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Created November 11, 2013 09:40
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Dijkstra algorithm implementation in c++
// main.cpp
// dijkstra
// Created by Mahmut Bulut on 11/11/13.
// Copyright (c) 2013 Mahmut Bulut. All rights reserved.
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <limits>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Graph
unordered_map<char, const unordered_map<char, int>> vertices;
void add_vertex(char name, const unordered_map<char, int>& edges)
// Insert the connected nodes in unordered map
vertices.insert(unordered_map<char, const unordered_map<char, int>>::value_type(name, edges));
vector<char> shortest_path(char start, char finish)
// Second arguments -> distances
// Find the smallest distance in the already in closed list and push it in -> previous
unordered_map<char, int> distances;
unordered_map<char, char> previous;
vector<char> nodes; // Open list
vector<char> path; // Closed list
auto comparator = [&] (char left, char right) { return distances[left] > distances[right]; };
for (auto& vertex : vertices)
if (vertex.first == start)
distances[vertex.first] = 0;
distances[vertex.first] = numeric_limits<int>::max();
push_heap(begin(nodes), end(nodes), comparator);
while (!nodes.empty())
pop_heap(begin(nodes), end(nodes), comparator);
char smallest = nodes.back();
std::cout << "Open list: ";
for( std::vector<char>::const_iterator i = nodes.begin(); i != nodes.end(); ++i)
std::cout << *i << ' ';
std::cout << std::endl;
if (smallest == finish)
while (previous.find(smallest) != end(previous))
smallest = previous[smallest];
std::cout << "Closed list: ";
for( std::vector<char>::const_iterator i = path.begin(); i != path.end(); ++i)
std::cout << *i << ' ';
std::cout << std::endl;
if (distances[smallest] == numeric_limits<int>::max())
for (auto& neighbor : vertices[smallest])
int alt = distances[smallest] + neighbor.second;
if (alt < distances[neighbor.first])
distances[neighbor.first] = alt;
previous[neighbor.first] = smallest;
make_heap(begin(nodes), end(nodes), comparator);
return path;
int main()
cout << "@author: Mahmut Bulut" << endl << endl;
int seq = 0;
char init_node = 'A';
char dest_node = 'G';
Graph g;
g.add_vertex('A', {{'B', 1}, {'C', 4}, {'F', 2}});
g.add_vertex('B', {{'E', 2}});
g.add_vertex('C', {{'G', 2}, {'D', 4}});
g.add_vertex('D', {});
g.add_vertex('E', {{'D', 3}});
g.add_vertex('F', {{'C', 1}, {'G', 4}});
g.add_vertex('G', {{'E', 5}});
cout << "As initial node: " << init_node << endl;
cout << "As goal node: " << dest_node << endl;
for (char vertex : g.shortest_path(init_node, dest_node))
cout << "Solution path from goal sequence : " << seq << " Node : " << vertex << endl;
cout << "Solution path from goal sequence : " << seq << " Node : " << init_node << endl;
return 0;
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