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Created May 4, 2018 22:37
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a text input routine written in Commodore BASIC
5 print
10 w$=""
20 print "(greater than)_";
30 get a$:if a$="" then 30
40 a=asc(a$)
50 if a=13 then 200:rem return
60 if a=32 then 110:rem space
70 if a=20 then 300:rem backspace
100 if a<65 or a>90 then 30
110 print chr$(20);a$;"D";
115 w$=w$+a$
120 goto 30
200 rem handle return
210 print chr$(20)
215 if w$="" then print:print"you typed
220 print:print"you typed:":print w$
230 end
300 rem handle backspace
305 if len(w$)=0 then 30
310 print chr$(20);chr$(20);"D";
320 w$=left$(w$,len(w$)-1)
330 goto 30
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