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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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import readchar
tape = bytearray([0])
data_pointer = 0
loop_buffer = ''
def state():
print ''.join(['{0:03} '.format(i) for i in tape])
for i in range(data_pointer):
print ' '*3,
print '^'
if loop_buffer:
print loop_buffer
def lookahead(program, instruction_pointer):
lookahead = instruction_pointer + 1
depth = 1
while True:
if program[lookahead] == '[':
depth += 1
elif program[lookahead] == ']':
depth -= 1
if depth == 0:
return lookahead
lookahead += 1
if lookahead == len(program) + 1:
raise SyntaxError('Matching ] not found')
def lookback(program, instruction_pointer):
lookback = instruction_pointer - 1
depth = 1
while True:
if program[lookback] == '[':
depth -= 1
elif program[lookback] == ']':
depth += 1
if depth == 0:
return lookback
lookback -= 1
if lookback < 0:
raise SyntaxError('Matching [ not found')
def interpret(program):
global data_pointer
instruction_pointer = 0
while True:
char = program[instruction_pointer]
if char == '>':
data_pointer += 1
if len(tape) == data_pointer:
if char == '<':
if data_pointer > 0:
data_pointer -= 1
if char == '+':
tape[data_pointer] += 1
if char == '-':
if tape[data_pointer] > 0:
tape[data_pointer] -= 1
if char == '.':
print '{0:c}'.format(tape[data_pointer])
if char == ',':
tape[data_pointer] = readchar.readchar()
if char == '[':
if tape[data_pointer] == 0:
instruction_pointer = lookahead(program, instruction_pointer)
if char == ']':
if tape[data_pointer] != 0:
instruction_pointer = lookback(program, instruction_pointer)
instruction_pointer += 1
if len(program) == instruction_pointer:
def main():
global loop_buffer
while True:
char = readchar.readchar()
if char == 'q':
elif loop_buffer:
loop_buffer += char
opens = loop_buffer.count('[')
closes = loop_buffer.count(']')
if opens == closes:
print 'Loop:', loop_buffer
loop_buffer = ''
elif char == '[':
loop_buffer = char
if __name__ == '__main__':
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