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Created April 9, 2014 04:14
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from tkinter import *
from ttk import * # sudo pip3 install pyttk
import as core
import time
class Test:
count = 0
def __init__(self): = 'test class with str'
self.n = Test.count
Test.count += 1
def __str__(self):
return '({!s}) {}'.format(self.n, time.asctime())
print ('Building interface...')
root = Tk()
root.title('SSA Graphical Aggregator')
top = Notebook(root, width=1000, height=400)
# we only technically deal with one bundle at a time
bundle = core.Bundle()
# data binding between names and objects
bind = dict()
bind[core.Bundle] = dict()
bind[core.Predicate] = dict()
bind[core.Move] = dict()
bind[core.Rule] = dict()
bind[core.Algorithm] = dict()
# variables / functions / widgets
fmv, fmf, fmw = dict(), dict(), dict() # file management
agv, agf, agw = dict(), dict(), dict() # algorithm
pdv, pdf, pdw = dict(), dict(), dict() # predicate
mvv, mvf, mvw = dict(), dict(), dict() # move
# by giving the widget dictionary and the name separately, we can
# defer the evaulation of the listbox control until such a time as it
# is actually created.
def add_new(widget_dictionary, name, cls=Test):
"""Adds a new item"""
def f(entity = None):
if not entity: entity = cls() = '<new>'
return f
def del_sel(widget_dictionary, name):
"""Deletes the selected item"""
def f():
return f
def move(widget_dictionary, lb1, lb2):
"""Moves the ACTIVE item from lb1 to lb2
lb1 and lb2 are names that are in the widget_dictionary
def f():
active = widget_dictionary[lb1][1].get(ACTIVE)
if str(active) != '': # to avoid moving empty items
widget_dictionary[lb2][1].insert(END, active)
return f
def new(cls, widget_dictionary, name, **kwargs):
print('Creating widget {0:<14} under {1}'.format(cls.__name__, name))
return cls(widget_dictionary[name][1], **kwargs)
### File Manager ###############################################
def load_bundle():
path = fmv['bundle path'].get()
msg = 'Loading bundle {}...'.format(path[path.rfind('/')+1:])
print(msg + ' Done.')
fmf['load bundle'] = load_bundle
def refresh():
"""Clears all front-facing data and reloads it from the code-behind"""
# Clear the bindings
bind = dict()
bind[core.Bundle] = dict()
bind[core.Predicate] = dict()
bind[core.Move] = dict()
bind[core.Rule] = dict()
bind[core.Algorithm] = dict()
# clear the widgets
for wd in [agw, pdw, mvw]:
for w in wd:
if isinstance(wd[w][1], Listbox):
wd[w][1].delete(0, END)
# populate the widgets
for alg in bundle.types(core.Algorithm):
agw['algorithm list'][1].insert(END,
for move in bundle.types(core.Move):
for pred in bundle.types(core.Predicate):
fmf['refresh'] = refresh
fmv['bundle path'] = StringVar(root)
fmw['tab'] = None , Frame(top)
fmw['title'] = (210, 20) , new(Label , fmw , 'tab' , text = 'SSA TOOL', font=('Helvetica', 24))
fmw['new bundle'] = (220, 60) , new(Button , fmw , 'tab' , text = 'new bundle')
fmw['bundle path'] = (190, 170) , new(Entry , fmw , 'tab' , textvariable = fmv['bundle path'])
fmw['save bundle'] = (220, 200) , new(Button , fmw , 'tab' , text = 'save bundle')
fmw['load bundle'] = (220, 235) , new(Button , fmw , 'tab' , text = 'load bundle' , command = fmf['load bundle'])
### Algorithms #################################################
agv['predicate'] = StringVar(root)
agv['algorithm name'] = StringVar(root)
agv['algorithm author'] = StringVar(root)
agv['algorithm date'] = StringVar(root)
agv['rule name'] = StringVar(root)
agv['rule author'] = StringVar(root)
agv['rule date'] = StringVar(root)
agv['predicate options'] = [Test(), Test(), Test(), Test()]
agv['predicate'].set(agv['predicate options'][0])
agf['add algorithm'] = add_new(agw, 'algorithm list', core.Algorithm)
agf['delete algorithm'] = del_sel(agw, 'algorithm list')
agf['add rule'] = add_new(agw, 'rule list', core.Rule)
agf['delete rule'] = del_sel(agw, 'rule list')
agf['add move'] = move(agw, 'move list', 'move list for rule')
agf['delete move'] = move(agw, 'move list for rule', 'move list')
agw['tab'] = None , Frame(top)
agw['rule group'] = ( 165 , 40), new(Labelframe, agw, 'tab', text = 'Rules', height=300, width=775)
agw['name'] = ( 165 , 0), new(Entry, agw, 'tab', textvariable = agv['algorithm name'])
agw['author'] = ( 340 , 0), new(Entry, agw, 'tab', textvariable = agv['algorithm author'])
agw['date'] = ( 340 , 25), new(Entry, agw, 'tab', textvariable = agv['algorithm date'])
agw['rule name'] = ( 170 , 0), new(Entry, agw, 'rule group', textvariable = agv['rule name'])
agw['rule date'] = ( 170 , 25), new(Entry, agw, 'rule group', textvariable = agv['rule date'])
agw['rule author'] = ( 170 , 50), new(Entry, agw, 'rule group', textvariable = agv['rule author'])
agw['alg add'] = ( 0 , 310), new(Button, agw, 'tab', text = 'add', command = agf['add algorithm'])
agw['alg del'] = ( 80 , 310), new(Button, agw, 'tab', text = 'del', command = agf['delete algorithm'])
agw['rule add'] = ( 0 , 110), new(Button, agw, 'rule group', text = 'add', command = agf['add rule'])
agw['rule del'] = ( 80 , 110), new(Button, agw, 'rule group', text = 'del', command = agf['delete rule'])
agw['move add'] = ( 140 , 175), new(Button, agw, 'rule group', text = '>', command = agf['add move'])
agw['move del'] = ( 140 , 200), new(Button, agw, 'rule group', text = '<', command = agf['delete move'])
agw['algorithm list'] = ( 0 , 0), new(Listbox, agw, 'tab', height = 18)
agw['rule list'] = ( 0 , 0), new(Listbox, agw, 'rule group', height = 6)
agw['move list'] = ( 0 , 140), new(Listbox, agw, 'rule group', height = 7)
agw['move list for rule'] = ( 200 , 140), new(Listbox, agw, 'rule group', height = 7)
agw['rule predicate'] = ( 170 , 75), OptionMenu(agw['rule group'][1], agv['predicate'], agv['predicate options'][0], *agv['predicate options'])
### Predicates #################################################
pdf['add'] = add_new(pdw, 'list', core.Predicate)
pdf['remove'] = del_sel(pdw, 'list')
pdv['name'] = StringVar(root)
pdv['file'] = StringVar(root)
pdv['author'] = StringVar(root)
pdv['date'] = StringVar(root)
pdv['description'] = StringVar(root)
pdv['tex'] = StringVar(root)
pdw['tab'] = None , Frame(top)
pdw['list'] = (0 , 0) , new(Listbox, pdw, 'tab' , height = 18)
pdw['name'] = (180 , 0) , new(Entry, pdw, 'tab' , textvariable = pdv['name'])
pdw['author'] = (360 , 0) , new(Entry, pdw, 'tab' , textvariable = pdv['author'])
pdw['date'] = (180 , 25) , new(Entry, pdw, 'tab' , textvariable = pdv['date'])
pdw['file'] = (360 , 50) , new(Entry, pdw, 'tab' , textvariable = pdv['file'])
pdw['description'] = (180 , 50) , new(Entry, pdw, 'tab' , textvariable = pdv['description'])
pdw['tex'] = (360 , 25) , new(Entry, pdw, 'tab' , textvariable = pdv['tex'])
pdw['add'] = (0 , 310) , new(Button, pdw, 'tab' , text = 'add' , command = pdf['add'])
pdw['remove'] = (80 , 310) , new(Button, pdw, 'tab' , text = 'remove' , command = pdf['remove'])
pdw['definition'] = (180 , 80) , new(Text, pdw, 'tab' , width = 49, height = 16)
### Moves ######################################################
mvf['add'] = add_new(mvw, 'list', core.Move)
mvf['remove'] = del_sel(mvw, 'list')
mvv['name'] = StringVar(root)
mvv['file'] = StringVar(root)
mvv['author'] = StringVar(root)
mvv['date'] = StringVar(root)
mvv['description'] = StringVar(root)
mvv['tex'] = StringVar(root)
mvw['tab'] = None , Frame(top)
mvw['list'] = (0 , 0) , new(Listbox, mvw, 'tab' , height = 18)
mvw['name'] = (180 , 0) , new(Entry, mvw, 'tab' , textvariable = mvv['name'])
mvw['author'] = (360 , 0) , new(Entry, mvw, 'tab' , textvariable = mvv['author'])
mvw['date'] = (180 , 25) , new(Entry, mvw, 'tab' , textvariable = mvv['date'])
mvw['file'] = (360 , 50) , new(Entry, mvw, 'tab' , textvariable = mvv['file'])
mvw['description'] = (180 , 50) , new(Entry, mvw, 'tab' , textvariable = mvv['description'])
mvw['tex'] = (360 , 25) , new(Entry, mvw, 'tab' , textvariable = mvv['tex'])
mvw['add'] = (0 , 310) , new(Button, mvw, 'tab' , text = 'add' , command = mvf['add'])
mvw['remove'] = (80 , 310) , new(Button, mvw, 'tab' , text = 'remove' , command = mvf['remove'])
mvw['definition'] = (180 , 80) , new(Text, mvw, 'tab' , width = 49, height = 16)
# DEBUG Widgets bear their names for sanity
for vd in [fmv, agv, pdv, mvv]:
for v in vd:
if isinstance(vd[v], StringVar):
for wd in [fmw, agw, pdw, mvw]:
for w in wd:
if isinstance(wd[w][1], Listbox):
wd[w][1].insert(END, w)
# Place all widgets according to the coordinates given as the first
# element of the tuple. If the first element of the tuple evaluates
# to False (that is, bool(...) is False), then simply pack the widget.
for widgets in [fmw, agw, pdw, mvw]:
for widget in widgets:
if widgets[widget][0]:
print('placing {0:<20} at ({1:>4}, {2:>4})'.format(widget, *widgets[widget][0]))
pos = widgets[widget][0]
wgt = widgets[widget][1][0], y=pos[1])
if widget not in ['tab']:
print('No coordinates for {}. Packing instead.'.format(widget))
top.add(fmw['tab'][1], text = 'File Manager')
top.add(agw['tab'][1], text = 'Algorithms')
top.add(pdw['tab'][1], text = 'Predicates')
top.add(mvw['tab'][1], text = 'Moves')
agw['move list'][1].insert(END, Test())
print ('Building interface... Done.')
fmv['bundle path'].set('/Users/sean/github/vermiculus/smp/ssa-tool/examples/ind-set.ssax')
# Local Variables:
# python-shell-interpreter: "python3"
# python-indent-offset: 4
# End:
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