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Last active December 31, 2015 10:59
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Save vertexclique/7976924 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Eight Puzzle in Common Lisp
;;; The 8 puzzle
;;; (defpackage :eightpuzzle
;;; (:use :common-lisp)
;;; (:export #:main #:run))
;;; (in-package :eightpuzzle)
;;; For using with Lispworks
;;; (deliver `runeight "eight-puzzle" 0 :multiprocessing t)
;;; For compiling to binary use ECLS
;;; another alternative can be Steel Bank CL using these commands
;;; sbcl --eval "(progn
;;; (compile-file \"eightpuzzle.lisp\")
;;; (load \"eightpuzzle\")
;;; (save-lisp-and-die \"eightpuzzle.core\"))"
;;; For running the compiled
;;; sbcl --core eightpuzzle.core --noinform\
;;; --eval "(progn (eightpuzzle:main) (quit))"
;;; For running with interpreter use Clozure Common Lisp Implementation
;;; (save-application "~/eightpuzzle.execer" :toplevel-function #'eightpuzzle:main :prepend-kernel t)
;;; State is a list
;;; ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 )
(defvar *start* '(1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 0))
(defvar *goal* '(1 8 7
2 0 6
3 4 5))
;;; Define adjacencies
(defvar *adj*
'((0 1 3)
(1 0 4 2)
(2 1 5)
(3 0 4 6)
(4 1 3 5 7)
(5 2 4 8)
(6 3 7)
(7 4 6 8)
(8 5 7)))
(defun goalp (state)
(equal state *goal*))
(defun transpose (state i j)
(transpose1 state j i (nth i state) (nth j state)))
(defun transpose1 (state i j ival jval)
((null state) nil)
((zerop i)
(cons ival
(transpose1 (cdr state) (- i 1) (- j 1) ival jval)))
((zerop j)
(cons jval
(transpose1 (cdr state) (- i 1) (- j 1) ival jval)))
(cons (car state)
(transpose1 (cdr state) (- i 1) (- j 1) ival jval)))))
(defun loc-of (num state)
((null state) 0)
((eq (car state) num) 0)
((+ 1 (loc-of num (cdr state))))))
(defun space-at (state)
(loc-of 0 state))
(defun new-states (state)
(let ((zloc (space-at state)))
(mapcar #'(lambda (toloc)
(transpose state zloc toloc))
(cdr (assoc zloc *adj*)))))
;;; The value of a state is 3/4 based in how similar that state
;;; is to the goal state, and 1/4 based on whether tiles adjacent
;;; in the goal state are also adjacent in the current state.
(defun heur-value (state)
(* 3 (similarity state *goal*))
(adj-value state *goal*)))
;;; similarity is the number of tiles in the same position in two states
(defun similarity (s1 s2)
((or (null s1) (null s2)) 0)
((equal (car s1) (car s2))
(+ 1 (similarity (cdr s1) (cdr s2))))
((similarity (cdr s1) (cdr s2)))))
(defun adj-num (num state)
#'(lambda (n) (nth n state))
(cdr (assoc (loc-of num state) *adj*))))
(defun number-common (l1 l2)
((null l1) 0)
((null l2) 0)
((memq (car l1) l2)
(+ 1 (number-common (cdr l1) l2)))
((number-common (cdr l1) l2))))
;;; adj-value is the number of tile adjacencies common between thw
;;; two states
(defun adj-value (s1 s2)
(apply #'+
#'(lambda (num)
(number-common (adj-num num s1) (adj-num num s2)))
'(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))))
;; Breadth first search with state limit
;;; A node is a list of (hval state parent gradparent ...)
(defun hval-of (node) (car node))
(defun state-of (node) (cadr node))
(defun path-of (node) (cdr node))
(defun depth-of (node) (length (cddr node)))
(defvar *visited* nil)
(defvar *heur-mult* 2)
(defun best (state limit)
(let ((nodes 0)
(expanded 0)
(branches 0)
(limit limit)
(open (list (list (heur-value state) state))))
(setf *visited* nil)
(cond ((null open)
(print (list 'nodes nodes expanded branches))
(return (list 'no 'solution 'found))))
(incf nodes)
(cond ((goalp (state-of (car open)))
(print (list 'nodes nodes expanded branches))
(print (list 'length 'of 'soln (depth-of (car open))))
(return (path-of (car open)))))
(cond ((> nodes limit)
(print (list 'nodes nodes expanded branches))
(return (list 'closest 'was (car open) ))))
(let ((children (new-states (state-of (car open)))))
(incf expanded)
(setf branches (+ (length children) branches))
(setf open (combine-queue children (car open) (cdr open)))))))
;;; This function takes the new children of the current node, the
;;; current node, and the rest of the queue and builds new nodes for
;;; those child states that have not been visited.
;;; Note that the SORT is overkill, since we only need the best
;;; state in front, but the program is shorter if we use sort
;;; Note: we use (*HEUR-MULT* X HEUR - DEPTH) as the value of a node...
;;; this makes for for shorter (but not necessarily optimal) paths.
(defun combine-queue (new-states node queue)
(push (state-of node) *visited*)
(dolist (state new-states)
(if (not (member state *visited* :test #'equal))
(push (cons (- (* *heur-mult* (heur-value state)) (depth-of node))
(cons state (cdr node)))
(sort queue #'> :key #'car))
(defun runeight ()
(format t "~C" #\linefeed)
(format t "Enter heuristic multiplier for search: ")
(LET (heur-mult)
(SETQ heur-mult (read heur-mult))
(format t "Entered Heuristic multiplier is ~a" heur-mult)
(format t "~C" #\linefeed)
(format t "Depth of search (number of states): ")
(LET (dept)
(SETQ dept (read dept))
(format t "Entered depth of search (number of states for depth) is ~a" dept)
(best *start* dept)
;; (runeight)
(defun main ()
(defun run ()
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