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Handling conditional form fields based on user input

Handling conditional form fields based on user input

Create conditional form fields using jQuery.

A Pen by Truong Sa on CodePen.


<div id="branching-form">
<h1>Weee branching form</h1>
<!-- Level 0 form field: person_age -->
<div class="field">
<label>How old are you?</label>
<input type="text" name="person_age" placeholder="Age" />
<!-- Level 1 form fields: children of person_age -->
<div class="field hidden--no-hide" data-parent-branch="person_age" data-show-on-value="3..7">
<p class="info"><span class="level">Level 1</span> Person's age is <b>between 3 & 7</b></p>
<label>What's your favorite candy?</b></label>
<input type="text" name="favorite_candy" placeholder="Favorite candy" />
<!-- Level 2 form fields: children of favorite_candy -->
<div class="field hidden---" data-parent-branch="favorite_candy" data-show-on-value=" StarBurst,skittles">
<p class="info"><span class="level">Level 2</span> Person's favorite candy is <b>starburst or skittles</b></p>
<label>What flavor?</b></label>
<input type="text" name="what_flavor_starburst" placeholder="What flavor?" />
<div class="field hidden" data-parent-branch="favorite_candy" data-show-on-value="chocolate">
<p class="info"><span class="level">Level 2</span> Person's favorite candy is <b>chocolate</b></p>
<label>Which chocolate bar?</b></label>
<input type="text" name="which_chocolate_bar" placeholder="Which chocolate bar?" />
<!-- Level 1 form fields: children of person_age -->
<div class="field hidden" data-parent-branch="person_age" data-show-on-value="!5,!7">
<p class="info"><span class="level">Level 1</span> Person's age <b>does not equal 5 or 7</b></p>
<label>Did you start kindergarden this year?</label>
<input type="hidden" name="started_kindergarden_this_year" />
<span class="custom-radio"> YES</span>
<span class="custom-radio"> NO</span>
<!-- Level 2 form fields: children of started_kindergarden_this_year -->
<div class="field hidden" data-parent-branch="started_kindergarden_this_year" data-show-on-value="yes">
<p class="info"><span class="level">Level 2</span> Person <b>did</b> start kindergarden this year</p>
<label>What kindergarden do you go to?</b></label>
<input type="text" name="what_kindergarden" />
<!-- Level 1 form fields: children of person_age -->
<div class="field hidden" data-parent-branch="person_age" data-show-on-value="gte-21">
<p class="info"><span class="level">Level 1</span>Person's age is <b>at least 21</b></p>
<label>Did you graduate college?</label>
<input type="radio" name="graduated_college" value="1">Yes &nbsp;
<input type="radio" name="graduated_college" value="2">No &nbsp;
<input type="radio" name="graduated_college" value="3">Maybe
<!-- Level 2 form fields: children of started_kindergarden_this_year -->
<div class="field hidden" data-parent-branch="graduated_college" data-show-on-value="1">
<p class="info"><span class="level">Level 2</span> Person <b>did</b> graduate college</p>
<label>What college did you graduate from?</b></label>
<input type="text" name="graduated_from" />
<div class="field hidden" data-parent-branch="graduated_college" data-show-on-value="2,3">
<p class="info"><span class="level">Level 2</span> Person <b>did not</b> graduate college</p>
<label>What college would you like to attend?</b></label>
<input type="text" name="wants_to_graduate_from" />
<!-- Level 0 form field: person_income -->
<div class="field">
<label>What is your annual income?</label>
<select name="person_income">
<option value="under30">$0 - $30,000</option>
<option value="between30and60">$30,000 - $60,000</option>
<option value="between60and100">$60,000 - $100,000</option>
<option value="morethan100">More than $100,000</option>
<!-- Level 1 form fields: children of person_income -->
<div class="field hidden" data-parent-branch="person_income" data-show-on-value="morethan100">
<p class="info"><span class="level">Level 1</span> Person earns <b>more than $100,000</b></p>
<label>How does it feel to be rich?</label>
<input type="text" name="being_rich" />
<div id="fake-submit-button">Submit</div>
<div id="fake-post-data"></div>
<p>This demo using form forker plugin <a target="blank" href=""></a></p>
* Form Forker - jQuery / Zepto forkable form plugin
* Copyright (c) 2014 Brittany Storoz
* Licensed under the MIT license:
* Project home:
* Version: 0.0.0
(function($, window, document, undefined) {
"use strict";
$.fn.forkable = function(opts) {
var BranchingForm = function(form, options) {
var opts = options || {};
this.$domForm = form;
this.opts = opts;
BranchingForm.prototype = {
testChangeEvent: function(e) {
getForks: function() {
var self = this,
forkNames = [],
forkInputs = [],
childrenFormFields = self.$domForm.find('div[data-parent-branch]'); // TO DO: don't limit this to div elems
$.each(childrenFormFields, function(index, childFormField) {
var forkName = $(childFormField).data("parent-branch");
if (forkNames.indexOf(forkName) === -1) {
var fork = self.$domForm.find('input[name="' + forkName + '"], select[name="' + forkName + '"]');
self.forks = forkInputs;
init: function() {
var self = this;
/* If custom evaluation methods have been defined, make them available in the branching form */
if (self.opts.branchingMethods) {
$.each(self.opts.branchingMethods, function(key, val) {
if (typeof self[key] !== "undefined") {
console.warn("Note: You are overriding one of Form Forker's default branching methods with \"" + key + "\". If this was not your intention, try renaming your custom branching method.");
self[key] = val;
/* Set up event handlers to monitor the values of our forks */
$.each(self.forks, function(index, fork) {
var branchMethod = $(fork).data('branching-fn'); // determine the type of evaluation we need to do on the input value
if ($(fork).prop('type') === 'text') {
$(fork).keyup(function() {
$(fork).change(function(e) {
var childBranches = self.$domForm.find('div[data-parent-branch=' + $(fork).prop('name') + ']'),
userEnteredValue = $(fork).val();
if (!branchMethod && isNaN(parseInt(userEnteredValue))) {
self.stringEval(childBranches, userEnteredValue);
} else if (!branchMethod) {
self.integerEval(childBranches, parseInt(userEnteredValue));
} else {
self[branchMethod](childBranches, userEnteredValue);
/* Gather any values from inputs that are currently displayed to submit */
postData: function() {
var unhiddenFields = this.domForm.find('div:not(".hidden")'),
inputFieldsToSend = unhiddenFields.find('> input, > textarea, > select'),
postData = {};
$.each(inputFieldsToSend, function(index, input) {
var postVal;
($(input).prop('type') === 'radio') ? postVal = $('input:checked').val() : postVal = $(input).val(); // if input is a radio button, only send the value of the checked radio
if (postVal) { // if the input value isn't blank, add a key to the postData object
postData[$(input).prop('name')] = postVal;
return postData;
util: {
/* Fake radio buttons so we can give them custom styling; will probaby need to support custom select menus, checkboxes, etc. in the future */
handleCustomRadios: function(e) {
var $elem = $(e.currentTarget), // radios span that was clicked on
$associatedInput = $elem.parent().find('> input'), // the input whose value needs to be toggled based on our span selection
selectedRadioVal = $.trim($elem.html()); // the innerHTML of our selected span
$associatedInput.val(selectedRadioVal); // set the hidden input value equal to the selected span
$associatedInput.trigger('change'); // manually trigger the change even on our input so we can evaluate it's value
/* Remove leading/trailing whitespace & convert to lowercase to ensure no false negatives when comparing strings */
cleanString: function(dirtyString) {
return dirtyString.toLowerCase().replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
* Map string-based operators to their arithmetic equivalent and return the result of the evaluated expression
* @param {string} comparisonOperator The string-based comparison to convert to an arithmetic operator // possible values: gte, gt, lte, lt, eq, noteq
* @param {integer} userEnteredValue The current integer value a user has entered
* @param {integer} integerToCompareAgainst The integer we will compare the userEnteredValue to as specified by the child branch's data-show-on-value attribute
convertToArithmeticComparison: function(comparisonOperator, userEnteredValue, integerToCompareAgainst) {
switch (comparisonOperator) {
case 'gte':
return (userEnteredValue >= integerToCompareAgainst);
case 'gt':
return (userEnteredValue > integerToCompareAgainst);
case 'lte':
return (userEnteredValue <= integerToCompareAgainst);
case 'lt':
return (userEnteredValue < integerToCompareAgainst);
case 'eq':
return (userEnteredValue === integerToCompareAgainst);
case 'noteq':
return (userEnteredValue !== integerToCompareAgainst);
* Parse the data-show-on-value attribute of child branches for integer evaluations.
* @param {integer} userEnteredValue The current integer value a user has entered into an input with dependent child branches
* @param {string} conditionsToBeMet The conditions to be met for showing a child branch, as specified by the child branch's
data-show-on-value attribute // possible values: gte-{int}, gt-{int}, lte-{int}, lt-{int}, eq-{int}, noteq-{int}
* @param {string} logicalOperator The logical operator to use when evaluating multiple conditions // possible values: _and_, _or_
parseNumericConditions: function(userEnteredValue, conditionsToBeMet, logicalOperator) {
var self = this,
userInput = parseInt(userEnteredValue),
/* Loop through the conditions that must be met to show a particular child branch */
$.each(conditionsToBeMet, function(index, condition) {
var conditionToEvaluate = condition.split('-'),
comparisonOperator = conditionToEvaluate[0], // gte, gt, lte, lt, eq, noteq
integerToCompareAgainst = parseInt(conditionToEvaluate[1]), // integer we will compare the userEnteredValue to
conditionResult = self.convertToArithmeticComparison(comparisonOperator, userInput, integerToCompareAgainst);
/* If there are multiple conditions but the logical operator is an ||, we can return true after the first condition that passes. */
/* If there is no logical operator (only 1 condition is specified), or it is an &&, we must loop through all conditions and only return true if all pass. */
if (logicalOperator && logicalOperator === '_or_' && conditionResult === true) {
valuePassesConditions = true;
return false;
} else if (logicalOperator && logicalOperator === '_and_' && conditionResult === false) {
valuePassesConditions = false;
return false;
} else {
valuePassesConditions = conditionResult;
return valuePassesConditions;
* Method for comparing integer values with arithmetic operators. This code is method is CRAZY.
* @param {object} opts Options containing references to the child branches and the user-entered value to be evaluated
integerEval: function(childBranches, userEnteredValue) {
var self = this,
userInput = parseInt(userEnteredValue), // convert input value from string to integer
/* for each of the possible child branches, find the condition that must be met in order for them to be shown */
$.each(childBranches, function(index, childBranch) {
var $childBranch = $(childBranch),
showOnValueAttribute = $(childBranch).data('show-on-value'),
conditionType = typeof showOnValueAttribute,
if (conditionType === 'string') {
if (showOnValueAttribute.indexOf(',') !== -1) {
conditionType = 'integerArray';
} else if (showOnValueAttribute.indexOf('..') !== -1) {
conditionType = 'inclusiveRange';
} else if (showOnValueAttribute.match(/\_and\_|\_or\_/g) !== null) {
conditionType = 'logicalExpression';
switch (conditionType) {
case 'number': // data-show-on-value="1"
numericOperations = ['eq-' + showOnValueAttribute];
case 'string': // data-show-on-value="gte-8"
if (showOnValueAttribute.charAt(0) === "!") {
numericOperations = ["noteq-" + showOnValueAttribute.slice(1)]
else {
numericOperations = [showOnValueAttribute];
case 'inclusiveRange': // data-show-on-value="3..7"
conditionsForShowingChildBranch = showOnValueAttribute.split('..');
logicalOperator = "_and_"; // _and_, _or_
numericOperations = ["gte-" + conditionsForShowingChildBranch[0], "lte-" + conditionsForShowingChildBranch[1]]; // gte-{int}, lte-{int}
case 'integerArray': // data-show-on-value="1,2,3,4,5"
conditionsForShowingChildBranch = showOnValueAttribute.split(',');
numericOperations = [];
$.each(conditionsForShowingChildBranch, function(index, condition) {
if (condition.charAt(0) === "!") {
numericOperations.push('noteq-' + condition.slice(1));
logicalOperator = '_and_';
else {
numericOperations.push('eq-' + condition);
logicalOperator = '_or_';
case 'logicalExpression': // data-show-on-value="gte-3_and_lte-7"
conditionsForShowingChildBranch = showOnValueAttribute.split(/(\_and\_|\_or\_)/g);
logicalOperator = conditionsForShowingChildBranch[1]; // _and_, _or_
numericOperations = [conditionsForShowingChildBranch[0], conditionsForShowingChildBranch[2]]; // gte-{int}, gt-{int}, lte-{int}, lt-{int}, eq-{int}, noteq-{int}
childBranchShouldBeShown = self.util.parseNumericConditions(userInput, numericOperations, logicalOperator);
(childBranchShouldBeShown) ? $childBranch.removeClass('hidden').find('> div.field').removeClass('hidden') : $childBranch.addClass('hidden');
* Compare string values. Will also work for boolean values by comparing their string equivalents, though this could get buggy.
* @param {object} opts Options containing references to the child branches and the user-entered value to be evaluated
stringEval: function(childBranches, userEnteredValue) {
var self = this,
userInput = self.util.cleanString(userEnteredValue),
$.each(childBranches, function(index, childBranch) {
var $childBranch = $(childBranch),
conditionsForShowingChildBranch = $'show-on-value').toString().split(','); // grab the conditions that must be true in order to show this child branch
conditionsForShowingChildBranch = $.map(conditionsForShowingChildBranch, function(condition) {
return self.util.cleanString(condition);
childBranchShouldBeShown = (conditionsForShowingChildBranch.indexOf(userInput) !== -1);
(childBranchShouldBeShown) ? $childBranch.removeClass('hidden').find('> div.field').removeClass('hidden') : $childBranch.addClass('hidden');
}; // end BranchingForm.prototype
/* Initialize the new forkable form */
var userBranchingForm = new BranchingForm($(this), opts);
return userBranchingForm;
}; // end $.fn.forkable
})(window.jQuery || window.Zepto, window, document);
(function () {
branchingMethods: {
"customEval": function(childBranches, userEnteredValue) {
console.log("CUSTOM This: ", this);
console.log("CB: ", childBranches);
console.log("User Val: ", userEnteredValue)
$('#branching-form').find('input, select, textarea').eq(0).trigger( 'change');
// /* Attach click event handler for custom radios */
// $('#branching-form').find('div span.custom-radio').click(function(e) {
// userFeedbackForm.util.handleCustomRadios(e);
// });
// /* Stub submit button to display postData on form submit */
// $('#fake-submit-button').click(function(e) {
// var stringifiedPostData = userFeedbackForm.postData();
// stringifiedPostData = JSON.stringify(stringifiedPostData);
// var radioVal = $(userFeedbackForm).find('input[type=radio').val();
// $('#fake-post-data').html('<h2>Post Data on Submit:</h2>' + stringifiedPostData);
// });
<script src=""></script>
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h1 {
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font-weight: 100;
margin: 0 0 20px 0;
color: #999;
padding: 0px;
#branching-form div.field {
font-size: 11px;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
padding: 2px 10px;
color: #333;
text-align: right;
margin: 0 0 5px 0;
#branching-form div.field > div.field > {
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
#branching-form div.field > div.field > div.field > {
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
#branching-form div.field span.level {
float: left;
#test {
display: inline;
#branching-form div.field {
padding: 15px 0px 15px 15px;
height: auto;
transition: padding 0.2s ease 0.0s;
#branching-form div.field label {
display: block;
padding: 5px 0px;
#branching-form div.field input {
width: 99%;
height: 18px;
#branching-form div.field input[type="radio"] {
display: inline-block;
margin: 10px 5px;
width: auto;
vertical-align: middle;
#branching-form div.field.hidden {
overflow: hidden;
height: 0px;
padding: 0px 0px 0px 15px;
transition: padding 0.2s ease 0.0s;
#branching-form div.field span.custom-radio {
border: 1px solid #bfbfbf;
border-radius: 5px;
display: inline-block;
margin: 5px 0 10px 0px;
font: bold 10px sans-serif;
color: #717171;
background-color: #ffffff;
padding: 4px 9px;
cursor: pointer;
#branching-form div.field {
background-color: #cbcbcb;
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font: 600 13px/20px'helvetica', arial, sans-serif;
text-transform: uppercase;
padding: 5px 15px;
max-width: 100px;
text-align: center;
margin: 0 auto;
color: #fff;
#fake-submit-button: hover {
background-color: #326891;
border-color: #325c8a;
cursor: pointer;
#fake-post-data {
margin: 40px auto;
max-width: 600px;
font: 400 12px/16px'courier', serif;
word-wrap: break-word;
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color: #666;
text-transform: uppercase;
background-color: #eee;
padding: 5px 10px 3px 10px;
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