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Created January 21, 2015 16:24
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Deltablue that will crash HippyVM
// Copyright 2008 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Copyright 1996 John Maloney and Mario Wolczko.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// Ported to PHP from Google's Octane v2.0 benchmarking suite for JavaScript.
// This implementation of the DeltaBlue benchmark is derived
// from the Smalltalk implementation by John Maloney and Mario
// Wolczko. Some parts have been translated directly, whereas
// others have been modified more aggresively to make it feel
// more like a JavaScript program.
function alert($s) {
throw new Exception("Alert called with argument: $s");
// Global variable holding the current planner.
$planner = null;
class OrderedCollection {
private $elms;
function __construct() {
$this->elms = array();
function add($elm) {
array_push($this->elms, $elm);
function at($index) {
return $this->elms[$index];
function size() {
return count($this->elms);
function removeFirst() {
return array_pop($this->elms);
function remove($elm) {
$index = 0;
$skipped = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->elms); $i++) {
$value = $this->elms[$i];
if ($value != $elm) {
$this->elms[$index] = $value;
} else {
for ($i = 0; $i < $skipped; $i++)
class Strength {
// Strength constants.
private static $REQUIRED = null;
private static $STONG_PREFERRED = null;
private static $PREFERRED = null;
private static $STRONG_DEFAULT = null;
private static $NORMAL = null;
private static $WEAK_DEFAULT = null;
private static $WEAKEST = null;
public static function Required()
if (!Strength::$REQUIRED)
Strength::$REQUIRED = new Strength(0, "required");
return Strength::$REQUIRED;
public static function StrongPreferred()
if (!Strength::$STRONG_PREFERRED)
Strength::$STRONG_PREFERRED = new Strength(1, "strongPreferred");
return Strength::$STRONG_PREFERRED;
public static function Preferred()
if (!Strength::$PREFERRED)
Strength::$PREFERRED = new Strength(2, "preferred");
return Strength::$PREFERRED;
public static function StrongDefault()
if (!Strength::$STRONG_DEFAULT)
Strength::$STRONG_DEFAULT = new Strength(3, "strongDefault");
return Strength::$STRONG_DEFAULT;
public static function Normal()
if (!Strength::$NORMAL)
Strength::$NORMAL = new Strength(4, "normal");
return Strength::$NORMAL;
public static function WeakDefault()
if (!Strength::$WEAK_DEFAULT)
Strength::$WEAK_DEFAULT = new Strength(5, "weakDefault");
return Strength::$WEAK_DEFAULT;
public static function Weakest()
if (!Strength::$WEAKEST)
Strength::$WEAKEST = new Strength(6, "weakest");
return Strength::$WEAKEST;
private $strengthValue;
public $name;
function __construct($strengthValue, $name) {
$this->strengthValue = $strengthValue;
$this->name = $name;
public static function stronger($s1, $s2) {
return $s1->strengthValue < $s2->strengthValue;
public static function weaker($s1, $s2) {
return $s1->strengthValue > $s2->strengthValue;
public static function weakestOf($s1, $s2) {
return Strength::weaker($s1, $s2) ? $s1 : $s2;
public static function strongest($s1, $s2) {
return Strength::stronger($s1, $s2) ? $s1 : $s2;
function nextWeaker() {
switch ($this->strengthValue) {
case 0: return Strength::Weakest();
case 1: return Strength::WeakDefault();
case 2: return Strength::Normal();
case 3: return Strength::StrongDefault();
case 4: return Strength::Preferred();
case 5: return Strength::Required();
class Constraint {
public $strength;
function __construct($strength) {
$this->strength = $strength;
function addConstraint() {
global $planner;
function satisfy($mark) {
global $planner;
if (!$this->isSatisfied()) {
if ($this->strength == Strength::Required())
alert("Could not satisfy a required constraint!");
return null;
$out = $this->output();
$overridden = $out->determinedBy;
if ($overridden != null)
$out->determinedBy = $this;
if (!$planner->addPropagate($this, $mark))
alert("Cycle encountered");
$out->mark = $mark;
return $overridden;
function destroyConstraint() {
global $planner;
if ($this->isSatisfied())
function isInput() {
return false;
class UnaryConstraint extends Constraint {
public $myOutput;
public $satisfied;
function __construct($v, $strength) {
$this->myOutput = $v;
$this->satisfied = false;
function addToGraph() {
$this->satisfied = false;
function chooseMethod($mark) {
$this->satisfied = ($this->myOutput->mark != $mark)
&& Strength::stronger(
function isSatisfied() {
return $this->satisfied;
function markInputs($mark) {
// has no inputs
function output() {
return $this->myOutput;
function recalculate() {
$this->myOutput->walkStrength = $this->strength;
$this->myOutput->stay = !$this->isInput();
if ($this->myOutput->stay)
$this->execute(); // Stay optimization
function markUnsatisfied() {
$this->satisfied = false;
function inputsKnown() {
return true;
function removeFromGraph() {
if ($this->myOutput != null)
$this->satisfied = false;
class StayConstraint extends UnaryConstraint {
function __construct($v, $str) {
parent::__construct($v, $str);
function execute() {
// Stay constraints do nothing
class EditConstraint extends UnaryConstraint {
function __construct($v, $str) {
parent::__construct($v, $str);
function isInput() {
return true;
function execute() {
// Edit constraints do nothing
abstract class Direction {
const NONE = 0;
const FORWARD = 1;
const BACKWARD = -1;
class BinaryConstraint extends Constraint {
public $v1;
public $v2;
public $direction;
function __construct($var1, $var2, $strength) {
$this->v1 = $var1;
$this->v2 = $var2;
$this->direction = Direction::NONE;
function chooseMethod($mark) {
if ($this->v1->mark == $mark) {
$this->direction = ($this->v2->mark != $mark
&& Strength::stronger($this->strength, $this->v2->walkStrength))
? Direction::FORWARD
: Direction::NONE;
if ($this->v2->mark == $mark) {
$this->direction = ($this->v1->mark != $mark
&& Strength::stronger($this->strength, $this->v1->walkStrength))
? Direction::BACKWARD
: Direction::NONE;
if (Strength::weaker(
$this->v2->walkStrength)) {
$this->direction = Strength::stronger($this->strength,
? Direction::BACKWARD
: Direction::NONE;
} else {
$this->direction = Strength::stronger($this->strength,
? Direction::FORWARD
: Direction::BACKWARD;
function addToGraph() {
$this->direction = Direction::NONE;
function isSatisfied() {
return $this->direction != Direction::NONE;
function markInputs($mark) {
$this->input()->mark = $mark;
function input() {
return ($this->direction == Direction::FORWARD) ?
$this->v1 : $this->v2;
function output() {
return ($this->direction == Direction::FORWARD) ?
$this->v2 : $this->v1;
function recalculate() {
$ihn = $this->input();
$out = $this->output();
$out->walkStrength = Strength::weakestOf($this->strength,
$out->stay = $ihn->stay;
if ($out->stay)
function markUnsatisfied() {
$this->direction = Direction::NONE;
function inputsKnown($mark) {
$i = $this->input();
return $i->mark == $mark || $i->stay || $i->determinedBy == null;
function removeFromGraph() {
if ($this->v1 != null)
if ($this->v2 != null)
$this->direction = Direction::NONE;
class ScaleConstraint extends BinaryConstraint {
public $direction;
public $scale;
public $offset;
function __construct($src, $scale, $offset, $dest, $strength) {
$this->direction = Direction::NONE;
$this->scale = $scale;
$this->offset = $offset;
parent::__construct($src, $dest, $strength);
function addToGraph() {
function removeFromGraph() {
if ($this->scale != null)
if ($this->offset != null)
function markInputs($mark) {
$this->scale->mark = $mark;
$this->offset->mark = $mark;
function execute() {
if ($this->direction == Direction::FORWARD) {
$this->v2->value = $this->v1->value * $this->scale->value +
} else {
$this->v1->value = ($this->v2->value - $this->offset->value) /
function recalculate() {
$ihn = $this->input();
$out = $this->output();
$out->walkStrength = Strength::weakestOf($this->strength,
$out->stay = $ihn->stay && $this->scale->stay && $this->offset->stay;
if ($out->stay)
class EqualityConstraint extends BinaryConstraint {
function __construct($var1, $var2, $strength) {
parent::__construct($var1, $var2, $strength);
function execute() {
$this->output()->value = $this->input()->value;
class Variable {
public $value;
public $constraints;
public $determinedBy;
public $mark;
public $walkStrength;
public $stay;
public $name;
function Variable($name, $initialValue = null) {
$this->value = $initialValue == null ? 0 : $initialValue;
$this->constraints = new OrderedCollection();
$this->determinedBy = null;
$this->mark = 0;
$this->walkStrength = Strength::Weakest();
$this->stay = true;
$this->name = $name;
function addConstraint($c) {
function removeConstraint($c) {
if ($this->determinedBy == $c)
$this->determinedBy = null;
class Planner {
function __construct() {
$this->currentMark = 0;
function incrementalAdd($c) {
$mark = $this->newMark();
$overridden = $c->satisfy($mark);
while ($overridden != null)
$overridden = $overridden->satisfy($mark);
function incrementalRemove($c) {
$out = $c->output();
$unsatisfied = $this->removePropagateFrom($out);
$strength = Strength::Required();
do {
for ($i = 0; $i < $unsatisfied->size(); $i++) {
$u = $unsatisfied->at($i);
if ($u->strength == $strength)
$strength = $strength->nextWeaker();
} while ($strength != Strength::Weakest());
function newMark() {
return ++$this->currentMark;
function makePlan($sources) {
$mark = $this->newMark();
$plan = new Plan();
$todo = $sources;
while ($todo->size() > 0) {
$c = $todo->removeFirst();
if ($c->output()->mark != $mark && $c->inputsKnown($mark)) {
$c->output()->mark = $mark;
$this->addConstraintsConsumingTo($c->output(), $todo);
return $plan;
function extractPlanFromConstraints($constraints) {
$sources = new OrderedCollection();
for ($i = 0; $i < $constraints->size(); $i++) {
$c = $constraints->at($i);
// not in plan already and eligible for inclusion
if ($c->isInput() && $c->isSatisfied())
return $this->makePlan($sources);
function addPropagate($c, $mark) {
$todo = new OrderedCollection();
while ($todo->size() > 0) {
$d = $todo->removeFirst();
if ($d->output()->mark == $mark) {
return false;
$this->addConstraintsConsumingTo($d->output(), $todo);
return true;
function removePropagateFrom($out) {
$out->determinedBy = null;
$out->walkStrength = Strength::Weakest();
$out->stay = true;
$unsatisfied = new OrderedCollection();
$todo = new OrderedCollection();
while ($todo->size() > 0) {
$v = $todo->removeFirst();
for ($i = 0; $i < $v->constraints->size(); $i++) {
$c = $v->constraints->at($i);
if (!$c->isSatisfied())
$determining = $v->determinedBy;
for ($i = 0; $i < $v->constraints->size(); $i++) {
$next = $v->constraints->at($i);
if ($next != $determining && $next->isSatisfied()) {
return $unsatisfied;
function addConstraintsConsumingTo($v, $coll) {
$determining = $v->determinedBy;
$cc = $v->constraints;
for ($i = 0; $i < $cc->size(); $i++) {
$c = $cc->at($i);
if ($c != $determining && $c->isSatisfied())
class Plan {
private $v;
function __construct() {
$this->v = new OrderedCollection();
function addConstraint($c) {
function size() {
return $this->v->size();
function constraintAt($index) {
return $this->v->at($index);
function execute() {
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->size(); $i++) {
$c = $this->constraintAt($i);
function chainTest($n) {
global $planner;
$planner = new Planner();
$prev = null;
$first = null;
$last = null;
// Build chain of n equality constraints
for ($i = 0; $i <= $n; $i++) {
$name = "v$i";
$v = new Variable($name);
if ($prev != null)
new EqualityConstraint($prev, $v, Strength::Required());
if ($i == 0)
$first = $v;
if ($i == $n)
$last = $v;
$prev = $v;
new StayConstraint($last, Strength::StrongDefault());
$edit = new EditConstraint($first, Strength::Preferred());
$edits = new OrderedCollection();
$plan = $planner->extractPlanFromConstraints($edits);
for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) {
$first->value = $i;
if ($last->value != $i)
alert("Chain test failed.");
function projectionTest($n) {
global $planner;
$planner = new Planner();
$scale = new Variable("scale", 10);
$offset = new Variable("offset", 1000);
$src = null;
$dst = null;
$dests = new OrderedCollection();
for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
$src = new Variable("src$i", $i);
$dst = new Variable("dst$i", $i);
new StayConstraint($src, Strength::Normal());
new ScaleConstraint($src, $scale, $offset, $dst, Strength::Required());
change($src, 17);
if ($dst->value != 1170)
alert("Projection 1 failed");
change($dst, 1050);
if ($src->value != 5)
alert("Projection 2 failed");
change($scale, 5);
for ($i = 0; $i < $n - 1; $i++) {
if ($dests->at($i)->value != $i * 5 + 1000)
alert("Projection 3 failed");
change($offset, 2000);
for ($i = 0; $i < $n - 1; $i++) {
if ($dests->at($i)->value != $i * 5 + 2000)
alert("Projection 4 failed");
function change($v, $newValue) {
global $planner;
$edit = new EditConstraint($v, Strength::Preferred());
$edits = new OrderedCollection();
$plan = $planner->extractPlanFromConstraints($edits);
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
$v->value = $newValue;
function run_iter($n){
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