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Last active September 25, 2016 00:25
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Conditional CSRF
var conditionalCSRF; // be careful with hoisting
var lusca = require( 'lusca' );
var csrf = lusca.csrf();
var csrfFreeRoutes = {
'/server-callback': true
// ....everything else in your server
app.configure( function() {
app.use( express.cookieParser() );
app.use( express.session({
store: new express.session.MemoryStore()
, secret: 'SOMEsecretShouldGoHerE'
, key: 'SomeKEY'
} ) );
// this is where the magic happens.
conditionalCSRF = function( req, res, next ) {
if( Boolean( csrfFreeRoutes[ req.path ] ) ) {
} else {
csrf( req, res, next );
app.use( conditionalCSRF );
}); '/server-callback', function( req, res, next ) {
// do something here
// ....everything else in your server
<!DOCTYPE html>
window.csrfToken = "{{ csrfToken }}"; // handlebars should replace this with the actual token
'use strict';
var express = require( 'express' ); // version ^3.5.0
var lusca = require( 'lusca' ); // version ^1.0.0
var app = express();
// ....everything else in your server
// it doesn't have to be inside the configure portion. that's just where I put it
// in express4 you won't even have this option
app.configure( function() {
app.use( express.cookieParser() );
app.use( express.session({
store: new express.session.MemoryStore()
, secret: 'SOMEsecretShouldGoHerE'
, key: 'SomeKEY'
} ) );
// this is where the magic happens.
// you NEED the cookieParser and Session middleware for this work
app.use( lusca.csrf() );
// ....everything else in your server
app.get( '/', function( req, res ) {
// I'm assuming you have some sort of rendering engine set up so it renders the index template
// if using handlebars the token would be rendered using {{ csrfToken }}.
// I'm going to assume something like the next line is inserted into the head when it's rendered
// <script>window.csrfToken = "{{ csrfToken }}";</script>
res.render( 'index', {
// this is the CSRF token
// if you're using a version of lusca before 1.0.0 you can use req.csrfToken() also
csrfToken: res.locals._csrf
// start that baby up
app.listen( 3001, function() {
console.log( 'Listening on port %d', 3001 );
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