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Last active September 12, 2015 05:08
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Monad instance of list where list is treated as a function (Nat -> Nat)
module FunkyList where
import Control.Monad
instance Functor FunkyList where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative FunkyList where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
-- Probably want to add constraint: Num a
newtype FunkyList a = FunkyList {getFunkyList :: [a]} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- Make a function behave as a list.
convert :: Num b => (b -> a) -> [a]
convert f = f 0 : convert (f . (+1))
wrap :: Num b => (b -> a) -> FunkyList a
wrap = FunkyList . convert
instance Monad FunkyList where
-- At least two equivalent ways of writing >>=
-- The first one was inspired by Monad instance of ((->) r)
-- which has
-- f >>= k = \ r -> k (f r) r
-- This is the first way:
-- (FunkyList xs) >>= k = wrap $ \ r -> k' (xs !! r) !! r
-- The second one uses the Monad instance of ((->) r), as follows (found using blunt/pointfree)
(FunkyList xs) >>= k = wrap $ (k' . (xs !!)) >>= (!!)
k' = getFunkyList . k
return = wrap . const -- Or alternatively: return x = FunkyList $ repeat x
-- Testing (Should really use QuickCheck properties etc)
tester n (FunkyList lhs) (FunkyList rhs) = take n lhs == take n rhs
f n = map (*n) [1..]
f' :: Int -> FunkyList Int
f' = FunkyList . f
g n = map (+n) [1..]
g' :: Int -> FunkyList Int
g' = FunkyList . g
-- It is a monad, it seems
-- Passes Law 1
-- Law 1: return x >>= k == k x
k = f'
x = 3
lhs1 = return x >>= k
rhs1 = k x
test1 = tester 100 lhs1 rhs1
-- Passes Law 2
-- Law 2: m >>= return = m
m = FunkyList [1..]
lhs2 = m >>= return
rhs2 = m
test2 = tester 100 lhs2 rhs2
-- Law 3: m >>= (\x -> k x >>= h) == (m >>= k) >>= h
lhs3 = m >>= (\x -> f' x >>= g')
rhs3 = (m >>= f') >>= g'
test3 = tester 100 lhs3 rhs3
isMonad = and [test1, test2, test3]
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