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Created October 14, 2011 10:25
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edd-i386% hgdc np
[ #0001 queued by 'edd' ]
Filename: '01 Red Sky Intro_128.mp3'
Artist: <unknown>
Title: <unknown>
Album: <unknown>
Genre: 'Blues'
Year: <unknown>
Audio: 974s 44100hz 128kbps 2 channels
Votes needed to skip: 3
You may vote off this track.
edd-i386% ./hgdc q ~/music/aliases/safer_than_reality/
edd-i386% ./hgdc vo
edd-i386% hgdc ls
[ #0001 queued by 'edd' ]
Filename: '01 Red Sky Intro_128.mp3'
Artist: <unknown>
Title: <unknown>
Album: <unknown>
Genre: 'Blues'
Year: <unknown>
Audio: 974s 44100hz 128kbps 2 channels
Votes needed to skip: 2
You may vote off this track.
edd-i386% ./hgdc vo
[error - 00032097 hgdc.c:hgd_check_svr_response():260]
Failure: duplicate_vote
[error - 00032097 hgdc.c:hgd_req_vote_off():712]
Vote off failed
edd-i386% telnet localhost 6633
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
1|01 Red Sky Intro_128.mp3|||edd||Blues|974|128|44100|2|0|2|0
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