Save mathewbyrne/1280286 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
function slugify(text) | |
{ | |
return text.toString().toLowerCase() | |
.replace(/\s+/g, '-') // Replace spaces with - | |
.replace(/[^\w\-]+/g, '') // Remove all non-word chars | |
.replace(/\-\-+/g, '-') // Replace multiple - with single - | |
.replace(/^-+/, '') // Trim - from start of text | |
.replace(/-+$/, ''); // Trim - from end of text | |
} |
Continue with @wearecharette version, added a separator option if you want to use different slug separators.
slugify(text, separator) {
text = text.toString().toLowerCase().trim();
const sets = [
{to: 'a', from: '[ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆĀĂĄẠẢẤẦẨẪẬẮẰẲẴẶ]'},
{to: 'c', from: '[ÇĆĈČ]'},
{to: 'd', from: '[ÐĎĐÞ]'},
{to: 'e', from: '[ÈÉÊËĒĔĖĘĚẸẺẼẾỀỂỄỆ]'},
{to: 'g', from: '[ĜĞĢǴ]'},
{to: 'h', from: '[ĤḦ]'},
{to: 'i', from: '[ÌÍÎÏĨĪĮİỈỊ]'},
{to: 'j', from: '[Ĵ]'},
{to: 'ij', from: '[IJ]'},
{to: 'k', from: '[Ķ]'},
{to: 'l', from: '[ĹĻĽŁ]'},
{to: 'm', from: '[Ḿ]'},
{to: 'n', from: '[ÑŃŅŇ]'},
{to: 'oe', from: '[Œ]'},
{to: 'p', from: '[ṕ]'},
{to: 'r', from: '[ŔŖŘ]'},
{to: 's', from: '[ߌŜŞŠ]'},
{to: 't', from: '[ŢŤ]'},
{to: 'u', from: '[ÙÚÛÜŨŪŬŮŰŲỤỦỨỪỬỮỰƯ]'},
{to: 'w', from: '[ẂŴẀẄ]'},
{to: 'x', from: '[ẍ]'},
{to: 'y', from: '[ÝŶŸỲỴỶỸ]'},
{to: 'z', from: '[ŹŻŽ]'},
{to: '-', from: '[·/_,:;\']'}
sets.forEach(set => {
text = text.replace(new RegExp(set.from,'gi'), set.to);
text = text.toString().toLowerCase()
.replace(/\s+/g, '-') // Replace spaces with -
.replace(/&/g, '-and-') // Replace & with 'and'
.replace(/[^\w\-]+/g, '') // Remove all non-word chars
.replace(/\--+/g, '-') // Replace multiple - with single -
.replace(/^-+/, '') // Trim - from start of text
.replace(/-+$/, ''); // Trim - from end of text
if ((typeof separator !== 'undefined') && (separator !== '-')) {
text = text.replace(/-/g, separator);
return text;
Continue with @wearecharette version, added a separator option if you want to use different slug separators.
slugify(text, separator) { text = text.toString().toLowerCase().trim(); const sets = [ {to: 'a', from: '[ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆĀĂĄẠẢẤẦẨẪẬẮẰẲẴẶ]'}, {to: 'c', from: '[ÇĆĈČ]'}, {to: 'd', from: '[ÐĎĐÞ]'}, {to: 'e', from: '[ÈÉÊËĒĔĖĘĚẸẺẼẾỀỂỄỆ]'}, {to: 'g', from: '[ĜĞĢǴ]'}, {to: 'h', from: '[ĤḦ]'}, {to: 'i', from: '[ÌÍÎÏĨĪĮİỈỊ]'}, {to: 'j', from: '[Ĵ]'}, {to: 'ij', from: '[IJ]'}, {to: 'k', from: '[Ķ]'}, {to: 'l', from: '[ĹĻĽŁ]'}, {to: 'm', from: '[Ḿ]'}, {to: 'n', from: '[ÑŃŅŇ]'}, {to: 'o', from: '[ÒÓÔÕÖØŌŎŐỌỎỐỒỔỖỘỚỜỞỠỢǪǬƠ]'}, {to: 'oe', from: '[Œ]'}, {to: 'p', from: '[ṕ]'}, {to: 'r', from: '[ŔŖŘ]'}, {to: 's', from: '[ߌŜŞŠ]'}, {to: 't', from: '[ŢŤ]'}, {to: 'u', from: '[ÙÚÛÜŨŪŬŮŰŲỤỦỨỪỬỮỰƯ]'}, {to: 'w', from: '[ẂŴẀẄ]'}, {to: 'x', from: '[ẍ]'}, {to: 'y', from: '[ÝŶŸỲỴỶỸ]'}, {to: 'z', from: '[ŹŻŽ]'}, {to: '-', from: '[·/_,:;\']'} ]; sets.forEach(set => { text = text.replace(new RegExp(set.from,'gi'), set.to); }); text = text.toString().toLowerCase() .replace(/\s+/g, '-') // Replace spaces with - .replace(/&/g, '-and-') // Replace & with 'and' .replace(/[^\w\-]+/g, '') // Remove all non-word chars .replace(/\--+/g, '-') // Replace multiple - with single - .replace(/^-+/, '') // Trim - from start of text .replace(/-+$/, ''); // Trim - from end of text if ((typeof separator !== 'undefined') && (separator !== '-')) { text = text.replace(/-/g, separator); } return text; }
Continue with @wearecharette version, added a separator option if you want to use different slug separators.
slugify(text, separator) { text = text.toString().toLowerCase().trim(); const sets = [ {to: 'a', from: '[ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆĀĂĄẠẢẤẦẨẪẬẮẰẲẴẶ]'}, {to: 'c', from: '[ÇĆĈČ]'}, {to: 'd', from: '[ÐĎĐÞ]'}, {to: 'e', from: '[ÈÉÊËĒĔĖĘĚẸẺẼẾỀỂỄỆ]'}, {to: 'g', from: '[ĜĞĢǴ]'}, {to: 'h', from: '[ĤḦ]'}, {to: 'i', from: '[ÌÍÎÏĨĪĮİỈỊ]'}, {to: 'j', from: '[Ĵ]'}, {to: 'ij', from: '[IJ]'}, {to: 'k', from: '[Ķ]'}, {to: 'l', from: '[ĹĻĽŁ]'}, {to: 'm', from: '[Ḿ]'}, {to: 'n', from: '[ÑŃŅŇ]'}, {to: 'o', from: '[ÒÓÔÕÖØŌŎŐỌỎỐỒỔỖỘỚỜỞỠỢǪǬƠ]'}, {to: 'oe', from: '[Œ]'}, {to: 'p', from: '[ṕ]'}, {to: 'r', from: '[ŔŖŘ]'}, {to: 's', from: '[ߌŜŞŠ]'}, {to: 't', from: '[ŢŤ]'}, {to: 'u', from: '[ÙÚÛÜŨŪŬŮŰŲỤỦỨỪỬỮỰƯ]'}, {to: 'w', from: '[ẂŴẀẄ]'}, {to: 'x', from: '[ẍ]'}, {to: 'y', from: '[ÝŶŸỲỴỶỸ]'}, {to: 'z', from: '[ŹŻŽ]'}, {to: '-', from: '[·/_,:;\']'} ]; sets.forEach(set => { text = text.replace(new RegExp(set.from,'gi'), set.to); }); text = text.toString().toLowerCase() .replace(/\s+/g, '-') // Replace spaces with - .replace(/&/g, '-and-') // Replace & with 'and' .replace(/[^\w\-]+/g, '') // Remove all non-word chars .replace(/\--+/g, '-') // Replace multiple - with single - .replace(/^-+/, '') // Trim - from start of text .replace(/-+$/, ''); // Trim - from end of text if ((typeof separator !== 'undefined') && (separator !== '-')) { text = text.replace(/-/g, separator); } return text; }
it works! ;)
Wow everyone! what a great job making a great slugify function. Thanks!
Awesome thread folks!
Great job saved me a lot of time ! Thanks everyone :)
Continue with @wearecharette version, added a separator option if you want to use different slug separators.
slugify(text, separator) { text = text.toString().toLowerCase().trim(); const sets = [ {to: 'a', from: '[ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆĀĂĄẠẢẤẦẨẪẬẮẰẲẴẶ]'}, {to: 'c', from: '[ÇĆĈČ]'}, {to: 'd', from: '[ÐĎĐÞ]'}, {to: 'e', from: '[ÈÉÊËĒĔĖĘĚẸẺẼẾỀỂỄỆ]'}, {to: 'g', from: '[ĜĞĢǴ]'}, {to: 'h', from: '[ĤḦ]'}, {to: 'i', from: '[ÌÍÎÏĨĪĮİỈỊ]'}, {to: 'j', from: '[Ĵ]'}, {to: 'ij', from: '[IJ]'}, {to: 'k', from: '[Ķ]'}, {to: 'l', from: '[ĹĻĽŁ]'}, {to: 'm', from: '[Ḿ]'}, {to: 'n', from: '[ÑŃŅŇ]'}, {to: 'o', from: '[ÒÓÔÕÖØŌŎŐỌỎỐỒỔỖỘỚỜỞỠỢǪǬƠ]'}, {to: 'oe', from: '[Œ]'}, {to: 'p', from: '[ṕ]'}, {to: 'r', from: '[ŔŖŘ]'}, {to: 's', from: '[ߌŜŞŠ]'}, {to: 't', from: '[ŢŤ]'}, {to: 'u', from: '[ÙÚÛÜŨŪŬŮŰŲỤỦỨỪỬỮỰƯ]'}, {to: 'w', from: '[ẂŴẀẄ]'}, {to: 'x', from: '[ẍ]'}, {to: 'y', from: '[ÝŶŸỲỴỶỸ]'}, {to: 'z', from: '[ŹŻŽ]'}, {to: '-', from: '[·/_,:;\']'} ]; sets.forEach(set => { text = text.replace(new RegExp(set.from,'gi'), set.to); }); text = text.toString().toLowerCase() .replace(/\s+/g, '-') // Replace spaces with - .replace(/&/g, '-and-') // Replace & with 'and' .replace(/[^\w\-]+/g, '') // Remove all non-word chars .replace(/\--+/g, '-') // Replace multiple - with single - .replace(/^-+/, '') // Trim - from start of text .replace(/-+$/, ''); // Trim - from end of text if ((typeof separator !== 'undefined') && (separator !== '-')) { text = text.replace(/-/g, separator); } return text; }
Thank you for these suggestions!
I personally prefer to replace æ
and Æ
by ae
instead of a
You can do this by replacing:
{to: 'a', from: '[ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆĀĂĄẠẢẤẦẨẪẬẮẰẲẴẶ]'},
{to: 'a', from: '[ÀÁÂÃÄÅĀĂĄẠẢẤẦẨẪẬẮẰẲẴẶ]'}, // note the Æ removing
{to: 'ae', from: '[Æ]'},
Also, I think the first .toLowerCase()
is not necessary, since the regex performs a case-insensitive search.
Seems this is not working with Chinese characters: 商务计划模板
.replace(/[^\w\-]+/g, '') // Remove all non-word chars
.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\u3400-\u9FBF\s-]/g, '') // Remove all non-word chars
Also have a look at this:
Thanks, bro!
Super Cool! Thank you!
It works fine. Thank you!
The last one mentioned by @jdcookie is very cool!
Thank you :)
Thanks man : ) 👍 👍
Thank you!
thanks for this!
In Norwegian "Å" is also often replaced width aa. In order to do this we need to include:
{to: 'aa', from: '[a°]'}
Somehow "å" becomes the sequence: "a" followed by degree "°"
For better support for German, here's a modification on top of @eusonlito's script with the expected mappings of umlauts and ß (ä
-> ae
, ß
-> ss
, etc):
function slugify(text, separator) {
text = text.toString().toLowerCase().trim()
const sets = [
{ to: "a", from: "[ÀÁÂÃÅÆĀĂĄẠẢẤẦẨẪẬẮẰẲẴẶ]" },
{ to: "ae", from: "[Ä]" },
{ to: "c", from: "[ÇĆĈČ]" },
{ to: "d", from: "[ÐĎĐÞ]" },
{ to: "e", from: "[ÈÉÊËĒĔĖĘĚẸẺẼẾỀỂỄỆ]" },
{ to: "g", from: "[ĜĞĢǴ]" },
{ to: "h", from: "[ĤḦ]" },
{ to: "i", from: "[ÌÍÎÏĨĪĮİỈỊ]" },
{ to: "j", from: "[Ĵ]" },
{ to: "ij", from: "[IJ]" },
{ to: "k", from: "[Ķ]" },
{ to: "l", from: "[ĹĻĽŁ]" },
{ to: "m", from: "[Ḿ]" },
{ to: "n", from: "[ÑŃŅŇ]" },
{ to: "o", from: "[ÒÓÔÕØŌŎŐỌỎỐỒỔỖỘỚỜỞỠỢǪǬƠ]" },
{ to: "oe", from: "[΅]" },
{ to: "p", from: "[ṕ]" },
{ to: "r", from: "[ŔŖŘ]" },
{ to: "s", from: "[ŚŜŞŠ]" },
{ to: "ss", from: "[ß]" },
{ to: "t", from: "[ŢŤ]" },
{ to: "u", from: "[ÙÚÛŨŪŬŮŰŲỤỦỨỪỬỮỰƯ]" },
{ to: "ue", from: "[Ü]" },
{ to: "w", from: "[ẂŴẀẄ]" },
{ to: "x", from: "[ẍ]" },
{ to: "y", from: "[ÝŶŸỲỴỶỸ]" },
{ to: "z", from: "[ŹŻŽ]" },
{ to: "-", from: "[·/_,:;']" },
sets.forEach((set) => {
text = text.replace(new RegExp(set.from, "gi"), set.to)
text = text
.replace(/\s+/g, "-") // Replace spaces with -
.replace(/&/g, "-and-") // Replace & with 'and'
.replace(/[^\w\-]+/g, "") // Remove all non-word chars
.replace(/\--+/g, "-") // Replace multiple - with single -
.replace(/^-+/, "") // Trim - from start of text
.replace(/-+$/, "") // Trim - from end of text
if (typeof separator !== "undefined" && separator !== "-") {
text = text.replace(/-/g, separator)
return text
Nice thanks for sharing
Thanks a lot!
Extending @jdahdah 's version with support for Greek
function slugify(text, separator) {
text = text.toString().toLowerCase().trim()
const sets = [
{to: "b", from: "[Β]"},
{to: "ae", from: "[Ä]"},
{to: "c", from: "[ÇĆĈČ]"},
{to: "d", from: "[ÐĎĐÞΔ]"},
{to: "e", from: "[ÈÉÊËĒĔĖĘĚẸẺẼẾỀỂỄỆΕΈ]"},
{to: "f", from: "[Φ]"},
{to: "g", from: "[ĜĞĢǴΓ]"},
{to: "h", from: "[ĤḦ]"},
{to: "i", from: "[ÌÍÎÏĨĪĮİỈỊΗΉΙΊΪΐ]"},
{to: "j", from: "[Ĵ]"},
{to: "ij", from: "[IJ]"},
{to: "k", from: "[ĶΚ]"},
{to: "ks", from: "[Ξ]"},
{to: "l", from: "[ĹĻĽŁΛ]"},
{to: "m", from: "[ḾΜ]"},
{to: "n", from: "[ÑŃŅŇΝ]"},
{to: "oe", from: "[΅]"},
{to: "p", from: "[ṕΠ]"},
{to: "ps", from: "[Ψ]"},
{to: "r", from: "[ŔŖŘΡ]"},
{to: "s", from: "[ŚŜŞŠΣς]"},
{to: "ss", from: "[ß]"},
{to: "t", from: "[ŢŤΤ]"},
{to: "th", from: "[Θ]"},
{to: "u", from: "[ÙÚÛŨŪŬŮŰŲỤỦỨỪỬỮỰƯΥΎΫΰ]"},
{to: "ue", from: "[Ü]"},
{to: "w", from: "[ẂŴẀẄ]"},
{to: "x", from: "[ẍΧ]"},
{to: "y", from: "[ÝŶŸỲỴỶỸ]"},
{to: "z", from: "[ŹŻŽΖ]"},
{to: "-", from: "[·/_,:;']"},
sets.forEach((set) => {
text = text.replace(new RegExp(set.from, "gi"), set.to)
text = text
.replace(/\s+/g, "-") // Replace spaces with -
.replace(/&/g, "-and-") // Replace & with 'and'
.replace(/[^\w\-]+/g, "") // Remove all non-word chars
.replace(/\--+/g, "-") // Replace multiple - with single -
.replace(/^-+/, "") // Trim - from start of text
.replace(/-+$/, "") // Trim - from end of text
if(typeof separator !== "undefined" && separator !== "-") {
text = text.replace(/-/g, separator)
return text
Thanks a lot!
For better support for German, here's a modification on top of @eusonlito's script with the expected mappings of umlauts and ß (
, etc):function slugify(text, separator) { text = text.toString().toLowerCase().trim() const sets = [ { to: "a", from: "[ÀÁÂÃÅÆĀĂĄẠẢẤẦẨẪẬẮẰẲẴẶ]" }, { to: "ae", from: "[Ä]" }, { to: "c", from: "[ÇĆĈČ]" }, { to: "d", from: "[ÐĎĐÞ]" }, { to: "e", from: "[ÈÉÊËĒĔĖĘĚẸẺẼẾỀỂỄỆ]" }, { to: "g", from: "[ĜĞĢǴ]" }, { to: "h", from: "[ĤḦ]" }, { to: "i", from: "[ÌÍÎÏĨĪĮİỈỊ]" }, { to: "j", from: "[Ĵ]" }, { to: "ij", from: "[IJ]" }, { to: "k", from: "[Ķ]" }, { to: "l", from: "[ĹĻĽŁ]" }, { to: "m", from: "[Ḿ]" }, { to: "n", from: "[ÑŃŅŇ]" }, { to: "o", from: "[ÒÓÔÕØŌŎŐỌỎỐỒỔỖỘỚỜỞỠỢǪǬƠ]" }, { to: "oe", from: "[ŒÖ]" }, { to: "p", from: "[ṕ]" }, { to: "r", from: "[ŔŖŘ]" }, { to: "s", from: "[ŚŜŞŠ]" }, { to: "ss", from: "[ß]" }, { to: "t", from: "[ŢŤ]" }, { to: "u", from: "[ÙÚÛŨŪŬŮŰŲỤỦỨỪỬỮỰƯ]" }, { to: "ue", from: "[Ü]" }, { to: "w", from: "[ẂŴẀẄ]" }, { to: "x", from: "[ẍ]" }, { to: "y", from: "[ÝŶŸỲỴỶỸ]" }, { to: "z", from: "[ŹŻŽ]" }, { to: "-", from: "[·/_,:;']" }, ] sets.forEach((set) => { text = text.replace(new RegExp(set.from, "gi"), set.to) }) text = text .toString() .toLowerCase() .replace(/\s+/g, "-") // Replace spaces with - .replace(/&/g, "-and-") // Replace & with 'and' .replace(/[^\w\-]+/g, "") // Remove all non-word chars .replace(/\--+/g, "-") // Replace multiple - with single - .replace(/^-+/, "") // Trim - from start of text .replace(/-+$/, "") // Trim - from end of text if (typeof separator !== "undefined" && separator !== "-") { text = text.replace(/-/g, separator) } return text }
Thank you a lot
everyones suggestions so far... or you could just use https://github.com/sindresorhus/slugify
const replacements = [
// German umlauts
['ß', 'ss'],
['ẞ', 'Ss'],
['ä', 'ae'],
['Ä', 'Ae'],
['ö', 'oe'],
['Ö', 'Oe'],
['ü', 'ue'],
['Ü', 'Ue'],
// Latin
['À', 'A'],
['Á', 'A'],
['Â', 'A'],
['Ã', 'A'],
['Ä', 'Ae'],
['Å', 'A'],
['Æ', 'AE'],
['Ç', 'C'],
['È', 'E'],
['É', 'E'],
['Ê', 'E'],
['Ë', 'E'],
['Ì', 'I'],
['Í', 'I'],
['Î', 'I'],
['Ï', 'I'],
['Ð', 'D'],
['Ñ', 'N'],
['Ò', 'O'],
['Ó', 'O'],
['Ô', 'O'],
['Õ', 'O'],
['Ö', 'Oe'],
['Ő', 'O'],
['Ø', 'O'],
['Ù', 'U'],
['Ú', 'U'],
['Û', 'U'],
['Ü', 'Ue'],
['Ű', 'U'],
['Ý', 'Y'],
['Þ', 'TH'],
['ß', 'ss'],
['à', 'a'],
['á', 'a'],
['â', 'a'],
['ã', 'a'],
['ä', 'ae'],
['å', 'a'],
['æ', 'ae'],
['ç', 'c'],
['è', 'e'],
['é', 'e'],
['ê', 'e'],
['ë', 'e'],
['ì', 'i'],
['í', 'i'],
['î', 'i'],
['ï', 'i'],
['ð', 'd'],
['ñ', 'n'],
['ò', 'o'],
['ó', 'o'],
['ô', 'o'],
['õ', 'o'],
['ö', 'oe'],
['ő', 'o'],
['ø', 'o'],
['ù', 'u'],
['ú', 'u'],
['û', 'u'],
['ü', 'ue'],
['ű', 'u'],
['ý', 'y'],
['þ', 'th'],
['ÿ', 'y'],
['ẞ', 'SS'],
// Vietnamese
['à', 'a'],
['À', 'A'],
['á', 'a'],
['Á', 'A'],
['â', 'a'],
['Â', 'A'],
['ã', 'a'],
['Ã', 'A'],
['è', 'e'],
['È', 'E'],
['é', 'e'],
['É', 'E'],
['ê', 'e'],
['Ê', 'E'],
['ì', 'i'],
['Ì', 'I'],
['í', 'i'],
['Í', 'I'],
['ò', 'o'],
['Ò', 'O'],
['ó', 'o'],
['Ó', 'O'],
['ô', 'o'],
['Ô', 'O'],
['õ', 'o'],
['Õ', 'O'],
['ù', 'u'],
['Ù', 'U'],
['ú', 'u'],
['Ú', 'U'],
['ý', 'y'],
['Ý', 'Y'],
['ă', 'a'],
['Ă', 'A'],
['Đ', 'D'],
['đ', 'd'],
['ĩ', 'i'],
['Ĩ', 'I'],
['ũ', 'u'],
['Ũ', 'U'],
['ơ', 'o'],
['Ơ', 'O'],
['ư', 'u'],
['Ư', 'U'],
['ạ', 'a'],
['Ạ', 'A'],
['ả', 'a'],
['Ả', 'A'],
['ấ', 'a'],
['Ấ', 'A'],
['ầ', 'a'],
['Ầ', 'A'],
['ẩ', 'a'],
['Ẩ', 'A'],
['ẫ', 'a'],
['Ẫ', 'A'],
['ậ', 'a'],
['Ậ', 'A'],
['ắ', 'a'],
['Ắ', 'A'],
['ằ', 'a'],
['Ằ', 'A'],
['ẳ', 'a'],
['Ẳ', 'A'],
['ẵ', 'a'],
['Ẵ', 'A'],
['ặ', 'a'],
['Ặ', 'A'],
['ẹ', 'e'],
['Ẹ', 'E'],
['ẻ', 'e'],
['Ẻ', 'E'],
['ẽ', 'e'],
['Ẽ', 'E'],
['ế', 'e'],
['Ế', 'E'],
['ề', 'e'],
['Ề', 'E'],
['ể', 'e'],
['Ể', 'E'],
['ễ', 'e'],
['Ễ', 'E'],
['ệ', 'e'],
['Ệ', 'E'],
['ỉ', 'i'],
['Ỉ', 'I'],
['ị', 'i'],
['Ị', 'I'],
['ọ', 'o'],
['Ọ', 'O'],
['ỏ', 'o'],
['Ỏ', 'O'],
['ố', 'o'],
['Ố', 'O'],
['ồ', 'o'],
['Ồ', 'O'],
['ổ', 'o'],
['Ổ', 'O'],
['ỗ', 'o'],
['Ỗ', 'O'],
['ộ', 'o'],
['Ộ', 'O'],
['ớ', 'o'],
['Ớ', 'O'],
['ờ', 'o'],
['Ờ', 'O'],
['ở', 'o'],
['Ở', 'O'],
['ỡ', 'o'],
['Ỡ', 'O'],
['ợ', 'o'],
['Ợ', 'O'],
['ụ', 'u'],
['Ụ', 'U'],
['ủ', 'u'],
['Ủ', 'U'],
['ứ', 'u'],
['Ứ', 'U'],
['ừ', 'u'],
['Ừ', 'U'],
['ử', 'u'],
['Ử', 'U'],
['ữ', 'u'],
['Ữ', 'U'],
['ự', 'u'],
['Ự', 'U'],
['ỳ', 'y'],
['Ỳ', 'Y'],
['ỵ', 'y'],
['Ỵ', 'Y'],
['ỷ', 'y'],
['Ỷ', 'Y'],
['ỹ', 'y'],
['Ỹ', 'Y'],
// Arabic
['ء', 'e'],
['آ', 'a'],
['أ', 'a'],
['ؤ', 'w'],
['إ', 'i'],
['ئ', 'y'],
['ا', 'a'],
['ب', 'b'],
['ة', 't'],
['ت', 't'],
['ث', 'th'],
['ج', 'j'],
['ح', 'h'],
['خ', 'kh'],
['د', 'd'],
['ذ', 'dh'],
['ر', 'r'],
['ز', 'z'],
['س', 's'],
['ش', 'sh'],
['ص', 's'],
['ض', 'd'],
['ط', 't'],
['ظ', 'z'],
['ع', 'e'],
['غ', 'gh'],
['ـ', '_'],
['ف', 'f'],
['ق', 'q'],
['ك', 'k'],
['ل', 'l'],
['م', 'm'],
['ن', 'n'],
['ه', 'h'],
['و', 'w'],
['ى', 'a'],
['ي', 'y'],
['َ', 'a'],
['ُ', 'u'],
['ِ', 'i'],
['٠', '0'],
['١', '1'],
['٢', '2'],
['٣', '3'],
['٤', '4'],
['٥', '5'],
['٦', '6'],
['٧', '7'],
['٨', '8'],
['٩', '9'],
// Persian / Farsi
['چ', 'ch'],
['ک', 'k'],
['گ', 'g'],
['پ', 'p'],
['ژ', 'zh'],
['ی', 'y'],
['۰', '0'],
['۱', '1'],
['۲', '2'],
['۳', '3'],
['۴', '4'],
['۵', '5'],
['۶', '6'],
['۷', '7'],
['۸', '8'],
['۹', '9'],
// Pashto
['ټ', 'p'],
['ځ', 'z'],
['څ', 'c'],
['ډ', 'd'],
['ﺫ', 'd'],
['ﺭ', 'r'],
['ړ', 'r'],
['ﺯ', 'z'],
['ږ', 'g'],
['ښ', 'x'],
['ګ', 'g'],
['ڼ', 'n'],
['ۀ', 'e'],
['ې', 'e'],
['ۍ', 'ai'],
// Urdu
['ٹ', 't'],
['ڈ', 'd'],
['ڑ', 'r'],
['ں', 'n'],
['ہ', 'h'],
['ھ', 'h'],
['ے', 'e'],
// Russian
['А', 'A'],
['а', 'a'],
['Б', 'B'],
['б', 'b'],
['В', 'V'],
['в', 'v'],
['Г', 'G'],
['г', 'g'],
['Д', 'D'],
['д', 'd'],
['ъе', 'ye'],
['Ъе', 'Ye'],
['ъЕ', 'yE'],
['ЪЕ', 'YE'],
['Е', 'E'],
['е', 'e'],
['Ё', 'Yo'],
['ё', 'yo'],
['Ж', 'Zh'],
['ж', 'zh'],
['З', 'Z'],
['з', 'z'],
['И', 'I'],
['и', 'i'],
['ый', 'iy'],
['Ый', 'Iy'],
['ЫЙ', 'IY'],
['ыЙ', 'iY'],
['Й', 'Y'],
['й', 'y'],
['К', 'K'],
['к', 'k'],
['Л', 'L'],
['л', 'l'],
['М', 'M'],
['м', 'm'],
['Н', 'N'],
['н', 'n'],
['О', 'O'],
['о', 'o'],
['П', 'P'],
['п', 'p'],
['Р', 'R'],
['р', 'r'],
['С', 'S'],
['с', 's'],
['Т', 'T'],
['т', 't'],
['У', 'U'],
['у', 'u'],
['Ф', 'F'],
['ф', 'f'],
['Х', 'Kh'],
['х', 'kh'],
['Ц', 'Ts'],
['ц', 'ts'],
['Ч', 'Ch'],
['ч', 'ch'],
['Ш', 'Sh'],
['ш', 'sh'],
['Щ', 'Sch'],
['щ', 'sch'],
['Ъ', ''],
['ъ', ''],
['Ы', 'Y'],
['ы', 'y'],
['Ь', ''],
['ь', ''],
['Э', 'E'],
['э', 'e'],
['Ю', 'Yu'],
['ю', 'yu'],
['Я', 'Ya'],
['я', 'ya'],
// Romanian
['ă', 'a'],
['Ă', 'A'],
['ș', 's'],
['Ș', 'S'],
['ț', 't'],
['Ț', 'T'],
['ţ', 't'],
['Ţ', 'T'],
// Turkish
['ş', 's'],
['Ş', 'S'],
['ç', 'c'],
['Ç', 'C'],
['ğ', 'g'],
['Ğ', 'G'],
['ı', 'i'],
['İ', 'I'],
// Armenian
['ա', 'a'],
['Ա', 'A'],
['բ', 'b'],
['Բ', 'B'],
['գ', 'g'],
['Գ', 'G'],
['դ', 'd'],
['Դ', 'D'],
['ե', 'ye'],
['Ե', 'Ye'],
['զ', 'z'],
['Զ', 'Z'],
['է', 'e'],
['Է', 'E'],
['ը', 'y'],
['Ը', 'Y'],
['թ', 't'],
['Թ', 'T'],
['ժ', 'zh'],
['Ժ', 'Zh'],
['ի', 'i'],
['Ի', 'I'],
['լ', 'l'],
['Լ', 'L'],
['խ', 'kh'],
['Խ', 'Kh'],
['ծ', 'ts'],
['Ծ', 'Ts'],
['կ', 'k'],
['Կ', 'K'],
['հ', 'h'],
['Հ', 'H'],
['ձ', 'dz'],
['Ձ', 'Dz'],
['ղ', 'gh'],
['Ղ', 'Gh'],
['ճ', 'tch'],
['Ճ', 'Tch'],
['մ', 'm'],
['Մ', 'M'],
['յ', 'y'],
['Յ', 'Y'],
['ն', 'n'],
['Ն', 'N'],
['շ', 'sh'],
['Շ', 'Sh'],
['ո', 'vo'],
['Ո', 'Vo'],
['չ', 'ch'],
['Չ', 'Ch'],
['պ', 'p'],
['Պ', 'P'],
['ջ', 'j'],
['Ջ', 'J'],
['ռ', 'r'],
['Ռ', 'R'],
['ս', 's'],
['Ս', 'S'],
['վ', 'v'],
['Վ', 'V'],
['տ', 't'],
['Տ', 'T'],
['ր', 'r'],
['Ր', 'R'],
['ց', 'c'],
['Ց', 'C'],
['ու', 'u'],
['ՈՒ', 'U'],
['Ու', 'U'],
['փ', 'p'],
['Փ', 'P'],
['ք', 'q'],
['Ք', 'Q'],
['օ', 'o'],
['Օ', 'O'],
['ֆ', 'f'],
['Ֆ', 'F'],
['և', 'yev'],
// Georgian
['ა', 'a'],
['ბ', 'b'],
['გ', 'g'],
['დ', 'd'],
['ე', 'e'],
['ვ', 'v'],
['ზ', 'z'],
['თ', 't'],
['ი', 'i'],
['კ', 'k'],
['ლ', 'l'],
['მ', 'm'],
['ნ', 'n'],
['ო', 'o'],
['პ', 'p'],
['ჟ', 'zh'],
['რ', 'r'],
['ს', 's'],
['ტ', 't'],
['უ', 'u'],
['ფ', 'ph'],
['ქ', 'q'],
['ღ', 'gh'],
['ყ', 'k'],
['შ', 'sh'],
['ჩ', 'ch'],
['ც', 'ts'],
['ძ', 'dz'],
['წ', 'ts'],
['ჭ', 'tch'],
['ხ', 'kh'],
['ჯ', 'j'],
['ჰ', 'h'],
// Czech
['č', 'c'],
['ď', 'd'],
['ě', 'e'],
['ň', 'n'],
['ř', 'r'],
['š', 's'],
['ť', 't'],
['ů', 'u'],
['ž', 'z'],
['Č', 'C'],
['Ď', 'D'],
['Ě', 'E'],
['Ň', 'N'],
['Ř', 'R'],
['Š', 'S'],
['Ť', 'T'],
['Ů', 'U'],
['Ž', 'Z'],
// Dhivehi
['ހ', 'h'],
['ށ', 'sh'],
['ނ', 'n'],
['ރ', 'r'],
['ބ', 'b'],
['ޅ', 'lh'],
['ކ', 'k'],
['އ', 'a'],
['ވ', 'v'],
['މ', 'm'],
['ފ', 'f'],
['ދ', 'dh'],
['ތ', 'th'],
['ލ', 'l'],
['ގ', 'g'],
['ޏ', 'gn'],
['ސ', 's'],
['ޑ', 'd'],
['ޒ', 'z'],
['ޓ', 't'],
['ޔ', 'y'],
['ޕ', 'p'],
['ޖ', 'j'],
['ޗ', 'ch'],
['ޘ', 'tt'],
['ޙ', 'hh'],
['ޚ', 'kh'],
['ޛ', 'th'],
['ޜ', 'z'],
['ޝ', 'sh'],
['ޞ', 's'],
['ޟ', 'd'],
['ޠ', 't'],
['ޡ', 'z'],
['ޢ', 'a'],
['ޣ', 'gh'],
['ޤ', 'q'],
['ޥ', 'w'],
['ަ', 'a'],
['ާ', 'aa'],
['ި', 'i'],
['ީ', 'ee'],
['ު', 'u'],
['ޫ', 'oo'],
['ެ', 'e'],
['ޭ', 'ey'],
['ޮ', 'o'],
['ޯ', 'oa'],
['ް', ''],
// Greek
['α', 'a'],
['β', 'v'],
['γ', 'g'],
['δ', 'd'],
['ε', 'e'],
['ζ', 'z'],
['η', 'i'],
['θ', 'th'],
['ι', 'i'],
['κ', 'k'],
['λ', 'l'],
['μ', 'm'],
['ν', 'n'],
['ξ', 'ks'],
['ο', 'o'],
['π', 'p'],
['ρ', 'r'],
['σ', 's'],
['τ', 't'],
['υ', 'y'],
['φ', 'f'],
['χ', 'x'],
['ψ', 'ps'],
['ω', 'o'],
['ά', 'a'],
['έ', 'e'],
['ί', 'i'],
['ό', 'o'],
['ύ', 'y'],
['ή', 'i'],
['ώ', 'o'],
['ς', 's'],
['ϊ', 'i'],
['ΰ', 'y'],
['ϋ', 'y'],
['ΐ', 'i'],
['Α', 'A'],
['Β', 'B'],
['Γ', 'G'],
['Δ', 'D'],
['Ε', 'E'],
['Ζ', 'Z'],
['Η', 'I'],
['Θ', 'TH'],
['Ι', 'I'],
['Κ', 'K'],
['Λ', 'L'],
['Μ', 'M'],
['Ν', 'N'],
['Ξ', 'KS'],
['Ο', 'O'],
['Π', 'P'],
['Ρ', 'R'],
['Σ', 'S'],
['Τ', 'T'],
['Υ', 'Y'],
['Φ', 'F'],
['Χ', 'X'],
['Ψ', 'PS'],
['Ω', 'O'],
['Ά', 'A'],
['Έ', 'E'],
['Ί', 'I'],
['Ό', 'O'],
['Ύ', 'Y'],
['Ή', 'I'],
['Ώ', 'O'],
['Ϊ', 'I'],
['Ϋ', 'Y'],
// Disabled as it conflicts with German and Latin.
// Hungarian
// ['ä', 'a'],
// ['Ä', 'A'],
// ['ö', 'o'],
// ['Ö', 'O'],
// ['ü', 'u'],
// ['Ü', 'U'],
// ['ű', 'u'],
// ['Ű', 'U'],
// Latvian
['ā', 'a'],
['ē', 'e'],
['ģ', 'g'],
['ī', 'i'],
['ķ', 'k'],
['ļ', 'l'],
['ņ', 'n'],
['ū', 'u'],
['Ā', 'A'],
['Ē', 'E'],
['Ģ', 'G'],
['Ī', 'I'],
['Ķ', 'K'],
['Ļ', 'L'],
['Ņ', 'N'],
['Ū', 'U'],
['č', 'c'],
['š', 's'],
['ž', 'z'],
['Č', 'C'],
['Š', 'S'],
['Ž', 'Z'],
// Lithuanian
['ą', 'a'],
['č', 'c'],
['ę', 'e'],
['ė', 'e'],
['į', 'i'],
['š', 's'],
['ų', 'u'],
['ū', 'u'],
['ž', 'z'],
['Ą', 'A'],
['Č', 'C'],
['Ę', 'E'],
['Ė', 'E'],
['Į', 'I'],
['Š', 'S'],
['Ų', 'U'],
['Ū', 'U'],
// Macedonian
['Ќ', 'Kj'],
['ќ', 'kj'],
['Љ', 'Lj'],
['љ', 'lj'],
['Њ', 'Nj'],
['њ', 'nj'],
['Тс', 'Ts'],
['тс', 'ts'],
// Polish
['ą', 'a'],
['ć', 'c'],
['ę', 'e'],
['ł', 'l'],
['ń', 'n'],
['ś', 's'],
['ź', 'z'],
['ż', 'z'],
['Ą', 'A'],
['Ć', 'C'],
['Ę', 'E'],
['Ł', 'L'],
['Ń', 'N'],
['Ś', 'S'],
['Ź', 'Z'],
['Ż', 'Z'],
// Disabled as it conflicts with Vietnamese.
// Serbian
// ['љ', 'lj'],
// ['њ', 'nj'],
// ['Љ', 'Lj'],
// ['Њ', 'Nj'],
// ['đ', 'dj'],
// ['Đ', 'Dj'],
// ['ђ', 'dj'],
// ['ј', 'j'],
// ['ћ', 'c'],
// ['џ', 'dz'],
// ['Ђ', 'Dj'],
// ['Ј', 'j'],
// ['Ћ', 'C'],
// ['Џ', 'Dz'],
// Disabled as it conflicts with German and Latin.
// Slovak
// ['ä', 'a'],
// ['Ä', 'A'],
// ['ľ', 'l'],
// ['ĺ', 'l'],
// ['ŕ', 'r'],
// ['Ľ', 'L'],
// ['Ĺ', 'L'],
// ['Ŕ', 'R'],
// Disabled as it conflicts with German and Latin.
// Swedish
// ['å', 'o'],
// ['Å', 'o'],
// ['ä', 'a'],
// ['Ä', 'A'],
// ['ë', 'e'],
// ['Ë', 'E'],
// ['ö', 'o'],
// ['Ö', 'O'],
// Ukrainian
['Є', 'Ye'],
['І', 'I'],
['Ї', 'Yi'],
['Ґ', 'G'],
['є', 'ye'],
['і', 'i'],
['ї', 'yi'],
['ґ', 'g'],
// Dutch
['IJ', 'IJ'],
['ij', 'ij'],
// Danish
// ['Æ', 'Ae'],
// ['Ø', 'Oe'],
// ['Å', 'Aa'],
// ['æ', 'ae'],
// ['ø', 'oe'],
// ['å', 'aa']
// Currencies
['¢', 'c'],
['¥', 'Y'],
['߿', 'b'],
['৳', 't'],
['૱', 'Bo'],
['฿', 'B'],
['₠', 'CE'],
['₡', 'C'],
['₢', 'Cr'],
['₣', 'F'],
['₥', 'm'],
['₦', 'N'],
['₧', 'Pt'],
['₨', 'Rs'],
['₩', 'W'],
['₫', 's'],
['€', 'E'],
['₭', 'K'],
['₮', 'T'],
['₯', 'Dp'],
['₰', 'S'],
['₱', 'P'],
['₲', 'G'],
['₳', 'A'],
['₴', 'S'],
['₵', 'C'],
['₶', 'tt'],
['₷', 'S'],
['₸', 'T'],
['₹', 'R'],
['₺', 'L'],
['₽', 'P'],
['₿', 'B'],
['﹩', '$'],
['¢', 'c'],
['¥', 'Y'],
['₩', 'W'],
// Latin
['𝐀', 'A'],
['𝐁', 'B'],
['𝐂', 'C'],
['𝐃', 'D'],
['𝐄', 'E'],
['𝐅', 'F'],
['𝐆', 'G'],
['𝐇', 'H'],
['𝐈', 'I'],
['𝐉', 'J'],
['𝐊', 'K'],
['𝐋', 'L'],
['𝐌', 'M'],
['𝐍', 'N'],
['𝐎', 'O'],
['𝐏', 'P'],
['𝐐', 'Q'],
['𝐑', 'R'],
['𝐒', 'S'],
['𝐓', 'T'],
['𝐔', 'U'],
['𝐕', 'V'],
['𝐖', 'W'],
['𝐗', 'X'],
['𝐘', 'Y'],
['𝐙', 'Z'],
['𝐚', 'a'],
['𝐛', 'b'],
['𝐜', 'c'],
['𝐝', 'd'],
['𝐞', 'e'],
['𝐟', 'f'],
['𝐠', 'g'],
['𝐡', 'h'],
['𝐢', 'i'],
['𝐣', 'j'],
['𝐤', 'k'],
['𝐥', 'l'],
['𝐦', 'm'],
['𝐧', 'n'],
['𝐨', 'o'],
['𝐩', 'p'],
['𝐪', 'q'],
['𝐫', 'r'],
['𝐬', 's'],
['𝐭', 't'],
['𝐮', 'u'],
['𝐯', 'v'],
['𝐰', 'w'],
['𝐱', 'x'],
['𝐲', 'y'],
['𝐳', 'z'],
['𝐴', 'A'],
['𝐵', 'B'],
['𝐶', 'C'],
['𝐷', 'D'],
['𝐸', 'E'],
['𝐹', 'F'],
['𝐺', 'G'],
['𝐻', 'H'],
['𝐼', 'I'],
['𝐽', 'J'],
['𝐾', 'K'],
['𝐿', 'L'],
['𝑀', 'M'],
['𝑁', 'N'],
['𝑂', 'O'],
['𝑃', 'P'],
['𝑄', 'Q'],
['𝑅', 'R'],
['𝑆', 'S'],
['𝑇', 'T'],
['𝑈', 'U'],
['𝑉', 'V'],
['𝑊', 'W'],
['𝑋', 'X'],
['𝑌', 'Y'],
['𝑍', 'Z'],
['𝑎', 'a'],
['𝑏', 'b'],
['𝑐', 'c'],
['𝑑', 'd'],
['𝑒', 'e'],
['𝑓', 'f'],
['𝑔', 'g'],
['𝑖', 'i'],
['𝑗', 'j'],
['𝑘', 'k'],
['𝑙', 'l'],
['𝑚', 'm'],
['𝑛', 'n'],
['𝑜', 'o'],
['𝑝', 'p'],
['𝑞', 'q'],
['𝑟', 'r'],
['𝑠', 's'],
['𝑡', 't'],
['𝑢', 'u'],
['𝑣', 'v'],
['𝑤', 'w'],
['𝑥', 'x'],
['𝑦', 'y'],
['𝑧', 'z'],
['𝑨', 'A'],
['𝑩', 'B'],
['𝑪', 'C'],
['𝑫', 'D'],
['𝑬', 'E'],
['𝑭', 'F'],
['𝑮', 'G'],
['𝑯', 'H'],
['𝑰', 'I'],
['𝑱', 'J'],
['𝑲', 'K'],
['𝑳', 'L'],
['𝑴', 'M'],
['𝑵', 'N'],
['𝑶', 'O'],
['𝑷', 'P'],
['𝑸', 'Q'],
['𝑹', 'R'],
['𝑺', 'S'],
['𝑻', 'T'],
['𝑼', 'U'],
['𝑽', 'V'],
['𝑾', 'W'],
['𝑿', 'X'],
['𝒀', 'Y'],
['𝒁', 'Z'],
['𝒂', 'a'],
['𝒃', 'b'],
['𝒄', 'c'],
['𝒅', 'd'],
['𝒆', 'e'],
['𝒇', 'f'],
['𝒈', 'g'],
['𝒉', 'h'],
['𝒊', 'i'],
['𝒋', 'j'],
['𝒌', 'k'],
['𝒍', 'l'],
['𝒎', 'm'],
['𝒏', 'n'],
['𝒐', 'o'],
['𝒑', 'p'],
['𝒒', 'q'],
['𝒓', 'r'],
['𝒔', 's'],
['𝒕', 't'],
['𝒖', 'u'],
['𝒗', 'v'],
['𝒘', 'w'],
['𝒙', 'x'],
['𝒚', 'y'],
['𝒛', 'z'],
['𝒜', 'A'],
['𝒞', 'C'],
['𝒟', 'D'],
['𝒢', 'g'],
['𝒥', 'J'],
['𝒦', 'K'],
['𝒩', 'N'],
['𝒪', 'O'],
['𝒫', 'P'],
['𝒬', 'Q'],
['𝒮', 'S'],
['𝒯', 'T'],
['𝒰', 'U'],
['𝒱', 'V'],
['𝒲', 'W'],
['𝒳', 'X'],
['𝒴', 'Y'],
['𝒵', 'Z'],
['𝒶', 'a'],
['𝒷', 'b'],
['𝒸', 'c'],
['𝒹', 'd'],
['𝒻', 'f'],
['𝒽', 'h'],
['𝒾', 'i'],
['𝒿', 'j'],
['𝓀', 'h'],
['𝓁', 'l'],
['𝓂', 'm'],
['𝓃', 'n'],
['𝓅', 'p'],
['𝓆', 'q'],
['𝓇', 'r'],
['𝓈', 's'],
['𝓉', 't'],
['𝓊', 'u'],
['𝓋', 'v'],
['𝓌', 'w'],
['𝓍', 'x'],
['𝓎', 'y'],
['𝓏', 'z'],
['𝓐', 'A'],
['𝓑', 'B'],
['𝓒', 'C'],
['𝓓', 'D'],
['𝓔', 'E'],
['𝓕', 'F'],
['𝓖', 'G'],
['𝓗', 'H'],
['𝓘', 'I'],
['𝓙', 'J'],
['𝓚', 'K'],
['𝓛', 'L'],
['𝓜', 'M'],
['𝓝', 'N'],
['𝓞', 'O'],
['𝓟', 'P'],
['𝓠', 'Q'],
['𝓡', 'R'],
['𝓢', 'S'],
['𝓣', 'T'],
['𝓤', 'U'],
['𝓥', 'V'],
['𝓦', 'W'],
['𝓧', 'X'],
['𝓨', 'Y'],
['𝓩', 'Z'],
['𝓪', 'a'],
['𝓫', 'b'],
['𝓬', 'c'],
['𝓭', 'd'],
['𝓮', 'e'],
['𝓯', 'f'],
['𝓰', 'g'],
['𝓱', 'h'],
['𝓲', 'i'],
['𝓳', 'j'],
['𝓴', 'k'],
['𝓵', 'l'],
['𝓶', 'm'],
['𝓷', 'n'],
['𝓸', 'o'],
['𝓹', 'p'],
['𝓺', 'q'],
['𝓻', 'r'],
['𝓼', 's'],
['𝓽', 't'],
['𝓾', 'u'],
['𝓿', 'v'],
['𝔀', 'w'],
['𝔁', 'x'],
['𝔂', 'y'],
['𝔃', 'z'],
['𝔄', 'A'],
['𝔅', 'B'],
['𝔇', 'D'],
['𝔈', 'E'],
['𝔉', 'F'],
['𝔊', 'G'],
['𝔍', 'J'],
['𝔎', 'K'],
['𝔏', 'L'],
['𝔐', 'M'],
['𝔑', 'N'],
['𝔒', 'O'],
['𝔓', 'P'],
['𝔔', 'Q'],
['𝔖', 'S'],
['𝔗', 'T'],
['𝔘', 'U'],
['𝔙', 'V'],
['𝔚', 'W'],
['𝔛', 'X'],
['𝔜', 'Y'],
['𝔞', 'a'],
['𝔟', 'b'],
['𝔠', 'c'],
['𝔡', 'd'],
['𝔢', 'e'],
['𝔣', 'f'],
['𝔤', 'g'],
['𝔥', 'h'],
['𝔦', 'i'],
['𝔧', 'j'],
['𝔨', 'k'],
['𝔩', 'l'],
['𝔪', 'm'],
['𝔫', 'n'],
['𝔬', 'o'],
['𝔭', 'p'],
['𝔮', 'q'],
['𝔯', 'r'],
['𝔰', 's'],
['𝔱', 't'],
['𝔲', 'u'],
['𝔳', 'v'],
['𝔴', 'w'],
['𝔵', 'x'],
['𝔶', 'y'],
['𝔷', 'z'],
['𝔸', 'A'],
['𝔹', 'B'],
['𝔻', 'D'],
['𝔼', 'E'],
['𝔽', 'F'],
['𝔾', 'G'],
['𝕀', 'I'],
['𝕁', 'J'],
['𝕂', 'K'],
['𝕃', 'L'],
['𝕄', 'M'],
['𝕆', 'N'],
['𝕊', 'S'],
['𝕋', 'T'],
['𝕌', 'U'],
['𝕍', 'V'],
['𝕎', 'W'],
['𝕏', 'X'],
['𝕐', 'Y'],
['𝕒', 'a'],
['𝕓', 'b'],
['𝕔', 'c'],
['𝕕', 'd'],
['𝕖', 'e'],
['𝕗', 'f'],
['𝕘', 'g'],
['𝕙', 'h'],
['𝕚', 'i'],
['𝕛', 'j'],
['𝕜', 'k'],
['𝕝', 'l'],
['𝕞', 'm'],
['𝕟', 'n'],
['𝕠', 'o'],
['𝕡', 'p'],
['𝕢', 'q'],
['𝕣', 'r'],
['𝕤', 's'],
['𝕥', 't'],
['𝕦', 'u'],
['𝕧', 'v'],
['𝕨', 'w'],
['𝕩', 'x'],
['𝕪', 'y'],
['𝕫', 'z'],
['𝕬', 'A'],
['𝕭', 'B'],
['𝕮', 'C'],
['𝕯', 'D'],
['𝕰', 'E'],
['𝕱', 'F'],
['𝕲', 'G'],
['𝕳', 'H'],
['𝕴', 'I'],
['𝕵', 'J'],
['𝕶', 'K'],
['𝕷', 'L'],
['𝕸', 'M'],
['𝕹', 'N'],
['𝕺', 'O'],
['𝕻', 'P'],
['𝕼', 'Q'],
['𝕽', 'R'],
['𝕾', 'S'],
['𝕿', 'T'],
['𝖀', 'U'],
['𝖁', 'V'],
['𝖂', 'W'],
['𝖃', 'X'],
['𝖄', 'Y'],
['𝖅', 'Z'],
['𝖆', 'a'],
['𝖇', 'b'],
['𝖈', 'c'],
['𝖉', 'd'],
['𝖊', 'e'],
['𝖋', 'f'],
['𝖌', 'g'],
['𝖍', 'h'],
['𝖎', 'i'],
['𝖏', 'j'],
['𝖐', 'k'],
['𝖑', 'l'],
['𝖒', 'm'],
['𝖓', 'n'],
['𝖔', 'o'],
['𝖕', 'p'],
['𝖖', 'q'],
['𝖗', 'r'],
['𝖘', 's'],
['𝖙', 't'],
['𝖚', 'u'],
['𝖛', 'v'],
['𝖜', 'w'],
['𝖝', 'x'],
['𝖞', 'y'],
['𝖟', 'z'],
['𝖠', 'A'],
['𝖡', 'B'],
['𝖢', 'C'],
['𝖣', 'D'],
['𝖤', 'E'],
['𝖥', 'F'],
['𝖦', 'G'],
['𝖧', 'H'],
['𝖨', 'I'],
['𝖩', 'J'],
['𝖪', 'K'],
['𝖫', 'L'],
['𝖬', 'M'],
['𝖭', 'N'],
['𝖮', 'O'],
['𝖯', 'P'],
['𝖰', 'Q'],
['𝖱', 'R'],
['𝖲', 'S'],
['𝖳', 'T'],
['𝖴', 'U'],
['𝖵', 'V'],
['𝖶', 'W'],
['𝖷', 'X'],
['𝖸', 'Y'],
['𝖹', 'Z'],
['𝖺', 'a'],
['𝖻', 'b'],
['𝖼', 'c'],
['𝖽', 'd'],
['𝖾', 'e'],
['𝖿', 'f'],
['𝗀', 'g'],
['𝗁', 'h'],
['𝗂', 'i'],
['𝗃', 'j'],
['𝗄', 'k'],
['𝗅', 'l'],
['𝗆', 'm'],
['𝗇', 'n'],
['𝗈', 'o'],
['𝗉', 'p'],
['𝗊', 'q'],
['𝗋', 'r'],
['𝗌', 's'],
['𝗍', 't'],
['𝗎', 'u'],
['𝗏', 'v'],
['𝗐', 'w'],
['𝗑', 'x'],
['𝗒', 'y'],
['𝗓', 'z'],
['𝗔', 'A'],
['𝗕', 'B'],
['𝗖', 'C'],
['𝗗', 'D'],
['𝗘', 'E'],
['𝗙', 'F'],
['𝗚', 'G'],
['𝗛', 'H'],
['𝗜', 'I'],
['𝗝', 'J'],
['𝗞', 'K'],
['𝗟', 'L'],
['𝗠', 'M'],
['𝗡', 'N'],
['𝗢', 'O'],
['𝗣', 'P'],
['𝗤', 'Q'],
['𝗥', 'R'],
['𝗦', 'S'],
['𝗧', 'T'],
['𝗨', 'U'],
['𝗩', 'V'],
['𝗪', 'W'],
['𝗫', 'X'],
['𝗬', 'Y'],
['𝗭', 'Z'],
['𝗮', 'a'],
['𝗯', 'b'],
['𝗰', 'c'],
['𝗱', 'd'],
['𝗲', 'e'],
['𝗳', 'f'],
['𝗴', 'g'],
['𝗵', 'h'],
['𝗶', 'i'],
['𝗷', 'j'],
['𝗸', 'k'],
['𝗹', 'l'],
['𝗺', 'm'],
['𝗻', 'n'],
['𝗼', 'o'],
['𝗽', 'p'],
['𝗾', 'q'],
['𝗿', 'r'],
['𝘀', 's'],
['𝘁', 't'],
['𝘂', 'u'],
['𝘃', 'v'],
['𝘄', 'w'],
['𝘅', 'x'],
['𝘆', 'y'],
['𝘇', 'z'],
['𝘈', 'A'],
['𝘉', 'B'],
['𝘊', 'C'],
['𝘋', 'D'],
['𝘌', 'E'],
['𝘍', 'F'],
['𝘎', 'G'],
['𝘏', 'H'],
['𝘐', 'I'],
['𝘑', 'J'],
['𝘒', 'K'],
['𝘓', 'L'],
['𝘔', 'M'],
['𝘕', 'N'],
['𝘖', 'O'],
['𝘗', 'P'],
['𝘘', 'Q'],
['𝘙', 'R'],
['𝘚', 'S'],
['𝘛', 'T'],
['𝘜', 'U'],
['𝘝', 'V'],
['𝘞', 'W'],
['𝘟', 'X'],
['𝘠', 'Y'],
['𝘡', 'Z'],
['𝘢', 'a'],
['𝘣', 'b'],
['𝘤', 'c'],
['𝘥', 'd'],
['𝘦', 'e'],
['𝘧', 'f'],
['𝘨', 'g'],
['𝘩', 'h'],
['𝘪', 'i'],
['𝘫', 'j'],
['𝘬', 'k'],
['𝘭', 'l'],
['𝘮', 'm'],
['𝘯', 'n'],
['𝘰', 'o'],
['𝘱', 'p'],
['𝘲', 'q'],
['𝘳', 'r'],
['𝘴', 's'],
['𝘵', 't'],
['𝘶', 'u'],
['𝘷', 'v'],
['𝘸', 'w'],
['𝘹', 'x'],
['𝘺', 'y'],
['𝘻', 'z'],
['𝘼', 'A'],
['𝘽', 'B'],
['𝘾', 'C'],
['𝘿', 'D'],
['𝙀', 'E'],
['𝙁', 'F'],
['𝙂', 'G'],
['𝙃', 'H'],
['𝙄', 'I'],
['𝙅', 'J'],
['𝙆', 'K'],
['𝙇', 'L'],
['𝙈', 'M'],
['𝙉', 'N'],
['𝙊', 'O'],
['𝙋', 'P'],
['𝙌', 'Q'],
['𝙍', 'R'],
['𝙎', 'S'],
['𝙏', 'T'],
['𝙐', 'U'],
['𝙑', 'V'],
['𝙒', 'W'],
['𝙓', 'X'],
['𝙔', 'Y'],
['𝙕', 'Z'],
['𝙖', 'a'],
['𝙗', 'b'],
['𝙘', 'c'],
['𝙙', 'd'],
['𝙚', 'e'],
['𝙛', 'f'],
['𝙜', 'g'],
['𝙝', 'h'],
['𝙞', 'i'],
['𝙟', 'j'],
['𝙠', 'k'],
['𝙡', 'l'],
['𝙢', 'm'],
['𝙣', 'n'],
['𝙤', 'o'],
['𝙥', 'p'],
['𝙦', 'q'],
['𝙧', 'r'],
['𝙨', 's'],
['𝙩', 't'],
['𝙪', 'u'],
['𝙫', 'v'],
['𝙬', 'w'],
['𝙭', 'x'],
['𝙮', 'y'],
['𝙯', 'z'],
['𝙰', 'A'],
['𝙱', 'B'],
['𝙲', 'C'],
['𝙳', 'D'],
['𝙴', 'E'],
['𝙵', 'F'],
['𝙶', 'G'],
['𝙷', 'H'],
['𝙸', 'I'],
['𝙹', 'J'],
['𝙺', 'K'],
['𝙻', 'L'],
['𝙼', 'M'],
['𝙽', 'N'],
['𝙾', 'O'],
['𝙿', 'P'],
['𝚀', 'Q'],
['𝚁', 'R'],
['𝚂', 'S'],
['𝚃', 'T'],
['𝚄', 'U'],
['𝚅', 'V'],
['𝚆', 'W'],
['𝚇', 'X'],
['𝚈', 'Y'],
['𝚉', 'Z'],
['𝚊', 'a'],
['𝚋', 'b'],
['𝚌', 'c'],
['𝚍', 'd'],
['𝚎', 'e'],
['𝚏', 'f'],
['𝚐', 'g'],
['𝚑', 'h'],
['𝚒', 'i'],
['𝚓', 'j'],
['𝚔', 'k'],
['𝚕', 'l'],
['𝚖', 'm'],
['𝚗', 'n'],
['𝚘', 'o'],
['𝚙', 'p'],
['𝚚', 'q'],
['𝚛', 'r'],
['𝚜', 's'],
['𝚝', 't'],
['𝚞', 'u'],
['𝚟', 'v'],
['𝚠', 'w'],
['𝚡', 'x'],
['𝚢', 'y'],
['𝚣', 'z'],
// Dotless letters
['𝚤', 'l'],
['𝚥', 'j'],
// Greek
['𝛢', 'A'],
['𝛣', 'B'],
['𝛤', 'G'],
['𝛥', 'D'],
['𝛦', 'E'],
['𝛧', 'Z'],
['𝛨', 'I'],
['𝛩', 'TH'],
['𝛪', 'I'],
['𝛫', 'K'],
['𝛬', 'L'],
['𝛭', 'M'],
['𝛮', 'N'],
['𝛯', 'KS'],
['𝛰', 'O'],
['𝛱', 'P'],
['𝛲', 'R'],
['𝛳', 'TH'],
['𝛴', 'S'],
['𝛵', 'T'],
['𝛶', 'Y'],
['𝛷', 'F'],
['𝛸', 'x'],
['𝛹', 'PS'],
['𝛺', 'O'],
['𝛻', 'D'],
['𝛼', 'a'],
['𝛽', 'b'],
['𝛾', 'g'],
['𝛿', 'd'],
['𝜀', 'e'],
['𝜁', 'z'],
['𝜂', 'i'],
['𝜃', 'th'],
['𝜄', 'i'],
['𝜅', 'k'],
['𝜆', 'l'],
['𝜇', 'm'],
['𝜈', 'n'],
['𝜉', 'ks'],
['𝜊', 'o'],
['𝜋', 'p'],
['𝜌', 'r'],
['𝜍', 's'],
['𝜎', 's'],
['𝜏', 't'],
['𝜐', 'y'],
['𝜑', 'f'],
['𝜒', 'x'],
['𝜓', 'ps'],
['𝜔', 'o'],
['𝜕', 'd'],
['𝜖', 'E'],
['𝜗', 'TH'],
['𝜘', 'K'],
['𝜙', 'f'],
['𝜚', 'r'],
['𝜛', 'p'],
['𝜜', 'A'],
['𝜝', 'V'],
['𝜞', 'G'],
['𝜟', 'D'],
['𝜠', 'E'],
['𝜡', 'Z'],
['𝜢', 'I'],
['𝜣', 'TH'],
['𝜤', 'I'],
['𝜥', 'K'],
['𝜦', 'L'],
['𝜧', 'M'],
['𝜨', 'N'],
['𝜩', 'KS'],
['𝜪', 'O'],
['𝜫', 'P'],
['𝜬', 'S'],
['𝜭', 'TH'],
['𝜮', 'S'],
['𝜯', 'T'],
['𝜰', 'Y'],
['𝜱', 'F'],
['𝜲', 'X'],
['𝜳', 'PS'],
['𝜴', 'O'],
['𝜵', 'D'],
['𝜶', 'a'],
['𝜷', 'v'],
['𝜸', 'g'],
['𝜹', 'd'],
['𝜺', 'e'],
['𝜻', 'z'],
['𝜼', 'i'],
['𝜽', 'th'],
['𝜾', 'i'],
['𝜿', 'k'],
['𝝀', 'l'],
['𝝁', 'm'],
['𝝂', 'n'],
['𝝃', 'ks'],
['𝝄', 'o'],
['𝝅', 'p'],
['𝝆', 'r'],
['𝝇', 's'],
['𝝈', 's'],
['𝝉', 't'],
['𝝊', 'y'],
['𝝋', 'f'],
['𝝌', 'x'],
['𝝍', 'ps'],
['𝝎', 'o'],
['𝝏', 'a'],
['𝝐', 'e'],
['𝝑', 'i'],
['𝝒', 'k'],
['𝝓', 'f'],
['𝝔', 'r'],
['𝝕', 'p'],
['𝝖', 'A'],
['𝝗', 'B'],
['𝝘', 'G'],
['𝝙', 'D'],
['𝝚', 'E'],
['𝝛', 'Z'],
['𝝜', 'I'],
['𝝝', 'TH'],
['𝝞', 'I'],
['𝝟', 'K'],
['𝝠', 'L'],
['𝝡', 'M'],
['𝝢', 'N'],
['𝝣', 'KS'],
['𝝤', 'O'],
['𝝥', 'P'],
['𝝦', 'R'],
['𝝧', 'TH'],
['𝝨', 'S'],
['𝝩', 'T'],
['𝝪', 'Y'],
['𝝫', 'F'],
['𝝬', 'X'],
['𝝭', 'PS'],
['𝝮', 'O'],
['𝝯', 'D'],
['𝝰', 'a'],
['𝝱', 'v'],
['𝝲', 'g'],
['𝝳', 'd'],
['𝝴', 'e'],
['𝝵', 'z'],
['𝝶', 'i'],
['𝝷', 'th'],
['𝝸', 'i'],
['𝝹', 'k'],
['𝝺', 'l'],
['𝝻', 'm'],
['𝝼', 'n'],
['𝝽', 'ks'],
['𝝾', 'o'],
['𝝿', 'p'],
['𝞀', 'r'],
['𝞁', 's'],
['𝞂', 's'],
['𝞃', 't'],
['𝞄', 'y'],
['𝞅', 'f'],
['𝞆', 'x'],
['𝞇', 'ps'],
['𝞈', 'o'],
['𝞉', 'a'],
['𝞊', 'e'],
['𝞋', 'i'],
['𝞌', 'k'],
['𝞍', 'f'],
['𝞎', 'r'],
['𝞏', 'p'],
['𝞐', 'A'],
['𝞑', 'V'],
['𝞒', 'G'],
['𝞓', 'D'],
['𝞔', 'E'],
['𝞕', 'Z'],
['𝞖', 'I'],
['𝞗', 'TH'],
['𝞘', 'I'],
['𝞙', 'K'],
['𝞚', 'L'],
['𝞛', 'M'],
['𝞜', 'N'],
['𝞝', 'KS'],
['𝞞', 'O'],
['𝞟', 'P'],
['𝞠', 'S'],
['𝞡', 'TH'],
['𝞢', 'S'],
['𝞣', 'T'],
['𝞤', 'Y'],
['𝞥', 'F'],
['𝞦', 'X'],
['𝞧', 'PS'],
['𝞨', 'O'],
['𝞩', 'D'],
['𝞪', 'av'],
['𝞫', 'g'],
['𝞬', 'd'],
['𝞭', 'e'],
['𝞮', 'z'],
['𝞯', 'i'],
['𝞰', 'i'],
['𝞱', 'th'],
['𝞲', 'i'],
['𝞳', 'k'],
['𝞴', 'l'],
['𝞵', 'm'],
['𝞶', 'n'],
['𝞷', 'ks'],
['𝞸', 'o'],
['𝞹', 'p'],
['𝞺', 'r'],
['𝞻', 's'],
['𝞼', 's'],
['𝞽', 't'],
['𝞾', 'y'],
['𝞿', 'f'],
['𝟀', 'x'],
['𝟁', 'ps'],
['𝟂', 'o'],
['𝟃', 'a'],
['𝟄', 'e'],
['𝟅', 'i'],
['𝟆', 'k'],
['𝟇', 'f'],
['𝟈', 'r'],
['𝟉', 'p'],
['𝟊', 'F'],
['𝟋', 'f'],
['⒜', '(a)'],
['⒝', '(b)'],
['⒞', '(c)'],
['⒟', '(d)'],
['⒠', '(e)'],
['⒡', '(f)'],
['⒢', '(g)'],
['⒣', '(h)'],
['⒤', '(i)'],
['⒥', '(j)'],
['⒦', '(k)'],
['⒧', '(l)'],
['⒨', '(m)'],
['⒩', '(n)'],
['⒪', '(o)'],
['⒫', '(p)'],
['⒬', '(q)'],
['⒭', '(r)'],
['⒮', '(s)'],
['⒯', '(t)'],
['⒰', '(u)'],
['⒱', '(v)'],
['⒲', '(w)'],
['⒳', '(x)'],
['⒴', '(y)'],
['⒵', '(z)'],
['Ⓐ', '(A)'],
['Ⓑ', '(B)'],
['Ⓒ', '(C)'],
['Ⓓ', '(D)'],
['Ⓔ', '(E)'],
['Ⓕ', '(F)'],
['Ⓖ', '(G)'],
['Ⓗ', '(H)'],
['Ⓘ', '(I)'],
['Ⓙ', '(J)'],
['Ⓚ', '(K)'],
['Ⓛ', '(L)'],
['Ⓝ', '(N)'],
['Ⓞ', '(O)'],
['Ⓟ', '(P)'],
['Ⓠ', '(Q)'],
['Ⓡ', '(R)'],
['Ⓢ', '(S)'],
['Ⓣ', '(T)'],
['Ⓤ', '(U)'],
['Ⓥ', '(V)'],
['Ⓦ', '(W)'],
['Ⓧ', '(X)'],
['Ⓨ', '(Y)'],
['Ⓩ', '(Z)'],
['ⓐ', '(a)'],
['ⓑ', '(b)'],
['ⓒ', '(b)'],
['ⓓ', '(c)'],
['ⓔ', '(e)'],
['ⓕ', '(f)'],
['ⓖ', '(g)'],
['ⓗ', '(h)'],
['ⓘ', '(i)'],
['ⓙ', '(j)'],
['ⓚ', '(k)'],
['ⓛ', '(l)'],
['ⓜ', '(m)'],
['ⓝ', '(n)'],
['ⓞ', '(o)'],
['ⓟ', '(p)'],
['ⓠ', '(q)'],
['ⓡ', '(r)'],
['ⓢ', '(s)'],
['ⓣ', '(t)'],
['ⓤ', '(u)'],
['ⓥ', '(v)'],
['ⓦ', '(w)'],
['ⓧ', '(x)'],
['ⓨ', '(y)'],
['ⓩ', '(z)'],
// Maltese
['Ċ', 'C'],
['ċ', 'c'],
['Ġ', 'G'],
['ġ', 'g'],
['Ħ', 'H'],
['ħ', 'h'],
['Ż', 'Z'],
['ż', 'z'],
// Numbers
['𝟎', '0'],
['𝟏', '1'],
['𝟐', '2'],
['𝟑', '3'],
['𝟒', '4'],
['𝟓', '5'],
['𝟔', '6'],
['𝟕', '7'],
['𝟖', '8'],
['𝟗', '9'],
['𝟘', '0'],
['𝟙', '1'],
['𝟚', '2'],
['𝟛', '3'],
['𝟜', '4'],
['𝟝', '5'],
['𝟞', '6'],
['𝟟', '7'],
['𝟠', '8'],
['𝟡', '9'],
['𝟢', '0'],
['𝟣', '1'],
['𝟤', '2'],
['𝟥', '3'],
['𝟦', '4'],
['𝟧', '5'],
['𝟨', '6'],
['𝟩', '7'],
['𝟪', '8'],
['𝟫', '9'],
['𝟬', '0'],
['𝟭', '1'],
['𝟮', '2'],
['𝟯', '3'],
['𝟰', '4'],
['𝟱', '5'],
['𝟲', '6'],
['𝟳', '7'],
['𝟴', '8'],
['𝟵', '9'],
['𝟶', '0'],
['𝟷', '1'],
['𝟸', '2'],
['𝟹', '3'],
['𝟺', '4'],
['𝟻', '5'],
['𝟼', '6'],
['𝟽', '7'],
['𝟾', '8'],
['𝟿', '9'],
['①', '1'],
['②', '2'],
['③', '3'],
['④', '4'],
['⑤', '5'],
['⑥', '6'],
['⑦', '7'],
['⑧', '8'],
['⑨', '9'],
['⑩', '10'],
['⑪', '11'],
['⑫', '12'],
['⑬', '13'],
['⑭', '14'],
['⑮', '15'],
['⑯', '16'],
['⑰', '17'],
['⑱', '18'],
['⑲', '19'],
['⑳', '20'],
['⑴', '1'],
['⑵', '2'],
['⑶', '3'],
['⑷', '4'],
['⑸', '5'],
['⑹', '6'],
['⑺', '7'],
['⑻', '8'],
['⑼', '9'],
['⑽', '10'],
['⑾', '11'],
['⑿', '12'],
['⒀', '13'],
['⒁', '14'],
['⒂', '15'],
['⒃', '16'],
['⒄', '17'],
['⒅', '18'],
['⒆', '19'],
['⒇', '20'],
['⒈', '1.'],
['⒉', '2.'],
['⒊', '3.'],
['⒋', '4.'],
['⒌', '5.'],
['⒍', '6.'],
['⒎', '7.'],
['⒏', '8.'],
['⒐', '9.'],
['⒑', '10.'],
['⒒', '11.'],
['⒓', '12.'],
['⒔', '13.'],
['⒕', '14.'],
['⒖', '15.'],
['⒗', '16.'],
['⒘', '17.'],
['⒙', '18.'],
['⒚', '19.'],
['⒛', '20.'],
['⓪', '0'],
['⓫', '11'],
['⓬', '12'],
['⓭', '13'],
['⓮', '14'],
['⓯', '15'],
['⓰', '16'],
['⓱', '17'],
['⓲', '18'],
['⓳', '19'],
['⓴', '20'],
['⓵', '1'],
['⓶', '2'],
['⓷', '3'],
['⓸', '4'],
['⓹', '5'],
['⓺', '6'],
['⓻', '7'],
['⓼', '8'],
['⓽', '9'],
['⓾', '10'],
['⓿', '0'],
// Punctuation
['🙰', '&'],
['🙱', '&'],
['🙲', '&'],
['🙳', '&'],
['🙴', '&'],
['🙵', '&'],
['🙶', '"'],
['🙷', '"'],
['🙸', '"'],
['‽', '?!'],
['🙹', '?!'],
['🙺', '?!'],
['🙻', '?!'],
['🙼', '/'],
['🙽', '\\'],
// Alchemy
['🜇', 'AR'],
['🜈', 'V'],
['🜉', 'V'],
['🜆', 'VR'],
['🜅', 'VF'],
['🜩', '2'],
['🜪', '5'],
['🝡', 'f'],
['🝢', 'W'],
['🝣', 'U'],
['🝧', 'V'],
['🝨', 'T'],
['🝪', 'V'],
['🝫', 'MB'],
['🝬', 'VB'],
['🝲', '3B'],
['🝳', '3B'],
// Emojis
['💯', '100'],
['🔙', 'BACK'],
['🔚', 'END'],
['🔛', 'ON!'],
['🔜', 'SOON'],
['🔝', 'TOP'],
['🔞', '18'],
['🔤', 'abc'],
['🔠', 'ABCD'],
['🔡', 'abcd'],
['🔢', '1234'],
['🔣', 'T&@%'],
['#️⃣', '#'],
['*️⃣', '*'],
['0️⃣', '0'],
['1️⃣', '1'],
['2️⃣', '2'],
['3️⃣', '3'],
['4️⃣', '4'],
['5️⃣', '5'],
['6️⃣', '6'],
['7️⃣', '7'],
['8️⃣', '8'],
['9️⃣', '9'],
['🔟', '10'],
['🅰️', 'A'],
['🅱️', 'B'],
['🆎', 'AB'],
['🆑', 'CL'],
['🅾️', 'O'],
['🅿', 'P'],
['🆘', 'SOS'],
['🅲', 'C'],
['🅳', 'D'],
['🅴', 'E'],
['🅵', 'F'],
['🅶', 'G'],
['🅷', 'H'],
['🅸', 'I'],
['🅹', 'J'],
['🅺', 'K'],
['🅻', 'L'],
['🅼', 'M'],
['🅽', 'N'],
['🆀', 'Q'],
['🆁', 'R'],
['🆂', 'S'],
['🆃', 'T'],
['🆄', 'U'],
['🆅', 'V'],
['🆆', 'W'],
['🆇', 'X'],
['🆈', 'Y'],
['🆉', 'Z'],
function escapeStringRegexp(str: string) {
if (typeof str !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError('Expected a string');
// Escape characters with special meaning either inside or outside character sets.
// Use a simple backslash escape when it’s always valid, and a `\xnn` escape when the simpler form would be disallowed by Unicode patterns’ stricter grammar.
return str.replace(/[|\\{}()[\]^$+*?.]/g, '\\$&').replace(/-/g, '\\x2d');
export function slugify(text: string, separator?: string) {
let output = text.toString().trim();
const sep = separator || '-';
replacements.forEach(([from, to]) => {
output = output.replace(new RegExp(escapeStringRegexp(from), 'g'), to);
output = output
.replace(/&/g, ' and ') // Replace & with 'and'
.replace(/--+/g, ' ') // Replace multiple - with single -
.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\u3400-\u9FBF\s-]/g, ' ') // Remove all non-word chars
.replace(/\s+/g, sep) // Replace spaces with -
.replace(new RegExp(`^${sep}+`), '') // Trim - from start of text
.replace(new RegExp(`${sep}+$`), ''); // Trim - from end of text
return output;
WTH @airtonix
Cant it simpler?
const replacements = [
Ty my friend. Very usefull !