23.0311 (5.04) 9;12 1,124.6378 (0.23) 109 1
test_lz4_block[html-cramjam] 228.6080 (4.69) 28,975.4309 (2.55) 1,039.0466 (5.07) 3,058.0011 (2.54) 252.2878 (4.73) 36.0655 (7.90) 154;339 962.4207 (0.20) 2276 1
test_zstd[Mark.Twain-Tom.Sawyer.txt-zstd] 295.9184 (6.08) 12,552.9449 (1.10) 1,055.4273 (5.15) 2,177.5700 (1.81) 325.7506 (6.11) 50.0162 (10.95) 9;12 947.4836 (0.19) 81 1
test_zstd[Mark.Twain-Tom.Sawyer.txt-cramjam] 307.3327 (6.31) 24,455.5045 (2.15) 1,371.6614 (6.69) 3,380.3527 (2.81) 343.1514 (6.44) 92.6787 (20.30) 44;87 729.0429 (0.15) 557 1
test_lz4[Mark.Twain-Tom.Sawyer.txt-python-lz4] 349.5347 (7.18) 28,558.0792 (2.51) 1,388.7847 (6.78) 3,399.0027 (2.82) 396.0747 (7.43) 63.5763 (13.92) 22;34 720.0540 (0.15) 235 1
test_zstd[fireworks.jpeg-zstd] 403.2757 (8.28) 26,842.4787 (2.36) 1,861.8998 (9.09) 4,036.8538 (3.35) 459.6412 (8.62) 118.9439 (26.05) 161;241 537.0858 (0.11) 1544 1
test_lz4[Mark.Twain-Tom.Sawyer.txt-cramjam] 403.3558 (8.28) 18,089.5943 (1.59) 1,762.0805 (8.60) 3,405.3800 (2.83) 468.5475 (8.79) 107.0909 (23.45) 20;35 567.5110 (0.12) 180 1
test_zstd[fireworks.jpeg-cramjam] 499.8967 (10.26) 28,842.0953 (2.54) 2,304.8972 (11.25) 4,224.5862 (3.51) 596.9033 (11.20) 249.4976 (54.64) 112;180 433.8588 (0.09) 923 1
test_zstd[geo.protodata-zstd] 522.6899 (10.73) 25,354.0520 (2.23) 2,099.8307 (10.25) 4,125.2352 (3.42) 590.9968 (11.09) 147.6849 (32.34) 27;39 476.2289 (0.10) 233 1
test_zstd[geo.protodata-cramjam] 576.4086 (11.83) 29,560.1171 (2.60) 2,738.0361 (13.36) 4,814.7110 (4.00) 682.4899 (12.80) 297.4644 (65.14) 151;223 365.2253 (0.07) 1095 1
test_zstd[html-zstd] 577.4964 (11.86) 28,901.4895 (2.54) 2,572.8451 (12.56) 4,568.4851 (3.79) 693.0958 (13.00) 247.9651 (54.30) 141;230 388.6748 (0.08) 1139 1
test_zstd[html-cramjam] 624.4238 (12.82) 33,463.5023 (2.95) 2,936.5653 (14.33) 4,980.1482 (4.13) 747.4469 (14.02) 438.1621 (95.96) 136;237 340.5339 (0.07) 1036 1
test_zstd[html_x_4-zstd] 658.9722 (13.53) 28,313.3835 (2.49) 2,555.2850 (12.47) 4,298.8250 (3.57) 731.3695 (13.72) 270.1250 (59.16) 140;240 391.3458 (0.08) 1121 1
test_lz4_block[asyoulik.txt-python-lz4] 663.1091 (13.61) 20,323.1405 (1.79) 2,486.4909 (12.14) 4,257.4329 (3.53) 730.4400 (13.70) 245.5600 (53.78) 24;41 402.1732 (0.08) 207 1
test_lz4_block[asyoulik.txt-cramjam] 671.9250 (13.80) 16,247.2576 (1.43) 2,371.2701 (11.57) 3,682.1285 (3.06) 728.3092 (13.66) 156.6438 (34.30) 6;14 421.7149 (0.09) 59 1
test_lz4_block[kppkn.gtb-cramjam] 717.5561 (14.73) 32,839.4193 (2.89) 2,770.8606 (13.52) 4,664.2100 (3.87) 768.1698 (14.41) 179.7816 (39.37) 144;253 360.8987 (0.07) 1137 1
test_lz4_block[kppkn.gtb-python-lz4] 723.5017 (14.85) 32,871.3916 (2.89) 2,573.8956 (12.56) 4,315.3037 (3.58) 766.0333 (14.37) 172.3310 (37.74) 143;264 388.5161 (0.08) 1169 1
test_lz4_block[alice29.txt-cramjam] 801.9507 (16.47) 26,796.6408 (2.36) 3,064.7918 (14.96) 4,754.7456 (3.95) 866.7782 (16.26) 518.6894 (113.59) 146;257 326.2864 (0.07) 1073 1
test_lz4_block[alice29.txt-python-lz4] 803.9866 (16.51) 29,223.4104 (2.57) 2,952.0424 (14.41) 4,794.8177 (3.98) 857.4380 (16.08) 243.6126 (53.35) 156;245 338.7485 (0.07) 1128 1
test_zstd[html_x_4-cramjam] 809.6416 (16.62) 29,323.5965 (2.58) 3,503.6853 (17.10) 5,274.0259 (4.38) 966.6234 (18.13) 2,095.5279 (458.91) 123;148 285.4138 (0.06) 794 1
test_zstd[paper-100k.pdf-zstd] 827.5677 (16.99) 16,677.2008 (1.47) 3,361.9295 (16.41) 4,727.2259 (3.92) 938.7862 (17.61) 1,632.4157 (357.49) 8;10 297.4482 (0.06) 48 1
test_zstd[paper-100k.pdf-cramjam] 836.5400 (17.18) 25,331.6332 (2.23) 3,773.0040 (18.41) 5,289.3095 (4.39) 990.1794 (18.57) 3,198.2874 (700.42) 40;41 265.0408 (0.05) 228 1
test_gzip[Mark.Twain-Tom.Sawyer.txt-cramjam] 839.6748 (17.24) 21,034.8200 (1.85) 3,458.2447 (16.88) 5,053.2362 (4.20) 905.8192 (16.99) 258.0453 (56.51) 11;14 289.1640 (0.06) 58 1
test_lz4_block[html_x_4-cramjam] 953.9705 (19.59) 33,318.9312 (2.93) 4,249.7875 (20.74) 5,641.9191 (4.68) 1,114.3275 (20.90) 4,596.0769 (>1000.0) 125;102 235.3059 (0.05) 834 1
test_lz4_block[html_x_4-python-lz4] 968.6649 (19.89) 37,592.1205 (3.31) 3,470.4071 (16.94) 5,202.1095 (4.32) 1,034.3976 (19.40) 1,487.7059 (325.80) 119;185 288.1506 (0.06) 846 1
test_gzip[Mark.Twain-Tom.Sawyer.txt-gzip] 970.4847 (19.93) 32,545.3132 (2.86) 3,906.9219 (19.07) 5,583.8040 (4.64) 1,098.3665 (20.60) 3,341.8993 (731.87) 104;106 255.9560 (0.05) 732 1
test_lz4[geo.protodata-python-lz4] 1,279.2926 (26.27) 30,604.4575 (2.69) 5,559.6599 (27.13) 6,202.5278 (5.15) 1,499.5625 (28.13) 8,145.9582 (>1000.0) 114;18 179.8671 (0.04) 674 1
test_lz4[html-python-lz4] 1,312.5949 (26.95) 31,847.2143 (2.80) 5,461.1698 (26.65) 6,195.1418 (5.14) 1,583.8807 (29.71) 7,082.4977 (>1000.0) 106;27 183.1110 (0.04) 644 1
test_lz4[geo.protodata-cramjam] 1,395.7266 (28.66) 30,922.1018 (2.72) 6,434.1927 (31.40) 6,723.1619 (5.58) 1,793.5587 (33.64) 8,703.8176 (>1000.0) 104;13 155.4197 (0.03) 584 1
test_lz4[html-cramjam] 1,442.1903 (29.61) 29,040.2938 (2.56) 6,504.2626 (31.74) 6,781.2088 (5.63) 1,799.5080 (33.76) 9,342.6444 (>1000.0) 40;5 153.7453 (0.03) 194 1
test_zstd[kppkn.gtb-cramjam] 1,932.4347 (39.68) 34,247.5846 (3.01) 8,456.0546 (41.27) 7,638.1593 (6.34) 5,810.9937 (109.00) 10,818.7841 (>1000.0) 70;9 118.2585 (0.02) 416 1
test_zstd[kppkn.gtb-zstd] 1,939.7642 (39.83) 28,339.4475 (2.49) 7,939.6084 (38.75) 6,735.3422 (5.59) 5,582.2683 (104.71) 11,808.2995 (>1000.0) 20;0 125.9508 (0.03) 108 1
test_zstd[asyoulik.txt-zstd] 2,054.2648 (42.18) 31,619.6065 (2.78) 8,143.2391 (39.74) 6,954.3913 (5.77) 5,537.3237 (103.87) 10,930.5978 (>1000.0) 66;3 122.8013 (0.03) 409 1
test_zstd[asyoulik.txt-cramjam] 2,114.7113 (43.42) 28,810.0149 (2.54) 8,277.8048 (40.40) 6,966.4750 (5.78) 5,867.0454 (110.05) 11,355.4555 (>1000.0) 67;0 120.8050 (0.02) 377 1
test_lz4_block[lcet10.txt-cramjam] 2,221.2137 (45.61) 26,021.0242 (2.29) 8,279.1287 (40.41) 6,664.2899 (5.53) 6,451.9905 (121.03) 9,536.7488 (>1000.0) 8;0 120.7857 (0.02) 54 1
test_lz4_block[lcet10.txt-python-lz4] 2,250.9806 (46.22) 34,895.1798 (3.07) 8,984.8452 (43.85) 7,828.7949 (6.50) 6,532.4679 (122.54) 11,154.1152 (>1000.0) 8;2 111.2985 (0.02) 57 1
test_lz4[paper-100k.pdf-cramjam] 2,257.0118 (46.34) 31,298.3096 (2.75) 9,287.8229 (45.33) 7,190.1121 (5.97) 7,286.8709 (136.69) 12,009.8628 (>1000.0) 36;0 107.6679 (0.02) 229 1
test_zstd[alice29.txt-cramjam] 2,396.6189 (49.21) 31,693.8572 (2.79) 11,205.2426 (54.69) 8,074.4372 (6.70) 9,798.2455 (183.79) 13,600.4426 (>1000.0) 37;0 89.2439 (0.02) 75 1
test_zstd[alice29.txt-zstd] 2,402.0448 (49.32) 41,451.6442 (3.65) 10,351.1294 (50.52) 8,023.4262 (6.66) 8,362.4376 (156.86) 12,407.0849 (>1000.0) 39;4 96.6078 (0.02) 242 1
test_lz4_block[urls.10K-cramjam] 2,539.9402 (52.15) 35,875.3093 (3.16) 9,530.5659 (46.51) 7,460.2318 (6.19) 7,504.2378 (140.76) 12,033.3470 (>1000.0) 64;5 104.9256 (0.02) 348 1
test_lz4_block[plrabn12.txt-cramjam] 2,652.2949 (54.46) 35,094.4865 (3.09) 10,000.2602 (48.81) 7,366.9277 (6.12) 8,987.4351 (168.59) 10,685.8388 (>1000.0) 10;3 99.9974 (0.02) 80 1
test_lz4_block[urls.10K-python-lz4] 2,661.7274 (54.65) 25,919.8491 (2.28) 9,110.0789 (44.46) 6,294.7677 (5.23) 8,557.4333 (160.52) 9,056.3511 (>1000.0) 17;1 109.7685 (0.02) 44 1
test_lz4_block[plrabn12.txt-python-lz4] 2,726.0147 (55.97) 35,771.6400 (3.15) 10,456.0690 (51.03) 7,685.1117 (6.38) 10,127.2464 (189.97) 12,352.3902 (>1000.0) 21;1 95.6382 (0.02) 109 1
test_lz4[paper-100k.pdf-python-lz4] 3,014.8458 (61.90) 46,459.2036 (4.09) 11,051.5373 (53.94) 9,857.5362 (8.18) 7,336.0428 (137.61) 11,816.3843 (>1000.0) 7;1 90.4851 (0.02) 38 1
test_gzip[geo.protodata-cramjam] 3,069.0525 (63.01) 27,857.9835 (2.45) 10,233.7843 (49.95) 6,911.1554 (5.74) 8,797.3997 (165.02) 11,853.8234 (>1000.0) 32;0 97.7156 (0.02) 67 1
test_lz4[fireworks.jpeg-cramjam] 3,128.0573 (64.23) 36,060.4245 (3.17) 15,627.4609 (76.27) 8,494.3968 (7.05) 13,856.8357 (259.93) 11,691.0124 (>1000.0) 16;0 63.9899 (0.01) 52 1
test_gzip[html-cramjam] 3,432.1565 (70.47) 37,165.9622 (3.27) 12,510.6784 (61.06) 7,770.4534 (6.45) 10,573.3573 (198.33) 12,813.5197 (>1000.0) 45;0 79.9317 (0.02) 121 1
test_gzip[geo.protodata-gzip] 3,739.6345 (76.78) 43,572.6978 (3.83) 14,166.8232 (69.14) 8,702.5769 (7.23) 12,273.4532 (230.22) 12,878.9265 (>1000.0) 92;2 70.5875 (0.01) 253 1
test_gzip[html-gzip] 4,238.0970 (87.02) 41,146.9806 (3.62) 14,985.1145 (73.13) 8,504.5645 (7.06) 12,978.5985 (243.45) 10,798.0641 (>1000.0) 17;1 66.7329 (0.01) 48 1
test_lz4[asyoulik.txt-cramjam] 4,250.2638 (87.27) 42,996.4662 (3.78) 18,369.2806 (89.65) 8,930.0665 (7.41) 17,371.5008 (325.85) 11,013.7835 (>1000.0) 21;2 54.4387 (0.01) 74 1
test_lz4[asyoulik.txt-python-lz4] 4,592.2399 (94.29) 66,618.2823 (5.86) 17,962.3921 (87.67) 11,555.0046 (9.59) 16,004.6946 (300.22) 15,829.7941 (>1000.0) 14;1 55.6719 (0.01) 47 1
test_gzip[paper-100k.pdf-cramjam] 4,761.8765 (97.77) 61,474.9007 (5.41) 20,528.9033 (100.19) 10,372.6329 (8.61) 21,818.7766 (409.28) 15,118.5952 (>1000.0) 26;1 48.7118 (0.01) 78 1
test_lz4[fireworks.jpeg-python-lz4] 4,901.4855 (100.64) 40,498.3349 (3.56) 18,347.8926 (89.55) 10,533.0749 (8.74) 18,148.1279 (340.42) 16,324.9127 (>1000.0) 14;0 54.5022 (0.01) 41 1
test_lz4[alice29.txt-cramjam] 4,958.9034 (101.82) 42,082.6562 (3.70) 19,713.8021 (96.21) 8,661.5174 (7.19) 19,570.2221 (367.10) 10,748.2616 (>1000.0) 12;1 50.7259 (0.01) 41 1
test_lz4[alice29.txt-python-lz4] 5,241.3810 (107.62) 44,304.1511 (3.90) 18,299.0409 (89.31) 9,643.6929 (8.01) 16,049.9960 (301.06) 16,259.5292 (>1000.0) 44;0 54.6477 (0.01) 131 1
test_lz4[html_x_4-python-lz4] 5,659.6007 (116.20) 54,054.2062 (4.76) 21,295.5434 (103.93) 11,883.2480 (9.87) 18,139.9416 (340.27) 16,976.7891 (>1000.0) 13;0 46.9582 (0.01) 43 1
test_gzip[fireworks.jpeg-gzip] 5,761.3812 (118.29) 46,915.9391 (4.13) 19,090.3847 (93.17) 10,570.0082 (8.78) 16,292.2181 (305.61) 16,109.9583 (>1000.0) 36;0 52.3824 (0.01) 106 1
test_gzip[paper-100k.pdf-gzip] 5,786.4469 (118.81) 53,799.2828 (4.73) 23,720.6557 (115.77) 11,634.6684 (9.66) 23,929.8288 (448.87) 15,900.4056 (>1000.0) 23;0 42.1574 (0.01) 73 1
test_lz4[kppkn.gtb-python-lz4] 5,900.2526 (121.14) 50,368.8790 (4.43) 19,964.9865 (97.44) 9,054.2365 (7.52) 18,304.3331 (343.35) 7,828.7236 (>1000.0) 12;2 50.0877 (0.01) 38 1
test_lz4[html_x_4-cramjam] 6,223.9747 (127.79) 40,489.8487 (3.56) 22,603.8670 (110.32) 10,448.8040 (8.67) 21,325.2399 (400.02) 16,511.4035 (>1000.0) 8;0 44.2402 (0.01) 21 1
test_zstd[lcet10.txt-cramjam] 6,330.2517 (129.97) 47,550.6466 (4.18) 25,555.7012 (124.72) 11,400.4426 (9.47) 25,579.0949 (479.81) 18,046.9360 (>1000.0) 12;0 39.1302 (0.01) 30 1
test_lz4[kppkn.gtb-cramjam] 6,730.5230 (138.19) 59,458.8667 (5.23) 22,190.8727 (108.30) 12,025.4924 (9.98) 18,952.8586 (355.52) 13,630.2980 (>1000.0) 8;1 45.0636 (0.01) 32 1
test_gzip[fireworks.jpeg-cramjam] 7,168.8406 (147.19) 55,275.5836 (4.86) 22,099.8567 (107.86) 11,231.9195 (9.33) 20,035.3879 (375.82) 15,464.3273 (>1000.0) 11;1 45.2492 (0.01) 41 1
test_zstd[lcet10.txt-zstd] 7,446.6243 (152.89) 45,603.2511 (4.01) 21,978.5807 (107.27) 10,604.1392 (8.80) 20,622.3521 (386.83) 13,690.3049 (>1000.0) 6;0 45.4988 (0.01) 21 1
test_zstd[urls.10K-zstd] 7,685.2869 (157.79) 77,820.8766 (6.85) 34,014.0657 (166.01) 17,948.6659 (14.90) 33,050.3546 (619.96) 22,357.2282 (>1000.0) 10;0 29.3996 (0.01) 28 1
test_zstd[urls.10K-cramjam] 8,942.4290 (183.61) 62,915.7312 (5.54) 38,311.4816 (186.98) 14,676.5632 (12.18) 41,058.8151 (770.18) 20,982.4257 (>1000.0) 12;0 26.1018 (0.01) 30 1
test_zstd[plrabn12.txt-cramjam] 9,051.1702 (185.84) 60,167.7969 (5.30) 34,589.7029 (168.81) 15,052.3788 (12.50) 31,674.9495 (594.16) 20,756.0323 (>1000.0) 8;0 28.9103 (0.01) 23 1
test_zstd[plrabn12.txt-zstd] 9,058.7568 (185.99) 64,748.5256 (5.70) 37,397.0124 (182.52) 16,689.1224 (13.86) 37,240.8181 (698.56) 27,398.0703 (>1000.0) 9;0 26.7401 (0.01) 23 1
test_gzip[asyoulik.txt-cramjam] 12,840.3585 (263.64) 79,610.0553 (7.01) 43,288.5285 (211.27) 18,693.6184 (15.52) 42,505.3537 (797.31) 31,588.4370 (>1000.0) 16;0 23.1008 (0.00) 39 1
test_gzip[asyoulik.txt-gzip] 16,504.1648 (338.86) 85,883.0865 (7.56) 50,077.2005 (244.40) 17,956.7543 (14.91) 51,174.3622 (959.93) 23,141.1085 (>1000.0) 4;0 19.9692 (0.00) 14 1
test_lz4[lcet10.txt-cramjam] 18,163.8505 (372.94) 73,258.1746 (6.45) 48,531.2573 (236.86) 13,659.7500 (11.34) 47,889.3425 (898.31) 16,392.5146 (>1000.0) 3;0 20.6053 (0.00) 13 1
test_gzip[html_x_4-cramjam] 19,317.7406 (396.63) 89,521.2125 (7.88) 54,251.9313 (264.78) 17,451.2984 (14.49) 56,372.6928 (>1000.0) 28,082.4825 (>1000.0) 18;0 18.4325 (0.00) 56 1
test_gzip[alice29.txt-cramjam] 21,966.5114 (451.02) 102,692.5612 (9.04) 57,410.4243 (280.19) 19,563.6782 (16.24) 53,274.9621 (999.33) 25,843.6240 (>1000.0) 6;0 17.4184 (0.00) 22 1
test_lz4[lcet10.txt-python-lz4] 23,542.8344 (483.38) 81,374.4236 (7.16) 51,886.3047 (253.23) 17,206.8911 (14.29) 49,883.6925 (935.72) 29,015.1462 (>1000.0) 6;0 19.2729 (0.00) 18 1
test_gzip[alice29.txt-gzip] 25,124.3673 (515.85) 94,903.8435 (8.35) 75,077.6592 (366.42) 19,011.7690 (15.78) 78,241.0391 (>1000.0) 22,132.9313 (>1000.0) 3;1 13.3195 (0.00) 17 1
test_lz4[urls.10K-cramjam] 32,523.3191 (667.77) 111,198.5687 (9.79) 58,491.4672 (285.47) 21,847.3815 (18.14) 53,464.0476 (>1000.0) 18,880.6397 (>1000.0) 2;1 17.0965 (0.00) 11 1
test_lz4[plrabn12.txt-cramjam] 33,464.5044 (687.09) 98,039.7481 (8.63) 67,427.5217 (329.08) 18,614.1722 (15.45) 63,698.5190 (>1000.0) 26,984.8546 (>1000.0) 6;0 14.8307 (0.00) 19 1
test_gzip[html_x_4-gzip] 37,098.1563 (761.70) 95,668.8263 (8.42) 66,506.4084 (324.58) 15,814.5827 (13.13) 70,769.2150 (>1000.0) 21,298.2190 (>1000.0) 5;0 15.0361 (0.00) 17 1
test_lz4[urls.10K-python-lz4] 47,390.1797 (973.02) 109,288.8191 (9.62) 72,014.7390 (351.47) 16,980.5763 (14.10) 72,440.0543 (>1000.0) 24,527.3346 (>1000.0) 4;0 13.8860 (0.00) 13 1
test_lz4[plrabn12.txt-python-lz4] 51,062.3734 (>1000.0) 99,229.7661 (8.73) 71,166.1188 (347.33) 15,657.9674 (13.00) 66,439.8680 (>1000.0) 14,865.8045 (>1000.0) 3;0 14.0516 (0.00) 10 1
test_brotli[Mark.Twain-Tom.Sawyer.txt-brotli] 66,736.1636 (>1000.0) 130,850.9372 (11.52) 106,562.4576 (520.08) 21,371.3937 (17.74) 110,549.1053 (>1000.0) 34,521.3898 (>1000.0) 3;0 9.3842 (0.00) 10 1
test_gzip[lcet10.txt-cramjam] 73,517.5312 (>1000.0) 184,848.6830 (16.27) 128,354.3428 (626.43) 32,680.3193 (27.13) 122,432.0550 (>1000.0) 48,414.2601 (>1000.0) 3;0 7.7909 (0.00) 10 1
test_brotli[Mark.Twain-Tom.Sawyer.txt-cramjam] 81,315.3312 (>1000.0) 137,710.3496 (12.12) 103,931.9417 (507.24) 16,119.7682 (13.38) 101,735.5388 (>1000.0) 20,829.2529 (>1000.0) 2;0 9.6217 (0.00) 10 1
test_lz4_block[fifty-four-mb-repeating-cramjam] 102,929.7374 (>1000.0) 151,372.2707 (13.32) 132,951.8321 (648.87) 22,098.9102 (18.35) 142,691.6309 (>1000.0) 43,893.4546 (>1000.0) 2;0 7.5215 (0.00) 6 1
test_gzip[lcet10.txt-gzip] 141,174.2829 (>1000.0) 193,229.9640 (17.01) 167,316.8059 (816.59) 19,071.4462 (15.83) 169,996.1787 (>1000.0) 27,081.8565 (>1000.0) 2;0 5.9767 (0.00) 6 1
test_gzip[urls.10K-cramjam] 162,782.3897 (>1000.0) 240,846.5687 (21.20) 196,802.1214 (960.49) 34,233.0332 (28.42) 189,391.8552 (>1000.0) 61,031.3332 (>1000.0) 1;0 5.0812 (0.00) 5 1
test_gzip[kppkn.gtb-cramjam] 177,559.8135 (>1000.0) 205,333.9742 (18.07) 188,584.4771 (920.39) 11,698.2199 (9.71) 186,340.6226 (>1000.0) 19,231.2342 (>1000.0) 1;0 5.3027 (0.00) 5 1
test_lz4_block[fifty-four-mb-random-cramjam] 182,603.0780 (>1000.0) 244,078.3549 (21.48) 210,820.8717 (>1000.0) 22,737.4775 (18.88) 210,156.8924 (>1000.0) 32,932.0151 (>1000.0) 2;0 4.7434 (0.00) 6 1
test_gzip[urls.10K-gzip] 193,616.0792 (>1000.0) 269,139.5544 (23.69) 238,575.1434 (>1000.0) 31,121.4610 (25.84) 248,279.6814 (>1000.0) 49,133.0097 (>1000.0) 1;0 4.1916 (0.00) 5 1
test_gzip[plrabn12.txt-cramjam] 214,662.5184 (>1000.0) 281,518.3233 (24.78) 252,075.4073 (>1000.0) 29,496.7757 (24.49) 257,398.9332 (>1000.0) 53,176.4147 (>1000.0) 1;0 3.9671 (0.00) 5 1
test_gzip[plrabn12.txt-gzip] 253,757.8139 (>1000.0) 318,726.9494 (28.05) 287,288.7194 (>1000.0) 28,734.7127 (23.86) 293,948.4976 (>1000.0) 51,979.9069 (>1000.0) 2;0 3.4808 (0.00) 5 1
test_lz4_block[fifty-four-mb-repeating-python-lz4] 284,648.2079 (>1000.0) 470,447.8960 (41.40) 357,901.6421 (>1000.0) 70,299.5426 (58.37) 354,422.4110 (>1000.0) 81,338.4876 (>1000.0) 2;0 2.7941 (0.00) 5 1
test_zstd[fifty-four-mb-repeating-cramjam] 321,350.1275 (>1000.0) 463,864.2967 (40.82) 371,000.1476 (>1000.0) 56,129.6415 (46.60) 368,460.7204 (>1000.0) 63,279.1934 (>1000.0) 1;0 2.6954 (0.00) 5 1
test_zstd[fifty-four-mb-repeating-zstd] 360,199.4291 (>1000.0) 402,645.6531 (35.44) 380,603.7445 (>1000.0) 17,881.4516 (14.85) 374,164.0504 (>1000.0) 29,697.6538 (>1000.0) 2;0 2.6274 (0.00) 5 1
test_brotli[fireworks.jpeg-brotli] 374,613.6874 (>1000.0) 522,589.4358 (45.99) 436,310.9063 (>1000.0) 56,834.9955 (47.19) 419,648.6194 (>1000.0) 76,128.5331 (>1000.0) 2;0 2.2919 (0.00) 5 1
test_gzip[kppkn.gtb-gzip] 399,825.5897 (>1000.0) 552,954.6440 (48.66) 444,371.8165 (>1000.0) 63,035.9967 (52.33) 424,935.1267 (>1000.0) 67,275.1688 (>1000.0) 1;0 2.2504 (0.00) 5 1
test_brotli[fireworks.jpeg-cramjam] 417,975.5002 (>1000.0) 581,929.1677 (51.21) 479,440.4000 (>1000.0) 67,807.5222 (56.30) 472,011.8511 (>1000.0) 103,648.6863 (>1000.0) 1;0 2.0858 (0.00) 5 1
test_brotli[geo.protodata-brotli] 653,977.9641 (>1000.0) 730,979.3271 (64.33) 685,741.2830 (>1000.0) 31,790.3679 (26.39) 680,678.1143 (>1000.0) 51,528.3765 (>1000.0) 1;0 1.4583 (0.00) 5 1
test_brotli[geo.protodata-cramjam] 675,060.8832 (>1000.0) 864,661.2354 (76.10) 766,932.2949 (>1000.0) 85,442.4909 (70.94) 741,214.4840 (>1000.0) 155,315.4388 (>1000.0) 2;0 1.3039 (0.00) 5 1
test_brotli[html-cramjam] 682,110.1476 (>1000.0) 864,539.6791 (76.09) 783,384.3693 (>1000.0) 71,740.6562 (59.56) 774,649.3928 (>1000.0) 106,089.7699 (>1000.0) 2;0 1.2765 (0.00) 5 1
test_zstd[fifty-four-mb-random-zstd] 688,866.0435 (>1000.0) 826,580.0439 (72.74) 738,473.1386 (>1000.0) 52,079.7014 (43.24) 724,461.6468 (>1000.0) 46,490.6720 (>1000.0) 1;0 1.3541 (0.00) 5 1
test_brotli[html-brotli] 706,610.9553 (>1000.0) 784,855.8873 (69.07) 730,042.5731 (>1000.0) 32,119.7125 (26.67) 722,332.0287 (>1000.0) 35,770.5834 (>1000.0) 1;0 1.3698 (0.00) 5 1
test_lz4_block[fifty-four-mb-random-python-lz4] 708,512.7067 (>1000.0) 841,013.7147 (74.02) 797,203.4995 (>1000.0) 53,442.9142 (44.37) 816,576.4697 (>1000.0) 65,619.5185 (>1000.0) 1;0 1.2544 (0.00) 5 1
test_brotli[html_x_4-brotli] 832,704.0281 (>1000.0) 965,141.4398 (84.94) 886,135.1781 (>1000.0) 49,193.2239 (40.84) 878,072.3847 (>1000.0) 53,363.9817 (>1000.0) 2;0 1.1285 (0.00) 5 1
test_zstd[fifty-four-mb-random-cramjam] 884,052.5318 (>1000.0) 1,106,076.0021 (97.34) 999,948.6856 (>1000.0) 107,800.9060 (89.50) 1,036,101.2071 (>1000.0) 206,008.1316 (>1000.0) 2;0 1.0001 (0.00) 5 1
test_brotli[html_x_4-cramjam] 979,841.7371 (>1000.0) 1,591,519.3204 (140.06) 1,215,504.3770 (>1000.0) 251,844.7582 (209.09) 1,174,739.2435 (>1000.0) 390,465.6330 (>1000.0) 1;0 0.8227 (0.00) 5 1
test_brotli[asyoulik.txt-brotli] 1,008,041.1788 (>1000.0) 1,270,175.4719 (111.78) 1,173,929.3575 (>1000.0) 105,909.7587 (87.93) 1,166,104.3447 (>1000.0) 140,709.6223 (>1000.0) 1;0 0.8518 (0.00) 5 1
test_brotli[asyoulik.txt-cramjam] 1,057,671.1893 (>1000.0) 1,264,794.7166 (111.31) 1,145,901.5749 (>1000.0) 75,323.5577 (62.54) 1,142,487.2205 (>1000.0) 72,766.8889 (>1000.0) 2;0 0.8727 (0.00) 5 1
test_brotli[paper-100k.pdf-brotli] 1,156,073.8590 (>1000.0) 1,352,805.1395 (119.06) 1,270,828.1647 (>1000.0) 83,220.6921 (69.09) 1,296,089.7181 (>1000.0) 138,854.5325 (>1000.0) 1;0 0.7869 (0.00) 5 1
test_brotli[alice29.txt-brotli] 1,220,484.3201 (>1000.0) 1,661,517.2308 (146.23) 1,338,130.3374 (>1000.0) 182,093.7398 (151.18) 1,269,647.9298 (>1000.0) 121,026.3246 (>1000.0) 1;1 0.7473 (0.00) 5 1
test_brotli[alice29.txt-cramjam] 1,316,947.2516 (>1000.0) 1,539,318.0419 (135.47) 1,420,285.9588 (>1000.0) 85,820.7885 (71.25) 1,393,867.4275 (>1000.0) 121,472.0118 (>1000.0) 2;0 0.7041 (0.00) 5 1
test_lz4[fifty-four-mb-repeating-python-lz4] 1,367,308.9519 (>1000.0) 1,469,891.0918 (129.36) 1,432,437.6110 (>1000.0) 40,467.1889 (33.60) 1,450,673.7608 (>1000.0) 50,035.2597 (>1000.0) 1;0 0.6981 (0.00) 5 1
test_lz4[fifty-four-mb-repeating-cramjam] 1,602,799.8570 (>1000.0) 1,858,396.8934 (163.55) 1,741,897.3166 (>1000.0) 109,117.3597 (90.59) 1,701,893.0409 (>1000.0) 175,879.4626 (>1000.0) 2;0 0.5741 (0.00) 5 1
test_gzip[fifty-four-mb-repeating-cramjam] 2,157,834.2002 (>1000.0) 2,320,745.7084 (204.24) 2,241,284.9151 (>1000.0) 58,720.8967 (48.75) 2,247,142.3447 (>1000.0) 63,929.0046 (>1000.0) 2;0 0.4462 (0.00) 5 1
test_brotli[paper-100k.pdf-cramjam] 2,187,343.2510 (>1000.0) 2,306,041.3282 (202.95) 2,229,967.4120 (>1000.0) 48,828.8547 (40.54) 2,216,031.7469 (>1000.0) 71,410.7323 (>1000.0) 1;0 0.4484 (0.00) 5 1
test_brotli[kppkn.gtb-brotli] 2,419,750.2937 (>1000.0) 2,544,897.2750 (223.97) 2,464,290.5056 (>1000.0) 52,010.2748 (43.18) 2,439,791.5080 (>1000.0) 74,655.7880 (>1000.0) 1;0 0.4058 (0.00) 5 1
test_brotli[kppkn.gtb-cramjam] 2,503,531.3908 (>1000.0) 2,860,451.9442 (251.74) 2,708,485.5545 (>1000.0) 132,613.7237 (110.10) 2,706,453.0943 (>1000.0) 153,990.0396 (>1000.0) 2;0 0.3692 (0.00) 5 1
test_gzip[fifty-four-mb-repeating-gzip] 2,679,202.0854 (>1000.0) 2,819,831.6712 (248.17) 2,752,646.2916 (>1000.0) 51,673.1793 (42.90) 2,763,968.4658 (>1000.0) 61,812.1224 (>1000.0) 2;0 0.3633 (0.00) 5 1
test_brotli[lcet10.txt-cramjam] 4,047,467.6564 (>1000.0) 5,031,475.6148 (442.81) 4,411,104.6012 (>1000.0) 430,292.6187 (357.24) 4,146,492.3359 (>1000.0) 661,510.4438 (>1000.0) 1;0 0.2267 (0.00) 5 1
test_brotli[lcet10.txt-brotli] 4,193,678.9155 (>1000.0) 4,864,472.9443 (428.11) 4,575,280.0815 (>1000.0) 269,653.8809 (223.88) 4,510,378.3179 (>1000.0) 392,737.0855 (>1000.0) 2;0 0.2186 (0.00) 5 1
test_brotli[plrabn12.txt-cramjam] 4,593,331.8269 (>1000.0) 5,368,559.2674 (472.47) 4,859,973.1296 (>1000.0) 302,806.9984 (251.40) 4,821,653.1519 (>1000.0) 322,889.2782 (>1000.0) 1;0 0.2058 (0.00) 5 1
test_brotli[plrabn12.txt-brotli] 4,646,327.9761 (>1000.0) 5,692,435.4490 (500.97) 5,288,563.2850 (>1000.0) 386,854.0908 (321.18) 5,350,503.4614 (>1000.0) 325,574.5494 (>1000.0) 2;1 0.1891 (0.00) 5 1
test_lz4[fifty-four-mb-random-cramjam] 5,583,352.2007 (>1000.0) 5,893,117.6756 (518.64) 5,760,910.3080 (>1000.0) 118,716.5380 (98.56) 5,768,489.5825 (>1000.0) 163,596.8098 (>1000.0) 2;0 0.1736 (0.00) 5 1
test_brotli[urls.10K-brotli] 6,733,098.9558 (>1000.0) 7,248,825.2632 (637.95) 6,978,130.2918 (>1000.0) 206,039.8516 (171.06) 7,006,919.4920 (>1000.0) 325,030.9345 (>1000.0) 2;0 0.1433 (0.00) 5 1
test_brotli[urls.10K-cramjam] 7,038,698.2523 (>1000.0) 7,688,785.4133 (676.67) 7,389,677.2884 (>1000.0) 267,873.4437 (222.40) 7,340,406.3191 (>1000.0) 436,718.9691 (>1000.0) 2;0 0.1353 (0.00) 5 1
test_lz4[fifty-four-mb-random-python-lz4] 8,675,358.4128 (>1000.0) 9,457,990.1043 (832.37) 9,160,479.2498 (>1000.0) 303,000.9697 (251.56) 9,245,208.6434 (>1000.0) 382,141.5808 (>1000.0) 1;0 0.1092 (0.00) 5 1
test_gzip[fifty-four-mb-random-gzip] 10,452,050.2966 (>1000.0) 11,077,009.6201 (974.86) 10,913,584.6946 (>1000.0) 262,178.2665 (217.67) 11,026,660.1499 (>1000.0) 233,625.9810 (>1000.0) 1;1 0.0916 (0.00) 5 1
test_gzip[fifty-four-mb-random-cramjam] 10,745,331.2799 (>1000.0) 12,421,819.4131 (>1000.0) 11,159,564.2682 (>1000.0) 710,863.8796 (590.18) 10,834,267.7597 (>1000.0) 544,593.8362 (>1000.0) 1;1 0.0896 (0.00) 5 1
Outliers: 1 Standard Deviation from Mean; 1.5 IQR (InterQuartile Range) from 1st Quartile and 3rd Quartile.
OPS: Operations Per Second, computed as 1 / Mean
=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED benchmarks/[Mark.Twain-Tom.Sawyer.txt-cramjam]
FAILED benchmarks/[Mark.Twain-Tom.Sawyer.txt-snappy]
FAILED benchmarks/[lcet10.txt-cramjam] - Module...
FAILED benchmarks/[lcet10.txt-snappy] - ModuleN...
FAILED benchmarks/[asyoulik.txt-cramjam] - Modu...
FAILED benchmarks/[asyoulik.txt-snappy] - Modul...
FAILED benchmarks/[kppkn.gtb-cramjam] - ModuleN...
FAILED benchmarks/[kppkn.gtb-snappy] - ModuleNo...
FAILED benchmarks/[html_x_4-cramjam] - ModuleNo...
FAILED benchmarks/[html_x_4-snappy] - ModuleNot...
FAILED benchmarks/[fireworks.jpeg-cramjam] - Mo...
FAILED benchmarks/[fireworks.jpeg-snappy] - Mod...
FAILED benchmarks/[html-cramjam] - ModuleNotFou...
FAILED benchmarks/[html-snappy] - ModuleNotFoun...
FAILED benchmarks/[urls.10K-cramjam] - ModuleNo...
FAILED benchmarks/[urls.10K-snappy] - ModuleNot...
FAILED benchmarks/[paper-100k.pdf-cramjam] - Mo...
FAILED benchmarks/[paper-100k.pdf-snappy] - Mod...
FAILED benchmarks/[geo.protodata-cramjam] - Mod...
FAILED benchmarks/[geo.protodata-snappy] - Modu...
FAILED benchmarks/[alice29.txt-cramjam] - Modul...
FAILED benchmarks/[alice29.txt-snappy] - Module...
FAILED benchmarks/[plrabn12.txt-cramjam] - Modu...
FAILED benchmarks/[plrabn12.txt-snappy] - Modul...
FAILED benchmarks/[fifty-four-mb-repeating-cramjam]
FAILED benchmarks/[fifty-four-mb-repeating-snappy]
FAILED benchmarks/[fifty-four-mb-random-cramjam]
FAILED benchmarks/[fifty-four-mb-random-snappy]
FAILED benchmarks/[Mark.Twain-Tom.Sawyer.txt-cramjam]
FAILED benchmarks/[Mark.Twain-Tom.Sawyer.txt-snappy]
FAILED benchmarks/[lcet10.txt-cramjam] - Mod...
FAILED benchmarks/[lcet10.txt-snappy] - Modu...
FAILED benchmarks/[asyoulik.txt-cramjam] - M...
FAILED benchmarks/[asyoulik.txt-snappy] - Mo...
FAILED benchmarks/[kppkn.gtb-cramjam] - Modu...
FAILED benchmarks/[kppkn.gtb-snappy] - Modul...
FAILED benchmarks/[html_x_4-cramjam] - Modul...
FAILED benchmarks/[html_x_4-snappy] - Module...
FAILED benchmarks/[fireworks.jpeg-cramjam]
FAILED benchmarks/[fireworks.jpeg-snappy] - ...
FAILED benchmarks/[html-cramjam] - ModuleNot...
FAILED benchmarks/[html-snappy] - ModuleNotF...
FAILED benchmarks/[urls.10K-cramjam] - Modul...
FAILED benchmarks/[urls.10K-snappy] - Module...
FAILED benchmarks/[paper-100k.pdf-cramjam]
FAILED benchmarks/[paper-100k.pdf-snappy] - ...
FAILED benchmarks/[geo.protodata-cramjam] - ...
FAILED benchmarks/[geo.protodata-snappy] - M...
FAILED benchmarks/[alice29.txt-cramjam] - Mo...
FAILED benchmarks/[alice29.txt-snappy] - Mod...
FAILED benchmarks/[plrabn12.txt-cramjam] - M...
FAILED benchmarks/[plrabn12.txt-snappy] - Mo...
FAILED benchmarks/[fifty-four-mb-repeating-cramjam]
FAILED benchmarks/[fifty-four-mb-repeating-snappy]
FAILED benchmarks/[fifty-four-mb-random-cramjam]
FAILED benchmarks/[fifty-four-mb-random-snappy]
FAILED benchmarks/[Mark.Twain-Tom.Sawyer.txt-decompress_raw_into]
FAILED benchmarks/[Mark.Twain-Tom.Sawyer.txt-compress_raw_into]
FAILED benchmarks/[lcet10.txt-decompress_raw_into]
FAILED benchmarks/[lcet10.txt-compress_raw_into]
FAILED benchmarks/[asyoulik.txt-decompress_raw_into]
FAILED benchmarks/[asyoulik.txt-compress_raw_into]
FAILED benchmarks/[kppkn.gtb-decompress_raw_into]
FAILED benchmarks/[kppkn.gtb-compress_raw_into]
FAILED benchmarks/[html_x_4-decompress_raw_into]
FAILED benchmarks/[html_x_4-compress_raw_into]
FAILED benchmarks/[fireworks.jpeg-decompress_raw_into]
FAILED benchmarks/[fireworks.jpeg-compress_raw_into]
FAILED benchmarks/[html-decompress_raw_into]
FAILED benchmarks/[html-compress_raw_into]
FAILED benchmarks/[urls.10K-decompress_raw_into]
FAILED benchmarks/[urls.10K-compress_raw_into]
FAILED benchmarks/[paper-100k.pdf-decompress_raw_into]
FAILED benchmarks/[paper-100k.pdf-compress_raw_into]
FAILED benchmarks/[geo.protodata-decompress_raw_into]
FAILED benchmarks/[geo.protodata-compress_raw_into]
FAILED benchmarks/[alice29.txt-decompress_raw_into]
FAILED benchmarks/[alice29.txt-compress_raw_into]
FAILED benchmarks/[plrabn12.txt-decompress_raw_into]
FAILED benchmarks/[plrabn12.txt-compress_raw_into]
FAILED benchmarks/[fifty-four-mb-repeating-decompress_raw_into]
FAILED benchmarks/[fifty-four-mb-repeating-compress_raw_into]
FAILED benchmarks/[fifty-four-mb-random-decompress_raw_into]
FAILED benchmarks/[fifty-four-mb-random-compress_raw_into]
========== 84 failed, 488 passed, 10126 warnings in 963.58s (0:16:03) ==========
builder for '/nix/store/qkdkwihapxlp51k13cg4vcspyhwf0sq3-python3.8-cramjam-2.3.1.drv' failed with exit code 1
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