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Last active October 6, 2015 18:43
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Prints the page names of the pages on that contains a specific string in their original wiki markup
# function Search-LokadWiki
# By Joannes Vermorel, Oct 2015, Lokad
# Print all the wiki page names that contains a specific string
# in their wiki code.
function Search-LokadWiki()
$endpoint = ""
$url = ""
[xml]$xml = (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString($url)
$pages = $xml.urlset | Foreach {$_.url.loc} |
Foreach { $_ -replace '', '' } |
Foreach { $_ -replace '/', '.' }
if(-not (test-path variable:global:wwwlokadcache)) {
$cache = @{ "" = "" }
$pages | Foreach { [System.Tuple]::Create($_, (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString($endpoint + $_)) } |
Foreach{ $cache.Add([string]$_.Item1, [string]$_.Item2) }
Set-Variable -name "wwwlokadcache" -value $cache -Scope Global
$cache = Get-Variable -Name "wwwlokadcache" -Scope Global
$pages | Foreach { [System.Tuple]::Create([string]$_, [string]($cache.Value)[$_]) } |
Where { $_.Item2.Contains($pattern) } |
Foreach{ $_.Item1 }
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