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Created April 17, 2014 00:05
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import tkinter as tk
def construct_tree_from_lisp(lisp):
Creates a Tree object from a LISP-style list:
[1, 2, [3, 4, 5], [6, 7], 8]
if isinstance(lisp, list):
v = lisp[0]
c = []
for child in lisp[1:]:
return Tree(value = v, children = c)
return Tree(value=lisp)
class Tree:
Children is a list of subtrees
def __init__(self, value=None, children=None):
if not children:
self.children = list()
self.children = children
#self.children = children if children else list()
self.value = value
def is_leaf(self):
return not self.children
def add_child(self, v):
"""Adds a direct child with the given value.
subtree = Tree(value=v)
def get_child (self, v):
"""Finds and returns the direct child with the given value.
return filter(lambda t:t.value is v, self.children)[0]
def minimum(self):
"""find the minimum of the tree recursively... finding the minimum across every subtree if they exist.
if self.is_leaf():
return self.value
minchildren = [self.value]
for item in self.children:
return min(minchildren)
def depth(self, current=0):
"""Finds the depth of the tree.
if self.is_leaf(): return current
return max(map(lambda t: t.depth(current + 1), self.children))
def find(self, search):
"""Finds some search object in the tree using DFS
it can either be a tree object (as returned by find) or some
value. if it is some value, it will return the first found,
depth-first, left to right (since children is an ordered
if self.value is search or self is search:
return self
for child in self.children:
target = child.find(search)
if target:
return target
def to_networkx(self, graph=None):
if graph is None:
graph = nx.DiGraph()
for child in self.children:
graph.add_edge(self.value, child.value)
return graph
def layout(self, _positions=None, _nexts=None, _depth=0):
Adapted from <>
if not _positions: _positions = dict()
if not _nexts: _nexts = [0] * (self.depth() + 1)
_positions[self] = _nexts[_depth], _depth
_nexts[_depth] += 1
for subtree in self.children:
subtree.layout(_positions, _nexts, _depth + 1)
return _positions
def __int__(self):
return self.value
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.value)
def __str__(self):
if not self.children: return str(self.value)
return '[{value}, {children}]'.format(
children=', '.join(str(x) for x in list(
map(lambda c: str(int(c)), self.children)))
def str_full(self):
if not self.children: return str(self.value)
r = '[' + str(self.value)
for subtree in self.children:
r += ', '
r += subtree.str_full()
return r + ']'
# return '[{value}, {children}]'.format(
# value=self.value,
# children=', '.join(list(map(lambda t: t.str_full(),
# self.children)))
# )
tree1 = [1,[2,3,4],5,[6,7,[8]]]
tree2 = [[1,2],3, [4,[5,6,7,[8,9]]]]
class Zipper:
def __init__ (self, tree):
self.tree = construct_tree_from_lisp (tree)
self.path = [self.tree]
def move_to_child (self, child):
assert child in self.tree.children
self.tree = child
def Zip (self, child):
self.path.append (self.tree)
self.move_to_child (child)
def UnZip (self):
self.tree = self.path.pop()
def Add (self, item):
def Remove (self, item):
assert item in self.tree.children
assert type(item) is not instance
self.tree.children.remove (item)
return self.tree
def Min (self):
return self.tree.minimum()
def to_networkx(self):
G = self.tree.to_networkx()
setattr(G, '_my_root', self.tree.value)
# set all nodes to be blue with radius 5
for node in G.nodes():
G.node[node]['color'] = (0, 0, 255)
G.node[node]['radius'] = 5
G.node[node]['data'] = node
# Set the root node to be black
G.node[self.tree.value]['color'] = (0, 0, 0)
return G
class TreeDrawing(tk.Canvas):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
tk.Canvas.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def draw(self, tree, scale=50, xshift=10, yshift=10):
layout = tree.layout()
lt = {tree: (scale*layout[tree][0] + xshift,
scale*layout[tree][1] + yshift)
for tree in layout}
self.draw_tree(tree, lt)
def draw_tree(self, tree, layout):
root_position = layout[tree]
self.create_text(root_position, text=tree.value)
for subtree in tree.children:
# draw subtrees
self.draw_tree(subtree, layout)
# draw edges to subtrees
subtree_position = layout[subtree]
self.create_line(root_position[0], root_position[1],
subtree_position[0], subtree_position[1])
from pprint import pprint
if True:
root.title('Graph Painter 2000')
grapher = TreeDrawing(root)
import time
five = tree.find(5)
# Local Variables:
# python-shell-interpreter: "python3"
# End:
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