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Created October 12, 2011 04:34
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Javascript Slugify
function slugify(text)
return text.toString().toLowerCase()
.replace(/\s+/g, '-') // Replace spaces with -
.replace(/[^\w\-]+/g, '') // Remove all non-word chars
.replace(/\-\-+/g, '-') // Replace multiple - with single -
.replace(/^-+/, '') // Trim - from start of text
.replace(/-+$/, ''); // Trim - from end of text
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Ty my friend. Very usefull !

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Continue with @wearecharette version, added a separator option if you want to use different slug separators.

slugify(text, separator) {
    text = text.toString().toLowerCase().trim();

    const sets = [
        {to: 'a', from: '[ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆĀĂĄẠẢẤẦẨẪẬẮẰẲẴẶ]'},
        {to: 'c', from: '[ÇĆĈČ]'},
        {to: 'd', from: '[ÐĎĐÞ]'},
        {to: 'e', from: '[ÈÉÊËĒĔĖĘĚẸẺẼẾỀỂỄỆ]'},
        {to: 'g', from: '[ĜĞĢǴ]'},
        {to: 'h', from: '[ĤḦ]'},
        {to: 'i', from: '[ÌÍÎÏĨĪĮİỈỊ]'},
        {to: 'j', from: '[Ĵ]'},
        {to: 'ij', from: '[IJ]'},
        {to: 'k', from: '[Ķ]'},
        {to: 'l', from: '[ĹĻĽŁ]'},
        {to: 'm', from: '[Ḿ]'},
        {to: 'n', from: '[ÑŃŅŇ]'},
        {to: 'o', from: '[ÒÓÔÕÖØŌŎŐỌỎỐỒỔỖỘỚỜỞỠỢǪǬƠ]'},
        {to: 'oe', from: '[Œ]'},
        {to: 'p', from: '[ṕ]'},
        {to: 'r', from: '[ŔŖŘ]'},
        {to: 's', from: '[ߌŜŞŠ]'},
        {to: 't', from: '[ŢŤ]'},
        {to: 'u', from: '[ÙÚÛÜŨŪŬŮŰŲỤỦỨỪỬỮỰƯ]'},
        {to: 'w', from: '[ẂŴẀẄ]'},
        {to: 'x', from: '[ẍ]'},
        {to: 'y', from: '[ÝŶŸỲỴỶỸ]'},
        {to: 'z', from: '[ŹŻŽ]'},
        {to: '-', from: '[·/_,:;\']'}

    sets.forEach(set => {
        text = text.replace(new RegExp(set.from,'gi'),;

    text = text.toString().toLowerCase()
        .replace(/\s+/g, '-')         // Replace spaces with -
        .replace(/&/g, '-and-')       // Replace & with 'and'
        .replace(/[^\w\-]+/g, '')     // Remove all non-word chars
        .replace(/\--+/g, '-')        // Replace multiple - with single -
        .replace(/^-+/, '')           // Trim - from start of text
        .replace(/-+$/, '');          // Trim - from end of text

    if ((typeof separator !== 'undefined') && (separator !== '-')) {
        text = text.replace(/-/g, separator);

    return text;

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Continue with @wearecharette version, added a separator option if you want to use different slug separators.

slugify(text, separator) {
    text = text.toString().toLowerCase().trim();

    const sets = [
        {to: 'a', from: '[ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆĀĂĄẠẢẤẦẨẪẬẮẰẲẴẶ]'},
        {to: 'c', from: '[ÇĆĈČ]'},
        {to: 'd', from: '[ÐĎĐÞ]'},
        {to: 'e', from: '[ÈÉÊËĒĔĖĘĚẸẺẼẾỀỂỄỆ]'},
        {to: 'g', from: '[ĜĞĢǴ]'},
        {to: 'h', from: '[ĤḦ]'},
        {to: 'i', from: '[ÌÍÎÏĨĪĮİỈỊ]'},
        {to: 'j', from: '[Ĵ]'},
        {to: 'ij', from: '[IJ]'},
        {to: 'k', from: '[Ķ]'},
        {to: 'l', from: '[ĹĻĽŁ]'},
        {to: 'm', from: '[Ḿ]'},
        {to: 'n', from: '[ÑŃŅŇ]'},
        {to: 'o', from: '[ÒÓÔÕÖØŌŎŐỌỎỐỒỔỖỘỚỜỞỠỢǪǬƠ]'},
        {to: 'oe', from: '[Œ]'},
        {to: 'p', from: '[ṕ]'},
        {to: 'r', from: '[ŔŖŘ]'},
        {to: 's', from: '[ߌŜŞŠ]'},
        {to: 't', from: '[ŢŤ]'},
        {to: 'u', from: '[ÙÚÛÜŨŪŬŮŰŲỤỦỨỪỬỮỰƯ]'},
        {to: 'w', from: '[ẂŴẀẄ]'},
        {to: 'x', from: '[ẍ]'},
        {to: 'y', from: '[ÝŶŸỲỴỶỸ]'},
        {to: 'z', from: '[ŹŻŽ]'},
        {to: '-', from: '[·/_,:;\']'}

    sets.forEach(set => {
        text = text.replace(new RegExp(set.from,'gi'),;

    text = text.toString().toLowerCase()
        .replace(/\s+/g, '-')         // Replace spaces with -
        .replace(/&/g, '-and-')       // Replace & with 'and'
        .replace(/[^\w\-]+/g, '')     // Remove all non-word chars
        .replace(/\--+/g, '-')        // Replace multiple - with single -
        .replace(/^-+/, '')           // Trim - from start of text
        .replace(/-+$/, '');          // Trim - from end of text

    if ((typeof separator !== 'undefined') && (separator !== '-')) {
        text = text.replace(/-/g, separator);

    return text;


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Continue with @wearecharette version, added a separator option if you want to use different slug separators.

slugify(text, separator) {
    text = text.toString().toLowerCase().trim();

    const sets = [
        {to: 'a', from: '[ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆĀĂĄẠẢẤẦẨẪẬẮẰẲẴẶ]'},
        {to: 'c', from: '[ÇĆĈČ]'},
        {to: 'd', from: '[ÐĎĐÞ]'},
        {to: 'e', from: '[ÈÉÊËĒĔĖĘĚẸẺẼẾỀỂỄỆ]'},
        {to: 'g', from: '[ĜĞĢǴ]'},
        {to: 'h', from: '[ĤḦ]'},
        {to: 'i', from: '[ÌÍÎÏĨĪĮİỈỊ]'},
        {to: 'j', from: '[Ĵ]'},
        {to: 'ij', from: '[IJ]'},
        {to: 'k', from: '[Ķ]'},
        {to: 'l', from: '[ĹĻĽŁ]'},
        {to: 'm', from: '[Ḿ]'},
        {to: 'n', from: '[ÑŃŅŇ]'},
        {to: 'o', from: '[ÒÓÔÕÖØŌŎŐỌỎỐỒỔỖỘỚỜỞỠỢǪǬƠ]'},
        {to: 'oe', from: '[Œ]'},
        {to: 'p', from: '[ṕ]'},
        {to: 'r', from: '[ŔŖŘ]'},
        {to: 's', from: '[ߌŜŞŠ]'},
        {to: 't', from: '[ŢŤ]'},
        {to: 'u', from: '[ÙÚÛÜŨŪŬŮŰŲỤỦỨỪỬỮỰƯ]'},
        {to: 'w', from: '[ẂŴẀẄ]'},
        {to: 'x', from: '[ẍ]'},
        {to: 'y', from: '[ÝŶŸỲỴỶỸ]'},
        {to: 'z', from: '[ŹŻŽ]'},
        {to: '-', from: '[·/_,:;\']'}

    sets.forEach(set => {
        text = text.replace(new RegExp(set.from,'gi'),;

    text = text.toString().toLowerCase()
        .replace(/\s+/g, '-')         // Replace spaces with -
        .replace(/&/g, '-and-')       // Replace & with 'and'
        .replace(/[^\w\-]+/g, '')     // Remove all non-word chars
        .replace(/\--+/g, '-')        // Replace multiple - with single -
        .replace(/^-+/, '')           // Trim - from start of text
        .replace(/-+$/, '');          // Trim - from end of text

    if ((typeof separator !== 'undefined') && (separator !== '-')) {
        text = text.replace(/-/g, separator);

    return text;

it works! ;)

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Wow everyone! what a great job making a great slugify function. Thanks!

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ngunner commented Jan 4, 2019

Awesome thread folks!

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Great job saved me a lot of time ! Thanks everyone :)

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Continue with @wearecharette version, added a separator option if you want to use different slug separators.

slugify(text, separator) {
    text = text.toString().toLowerCase().trim();

    const sets = [
        {to: 'a', from: '[ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆĀĂĄẠẢẤẦẨẪẬẮẰẲẴẶ]'},
        {to: 'c', from: '[ÇĆĈČ]'},
        {to: 'd', from: '[ÐĎĐÞ]'},
        {to: 'e', from: '[ÈÉÊËĒĔĖĘĚẸẺẼẾỀỂỄỆ]'},
        {to: 'g', from: '[ĜĞĢǴ]'},
        {to: 'h', from: '[ĤḦ]'},
        {to: 'i', from: '[ÌÍÎÏĨĪĮİỈỊ]'},
        {to: 'j', from: '[Ĵ]'},
        {to: 'ij', from: '[IJ]'},
        {to: 'k', from: '[Ķ]'},
        {to: 'l', from: '[ĹĻĽŁ]'},
        {to: 'm', from: '[Ḿ]'},
        {to: 'n', from: '[ÑŃŅŇ]'},
        {to: 'o', from: '[ÒÓÔÕÖØŌŎŐỌỎỐỒỔỖỘỚỜỞỠỢǪǬƠ]'},
        {to: 'oe', from: '[Œ]'},
        {to: 'p', from: '[ṕ]'},
        {to: 'r', from: '[ŔŖŘ]'},
        {to: 's', from: '[ߌŜŞŠ]'},
        {to: 't', from: '[ŢŤ]'},
        {to: 'u', from: '[ÙÚÛÜŨŪŬŮŰŲỤỦỨỪỬỮỰƯ]'},
        {to: 'w', from: '[ẂŴẀẄ]'},
        {to: 'x', from: '[ẍ]'},
        {to: 'y', from: '[ÝŶŸỲỴỶỸ]'},
        {to: 'z', from: '[ŹŻŽ]'},
        {to: '-', from: '[·/_,:;\']'}

    sets.forEach(set => {
        text = text.replace(new RegExp(set.from,'gi'),;

    text = text.toString().toLowerCase()
        .replace(/\s+/g, '-')         // Replace spaces with -
        .replace(/&/g, '-and-')       // Replace & with 'and'
        .replace(/[^\w\-]+/g, '')     // Remove all non-word chars
        .replace(/\--+/g, '-')        // Replace multiple - with single -
        .replace(/^-+/, '')           // Trim - from start of text
        .replace(/-+$/, '');          // Trim - from end of text

    if ((typeof separator !== 'undefined') && (separator !== '-')) {
        text = text.replace(/-/g, separator);

    return text;


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njourdane commented Feb 18, 2019

Thank you for these suggestions!

I personally prefer to replace æ and Æ by ae instead of a.

You can do this by replacing:

    {to: 'a', from: '[ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆĀĂĄẠẢẤẦẨẪẬẮẰẲẴẶ]'},


    {to: 'a', from: '[ÀÁÂÃÄÅĀĂĄẠẢẤẦẨẪẬẮẰẲẴẶ]'}, // note the Æ removing
    {to: 'ae', from: '[Æ]'},

Also, I think the first .toLowerCase() is not necessary, since the regex performs a case-insensitive search.

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rolero commented Mar 28, 2019

Seems this is not working with Chinese characters: 商务计划模板

.replace(/[^\w\-]+/g, '') // Remove all non-word chars


.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\u3400-\u9FBF\s-]/g, '') // Remove all non-word chars

Also have a look at this:

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Thanks, bro!

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xndrdev commented Apr 1, 2019

Super Cool! Thank you!

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It works fine. Thank you!

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YoshiYo commented Apr 21, 2019

The last one mentioned by @jdcookie is very cool!
Thank you :)

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Thanks man : ) 👍 👍

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Thank you!

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thanks for this!

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kjetilge commented Feb 27, 2020

In Norwegian "Å" is also often replaced width aa. In order to do this we need to include:

{to: 'aa', from: '[a°]'}

Somehow "å" becomes the sequence: "a" followed by degree "°"

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jdahdah commented Jun 25, 2020

For better support for German, here's a modification on top of @eusonlito's script with the expected mappings of umlauts and ß (ä -> ae, ß-> ss, etc):

function slugify(text, separator) {
  text = text.toString().toLowerCase().trim()

  const sets = [
    { to: "a", from: "[ÀÁÂÃÅÆĀĂĄẠẢẤẦẨẪẬẮẰẲẴẶ]" },
    { to: "ae", from: "[Ä]" },
    { to: "c", from: "[ÇĆĈČ]" },
    { to: "d", from: "[ÐĎĐÞ]" },
    { to: "e", from: "[ÈÉÊËĒĔĖĘĚẸẺẼẾỀỂỄỆ]" },
    { to: "g", from: "[ĜĞĢǴ]" },
    { to: "h", from: "[ĤḦ]" },
    { to: "i", from: "[ÌÍÎÏĨĪĮİỈỊ]" },
    { to: "j", from: "[Ĵ]" },
    { to: "ij", from: "[IJ]" },
    { to: "k", from: "[Ķ]" },
    { to: "l", from: "[ĹĻĽŁ]" },
    { to: "m", from: "[Ḿ]" },
    { to: "n", from: "[ÑŃŅŇ]" },
    { to: "o", from: "[ÒÓÔÕØŌŎŐỌỎỐỒỔỖỘỚỜỞỠỢǪǬƠ]" },
    { to: "oe", from: "[΅]" },
    { to: "p", from: "[ṕ]" },
    { to: "r", from: "[ŔŖŘ]" },
    { to: "s", from: "[ŚŜŞŠ]" },
    { to: "ss", from: "[ß]" },
    { to: "t", from: "[ŢŤ]" },
    { to: "u", from: "[ÙÚÛŨŪŬŮŰŲỤỦỨỪỬỮỰƯ]" },
    { to: "ue", from: "[Ü]" },
    { to: "w", from: "[ẂŴẀẄ]" },
    { to: "x", from: "[ẍ]" },
    { to: "y", from: "[ÝŶŸỲỴỶỸ]" },
    { to: "z", from: "[ŹŻŽ]" },
    { to: "-", from: "[·/_,:;']" },

  sets.forEach((set) => {
    text = text.replace(new RegExp(set.from, "gi"),

  text = text
    .replace(/\s+/g, "-") // Replace spaces with -
    .replace(/&/g, "-and-") // Replace & with 'and'
    .replace(/[^\w\-]+/g, "") // Remove all non-word chars
    .replace(/\--+/g, "-") // Replace multiple - with single -
    .replace(/^-+/, "") // Trim - from start of text
    .replace(/-+$/, "") // Trim - from end of text

  if (typeof separator !== "undefined" && separator !== "-") {
    text = text.replace(/-/g, separator)

  return text

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kheob commented Aug 7, 2020

Nice thanks for sharing

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ImMaax commented Sep 26, 2020

Thanks a lot!

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mkMoSs commented Oct 21, 2020

Extending @jdahdah 's version with support for Greek

function slugify(text, separator) {
        text = text.toString().toLowerCase().trim()

        const sets = [
            {to: "a", from: "[ÀÁÂÃÅÆĀĂĄẠẢẤẦẨẪẬẮẰẲẴẶΑΆ]"},
            {to: "b", from: "[Β]"},
            {to: "ae", from: "[Ä]"},
            {to: "c", from: "[ÇĆĈČ]"},
            {to: "d", from: "[ÐĎĐÞΔ]"},
            {to: "e", from: "[ÈÉÊËĒĔĖĘĚẸẺẼẾỀỂỄỆΕΈ]"},
            {to: "f", from: "[Φ]"},
            {to: "g", from: "[ĜĞĢǴΓ]"},
            {to: "h", from: "[ĤḦ]"},
            {to: "i", from: "[ÌÍÎÏĨĪĮİỈỊΗΉΙΊΪΐ]"},
            {to: "j", from: "[Ĵ]"},
            {to: "ij", from: "[IJ]"},
            {to: "k", from: "[ĶΚ]"},
            {to: "ks", from: "[Ξ]"},
            {to: "l", from: "[ĹĻĽŁΛ]"},
            {to: "m", from: "[ḾΜ]"},
            {to: "n", from: "[ÑŃŅŇΝ]"},
            {to: "o", from: "[ÒÓÔÕØŌŎŐỌỎỐỒỔỖỘỚỜỞỠỢǪǬƠΟΌΩΏ]"},
            {to: "oe", from: "[΅]"},
            {to: "p", from: "[ṕΠ]"},
            {to: "ps", from: "[Ψ]"},
            {to: "r", from: "[ŔŖŘΡ]"},
            {to: "s", from: "[ŚŜŞŠΣς]"},
            {to: "ss", from: "[ß]"},
            {to: "t", from: "[ŢŤΤ]"},
            {to: "th", from: "[Θ]"},
            {to: "u", from: "[ÙÚÛŨŪŬŮŰŲỤỦỨỪỬỮỰƯΥΎΫΰ]"},
            {to: "ue", from: "[Ü]"},
            {to: "w", from: "[ẂŴẀẄ]"},
            {to: "x", from: "[ẍΧ]"},
            {to: "y", from: "[ÝŶŸỲỴỶỸ]"},
            {to: "z", from: "[ŹŻŽΖ]"},
            {to: "-", from: "[·/_,:;']"},

        sets.forEach((set) => {
            text = text.replace(new RegExp(set.from, "gi"),

        text = text
          .replace(/\s+/g, "-") // Replace spaces with -
          .replace(/&/g, "-and-") // Replace & with 'and'
          .replace(/[^\w\-]+/g, "") // Remove all non-word chars
          .replace(/\--+/g, "-") // Replace multiple - with single -
          .replace(/^-+/, "") // Trim - from start of text
          .replace(/-+$/, "") // Trim - from end of text

        if(typeof separator !== "undefined" && separator !== "-") {
            text = text.replace(/-/g, separator)

        return text

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❤️ :shipit:

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Thanks a lot!

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For better support for German, here's a modification on top of @eusonlito's script with the expected mappings of umlauts and ß (ä -> ae, ß-> ss, etc):

function slugify(text, separator) {
  text = text.toString().toLowerCase().trim()

  const sets = [
    { to: "a", from: "[ÀÁÂÃÅÆĀĂĄẠẢẤẦẨẪẬẮẰẲẴẶ]" },
    { to: "ae", from: "[Ä]" },
    { to: "c", from: "[ÇĆĈČ]" },
    { to: "d", from: "[ÐĎĐÞ]" },
    { to: "e", from: "[ÈÉÊËĒĔĖĘĚẸẺẼẾỀỂỄỆ]" },
    { to: "g", from: "[ĜĞĢǴ]" },
    { to: "h", from: "[ĤḦ]" },
    { to: "i", from: "[ÌÍÎÏĨĪĮİỈỊ]" },
    { to: "j", from: "[Ĵ]" },
    { to: "ij", from: "[IJ]" },
    { to: "k", from: "[Ķ]" },
    { to: "l", from: "[ĹĻĽŁ]" },
    { to: "m", from: "[Ḿ]" },
    { to: "n", from: "[ÑŃŅŇ]" },
    { to: "o", from: "[ÒÓÔÕØŌŎŐỌỎỐỒỔỖỘỚỜỞỠỢǪǬƠ]" },
    { to: "oe", from: "[΅]" },
    { to: "p", from: "[ṕ]" },
    { to: "r", from: "[ŔŖŘ]" },
    { to: "s", from: "[ŚŜŞŠ]" },
    { to: "ss", from: "[ß]" },
    { to: "t", from: "[ŢŤ]" },
    { to: "u", from: "[ÙÚÛŨŪŬŮŰŲỤỦỨỪỬỮỰƯ]" },
    { to: "ue", from: "[Ü]" },
    { to: "w", from: "[ẂŴẀẄ]" },
    { to: "x", from: "[ẍ]" },
    { to: "y", from: "[ÝŶŸỲỴỶỸ]" },
    { to: "z", from: "[ŹŻŽ]" },
    { to: "-", from: "[·/_,:;']" },

  sets.forEach((set) => {
    text = text.replace(new RegExp(set.from, "gi"),

  text = text
    .replace(/\s+/g, "-") // Replace spaces with -
    .replace(/&/g, "-and-") // Replace & with 'and'
    .replace(/[^\w\-]+/g, "") // Remove all non-word chars
    .replace(/\--+/g, "-") // Replace multiple - with single -
    .replace(/^-+/, "") // Trim - from start of text
    .replace(/-+$/, "") // Trim - from end of text

  if (typeof separator !== "undefined" && separator !== "-") {
    text = text.replace(/-/g, separator)

  return text

Thank you a lot

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everyones suggestions so far... or you could just use

const replacements = [
  // German umlauts
  ['ß', 'ss'],
  ['ẞ', 'Ss'],
  ['ä', 'ae'],
  ['Ä', 'Ae'],
  ['ö', 'oe'],
  ['Ö', 'Oe'],
  ['ü', 'ue'],
  ['Ü', 'Ue'],

  // Latin
  ['À', 'A'],
  ['Á', 'A'],
  ['Â', 'A'],
  ['Ã', 'A'],
  ['Ä', 'Ae'],
  ['Å', 'A'],
  ['Æ', 'AE'],
  ['Ç', 'C'],
  ['È', 'E'],
  ['É', 'E'],
  ['Ê', 'E'],
  ['Ë', 'E'],
  ['Ì', 'I'],
  ['Í', 'I'],
  ['Î', 'I'],
  ['Ï', 'I'],
  ['Ð', 'D'],
  ['Ñ', 'N'],
  ['Ò', 'O'],
  ['Ó', 'O'],
  ['Ô', 'O'],
  ['Õ', 'O'],
  ['Ö', 'Oe'],
  ['Ő', 'O'],
  ['Ø', 'O'],
  ['Ù', 'U'],
  ['Ú', 'U'],
  ['Û', 'U'],
  ['Ü', 'Ue'],
  ['Ű', 'U'],
  ['Ý', 'Y'],
  ['Þ', 'TH'],
  ['ß', 'ss'],
  ['à', 'a'],
  ['á', 'a'],
  ['â', 'a'],
  ['ã', 'a'],
  ['ä', 'ae'],
  ['å', 'a'],
  ['æ', 'ae'],
  ['ç', 'c'],
  ['è', 'e'],
  ['é', 'e'],
  ['ê', 'e'],
  ['ë', 'e'],
  ['ì', 'i'],
  ['í', 'i'],
  ['î', 'i'],
  ['ï', 'i'],
  ['ð', 'd'],
  ['ñ', 'n'],
  ['ò', 'o'],
  ['ó', 'o'],
  ['ô', 'o'],
  ['õ', 'o'],
  ['ö', 'oe'],
  ['ő', 'o'],
  ['ø', 'o'],
  ['ù', 'u'],
  ['ú', 'u'],
  ['û', 'u'],
  ['ü', 'ue'],
  ['ű', 'u'],
  ['ý', 'y'],
  ['þ', 'th'],
  ['ÿ', 'y'],
  ['ẞ', 'SS'],

  // Vietnamese
  ['à', 'a'],
  ['À', 'A'],
  ['á', 'a'],
  ['Á', 'A'],
  ['â', 'a'],
  ['Â', 'A'],
  ['ã', 'a'],
  ['Ã', 'A'],
  ['è', 'e'],
  ['È', 'E'],
  ['é', 'e'],
  ['É', 'E'],
  ['ê', 'e'],
  ['Ê', 'E'],
  ['ì', 'i'],
  ['Ì', 'I'],
  ['í', 'i'],
  ['Í', 'I'],
  ['ò', 'o'],
  ['Ò', 'O'],
  ['ó', 'o'],
  ['Ó', 'O'],
  ['ô', 'o'],
  ['Ô', 'O'],
  ['õ', 'o'],
  ['Õ', 'O'],
  ['ù', 'u'],
  ['Ù', 'U'],
  ['ú', 'u'],
  ['Ú', 'U'],
  ['ý', 'y'],
  ['Ý', 'Y'],
  ['ă', 'a'],
  ['Ă', 'A'],
  ['Đ', 'D'],
  ['đ', 'd'],
  ['ĩ', 'i'],
  ['Ĩ', 'I'],
  ['ũ', 'u'],
  ['Ũ', 'U'],
  ['ơ', 'o'],
  ['Ơ', 'O'],
  ['ư', 'u'],
  ['Ư', 'U'],
  ['ạ', 'a'],
  ['Ạ', 'A'],
  ['ả', 'a'],
  ['Ả', 'A'],
  ['ấ', 'a'],
  ['Ấ', 'A'],
  ['ầ', 'a'],
  ['Ầ', 'A'],
  ['ẩ', 'a'],
  ['Ẩ', 'A'],
  ['ẫ', 'a'],
  ['Ẫ', 'A'],
  ['ậ', 'a'],
  ['Ậ', 'A'],
  ['ắ', 'a'],
  ['Ắ', 'A'],
  ['ằ', 'a'],
  ['Ằ', 'A'],
  ['ẳ', 'a'],
  ['Ẳ', 'A'],
  ['ẵ', 'a'],
  ['Ẵ', 'A'],
  ['ặ', 'a'],
  ['Ặ', 'A'],
  ['ẹ', 'e'],
  ['Ẹ', 'E'],
  ['ẻ', 'e'],
  ['Ẻ', 'E'],
  ['ẽ', 'e'],
  ['Ẽ', 'E'],
  ['ế', 'e'],
  ['Ế', 'E'],
  ['ề', 'e'],
  ['Ề', 'E'],
  ['ể', 'e'],
  ['Ể', 'E'],
  ['ễ', 'e'],
  ['Ễ', 'E'],
  ['ệ', 'e'],
  ['Ệ', 'E'],
  ['ỉ', 'i'],
  ['Ỉ', 'I'],
  ['ị', 'i'],
  ['Ị', 'I'],
  ['ọ', 'o'],
  ['Ọ', 'O'],
  ['ỏ', 'o'],
  ['Ỏ', 'O'],
  ['ố', 'o'],
  ['Ố', 'O'],
  ['ồ', 'o'],
  ['Ồ', 'O'],
  ['ổ', 'o'],
  ['Ổ', 'O'],
  ['ỗ', 'o'],
  ['Ỗ', 'O'],
  ['ộ', 'o'],
  ['Ộ', 'O'],
  ['ớ', 'o'],
  ['Ớ', 'O'],
  ['ờ', 'o'],
  ['Ờ', 'O'],
  ['ở', 'o'],
  ['Ở', 'O'],
  ['ỡ', 'o'],
  ['Ỡ', 'O'],
  ['ợ', 'o'],
  ['Ợ', 'O'],
  ['ụ', 'u'],
  ['Ụ', 'U'],
  ['ủ', 'u'],
  ['Ủ', 'U'],
  ['ứ', 'u'],
  ['Ứ', 'U'],
  ['ừ', 'u'],
  ['Ừ', 'U'],
  ['ử', 'u'],
  ['Ử', 'U'],
  ['ữ', 'u'],
  ['Ữ', 'U'],
  ['ự', 'u'],
  ['Ự', 'U'],
  ['ỳ', 'y'],
  ['Ỳ', 'Y'],
  ['ỵ', 'y'],
  ['Ỵ', 'Y'],
  ['ỷ', 'y'],
  ['Ỷ', 'Y'],
  ['ỹ', 'y'],
  ['Ỹ', 'Y'],

  // Arabic
  ['ء', 'e'],
  ['آ', 'a'],
  ['أ', 'a'],
  ['ؤ', 'w'],
  ['إ', 'i'],
  ['ئ', 'y'],
  ['ا', 'a'],
  ['ب', 'b'],
  ['ة', 't'],
  ['ت', 't'],
  ['ث', 'th'],
  ['ج', 'j'],
  ['ح', 'h'],
  ['خ', 'kh'],
  ['د', 'd'],
  ['ذ', 'dh'],
  ['ر', 'r'],
  ['ز', 'z'],
  ['س', 's'],
  ['ش', 'sh'],
  ['ص', 's'],
  ['ض', 'd'],
  ['ط', 't'],
  ['ظ', 'z'],
  ['ع', 'e'],
  ['غ', 'gh'],
  ['ـ', '_'],
  ['ف', 'f'],
  ['ق', 'q'],
  ['ك', 'k'],
  ['ل', 'l'],
  ['م', 'm'],
  ['ن', 'n'],
  ['ه', 'h'],
  ['و', 'w'],
  ['ى', 'a'],
  ['ي', 'y'],
  ['َ‎', 'a'],
  ['ُ', 'u'],
  ['ِ‎', 'i'],
  ['٠', '0'],
  ['١', '1'],
  ['٢', '2'],
  ['٣', '3'],
  ['٤', '4'],
  ['٥', '5'],
  ['٦', '6'],
  ['٧', '7'],
  ['٨', '8'],
  ['٩', '9'],

  // Persian / Farsi
  ['چ', 'ch'],
  ['ک', 'k'],
  ['گ', 'g'],
  ['پ', 'p'],
  ['ژ', 'zh'],
  ['ی', 'y'],
  ['۰', '0'],
  ['۱', '1'],
  ['۲', '2'],
  ['۳', '3'],
  ['۴', '4'],
  ['۵', '5'],
  ['۶', '6'],
  ['۷', '7'],
  ['۸', '8'],
  ['۹', '9'],

  // Pashto
  ['ټ', 'p'],
  ['ځ', 'z'],
  ['څ', 'c'],
  ['ډ', 'd'],
  ['ﺫ', 'd'],
  ['ﺭ', 'r'],
  ['ړ', 'r'],
  ['ﺯ', 'z'],
  ['ږ', 'g'],
  ['ښ', 'x'],
  ['ګ', 'g'],
  ['ڼ', 'n'],
  ['ۀ', 'e'],
  ['ې', 'e'],
  ['ۍ', 'ai'],

  // Urdu
  ['ٹ', 't'],
  ['ڈ', 'd'],
  ['ڑ', 'r'],
  ['ں', 'n'],
  ['ہ', 'h'],
  ['ھ', 'h'],
  ['ے', 'e'],

  // Russian
  ['А', 'A'],
  ['а', 'a'],
  ['Б', 'B'],
  ['б', 'b'],
  ['В', 'V'],
  ['в', 'v'],
  ['Г', 'G'],
  ['г', 'g'],
  ['Д', 'D'],
  ['д', 'd'],
  ['ъе', 'ye'],
  ['Ъе', 'Ye'],
  ['ъЕ', 'yE'],
  ['ЪЕ', 'YE'],
  ['Е', 'E'],
  ['е', 'e'],
  ['Ё', 'Yo'],
  ['ё', 'yo'],
  ['Ж', 'Zh'],
  ['ж', 'zh'],
  ['З', 'Z'],
  ['з', 'z'],
  ['И', 'I'],
  ['и', 'i'],
  ['ый', 'iy'],
  ['Ый', 'Iy'],
  ['ЫЙ', 'IY'],
  ['ыЙ', 'iY'],
  ['Й', 'Y'],
  ['й', 'y'],
  ['К', 'K'],
  ['к', 'k'],
  ['Л', 'L'],
  ['л', 'l'],
  ['М', 'M'],
  ['м', 'm'],
  ['Н', 'N'],
  ['н', 'n'],
  ['О', 'O'],
  ['о', 'o'],
  ['П', 'P'],
  ['п', 'p'],
  ['Р', 'R'],
  ['р', 'r'],
  ['С', 'S'],
  ['с', 's'],
  ['Т', 'T'],
  ['т', 't'],
  ['У', 'U'],
  ['у', 'u'],
  ['Ф', 'F'],
  ['ф', 'f'],
  ['Х', 'Kh'],
  ['х', 'kh'],
  ['Ц', 'Ts'],
  ['ц', 'ts'],
  ['Ч', 'Ch'],
  ['ч', 'ch'],
  ['Ш', 'Sh'],
  ['ш', 'sh'],
  ['Щ', 'Sch'],
  ['щ', 'sch'],
  ['Ъ', ''],
  ['ъ', ''],
  ['Ы', 'Y'],
  ['ы', 'y'],
  ['Ь', ''],
  ['ь', ''],
  ['Э', 'E'],
  ['э', 'e'],
  ['Ю', 'Yu'],
  ['ю', 'yu'],
  ['Я', 'Ya'],
  ['я', 'ya'],

  // Romanian
  ['ă', 'a'],
  ['Ă', 'A'],
  ['ș', 's'],
  ['Ș', 'S'],
  ['ț', 't'],
  ['Ț', 'T'],
  ['ţ', 't'],
  ['Ţ', 'T'],

  // Turkish
  ['ş', 's'],
  ['Ş', 'S'],
  ['ç', 'c'],
  ['Ç', 'C'],
  ['ğ', 'g'],
  ['Ğ', 'G'],
  ['ı', 'i'],
  ['İ', 'I'],

  // Armenian
  ['ա', 'a'],
  ['Ա', 'A'],
  ['բ', 'b'],
  ['Բ', 'B'],
  ['գ', 'g'],
  ['Գ', 'G'],
  ['դ', 'd'],
  ['Դ', 'D'],
  ['ե', 'ye'],
  ['Ե', 'Ye'],
  ['զ', 'z'],
  ['Զ', 'Z'],
  ['է', 'e'],
  ['Է', 'E'],
  ['ը', 'y'],
  ['Ը', 'Y'],
  ['թ', 't'],
  ['Թ', 'T'],
  ['ժ', 'zh'],
  ['Ժ', 'Zh'],
  ['ի', 'i'],
  ['Ի', 'I'],
  ['լ', 'l'],
  ['Լ', 'L'],
  ['խ', 'kh'],
  ['Խ', 'Kh'],
  ['ծ', 'ts'],
  ['Ծ', 'Ts'],
  ['կ', 'k'],
  ['Կ', 'K'],
  ['հ', 'h'],
  ['Հ', 'H'],
  ['ձ', 'dz'],
  ['Ձ', 'Dz'],
  ['ղ', 'gh'],
  ['Ղ', 'Gh'],
  ['ճ', 'tch'],
  ['Ճ', 'Tch'],
  ['մ', 'm'],
  ['Մ', 'M'],
  ['յ', 'y'],
  ['Յ', 'Y'],
  ['ն', 'n'],
  ['Ն', 'N'],
  ['շ', 'sh'],
  ['Շ', 'Sh'],
  ['ո', 'vo'],
  ['Ո', 'Vo'],
  ['չ', 'ch'],
  ['Չ', 'Ch'],
  ['պ', 'p'],
  ['Պ', 'P'],
  ['ջ', 'j'],
  ['Ջ', 'J'],
  ['ռ', 'r'],
  ['Ռ', 'R'],
  ['ս', 's'],
  ['Ս', 'S'],
  ['վ', 'v'],
  ['Վ', 'V'],
  ['տ', 't'],
  ['Տ', 'T'],
  ['ր', 'r'],
  ['Ր', 'R'],
  ['ց', 'c'],
  ['Ց', 'C'],
  ['ու', 'u'],
  ['ՈՒ', 'U'],
  ['Ու', 'U'],
  ['փ', 'p'],
  ['Փ', 'P'],
  ['ք', 'q'],
  ['Ք', 'Q'],
  ['օ', 'o'],
  ['Օ', 'O'],
  ['ֆ', 'f'],
  ['Ֆ', 'F'],
  ['և', 'yev'],

  // Georgian
  ['ა', 'a'],
  ['ბ', 'b'],
  ['გ', 'g'],
  ['დ', 'd'],
  ['ე', 'e'],
  ['ვ', 'v'],
  ['ზ', 'z'],
  ['თ', 't'],
  ['ი', 'i'],
  ['კ', 'k'],
  ['ლ', 'l'],
  ['მ', 'm'],
  ['ნ', 'n'],
  ['ო', 'o'],
  ['პ', 'p'],
  ['ჟ', 'zh'],
  ['რ', 'r'],
  ['ს', 's'],
  ['ტ', 't'],
  ['უ', 'u'],
  ['ფ', 'ph'],
  ['ქ', 'q'],
  ['ღ', 'gh'],
  ['ყ', 'k'],
  ['შ', 'sh'],
  ['ჩ', 'ch'],
  ['ც', 'ts'],
  ['ძ', 'dz'],
  ['წ', 'ts'],
  ['ჭ', 'tch'],
  ['ხ', 'kh'],
  ['ჯ', 'j'],
  ['ჰ', 'h'],

  // Czech
  ['č', 'c'],
  ['ď', 'd'],
  ['ě', 'e'],
  ['ň', 'n'],
  ['ř', 'r'],
  ['š', 's'],
  ['ť', 't'],
  ['ů', 'u'],
  ['ž', 'z'],
  ['Č', 'C'],
  ['Ď', 'D'],
  ['Ě', 'E'],
  ['Ň', 'N'],
  ['Ř', 'R'],
  ['Š', 'S'],
  ['Ť', 'T'],
  ['Ů', 'U'],
  ['Ž', 'Z'],

  // Dhivehi
  ['ހ', 'h'],
  ['ށ', 'sh'],
  ['ނ', 'n'],
  ['ރ', 'r'],
  ['ބ', 'b'],
  ['ޅ', 'lh'],
  ['ކ', 'k'],
  ['އ', 'a'],
  ['ވ', 'v'],
  ['މ', 'm'],
  ['ފ', 'f'],
  ['ދ', 'dh'],
  ['ތ', 'th'],
  ['ލ', 'l'],
  ['ގ', 'g'],
  ['ޏ', 'gn'],
  ['ސ', 's'],
  ['ޑ', 'd'],
  ['ޒ', 'z'],
  ['ޓ', 't'],
  ['ޔ', 'y'],
  ['ޕ', 'p'],
  ['ޖ', 'j'],
  ['ޗ', 'ch'],
  ['ޘ', 'tt'],
  ['ޙ', 'hh'],
  ['ޚ', 'kh'],
  ['ޛ', 'th'],
  ['ޜ', 'z'],
  ['ޝ', 'sh'],
  ['ޞ', 's'],
  ['ޟ', 'd'],
  ['ޠ', 't'],
  ['ޡ', 'z'],
  ['ޢ', 'a'],
  ['ޣ', 'gh'],
  ['ޤ', 'q'],
  ['ޥ', 'w'],
  ['ަ', 'a'],
  ['ާ', 'aa'],
  ['ި', 'i'],
  ['ީ', 'ee'],
  ['ު', 'u'],
  ['ޫ', 'oo'],
  ['ެ', 'e'],
  ['ޭ', 'ey'],
  ['ޮ', 'o'],
  ['ޯ', 'oa'],
  ['ް', ''],

  // Greek
  ['α', 'a'],
  ['β', 'v'],
  ['γ', 'g'],
  ['δ', 'd'],
  ['ε', 'e'],
  ['ζ', 'z'],
  ['η', 'i'],
  ['θ', 'th'],
  ['ι', 'i'],
  ['κ', 'k'],
  ['λ', 'l'],
  ['μ', 'm'],
  ['ν', 'n'],
  ['ξ', 'ks'],
  ['ο', 'o'],
  ['π', 'p'],
  ['ρ', 'r'],
  ['σ', 's'],
  ['τ', 't'],
  ['υ', 'y'],
  ['φ', 'f'],
  ['χ', 'x'],
  ['ψ', 'ps'],
  ['ω', 'o'],
  ['ά', 'a'],
  ['έ', 'e'],
  ['ί', 'i'],
  ['ό', 'o'],
  ['ύ', 'y'],
  ['ή', 'i'],
  ['ώ', 'o'],
  ['ς', 's'],
  ['ϊ', 'i'],
  ['ΰ', 'y'],
  ['ϋ', 'y'],
  ['ΐ', 'i'],
  ['Α', 'A'],
  ['Β', 'B'],
  ['Γ', 'G'],
  ['Δ', 'D'],
  ['Ε', 'E'],
  ['Ζ', 'Z'],
  ['Η', 'I'],
  ['Θ', 'TH'],
  ['Ι', 'I'],
  ['Κ', 'K'],
  ['Λ', 'L'],
  ['Μ', 'M'],
  ['Ν', 'N'],
  ['Ξ', 'KS'],
  ['Ο', 'O'],
  ['Π', 'P'],
  ['Ρ', 'R'],
  ['Σ', 'S'],
  ['Τ', 'T'],
  ['Υ', 'Y'],
  ['Φ', 'F'],
  ['Χ', 'X'],
  ['Ψ', 'PS'],
  ['Ω', 'O'],
  ['Ά', 'A'],
  ['Έ', 'E'],
  ['Ί', 'I'],
  ['Ό', 'O'],
  ['Ύ', 'Y'],
  ['Ή', 'I'],
  ['Ώ', 'O'],
  ['Ϊ', 'I'],
  ['Ϋ', 'Y'],

  // Disabled as it conflicts with German and Latin.
  // Hungarian
  // ['ä', 'a'],
  // ['Ä', 'A'],
  // ['ö', 'o'],
  // ['Ö', 'O'],
  // ['ü', 'u'],
  // ['Ü', 'U'],
  // ['ű', 'u'],
  // ['Ű', 'U'],

  // Latvian
  ['ā', 'a'],
  ['ē', 'e'],
  ['ģ', 'g'],
  ['ī', 'i'],
  ['ķ', 'k'],
  ['ļ', 'l'],
  ['ņ', 'n'],
  ['ū', 'u'],
  ['Ā', 'A'],
  ['Ē', 'E'],
  ['Ģ', 'G'],
  ['Ī', 'I'],
  ['Ķ', 'K'],
  ['Ļ', 'L'],
  ['Ņ', 'N'],
  ['Ū', 'U'],
  ['č', 'c'],
  ['š', 's'],
  ['ž', 'z'],
  ['Č', 'C'],
  ['Š', 'S'],
  ['Ž', 'Z'],

  // Lithuanian
  ['ą', 'a'],
  ['č', 'c'],
  ['ę', 'e'],
  ['ė', 'e'],
  ['į', 'i'],
  ['š', 's'],
  ['ų', 'u'],
  ['ū', 'u'],
  ['ž', 'z'],
  ['Ą', 'A'],
  ['Č', 'C'],
  ['Ę', 'E'],
  ['Ė', 'E'],
  ['Į', 'I'],
  ['Š', 'S'],
  ['Ų', 'U'],
  ['Ū', 'U'],

  // Macedonian
  ['Ќ', 'Kj'],
  ['ќ', 'kj'],
  ['Љ', 'Lj'],
  ['љ', 'lj'],
  ['Њ', 'Nj'],
  ['њ', 'nj'],
  ['Тс', 'Ts'],
  ['тс', 'ts'],

  // Polish
  ['ą', 'a'],
  ['ć', 'c'],
  ['ę', 'e'],
  ['ł', 'l'],
  ['ń', 'n'],
  ['ś', 's'],
  ['ź', 'z'],
  ['ż', 'z'],
  ['Ą', 'A'],
  ['Ć', 'C'],
  ['Ę', 'E'],
  ['Ł', 'L'],
  ['Ń', 'N'],
  ['Ś', 'S'],
  ['Ź', 'Z'],
  ['Ż', 'Z'],

  // Disabled as it conflicts with Vietnamese.
  // Serbian
  // ['љ', 'lj'],
  // ['њ', 'nj'],
  // ['Љ', 'Lj'],
  // ['Њ', 'Nj'],
  // ['đ', 'dj'],
  // ['Đ', 'Dj'],
  // ['ђ', 'dj'],
  // ['ј', 'j'],
  // ['ћ', 'c'],
  // ['џ', 'dz'],
  // ['Ђ', 'Dj'],
  // ['Ј', 'j'],
  // ['Ћ', 'C'],
  // ['Џ', 'Dz'],

  // Disabled as it conflicts with German and Latin.
  // Slovak
  // ['ä', 'a'],
  // ['Ä', 'A'],
  // ['ľ', 'l'],
  // ['ĺ', 'l'],
  // ['ŕ', 'r'],
  // ['Ľ', 'L'],
  // ['Ĺ', 'L'],
  // ['Ŕ', 'R'],

  // Disabled as it conflicts with German and Latin.
  // Swedish
  // ['å', 'o'],
  // ['Å', 'o'],
  // ['ä', 'a'],
  // ['Ä', 'A'],
  // ['ë', 'e'],
  // ['Ë', 'E'],
  // ['ö', 'o'],
  // ['Ö', 'O'],

  // Ukrainian
  ['Є', 'Ye'],
  ['І', 'I'],
  ['Ї', 'Yi'],
  ['Ґ', 'G'],
  ['є', 'ye'],
  ['і', 'i'],
  ['ї', 'yi'],
  ['ґ', 'g'],

  // Dutch
  ['IJ', 'IJ'],
  ['ij', 'ij'],

  // Danish
  // ['Æ', 'Ae'],
  // ['Ø', 'Oe'],
  // ['Å', 'Aa'],
  // ['æ', 'ae'],
  // ['ø', 'oe'],
  // ['å', 'aa']

  // Currencies
  ['¢', 'c'],
  ['¥', 'Y'],
  ['߿', 'b'],
  ['৳', 't'],
  ['૱', 'Bo'],
  ['฿', 'B'],
  ['₠', 'CE'],
  ['₡', 'C'],
  ['₢', 'Cr'],
  ['₣', 'F'],
  ['₥', 'm'],
  ['₦', 'N'],
  ['₧', 'Pt'],
  ['₨', 'Rs'],
  ['₩', 'W'],
  ['₫', 's'],
  ['€', 'E'],
  ['₭', 'K'],
  ['₮', 'T'],
  ['₯', 'Dp'],
  ['₰', 'S'],
  ['₱', 'P'],
  ['₲', 'G'],
  ['₳', 'A'],
  ['₴', 'S'],
  ['₵', 'C'],
  ['₶', 'tt'],
  ['₷', 'S'],
  ['₸', 'T'],
  ['₹', 'R'],
  ['₺', 'L'],
  ['₽', 'P'],
  ['₿', 'B'],
  ['﹩', '$'],
  ['¢', 'c'],
  ['¥', 'Y'],
  ['₩', 'W'],

  // Latin
  ['𝐀', 'A'],
  ['𝐁', 'B'],
  ['𝐂', 'C'],
  ['𝐃', 'D'],
  ['𝐄', 'E'],
  ['𝐅', 'F'],
  ['𝐆', 'G'],
  ['𝐇', 'H'],
  ['𝐈', 'I'],
  ['𝐉', 'J'],
  ['𝐊', 'K'],
  ['𝐋', 'L'],
  ['𝐌', 'M'],
  ['𝐍', 'N'],
  ['𝐎', 'O'],
  ['𝐏', 'P'],
  ['𝐐', 'Q'],
  ['𝐑', 'R'],
  ['𝐒', 'S'],
  ['𝐓', 'T'],
  ['𝐔', 'U'],
  ['𝐕', 'V'],
  ['𝐖', 'W'],
  ['𝐗', 'X'],
  ['𝐘', 'Y'],
  ['𝐙', 'Z'],
  ['𝐚', 'a'],
  ['𝐛', 'b'],
  ['𝐜', 'c'],
  ['𝐝', 'd'],
  ['𝐞', 'e'],
  ['𝐟', 'f'],
  ['𝐠', 'g'],
  ['𝐡', 'h'],
  ['𝐢', 'i'],
  ['𝐣', 'j'],
  ['𝐤', 'k'],
  ['𝐥', 'l'],
  ['𝐦', 'm'],
  ['𝐧', 'n'],
  ['𝐨', 'o'],
  ['𝐩', 'p'],
  ['𝐪', 'q'],
  ['𝐫', 'r'],
  ['𝐬', 's'],
  ['𝐭', 't'],
  ['𝐮', 'u'],
  ['𝐯', 'v'],
  ['𝐰', 'w'],
  ['𝐱', 'x'],
  ['𝐲', 'y'],
  ['𝐳', 'z'],
  ['𝐴', 'A'],
  ['𝐵', 'B'],
  ['𝐶', 'C'],
  ['𝐷', 'D'],
  ['𝐸', 'E'],
  ['𝐹', 'F'],
  ['𝐺', 'G'],
  ['𝐻', 'H'],
  ['𝐼', 'I'],
  ['𝐽', 'J'],
  ['𝐾', 'K'],
  ['𝐿', 'L'],
  ['𝑀', 'M'],
  ['𝑁', 'N'],
  ['𝑂', 'O'],
  ['𝑃', 'P'],
  ['𝑄', 'Q'],
  ['𝑅', 'R'],
  ['𝑆', 'S'],
  ['𝑇', 'T'],
  ['𝑈', 'U'],
  ['𝑉', 'V'],
  ['𝑊', 'W'],
  ['𝑋', 'X'],
  ['𝑌', 'Y'],
  ['𝑍', 'Z'],
  ['𝑎', 'a'],
  ['𝑏', 'b'],
  ['𝑐', 'c'],
  ['𝑑', 'd'],
  ['𝑒', 'e'],
  ['𝑓', 'f'],
  ['𝑔', 'g'],
  ['𝑖', 'i'],
  ['𝑗', 'j'],
  ['𝑘', 'k'],
  ['𝑙', 'l'],
  ['𝑚', 'm'],
  ['𝑛', 'n'],
  ['𝑜', 'o'],
  ['𝑝', 'p'],
  ['𝑞', 'q'],
  ['𝑟', 'r'],
  ['𝑠', 's'],
  ['𝑡', 't'],
  ['𝑢', 'u'],
  ['𝑣', 'v'],
  ['𝑤', 'w'],
  ['𝑥', 'x'],
  ['𝑦', 'y'],
  ['𝑧', 'z'],
  ['𝑨', 'A'],
  ['𝑩', 'B'],
  ['𝑪', 'C'],
  ['𝑫', 'D'],
  ['𝑬', 'E'],
  ['𝑭', 'F'],
  ['𝑮', 'G'],
  ['𝑯', 'H'],
  ['𝑰', 'I'],
  ['𝑱', 'J'],
  ['𝑲', 'K'],
  ['𝑳', 'L'],
  ['𝑴', 'M'],
  ['𝑵', 'N'],
  ['𝑶', 'O'],
  ['𝑷', 'P'],
  ['𝑸', 'Q'],
  ['𝑹', 'R'],
  ['𝑺', 'S'],
  ['𝑻', 'T'],
  ['𝑼', 'U'],
  ['𝑽', 'V'],
  ['𝑾', 'W'],
  ['𝑿', 'X'],
  ['𝒀', 'Y'],
  ['𝒁', 'Z'],
  ['𝒂', 'a'],
  ['𝒃', 'b'],
  ['𝒄', 'c'],
  ['𝒅', 'd'],
  ['𝒆', 'e'],
  ['𝒇', 'f'],
  ['𝒈', 'g'],
  ['𝒉', 'h'],
  ['𝒊', 'i'],
  ['𝒋', 'j'],
  ['𝒌', 'k'],
  ['𝒍', 'l'],
  ['𝒎', 'm'],
  ['𝒏', 'n'],
  ['𝒐', 'o'],
  ['𝒑', 'p'],
  ['𝒒', 'q'],
  ['𝒓', 'r'],
  ['𝒔', 's'],
  ['𝒕', 't'],
  ['𝒖', 'u'],
  ['𝒗', 'v'],
  ['𝒘', 'w'],
  ['𝒙', 'x'],
  ['𝒚', 'y'],
  ['𝒛', 'z'],
  ['𝒜', 'A'],
  ['𝒞', 'C'],
  ['𝒟', 'D'],
  ['𝒢', 'g'],
  ['𝒥', 'J'],
  ['𝒦', 'K'],
  ['𝒩', 'N'],
  ['𝒪', 'O'],
  ['𝒫', 'P'],
  ['𝒬', 'Q'],
  ['𝒮', 'S'],
  ['𝒯', 'T'],
  ['𝒰', 'U'],
  ['𝒱', 'V'],
  ['𝒲', 'W'],
  ['𝒳', 'X'],
  ['𝒴', 'Y'],
  ['𝒵', 'Z'],
  ['𝒶', 'a'],
  ['𝒷', 'b'],
  ['𝒸', 'c'],
  ['𝒹', 'd'],
  ['𝒻', 'f'],
  ['𝒽', 'h'],
  ['𝒾', 'i'],
  ['𝒿', 'j'],
  ['𝓀', 'h'],
  ['𝓁', 'l'],
  ['𝓂', 'm'],
  ['𝓃', 'n'],
  ['𝓅', 'p'],
  ['𝓆', 'q'],
  ['𝓇', 'r'],
  ['𝓈', 's'],
  ['𝓉', 't'],
  ['𝓊', 'u'],
  ['𝓋', 'v'],
  ['𝓌', 'w'],
  ['𝓍', 'x'],
  ['𝓎', 'y'],
  ['𝓏', 'z'],
  ['𝓐', 'A'],
  ['𝓑', 'B'],
  ['𝓒', 'C'],
  ['𝓓', 'D'],
  ['𝓔', 'E'],
  ['𝓕', 'F'],
  ['𝓖', 'G'],
  ['𝓗', 'H'],
  ['𝓘', 'I'],
  ['𝓙', 'J'],
  ['𝓚', 'K'],
  ['𝓛', 'L'],
  ['𝓜', 'M'],
  ['𝓝', 'N'],
  ['𝓞', 'O'],
  ['𝓟', 'P'],
  ['𝓠', 'Q'],
  ['𝓡', 'R'],
  ['𝓢', 'S'],
  ['𝓣', 'T'],
  ['𝓤', 'U'],
  ['𝓥', 'V'],
  ['𝓦', 'W'],
  ['𝓧', 'X'],
  ['𝓨', 'Y'],
  ['𝓩', 'Z'],
  ['𝓪', 'a'],
  ['𝓫', 'b'],
  ['𝓬', 'c'],
  ['𝓭', 'd'],
  ['𝓮', 'e'],
  ['𝓯', 'f'],
  ['𝓰', 'g'],
  ['𝓱', 'h'],
  ['𝓲', 'i'],
  ['𝓳', 'j'],
  ['𝓴', 'k'],
  ['𝓵', 'l'],
  ['𝓶', 'm'],
  ['𝓷', 'n'],
  ['𝓸', 'o'],
  ['𝓹', 'p'],
  ['𝓺', 'q'],
  ['𝓻', 'r'],
  ['𝓼', 's'],
  ['𝓽', 't'],
  ['𝓾', 'u'],
  ['𝓿', 'v'],
  ['𝔀', 'w'],
  ['𝔁', 'x'],
  ['𝔂', 'y'],
  ['𝔃', 'z'],
  ['𝔄', 'A'],
  ['𝔅', 'B'],
  ['𝔇', 'D'],
  ['𝔈', 'E'],
  ['𝔉', 'F'],
  ['𝔊', 'G'],
  ['𝔍', 'J'],
  ['𝔎', 'K'],
  ['𝔏', 'L'],
  ['𝔐', 'M'],
  ['𝔑', 'N'],
  ['𝔒', 'O'],
  ['𝔓', 'P'],
  ['𝔔', 'Q'],
  ['𝔖', 'S'],
  ['𝔗', 'T'],
  ['𝔘', 'U'],
  ['𝔙', 'V'],
  ['𝔚', 'W'],
  ['𝔛', 'X'],
  ['𝔜', 'Y'],
  ['𝔞', 'a'],
  ['𝔟', 'b'],
  ['𝔠', 'c'],
  ['𝔡', 'd'],
  ['𝔢', 'e'],
  ['𝔣', 'f'],
  ['𝔤', 'g'],
  ['𝔥', 'h'],
  ['𝔦', 'i'],
  ['𝔧', 'j'],
  ['𝔨', 'k'],
  ['𝔩', 'l'],
  ['𝔪', 'm'],
  ['𝔫', 'n'],
  ['𝔬', 'o'],
  ['𝔭', 'p'],
  ['𝔮', 'q'],
  ['𝔯', 'r'],
  ['𝔰', 's'],
  ['𝔱', 't'],
  ['𝔲', 'u'],
  ['𝔳', 'v'],
  ['𝔴', 'w'],
  ['𝔵', 'x'],
  ['𝔶', 'y'],
  ['𝔷', 'z'],
  ['𝔸', 'A'],
  ['𝔹', 'B'],
  ['𝔻', 'D'],
  ['𝔼', 'E'],
  ['𝔽', 'F'],
  ['𝔾', 'G'],
  ['𝕀', 'I'],
  ['𝕁', 'J'],
  ['𝕂', 'K'],
  ['𝕃', 'L'],
  ['𝕄', 'M'],
  ['𝕆', 'N'],
  ['𝕊', 'S'],
  ['𝕋', 'T'],
  ['𝕌', 'U'],
  ['𝕍', 'V'],
  ['𝕎', 'W'],
  ['𝕏', 'X'],
  ['𝕐', 'Y'],
  ['𝕒', 'a'],
  ['𝕓', 'b'],
  ['𝕔', 'c'],
  ['𝕕', 'd'],
  ['𝕖', 'e'],
  ['𝕗', 'f'],
  ['𝕘', 'g'],
  ['𝕙', 'h'],
  ['𝕚', 'i'],
  ['𝕛', 'j'],
  ['𝕜', 'k'],
  ['𝕝', 'l'],
  ['𝕞', 'm'],
  ['𝕟', 'n'],
  ['𝕠', 'o'],
  ['𝕡', 'p'],
  ['𝕢', 'q'],
  ['𝕣', 'r'],
  ['𝕤', 's'],
  ['𝕥', 't'],
  ['𝕦', 'u'],
  ['𝕧', 'v'],
  ['𝕨', 'w'],
  ['𝕩', 'x'],
  ['𝕪', 'y'],
  ['𝕫', 'z'],
  ['𝕬', 'A'],
  ['𝕭', 'B'],
  ['𝕮', 'C'],
  ['𝕯', 'D'],
  ['𝕰', 'E'],
  ['𝕱', 'F'],
  ['𝕲', 'G'],
  ['𝕳', 'H'],
  ['𝕴', 'I'],
  ['𝕵', 'J'],
  ['𝕶', 'K'],
  ['𝕷', 'L'],
  ['𝕸', 'M'],
  ['𝕹', 'N'],
  ['𝕺', 'O'],
  ['𝕻', 'P'],
  ['𝕼', 'Q'],
  ['𝕽', 'R'],
  ['𝕾', 'S'],
  ['𝕿', 'T'],
  ['𝖀', 'U'],
  ['𝖁', 'V'],
  ['𝖂', 'W'],
  ['𝖃', 'X'],
  ['𝖄', 'Y'],
  ['𝖅', 'Z'],
  ['𝖆', 'a'],
  ['𝖇', 'b'],
  ['𝖈', 'c'],
  ['𝖉', 'd'],
  ['𝖊', 'e'],
  ['𝖋', 'f'],
  ['𝖌', 'g'],
  ['𝖍', 'h'],
  ['𝖎', 'i'],
  ['𝖏', 'j'],
  ['𝖐', 'k'],
  ['𝖑', 'l'],
  ['𝖒', 'm'],
  ['𝖓', 'n'],
  ['𝖔', 'o'],
  ['𝖕', 'p'],
  ['𝖖', 'q'],
  ['𝖗', 'r'],
  ['𝖘', 's'],
  ['𝖙', 't'],
  ['𝖚', 'u'],
  ['𝖛', 'v'],
  ['𝖜', 'w'],
  ['𝖝', 'x'],
  ['𝖞', 'y'],
  ['𝖟', 'z'],
  ['𝖠', 'A'],
  ['𝖡', 'B'],
  ['𝖢', 'C'],
  ['𝖣', 'D'],
  ['𝖤', 'E'],
  ['𝖥', 'F'],
  ['𝖦', 'G'],
  ['𝖧', 'H'],
  ['𝖨', 'I'],
  ['𝖩', 'J'],
  ['𝖪', 'K'],
  ['𝖫', 'L'],
  ['𝖬', 'M'],
  ['𝖭', 'N'],
  ['𝖮', 'O'],
  ['𝖯', 'P'],
  ['𝖰', 'Q'],
  ['𝖱', 'R'],
  ['𝖲', 'S'],
  ['𝖳', 'T'],
  ['𝖴', 'U'],
  ['𝖵', 'V'],
  ['𝖶', 'W'],
  ['𝖷', 'X'],
  ['𝖸', 'Y'],
  ['𝖹', 'Z'],
  ['𝖺', 'a'],
  ['𝖻', 'b'],
  ['𝖼', 'c'],
  ['𝖽', 'd'],
  ['𝖾', 'e'],
  ['𝖿', 'f'],
  ['𝗀', 'g'],
  ['𝗁', 'h'],
  ['𝗂', 'i'],
  ['𝗃', 'j'],
  ['𝗄', 'k'],
  ['𝗅', 'l'],
  ['𝗆', 'm'],
  ['𝗇', 'n'],
  ['𝗈', 'o'],
  ['𝗉', 'p'],
  ['𝗊', 'q'],
  ['𝗋', 'r'],
  ['𝗌', 's'],
  ['𝗍', 't'],
  ['𝗎', 'u'],
  ['𝗏', 'v'],
  ['𝗐', 'w'],
  ['𝗑', 'x'],
  ['𝗒', 'y'],
  ['𝗓', 'z'],
  ['𝗔', 'A'],
  ['𝗕', 'B'],
  ['𝗖', 'C'],
  ['𝗗', 'D'],
  ['𝗘', 'E'],
  ['𝗙', 'F'],
  ['𝗚', 'G'],
  ['𝗛', 'H'],
  ['𝗜', 'I'],
  ['𝗝', 'J'],
  ['𝗞', 'K'],
  ['𝗟', 'L'],
  ['𝗠', 'M'],
  ['𝗡', 'N'],
  ['𝗢', 'O'],
  ['𝗣', 'P'],
  ['𝗤', 'Q'],
  ['𝗥', 'R'],
  ['𝗦', 'S'],
  ['𝗧', 'T'],
  ['𝗨', 'U'],
  ['𝗩', 'V'],
  ['𝗪', 'W'],
  ['𝗫', 'X'],
  ['𝗬', 'Y'],
  ['𝗭', 'Z'],
  ['𝗮', 'a'],
  ['𝗯', 'b'],
  ['𝗰', 'c'],
  ['𝗱', 'd'],
  ['𝗲', 'e'],
  ['𝗳', 'f'],
  ['𝗴', 'g'],
  ['𝗵', 'h'],
  ['𝗶', 'i'],
  ['𝗷', 'j'],
  ['𝗸', 'k'],
  ['𝗹', 'l'],
  ['𝗺', 'm'],
  ['𝗻', 'n'],
  ['𝗼', 'o'],
  ['𝗽', 'p'],
  ['𝗾', 'q'],
  ['𝗿', 'r'],
  ['𝘀', 's'],
  ['𝘁', 't'],
  ['𝘂', 'u'],
  ['𝘃', 'v'],
  ['𝘄', 'w'],
  ['𝘅', 'x'],
  ['𝘆', 'y'],
  ['𝘇', 'z'],
  ['𝘈', 'A'],
  ['𝘉', 'B'],
  ['𝘊', 'C'],
  ['𝘋', 'D'],
  ['𝘌', 'E'],
  ['𝘍', 'F'],
  ['𝘎', 'G'],
  ['𝘏', 'H'],
  ['𝘐', 'I'],
  ['𝘑', 'J'],
  ['𝘒', 'K'],
  ['𝘓', 'L'],
  ['𝘔', 'M'],
  ['𝘕', 'N'],
  ['𝘖', 'O'],
  ['𝘗', 'P'],
  ['𝘘', 'Q'],
  ['𝘙', 'R'],
  ['𝘚', 'S'],
  ['𝘛', 'T'],
  ['𝘜', 'U'],
  ['𝘝', 'V'],
  ['𝘞', 'W'],
  ['𝘟', 'X'],
  ['𝘠', 'Y'],
  ['𝘡', 'Z'],
  ['𝘢', 'a'],
  ['𝘣', 'b'],
  ['𝘤', 'c'],
  ['𝘥', 'd'],
  ['𝘦', 'e'],
  ['𝘧', 'f'],
  ['𝘨', 'g'],
  ['𝘩', 'h'],
  ['𝘪', 'i'],
  ['𝘫', 'j'],
  ['𝘬', 'k'],
  ['𝘭', 'l'],
  ['𝘮', 'm'],
  ['𝘯', 'n'],
  ['𝘰', 'o'],
  ['𝘱', 'p'],
  ['𝘲', 'q'],
  ['𝘳', 'r'],
  ['𝘴', 's'],
  ['𝘵', 't'],
  ['𝘶', 'u'],
  ['𝘷', 'v'],
  ['𝘸', 'w'],
  ['𝘹', 'x'],
  ['𝘺', 'y'],
  ['𝘻', 'z'],
  ['𝘼', 'A'],
  ['𝘽', 'B'],
  ['𝘾', 'C'],
  ['𝘿', 'D'],
  ['𝙀', 'E'],
  ['𝙁', 'F'],
  ['𝙂', 'G'],
  ['𝙃', 'H'],
  ['𝙄', 'I'],
  ['𝙅', 'J'],
  ['𝙆', 'K'],
  ['𝙇', 'L'],
  ['𝙈', 'M'],
  ['𝙉', 'N'],
  ['𝙊', 'O'],
  ['𝙋', 'P'],
  ['𝙌', 'Q'],
  ['𝙍', 'R'],
  ['𝙎', 'S'],
  ['𝙏', 'T'],
  ['𝙐', 'U'],
  ['𝙑', 'V'],
  ['𝙒', 'W'],
  ['𝙓', 'X'],
  ['𝙔', 'Y'],
  ['𝙕', 'Z'],
  ['𝙖', 'a'],
  ['𝙗', 'b'],
  ['𝙘', 'c'],
  ['𝙙', 'd'],
  ['𝙚', 'e'],
  ['𝙛', 'f'],
  ['𝙜', 'g'],
  ['𝙝', 'h'],
  ['𝙞', 'i'],
  ['𝙟', 'j'],
  ['𝙠', 'k'],
  ['𝙡', 'l'],
  ['𝙢', 'm'],
  ['𝙣', 'n'],
  ['𝙤', 'o'],
  ['𝙥', 'p'],
  ['𝙦', 'q'],
  ['𝙧', 'r'],
  ['𝙨', 's'],
  ['𝙩', 't'],
  ['𝙪', 'u'],
  ['𝙫', 'v'],
  ['𝙬', 'w'],
  ['𝙭', 'x'],
  ['𝙮', 'y'],
  ['𝙯', 'z'],
  ['𝙰', 'A'],
  ['𝙱', 'B'],
  ['𝙲', 'C'],
  ['𝙳', 'D'],
  ['𝙴', 'E'],
  ['𝙵', 'F'],
  ['𝙶', 'G'],
  ['𝙷', 'H'],
  ['𝙸', 'I'],
  ['𝙹', 'J'],
  ['𝙺', 'K'],
  ['𝙻', 'L'],
  ['𝙼', 'M'],
  ['𝙽', 'N'],
  ['𝙾', 'O'],
  ['𝙿', 'P'],
  ['𝚀', 'Q'],
  ['𝚁', 'R'],
  ['𝚂', 'S'],
  ['𝚃', 'T'],
  ['𝚄', 'U'],
  ['𝚅', 'V'],
  ['𝚆', 'W'],
  ['𝚇', 'X'],
  ['𝚈', 'Y'],
  ['𝚉', 'Z'],
  ['𝚊', 'a'],
  ['𝚋', 'b'],
  ['𝚌', 'c'],
  ['𝚍', 'd'],
  ['𝚎', 'e'],
  ['𝚏', 'f'],
  ['𝚐', 'g'],
  ['𝚑', 'h'],
  ['𝚒', 'i'],
  ['𝚓', 'j'],
  ['𝚔', 'k'],
  ['𝚕', 'l'],
  ['𝚖', 'm'],
  ['𝚗', 'n'],
  ['𝚘', 'o'],
  ['𝚙', 'p'],
  ['𝚚', 'q'],
  ['𝚛', 'r'],
  ['𝚜', 's'],
  ['𝚝', 't'],
  ['𝚞', 'u'],
  ['𝚟', 'v'],
  ['𝚠', 'w'],
  ['𝚡', 'x'],
  ['𝚢', 'y'],
  ['𝚣', 'z'],

  // Dotless letters
  ['𝚤', 'l'],
  ['𝚥', 'j'],

  // Greek
  ['𝛢', 'A'],
  ['𝛣', 'B'],
  ['𝛤', 'G'],
  ['𝛥', 'D'],
  ['𝛦', 'E'],
  ['𝛧', 'Z'],
  ['𝛨', 'I'],
  ['𝛩', 'TH'],
  ['𝛪', 'I'],
  ['𝛫', 'K'],
  ['𝛬', 'L'],
  ['𝛭', 'M'],
  ['𝛮', 'N'],
  ['𝛯', 'KS'],
  ['𝛰', 'O'],
  ['𝛱', 'P'],
  ['𝛲', 'R'],
  ['𝛳', 'TH'],
  ['𝛴', 'S'],
  ['𝛵', 'T'],
  ['𝛶', 'Y'],
  ['𝛷', 'F'],
  ['𝛸', 'x'],
  ['𝛹', 'PS'],
  ['𝛺', 'O'],
  ['𝛻', 'D'],
  ['𝛼', 'a'],
  ['𝛽', 'b'],
  ['𝛾', 'g'],
  ['𝛿', 'd'],
  ['𝜀', 'e'],
  ['𝜁', 'z'],
  ['𝜂', 'i'],
  ['𝜃', 'th'],
  ['𝜄', 'i'],
  ['𝜅', 'k'],
  ['𝜆', 'l'],
  ['𝜇', 'm'],
  ['𝜈', 'n'],
  ['𝜉', 'ks'],
  ['𝜊', 'o'],
  ['𝜋', 'p'],
  ['𝜌', 'r'],
  ['𝜍', 's'],
  ['𝜎', 's'],
  ['𝜏', 't'],
  ['𝜐', 'y'],
  ['𝜑', 'f'],
  ['𝜒', 'x'],
  ['𝜓', 'ps'],
  ['𝜔', 'o'],
  ['𝜕', 'd'],
  ['𝜖', 'E'],
  ['𝜗', 'TH'],
  ['𝜘', 'K'],
  ['𝜙', 'f'],
  ['𝜚', 'r'],
  ['𝜛', 'p'],
  ['𝜜', 'A'],
  ['𝜝', 'V'],
  ['𝜞', 'G'],
  ['𝜟', 'D'],
  ['𝜠', 'E'],
  ['𝜡', 'Z'],
  ['𝜢', 'I'],
  ['𝜣', 'TH'],
  ['𝜤', 'I'],
  ['𝜥', 'K'],
  ['𝜦', 'L'],
  ['𝜧', 'M'],
  ['𝜨', 'N'],
  ['𝜩', 'KS'],
  ['𝜪', 'O'],
  ['𝜫', 'P'],
  ['𝜬', 'S'],
  ['𝜭', 'TH'],
  ['𝜮', 'S'],
  ['𝜯', 'T'],
  ['𝜰', 'Y'],
  ['𝜱', 'F'],
  ['𝜲', 'X'],
  ['𝜳', 'PS'],
  ['𝜴', 'O'],
  ['𝜵', 'D'],
  ['𝜶', 'a'],
  ['𝜷', 'v'],
  ['𝜸', 'g'],
  ['𝜹', 'd'],
  ['𝜺', 'e'],
  ['𝜻', 'z'],
  ['𝜼', 'i'],
  ['𝜽', 'th'],
  ['𝜾', 'i'],
  ['𝜿', 'k'],
  ['𝝀', 'l'],
  ['𝝁', 'm'],
  ['𝝂', 'n'],
  ['𝝃', 'ks'],
  ['𝝄', 'o'],
  ['𝝅', 'p'],
  ['𝝆', 'r'],
  ['𝝇', 's'],
  ['𝝈', 's'],
  ['𝝉', 't'],
  ['𝝊', 'y'],
  ['𝝋', 'f'],
  ['𝝌', 'x'],
  ['𝝍', 'ps'],
  ['𝝎', 'o'],
  ['𝝏', 'a'],
  ['𝝐', 'e'],
  ['𝝑', 'i'],
  ['𝝒', 'k'],
  ['𝝓', 'f'],
  ['𝝔', 'r'],
  ['𝝕', 'p'],
  ['𝝖', 'A'],
  ['𝝗', 'B'],
  ['𝝘', 'G'],
  ['𝝙', 'D'],
  ['𝝚', 'E'],
  ['𝝛', 'Z'],
  ['𝝜', 'I'],
  ['𝝝', 'TH'],
  ['𝝞', 'I'],
  ['𝝟', 'K'],
  ['𝝠', 'L'],
  ['𝝡', 'M'],
  ['𝝢', 'N'],
  ['𝝣', 'KS'],
  ['𝝤', 'O'],
  ['𝝥', 'P'],
  ['𝝦', 'R'],
  ['𝝧', 'TH'],
  ['𝝨', 'S'],
  ['𝝩', 'T'],
  ['𝝪', 'Y'],
  ['𝝫', 'F'],
  ['𝝬', 'X'],
  ['𝝭', 'PS'],
  ['𝝮', 'O'],
  ['𝝯', 'D'],
  ['𝝰', 'a'],
  ['𝝱', 'v'],
  ['𝝲', 'g'],
  ['𝝳', 'd'],
  ['𝝴', 'e'],
  ['𝝵', 'z'],
  ['𝝶', 'i'],
  ['𝝷', 'th'],
  ['𝝸', 'i'],
  ['𝝹', 'k'],
  ['𝝺', 'l'],
  ['𝝻', 'm'],
  ['𝝼', 'n'],
  ['𝝽', 'ks'],
  ['𝝾', 'o'],
  ['𝝿', 'p'],
  ['𝞀', 'r'],
  ['𝞁', 's'],
  ['𝞂', 's'],
  ['𝞃', 't'],
  ['𝞄', 'y'],
  ['𝞅', 'f'],
  ['𝞆', 'x'],
  ['𝞇', 'ps'],
  ['𝞈', 'o'],
  ['𝞉', 'a'],
  ['𝞊', 'e'],
  ['𝞋', 'i'],
  ['𝞌', 'k'],
  ['𝞍', 'f'],
  ['𝞎', 'r'],
  ['𝞏', 'p'],
  ['𝞐', 'A'],
  ['𝞑', 'V'],
  ['𝞒', 'G'],
  ['𝞓', 'D'],
  ['𝞔', 'E'],
  ['𝞕', 'Z'],
  ['𝞖', 'I'],
  ['𝞗', 'TH'],
  ['𝞘', 'I'],
  ['𝞙', 'K'],
  ['𝞚', 'L'],
  ['𝞛', 'M'],
  ['𝞜', 'N'],
  ['𝞝', 'KS'],
  ['𝞞', 'O'],
  ['𝞟', 'P'],
  ['𝞠', 'S'],
  ['𝞡', 'TH'],
  ['𝞢', 'S'],
  ['𝞣', 'T'],
  ['𝞤', 'Y'],
  ['𝞥', 'F'],
  ['𝞦', 'X'],
  ['𝞧', 'PS'],
  ['𝞨', 'O'],
  ['𝞩', 'D'],
  ['𝞪', 'av'],
  ['𝞫', 'g'],
  ['𝞬', 'd'],
  ['𝞭', 'e'],
  ['𝞮', 'z'],
  ['𝞯', 'i'],
  ['𝞰', 'i'],
  ['𝞱', 'th'],
  ['𝞲', 'i'],
  ['𝞳', 'k'],
  ['𝞴', 'l'],
  ['𝞵', 'm'],
  ['𝞶', 'n'],
  ['𝞷', 'ks'],
  ['𝞸', 'o'],
  ['𝞹', 'p'],
  ['𝞺', 'r'],
  ['𝞻', 's'],
  ['𝞼', 's'],
  ['𝞽', 't'],
  ['𝞾', 'y'],
  ['𝞿', 'f'],
  ['𝟀', 'x'],
  ['𝟁', 'ps'],
  ['𝟂', 'o'],
  ['𝟃', 'a'],
  ['𝟄', 'e'],
  ['𝟅', 'i'],
  ['𝟆', 'k'],
  ['𝟇', 'f'],
  ['𝟈', 'r'],
  ['𝟉', 'p'],
  ['𝟊', 'F'],
  ['𝟋', 'f'],
  ['⒜', '(a)'],
  ['⒝', '(b)'],
  ['⒞', '(c)'],
  ['⒟', '(d)'],
  ['⒠', '(e)'],
  ['⒡', '(f)'],
  ['⒢', '(g)'],
  ['⒣', '(h)'],
  ['⒤', '(i)'],
  ['⒥', '(j)'],
  ['⒦', '(k)'],
  ['⒧', '(l)'],
  ['⒨', '(m)'],
  ['⒩', '(n)'],
  ['⒪', '(o)'],
  ['⒫', '(p)'],
  ['⒬', '(q)'],
  ['⒭', '(r)'],
  ['⒮', '(s)'],
  ['⒯', '(t)'],
  ['⒰', '(u)'],
  ['⒱', '(v)'],
  ['⒲', '(w)'],
  ['⒳', '(x)'],
  ['⒴', '(y)'],
  ['⒵', '(z)'],
  ['Ⓐ', '(A)'],
  ['Ⓑ', '(B)'],
  ['Ⓒ', '(C)'],
  ['Ⓓ', '(D)'],
  ['Ⓔ', '(E)'],
  ['Ⓕ', '(F)'],
  ['Ⓖ', '(G)'],
  ['Ⓗ', '(H)'],
  ['Ⓘ', '(I)'],
  ['Ⓙ', '(J)'],
  ['Ⓚ', '(K)'],
  ['Ⓛ', '(L)'],
  ['Ⓝ', '(N)'],
  ['Ⓞ', '(O)'],
  ['Ⓟ', '(P)'],
  ['Ⓠ', '(Q)'],
  ['Ⓡ', '(R)'],
  ['Ⓢ', '(S)'],
  ['Ⓣ', '(T)'],
  ['Ⓤ', '(U)'],
  ['Ⓥ', '(V)'],
  ['Ⓦ', '(W)'],
  ['Ⓧ', '(X)'],
  ['Ⓨ', '(Y)'],
  ['Ⓩ', '(Z)'],
  ['ⓐ', '(a)'],
  ['ⓑ', '(b)'],
  ['ⓒ', '(b)'],
  ['ⓓ', '(c)'],
  ['ⓔ', '(e)'],
  ['ⓕ', '(f)'],
  ['ⓖ', '(g)'],
  ['ⓗ', '(h)'],
  ['ⓘ', '(i)'],
  ['ⓙ', '(j)'],
  ['ⓚ', '(k)'],
  ['ⓛ', '(l)'],
  ['ⓜ', '(m)'],
  ['ⓝ', '(n)'],
  ['ⓞ', '(o)'],
  ['ⓟ', '(p)'],
  ['ⓠ', '(q)'],
  ['ⓡ', '(r)'],
  ['ⓢ', '(s)'],
  ['ⓣ', '(t)'],
  ['ⓤ', '(u)'],
  ['ⓥ', '(v)'],
  ['ⓦ', '(w)'],
  ['ⓧ', '(x)'],
  ['ⓨ', '(y)'],
  ['ⓩ', '(z)'],

  // Maltese
  ['Ċ', 'C'],
  ['ċ', 'c'],
  ['Ġ', 'G'],
  ['ġ', 'g'],
  ['Ħ', 'H'],
  ['ħ', 'h'],
  ['Ż', 'Z'],
  ['ż', 'z'],

  // Numbers
  ['𝟎', '0'],
  ['𝟏', '1'],
  ['𝟐', '2'],
  ['𝟑', '3'],
  ['𝟒', '4'],
  ['𝟓', '5'],
  ['𝟔', '6'],
  ['𝟕', '7'],
  ['𝟖', '8'],
  ['𝟗', '9'],
  ['𝟘', '0'],
  ['𝟙', '1'],
  ['𝟚', '2'],
  ['𝟛', '3'],
  ['𝟜', '4'],
  ['𝟝', '5'],
  ['𝟞', '6'],
  ['𝟟', '7'],
  ['𝟠', '8'],
  ['𝟡', '9'],
  ['𝟢', '0'],
  ['𝟣', '1'],
  ['𝟤', '2'],
  ['𝟥', '3'],
  ['𝟦', '4'],
  ['𝟧', '5'],
  ['𝟨', '6'],
  ['𝟩', '7'],
  ['𝟪', '8'],
  ['𝟫', '9'],
  ['𝟬', '0'],
  ['𝟭', '1'],
  ['𝟮', '2'],
  ['𝟯', '3'],
  ['𝟰', '4'],
  ['𝟱', '5'],
  ['𝟲', '6'],
  ['𝟳', '7'],
  ['𝟴', '8'],
  ['𝟵', '9'],
  ['𝟶', '0'],
  ['𝟷', '1'],
  ['𝟸', '2'],
  ['𝟹', '3'],
  ['𝟺', '4'],
  ['𝟻', '5'],
  ['𝟼', '6'],
  ['𝟽', '7'],
  ['𝟾', '8'],
  ['𝟿', '9'],
  ['①', '1'],
  ['②', '2'],
  ['③', '3'],
  ['④', '4'],
  ['⑤', '5'],
  ['⑥', '6'],
  ['⑦', '7'],
  ['⑧', '8'],
  ['⑨', '9'],
  ['⑩', '10'],
  ['⑪', '11'],
  ['⑫', '12'],
  ['⑬', '13'],
  ['⑭', '14'],
  ['⑮', '15'],
  ['⑯', '16'],
  ['⑰', '17'],
  ['⑱', '18'],
  ['⑲', '19'],
  ['⑳', '20'],
  ['⑴', '1'],
  ['⑵', '2'],
  ['⑶', '3'],
  ['⑷', '4'],
  ['⑸', '5'],
  ['⑹', '6'],
  ['⑺', '7'],
  ['⑻', '8'],
  ['⑼', '9'],
  ['⑽', '10'],
  ['⑾', '11'],
  ['⑿', '12'],
  ['⒀', '13'],
  ['⒁', '14'],
  ['⒂', '15'],
  ['⒃', '16'],
  ['⒄', '17'],
  ['⒅', '18'],
  ['⒆', '19'],
  ['⒇', '20'],
  ['⒈', '1.'],
  ['⒉', '2.'],
  ['⒊', '3.'],
  ['⒋', '4.'],
  ['⒌', '5.'],
  ['⒍', '6.'],
  ['⒎', '7.'],
  ['⒏', '8.'],
  ['⒐', '9.'],
  ['⒑', '10.'],
  ['⒒', '11.'],
  ['⒓', '12.'],
  ['⒔', '13.'],
  ['⒕', '14.'],
  ['⒖', '15.'],
  ['⒗', '16.'],
  ['⒘', '17.'],
  ['⒙', '18.'],
  ['⒚', '19.'],
  ['⒛', '20.'],
  ['⓪', '0'],
  ['⓫', '11'],
  ['⓬', '12'],
  ['⓭', '13'],
  ['⓮', '14'],
  ['⓯', '15'],
  ['⓰', '16'],
  ['⓱', '17'],
  ['⓲', '18'],
  ['⓳', '19'],
  ['⓴', '20'],
  ['⓵', '1'],
  ['⓶', '2'],
  ['⓷', '3'],
  ['⓸', '4'],
  ['⓹', '5'],
  ['⓺', '6'],
  ['⓻', '7'],
  ['⓼', '8'],
  ['⓽', '9'],
  ['⓾', '10'],
  ['⓿', '0'],

  // Punctuation
  ['🙰', '&'],
  ['🙱', '&'],
  ['🙲', '&'],
  ['🙳', '&'],
  ['🙴', '&'],
  ['🙵', '&'],
  ['🙶', '"'],
  ['🙷', '"'],
  ['🙸', '"'],
  ['‽', '?!'],
  ['🙹', '?!'],
  ['🙺', '?!'],
  ['🙻', '?!'],
  ['🙼', '/'],
  ['🙽', '\\'],

  // Alchemy
  ['🜇', 'AR'],
  ['🜈', 'V'],
  ['🜉', 'V'],
  ['🜆', 'VR'],
  ['🜅', 'VF'],
  ['🜩', '2'],
  ['🜪', '5'],
  ['🝡', 'f'],
  ['🝢', 'W'],
  ['🝣', 'U'],
  ['🝧', 'V'],
  ['🝨', 'T'],
  ['🝪', 'V'],
  ['🝫', 'MB'],
  ['🝬', 'VB'],
  ['🝲', '3B'],
  ['🝳', '3B'],

  // Emojis
  ['💯', '100'],
  ['🔙', 'BACK'],
  ['🔚', 'END'],
  ['🔛', 'ON!'],
  ['🔜', 'SOON'],
  ['🔝', 'TOP'],
  ['🔞', '18'],
  ['🔤', 'abc'],
  ['🔠', 'ABCD'],
  ['🔡', 'abcd'],
  ['🔢', '1234'],
  ['🔣', 'T&@%'],
  ['#️⃣', '#'],
  ['*️⃣', '*'],
  ['0️⃣', '0'],
  ['1️⃣', '1'],
  ['2️⃣', '2'],
  ['3️⃣', '3'],
  ['4️⃣', '4'],
  ['5️⃣', '5'],
  ['6️⃣', '6'],
  ['7️⃣', '7'],
  ['8️⃣', '8'],
  ['9️⃣', '9'],
  ['🔟', '10'],
  ['🅰️', 'A'],
  ['🅱️', 'B'],
  ['🆎', 'AB'],
  ['🆑', 'CL'],
  ['🅾️', 'O'],
  ['🅿', 'P'],
  ['🆘', 'SOS'],
  ['🅲', 'C'],
  ['🅳', 'D'],
  ['🅴', 'E'],
  ['🅵', 'F'],
  ['🅶', 'G'],
  ['🅷', 'H'],
  ['🅸', 'I'],
  ['🅹', 'J'],
  ['🅺', 'K'],
  ['🅻', 'L'],
  ['🅼', 'M'],
  ['🅽', 'N'],
  ['🆀', 'Q'],
  ['🆁', 'R'],
  ['🆂', 'S'],
  ['🆃', 'T'],
  ['🆄', 'U'],
  ['🆅', 'V'],
  ['🆆', 'W'],
  ['🆇', 'X'],
  ['🆈', 'Y'],
  ['🆉', 'Z'],

function escapeStringRegexp(str: string) {
  if (typeof str !== 'string') {
    throw new TypeError('Expected a string');

  // Escape characters with special meaning either inside or outside character sets.
  // Use a simple backslash escape when it’s always valid, and a `\xnn` escape when the simpler form would be disallowed by Unicode patterns’ stricter grammar.
  return str.replace(/[|\\{}()[\]^$+*?.]/g, '\\$&').replace(/-/g, '\\x2d');

export function slugify(text: string, separator?: string) {
  let output = text.toString().trim();
  const sep = separator || '-';

  replacements.forEach(([from, to]) => {
    output = output.replace(new RegExp(escapeStringRegexp(from), 'g'), to);

  output = output
    .replace(/&/g, ' and ') // Replace & with 'and'
    .replace(/--+/g, ' ') // Replace multiple - with single -
    .replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\u3400-\u9FBF\s-]/g, ' ') // Remove all non-word chars
    .replace(/\s+/g, sep) // Replace spaces with -
    .replace(new RegExp(`^${sep}+`), '') // Trim - from start of text
    .replace(new RegExp(`${sep}+$`), ''); // Trim - from end of text

  return output;

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papalardo commented Aug 30, 2023

WTH @airtonix
Cant it simpler?

const replacements = [

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