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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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Susy Grids - Useful Snippets
// Default susy sass map of configuration options.
// These are the defaults. More information can be found here:
$susy: (
flow: ltr,
math: fluid,
output: float,
gutter-position: after,
container: auto,
container-position: center,
columns: 4,
gutters: .25,
column-width: false,
global-box-sizing: content-box,
last-flow: to,
debug: (
image: hide,
color: rgba(#66f, .25),
output: background,
toggle: top right,
use-custom: (
background-image: true,
background-options: false,
box-sizing: true,
clearfix: false,
rem: true,
// Below are examples of some simple ways to use susy to set widths of elements, and gutters of elements:
// Default usage of susy span mixin:
.container {
.left {
@include span(4 of 12); // Tell the left container to be 4 of 12 rows wide
.right {
@include span(8 of 12 last); // Tell the left container to be 8 of 12 rows wide. Use the last argument to exclude the default left margin gutter on this element
// Using susy span mixin with alternate gutter position defined:
.container {
.left {
@include span(4 of 12 $inside-gutters); // Tell the left container to be 4 of 12 rows wide
.right {
@include span(8 of 12 $inside-gutters); // Tell the left container to be 8 of 12 rows wide. Since we are using inside-gutters the 'last' argument is not required (since inside-gutters uses left and right padding as gutters, instead of right margin)
// Using the span function, instead of the span mixin, to have more control over the width:
.container {
.left {
width: span(4);
float: left;
.right {
width: span(8);
float: left;
// Bleed - to make a container that completely fills the grid without gutters, use the bleed function to add negative left and right margins
.some-div {
@include bleed($grid-padding);
// Breakpoints - make the Susy grid use different numbers of columns at different breakpoints
// Passing your different layouts as arguments
$small-columns: 4
$medium-columns: 8
$small: $small-columns (77px 20px) split show;
$medium: $medium-columns (77px 20px) split show;
.container {
@include container($small);
@include breakpoint(768px) {
@include container($medium);
.left-column {
@include span(2 of $small);
@include breakpoint(768px) {
@include span(4 of $medium);
// Breakpoints - make the Susy grid use different numbers of columns at different breakpoints
// With the use-grid() mixin:
.left-column {
@include span(2);
@include breakpoint(768px) {
@include use-grid($medium) {
@include span(4);
// everything nested in here will use the medium grid...
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