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Last active May 31, 2022 19:22
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
: "${AWS_ADFS_HOST:?}"
# op session expires after 30 minutes of inactivity, so reauth every 25 minutes by default
: "${AUTH_INTERVAL:=+25 minutes}"
aws_adfs_auth() {
echo "Authenticating $AWS_PROFILE with aws-adfs... "
username=$(op item get "$AWS_ADFS_OP_ITEM_UUID" --fields username)
password=$(op item get "$AWS_ADFS_OP_ITEM_UUID" --fields password)
export username password
# show our work (just not username or password)
set -x
rm -f ~/.aws/adfs_cookies
# sometimes aws-adfs fails with "This account does not have access to any roles"
# ... so retry up to N-1 times
for _ in {1..5}; do
aws-adfs login \
--profile="$AWS_PROFILE" \
--role-arn="$AWS_ROLE_ARN" \
--adfs-host="$AWS_ADFS_HOST" \
--region="$AWS_ADFS_REGION" \
--env \
< <(
# sometimes aws-adfs prompts for the totp more than once... so let's keep giving it
yes "$(
op item get "$AWS_ADFS_OP_ITEM_UUID" --otp
) \
&& break \
sleep 10
echo 'Done. '
echo 'Verifying... '
set -x
aws --profile="$AWS_PROFILE" sts get-caller-identity >/dev/null
echo 'Done.'
while true; do
now="$(date -Is)"
if [[ "$now" > "${later:-}" ]]; then
if [[ "${later:-}" ]]; then echo 'Reached reauthentication time.'; fi # finish the "current time"/"waiting until" line
# aws_adfs_auth PROFILE_1 arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/ADFS-ROLE-1
# aws_adfs_auth PROFILE_2 arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/ADFS-ROLE-2
# aws_adfs_auth PROFILE_3 arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/ADFS-ROLE-3
later=$(date -Is -d "$AUTH_INTERVAL")
echo "Waiting until $later to reauthenticate."
echo -en "\rCurrent time: $now... "
sleep 1
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