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Vernon de Goede vernondegoede

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mobilemind /
Last active June 7, 2024 01:58
how to delete a git tag locally and remote
# delete local tag '12345'
git tag -d 12345
# delete remote tag '12345' (eg, GitHub version too)
git push origin :refs/tags/12345
# alternative approach
git push --delete origin tagName
git tag -d tagName
# migrating from
# Aliases
alias g='git'
#compdef g=git
alias gst='git status'
#compdef _git gst=git-status
alias gd='git diff'
#compdef _git gd=git-diff
alias gdc='git diff --cached'
marcoslhc / .editorconfig
Created October 13, 2013 06:36
editorconfig for JS + HTML + CSS
root = true
indent_style = space
indent_size = 2
end_of_line = lf
charset = utf-8
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
algal / nginx-cors.conf
Created April 29, 2013 10:52
nginx configuration for CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing), with an origin whitelist, and HTTP Basic Access authentication allowed
# A CORS (Cross-Origin Resouce Sharing) config for nginx
# == Purpose
# This nginx configuration enables CORS requests in the following way:
# - enables CORS just for origins on a whitelist specified by a regular expression
# - CORS preflight request (OPTIONS) are responded immediately
# - Access-Control-Allow-Credentials=true for GET and POST requests
alexjs / cors-nginx.conf
Created November 28, 2012 22:42 — forked from michiel/cors-nginx.conf
Slightly tighter CORS config for nginx
# Slightly tighter CORS config for nginx
# A modification of to include a white-list of URLs
# Despite the W3C guidance suggesting that a list of origins can be passed as part of
# Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers, several browsers (well, at least Firefox)
# don't seem to play nicely with this.
mathewbyrne / slugify.js
Created October 12, 2011 04:34
Javascript Slugify
function slugify(text)
return text.toString().toLowerCase()
.replace(/\s+/g, '-') // Replace spaces with -
.replace(/[^\w\-]+/g, '') // Remove all non-word chars
.replace(/\-\-+/g, '-') // Replace multiple - with single -
.replace(/^-+/, '') // Trim - from start of text
.replace(/-+$/, ''); // Trim - from end of text