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Created August 8, 2017 01:27
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#include <cstdio>
#include "MetaPlug/generated/MetaPlug.hpp"
#include "main.hpp"
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
auto metaclass = CppMetaGen::GetMetaClassByName("TestClass");
auto obj = new TestClass();
obj->someField = 23;
printf("Class Name:\n - %s\n", metaclass->GetName());
auto fields = metaclass->GetFields();
for (auto field : fields) {
auto f = field->GetVariant();
printf(" - %s : %d\n", field->GetName(), *f->GetValue<int>(obj));
printf("\nMeta Tags:\n");
auto tags = metaclass->GetMetaTags();
for (auto tag : tags) {
printf(" - %s\n", tag->GetName());
auto annotation = tag->GetVariant()->GetValue<TestAnnotation>();
if (annotation) printf(" - %d\n", annotation->number);
return 0;
#include "Meta.hpp"
struct TestAnnotation {
TestAnnotation(int number) :
number(number) {};
int number;
class TestClass {
TestClass() {};
~TestClass() {};
int someField;
Class Name:
- TestClass
- someField : 23
Meta Tags:
- TestAnnotation
- 13
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