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Created April 16, 2014 04:58
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ListeyTree = [1,[2,3,4],5,6,[7,8,[9,10],11,12,[13,14],15]]
import pygame
import networkx as nx
from ColorBank import ColorBank
from BasicNode import BasicNode
def construct_tree_from_lisp(lisp):
Creates a Tree object from a LISP-style list:
[1, 2, [3, 4, 5], [6, 7], 8]
if isinstance(lisp, list):
v = lisp[0]
c = []
for child in lisp[1:]:
return Tree(value = v, children = c)
return Tree(value=lisp)
class Tree:
Children is a list of subtrees
def __init__(self, children=list(), value=None):
self.children = children
self.value = value
def minimum (self):
if self.children:
minchildren = [self.value]
for item in self.children:
return min(minchildren)
return self.value
def get_child (self, v):
return filter(lambda t:t.value is v, self.children)[0]
def to_networkx(self, graph=None):
if graph is None:
graph = nx.DiGraph()
for child in self.children:
graph.add_edge(self.value, child.value)
return graph
def __int__(self):
return self.value
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.value)
return '{}: [{}]'.format(str(self.value), ', '.join(map(int, self.children)))
tree1 = [1,[2,3,4],5,[6,7,[8]]]
tree2 = [[1,2],3, [4,[5,6,7,[8,9]]]]
class Zipper:
def __init__ (self, tree):
self.tree = construct_tree_from_lisp (tree)
self.path = [self.tree]
def move_to_child (self, child):
assert child in self.tree.children
self.tree = child
def Zip (self, child):
self.path.append (self.tree)
self.move_to_child (child)
def UnZip (self):
self.tree = self.path.pop()
def Add (self, item):
def Remove (self, item):
assert item in self.tree.children
assert type(item) is not instance
self.tree.children.remove (item)
return self.tree
def Min (self):
return self.tree.minimum()
def to_networkx(self):
G = self.tree.to_networkx()
setattr(G, '_my_root', self.tree.value)
# set all nodes to be blue with radius 5
for node in G.nodes():
G.node[node]['color'] = (0, 0, 255)
G.node[node]['radius'] = 5
G.node[node]['data'] = node
# Set the root node to be black
G.node[self.tree.value]['color'] = (0, 0, 0)
return G
class Visualizer:
def __init__(self, size=(640, 480), graph=nx.Graph(), edge_width = 2):
"""where `size` is a 2-tuple representing screen dimens"""
self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)
self.colors = ColorBank()
self.graph = graph
self.edge_width = edge_width
self.layout_algorithms = [getattr(nx, a) for a in dir(nx) if a.endswith('_layout')]
# TODO sometimes crashes here; why?
self.text_font = pygame.font.SysFont('monospace', 15)
def do_layout(self, layout_algorithm=nx.spring_layout):
# try:
p = layout_algorithm(self.graph)
# print('Layout algorithm `{!s}` not yet supported.'.format(repr(layout_algorithm).split()[1]))
# print('Please install the appropriate package.')
# return
for node, position in zip(p.keys(), p.values()): # in p isn't working: iteration over non-sequence
self.graph.node[node]['position'] = ((position[0] + 1) / 2, (position[1] + 1) / 2)
def draw(self):
size = self.screen.get_size()
for src, dst in self.graph.edges():
self.floats_to_pos(self.graph.node[dst]['position']), self.edge_width)
for node, node_data in self.graph.nodes(data=True):
normal_pos = self.floats_to_pos(node_data['position']) # keep track of z order for drag drop, node_data['color'], normal_pos, node_data['radius'], 0)
label = self.text_font.render(str(node_data['data']), True, ColorBank.get_inverse(self.colors.white))
self.screen.blit(label, normal_pos)
def floats_to_pos(self, floats):
return tuple((int(coordinate * scale) for coordinate, scale in zip(floats, self.screen.get_size())))
def pos_to_floats(self, position):
return tuple((coordinate / scale for coordinate, scale in zip(position, self.screen.get_size())))
def loop(self, zipper, layout_func):
"""Runs the simulator.
>>> pygame.init()
(6, 0)
>>> Visualizer(size=(640, 480), graph=make_graph()).loop()
self.graph = zipper.to_networkx()
while True:
self.graph = zipper.to_networkx()
print 'did draw'
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
ingame = False
import generators
make_graph = lambda: \
generators.random_graph((5, 20), .3,
data=(i for i in range(50)),
color=lambda r: ColorBank.random(r),
radius='int(3, 10)',
position=lambda r: tuple([r.random(), r.random()]))
def tree_layout(graph):
nexts = [-.8] * 50
ret = dict()
def minimum_ws(tree, depth=-6):
ret[tree] = (nexts[depth], float(depth)/scale_factor)
nexts[depth] += 1.0/scale_factor
for c in graph.neighbors(tree):
minimum_ws(c, depth + 1)
return ret
v=Visualizer(size=(640, 480))
Zippie = Zipper(ListeyTree)
#print Zippie.tree.children
#print Zippie.tree.value
#print Zippie.path
#print ""
#print ""
import thread
thread.start_new_thread(v.loop, (Zippie, tree_layout))
Zippie.Zip (Zippie.tree.get_child(2))
#print Zippie.path
Zippie.UnZip ()
#print ""
#print Zippie.path
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