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Created September 3, 2019 16:52
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Randomized Motif Search
import numpy as np
from functional import seq
from collections import deque, defaultdict
import time
def RandomNumberGenerator(dna, k):
#return an array (0,t) of random integers, than can be used as starting point for selecting random k-mer along dna strings
return np.random.randint(0, DnaToMatrix(dna).shape[1]+1-k, size = (DnaToMatrix(dna).shape[0], 1))
def DnaToMatrix(dna):
#return a matrix of the list of dna strand
dna_matrix = deque()
for i in dna:
return np.array(dna_matrix)
def RandomMotif(dna, k):
#return a matrix of randomely selected k-mer per dna strings
a = deque()
for pos, l in zip( range(RandomNumberGenerator(dna, k).shape[0]), RandomNumberGenerator(dna, k)):
return np.array(a)
def A_count(l, matrix_init):
matrix_init[0,l] +=1
return matrix_init
def C_count(l, matrix_init):
matrix_init[1,l] +=1
return matrix_init
def G_count(l, matrix_init):
matrix_init[2,l] +=1
return matrix_init
def T_count(l, matrix_init):
matrix_init[3,l] +=1
return matrix_init
def NTP_count(n, l, matrix_init):
switcher = {
'A': A_count,
'C': C_count,
'G': G_count,
'T': T_count,
# Get the function from switcher dictionary
func = switcher.get(n, lambda: "Invalid nucleotide")
# Execute the function
return func(l, matrix_init)
def count_matrix(dna, k):
# Matrix default setting --> row 0 : 'A', row '1' : 'C', row 2 : 'G', row '3' : 'T'
NTP = DnaToMatrix('ACGT')
matrix_count = np.zeros((4,k))
dna_matrix = DnaToMatrix(dna)
for l in range(k):
for t in range(len(dna)):
matrix_count = NTP_count(dna_matrix[t,l], l, matrix_count)
return matrix_count
def profile_matrix(dna, k):
# Matrix default setting --> row 0 : 'A', row '1' : 'C', row 2 : 'G', row '3' : 'T'
return count_matrix(dna, k)/(len(dna))
def KmerPerDnaStrings(dna, k):
#return the k-mers along a given dna string, for all strings in dna
kmers_dict = defaultdict(list)
for t in range(DnaToMatrix(dna).shape[0]):
c = deque()
for l in range(DnaToMatrix(dna).shape[1]+1-k):
kmers_dict[t] = c
return kmers_dict
def StringToProbability(substring, k, profile):
dict_letter = defaultdict(np.ndarray)
dict_letter['A'] = np.array([1, 0, 0, 0])
dict_letter['C'] = np.array([0, 1, 0, 0])
dict_letter['G'] = np.array([0, 0, 1, 0])
dict_letter['T'] = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1])
sub_string_matrix = deque()
for i in substring:
mask = np.logical_and(np.array([*sub_string_matrix]).transpose(), np.array([*sub_string_matrix]).transpose())
prob = profile[mask]
def MostProbableKmerMotif(dna,k, profile):
#return dictionary containing {motif:probability} for the motif scoring the highest probability for each dna string
max_probability = defaultdict(float)
for i in KmerPerDnaStrings(dna, k).values():
list_kmer = np.array(list(i)).tolist()
p_motif = defaultdict(float)
p_motif.default_factory = lambda : 1.0
for j in list_kmer:
p_motif[''.join(j)] = StringToProbability(j, k, profile)
max_probability[max(p_motif,key=p_motif.get)] = max(p_motif.values())
return max_probability
def score_motifs(dna, k, letter_count):
score = 0
for i in range(k):
max_id_letter = max(letter_count[0][i], letter_count[1][i], letter_count[2][i], letter_count[3][i])
score += (len(dna)-max_id_letter)
return score
def score_motifs(dna, k, letter_count):
score = 0
for i in range(k):
max_id_letter = max(letter_count[0][i], letter_count[1][i], letter_count[2][i], letter_count[3][i])
score += (len(dna)-max_id_letter)
return score
def output(result):
_j = lambda x: ''.join(list(x))
return print(*seq(result.tolist()).map(_j))
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