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Illustrated implementation of algorithm computing total area of overlapping circles
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Original idea by red Ants Aasma at
import numpy as np
import numpy.random as rnd
import itertools
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Wedge
import collections
import sys
π = np.pi
# Params
xmax = 5
rmax = 3
''' Allowable distance between to points error '''
ε = 1e-10
N = 10
Generating `N` points within circle of radius `xmax`.
Max circle radius for each point is `rmax`.
ρ = rnd.uniform(0, xmax, (N, 1))
φ = rnd.uniform(0, 2*π, (N, 1))
nodes = np.hstack([ρ * np.cos(φ), ρ * np.sin(φ)])
radiuses = rnd.uniform(0.2, rmax, N)
Make some circles intersect in one point.
K = 4
ns = rnd.permutation(N)[:K]
p = rnd.uniform(-xmax, +xmax, 2)
nodes[ns] = p + rnd.uniform(-rmax/2, +rmax/2, (K, 2))
radiuses[ns] = np.linalg.norm(nodes[ns] - p, axis=1)
Per circle intersections.
intersections = [[] for i in range(N)]
Flags marking circles fully within other
covered = [False]*N
Intersection point is 'left' if it is by left side
when looking from this circle center to other. Left
intersection is always after right in CCW direction.
Intersection = collections.namedtuple('Intersection', 'n, φ, left, φ2')
def normalize(α):
while α > π:
α -= 2*π
while α < -π:
α += 2*π
Make sure every circle has same angle value
for every other circle, when more than two
circles intersect in one point.
return round(α, 9)
for n1, n2 in itertools.combinations(range(N), 2):
if covered[n1] or covered[n2]: continue
p1 = nodes[n1]
p2 = nodes[n2]
d = np.linalg.norm(p2 - p1)
r1 = radiuses[n1]
r2 = radiuses[n2]
''' If one of circles fully within other circle '''
if max(r1, r2) + ε >= d + min(r1, r2):
if r1 < r2:
covered[n1] = True
intersections[n1] = None
covered[n2] = True
intersections[n2] = None
if d + ε >= r1 + r2: continue
''' Refer to for math '''
t = d**2 - r2**2 + r1**2;
x = t / (2.0 * d);
y = np.sqrt(4.0 * d**2 * r1**2 - t**2) / (2.0 * d);
φ1 and φ2 are computed in coordinate system where
circle `n1` is at (a, b) and circle `n2` is at (a + d, b)
for arbitrary `a` and `b`.
This system is rotated from our by angle θ. We use it to
adjust final intersection angle, which can be than used to
compute cartesian coordinates of intersection and correctly
order intersection points on circle.
φ1 = np.arctan2(y, x)
φ2 = np.arctan2(y, d - x)
θ = np.arctan2(p2[1] - p1[1], p2[0] - p1[0])
n1_n2_φ1 = normalize(φ1 + θ)
n1_n2_φ2 = normalize(-φ1 + θ)
intersections[n1].append(Intersection(n2, n1_n2_φ1, True, n1_n2_φ2))
intersections[n1].append(Intersection(n2, n1_n2_φ2, False, n1_n2_φ1))
n2_n1_φ1 = normalize(-π + (φ2 + θ))
n2_n1_φ2 = normalize(π - (φ2 - θ))
intersections[n2].append(Intersection(n1, n2_n1_φ1, True, n2_n1_φ2))
intersections[n2].append(Intersection(n1, n2_n1_φ2, False, n2_n1_φ1))
class IntegerBoundedSet(object):
def __init__(self, N):
self.len = 0
self.N = N
self.set = [False]*N
def __len__(self):
return self.len
def add(self, i):
assert type(i) == int and i >= 0 and i < self.N
if not self.set[i]:
self.set[i] = True
self.len += 1
def discard(self, i):
assert type(i) == int and i >= 0 and i < self.N
if self.set[i]:
self.set[i] = False
self.len -= 1
patches = []
for n in range(N):
if covered[n]: continue
if len(intersections[n]) == 0:
intersections[n].sort(key=lambda iss: (iss.φ, iss.φ2 + (π*2 if iss.φ2 < iss.φ else 0)))
''' Flags whether this intersections lies inside other circle '''
in_between = [False]*len(intersections[n])
We need to mark intersections that lie inside other circles.
It is done in two CCW passes over intersections array.
Thus we enter (open) circle on right intersection and close
on left.
assert len(intersections[n]) % 2 == 0
opened = IntegerBoundedSet(N)
i = 0
while i < len(intersections[n]):
''' If we met closing intersection '''
if intersections[n][i].left:
''' Drop circle from set of opened '''
If there are other open circles,
then mark this intersection.
if len(opened) > 0:
in_between[i] = True
Otherwise we first have to check
for opened circles.
if len(opened) > 0:
in_between[i] = True
''' ... and than open new one '''
i += 1
''' Second pass closes circles that are still opened '''
i = 0
while len(opened) != 0:
if intersections[n][i].left:
if len(opened) != 0:
in_between[i] = True
i += 1
''' Filter intersections that lay inside other circles '''
intersections[n] = [iss for flag, iss in zip(in_between, intersections[n]) if not flag]
if len(intersections[n]) == 0: continue
''' Add circular parts '''
assert len(intersections[n]) > 1
i = 0 if intersections[n][0].left else 1
while i < len(intersections[n]):
patches.append((n, intersections[n][i].φ, intersections[n][(i + 1) % len(intersections[n])].φ))
i += 2
''' Computes cartesian coordinates of intersection by circle center and angle '''
def edge(n, φ):
return nodes[n] + radiuses[n] * np.array([np.cos(φ), np.sin(φ)])
polygons = []
for n1 in range(N):
if covered[n1] or len(intersections[n1]) == 0: continue
while len(intersections[n1]) > 0:
We select any left intersection, than build polygon
going CW from vertex to vertex until return to first circle.
assert len(intersections[n1]) > 1, intersections[n1]
''' Find any left intersection. '''
i, iss = next(p for p in enumerate(intersections[n1]) if p[1].left)
polygon = []
polygon.append(edge(n1, iss.φ))
prev_n = n1
current_n = iss.n
while current_n != n1:
Find matching right intersection in adjoint circle.
Can be done faster by clever indexing.
i = next(p[0] for p in enumerate(intersections[current_n]) if p[1].n == prev_n and not p[1].left)
print(*intersections, file=sys.stderr, sep='\n')
print(n1, prev_n, current_n, iss, file=sys.stderr)
j = (i + 1) % len(intersections[current_n])
assert j != i and intersections[current_n][j].left
''' Find next intersection '''
iss = intersections[current_n][j]
polygon.append(edge(current_n, iss.φ))
''' Drop used pair of intersections '''
for k in sorted([i, j], reverse=True):
prev_n = current_n
current_n = iss.n
''' Drop last matching intersection in first circle '''
for i, iss in enumerate(intersections[n1]):
if not iss.left and iss.n == prev_n:
axes = plt.axes()
axes.add_patch(plt.Circle((0, 0), radius=xmax, fill=False, color='black'))
for i in range(N):
axes.annotate(str(i), (nodes[i, 0], nodes[i, 1] + 0.1))
axes.scatter([p[0]], [p[1]])
axes.annotate('x', (p[0], p[1] + 0.1))
total_area = 0.0
for p in patches:
area = None
if type(p) == int:
area = π * radiuses[n]**2
print('Circle', p, 'gives', area, 'area')
axes.add_patch(plt.Circle((nodes[p, 0], nodes[p, 1]), radius=radiuses[p], alpha=0.2, color='blue'))
n, φ1, φ2 = p
if φ2 < φ1:
area = (2*π + φ2 - φ1) * radiuses[n]**2 / 2
area = (φ2 - φ1) * radiuses[n]**2 / 2
print('Circle', n, "'s part from", φ1, 'to', φ2, 'gives', area, 'area')
axes.add_patch(Wedge((nodes[n, 0], nodes[n, 1]), radiuses[n], φ1 * 180 / π, φ2 * 180 / π, color='green', alpha=0.2))
total_area += area
def polygon_area(p):
assert len(p) > 3
See for formula.
Negation due CW direction.
return -sum([p1[0]*p2[1] - p2[0]*p1[1] for p1, p2 in zip(p, itertools.islice(itertools.cycle(p), 1, len(p) + 1))]) / 2
for i, p in enumerate(polygons):
area = polygon_area(p)
print("Polygon's #", i, ' area is ', area, sep='')
total_area += area
axes.add_patch(plt.Polygon(np.array(p), alpha=0.2, color='red'))
print('Total area:', total_area)
axes.scatter(nodes[:, 0], nodes[:, 1])
axes.set_aspect('equal', 'datalim')
plt.xlim(-xmax, xmax)
plt.ylim(-xmax, xmax)
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