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Created July 14, 2016 08:23
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Management;
using System.Net;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Xml;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;
namespace csvtosql
public sealed class mysqlg
public static MySqlCommand komut = new MySqlCommand();
public static MySqlConnection Conn = new MySqlConnection();
public string server;
public string port;
public string db;
public string user;
public string parola;
public static class FINANS
public static string KDVTutar(double tutar)
return String.Format("{0:0.00}", (tutar * 0.18));
public static string KdvTopla(double tutar)
return String.Format("{0:0.00}", tutar + Convert.ToDouble( (KDVTutar(tutar))));
public static string YuzdelikEkle(double tutar,double yuzde)
return String.Format("{0:0.00}", tutar + Convert.ToDouble(tutar/100)*yuzde);
public static string YuzdelikCikarDegerDondur(double tutar, double yuzde)
return String.Format("{0:0.00}", tutar + Convert.ToDouble(tutar / 100) * yuzde);
public static string YuzdelikCikarYuzdelikDondur(double tutar, double yuzde)
return String.Format("{0:0.00}", Convert.ToDouble(tutar / 100) * yuzde);
public static string Yuzde5Cikar95Dondur(double tutar,double yuzde)
return String.Format("{0:0.00}", Convert.ToDouble(tutar / 100) *(100- yuzde));
public static string OndalıkKısmıAt(string Sayi)
string sonuc = "";
if (Sayi.Contains(",") || Sayi.Contains("."))
Sayi = Sayi.Replace(".", ",");
for (int i = 0; i < Sayi.Length; i++)
if (Sayi[i].ToString() == ",")
sonuc = Sayi.Remove(i);
sonuc = Sayi;
return sonuc;
public static class Setup
public static bool SetupDosyalariniSil()
if (Directory.Exists(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\setup"))
Directory.Delete(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\setup", true);
return false;
return true;
public static void IniOlustur(string Path,string [] Satirlar)
for (int i = 0; i < Satirlar.Length; i++)
File.AppendAllText(Path, Satirlar[i]);
public static string ExecuteWaiting(string FileName, ProcessWindowStyle WindowStyle, string Parametre = "")
Process process = new Process
StartInfo = { FileName = FileName, Arguments = Parametre, WindowStyle = WindowStyle }
return "İşlem Başarılı";
catch (Exception exception)
return exception.Message ;
public static class UTILITY
public static string TurkceFormatIngilizce(string Yazi)
return Yazi.Replace("ı", "i").Replace("ö", "o").Replace("Ö", "O").Replace("ü", "u").Replace("Ü", "U").Replace("ş", "s").Replace("Ş", "s").Replace("İ", "I").Replace("ç", "c").Replace("ğ", "g").Replace("Ğ", "g").Replace("Ç","C");
//public static Bitmap Resize(Bitmap img)
// try
// {
// int width = 320;
// int height = 240;
// Bitmap image = new Bitmap(width, height);
// Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(image);
// MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
// image.Save(stream, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
// graphics.DrawImage(img, 0, 0, width, height);
// graphics.Dispose();
// ImageCodecInfo info = GetEncoder(ImageFormat.Jpeg);
// Encoder quality = Encoder.Quality;
// EncoderParameters encoderParams = new EncoderParameters(1);
// EncoderParameter parameter = new EncoderParameter(quality, 100L);
// encoderParams.Param[0] = parameter;
// image.Save(stream, info, encoderParams);
// return image;
// }
// catch (Exception)
// {
// return null;
// }
public static bool TCKimlikKontrol(long TCKimlikNo)
string str = TCKimlikNo.ToString();
bool flag = str.Length == 11;
if (flag)
byte num = (byte)(((byte)(((byte)(((byte)(Convert.ToByte(str.Substring(0, 1)) + Convert.ToByte(str.Substring(2, 1)))) + Convert.ToByte(str.Substring(4, 1)))) + Convert.ToByte(str.Substring(6, 1)))) + Convert.ToByte(str.Substring(8, 1)));
byte num2 = (byte)(((byte)(((byte)(Convert.ToByte(str.Substring(1, 1)) + Convert.ToByte(str.Substring(3, 1)))) + Convert.ToByte(str.Substring(5, 1)))) + Convert.ToByte(str.Substring(7, 1)));
short num3 = (short)((((num * 7) - num2) + 100) % 10);
byte num4 = (byte)(((short)(((byte)(((byte)(((byte)(((byte)(((byte)(((byte)(((byte)(((byte)(Convert.ToByte(str.Substring(0, 1)) + Convert.ToByte(str.Substring(1, 1)))) + Convert.ToByte(str.Substring(2, 1)))) + Convert.ToByte(str.Substring(3, 1)))) + Convert.ToByte(str.Substring(4, 1)))) + Convert.ToByte(str.Substring(5, 1)))) + Convert.ToByte(str.Substring(6, 1)))) + Convert.ToByte(str.Substring(7, 1)))) + Convert.ToByte(str.Substring(8, 1)))) + num3)) % 10);
flag = (num3.ToString() + num4.ToString()) == str.Substring(9, 2);
return flag;
public static int TarihKacGun(DateTime Tarih)
int sonuc = 1;
DateTime GelenTarih = Convert.ToDateTime(Tarih.ToShortDateString());
DateTime bugun = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString());
for (int i = 0; i < sonuc; i++)
if (DateTime.Compare(GelenTarih, bugun) == 0)
GelenTarih = TarihTopla(GelenTarih, 1);
return sonuc - 1;
public static int TarihFarki(DateTime Tarih1, DateTime Tarih2)
int sonuc = 1;
DateTime GelenTarih = Convert.ToDateTime(Tarih1.ToShortDateString());
DateTime bugun = Convert.ToDateTime(Tarih2.ToShortDateString());
if (bugun > Tarih1)
for (int i = 0; i < sonuc; i++)
if (DateTime.Compare(GelenTarih, bugun) == 0)
GelenTarih = TarihTopla(GelenTarih, 1);
else if (bugun < Tarih1)
for (int i = 0; i < sonuc; i++)
if (DateTime.Compare(bugun, GelenTarih) == 0)
bugun = TarihTopla(bugun, 1);
sonuc -= 2 * sonuc;
return sonuc - 1;
public static DateTime TarihTopla(DateTime dogum, int ekle)
DateTime time = Convert.ToDateTime(dogum);
DateTime time2 = new DateTime(time.Year, time.Month, time.Day);
return time2.Date.AddDays((double)ekle);
public static int[] TARIHFARKI(DateTime TARIH1, DateTime TARIH2)
DateTime time;
DateTime time2;
DateTime time3;
int[] numArray = new int[3];
if (TARIH1 <= TARIH2)
time = TARIH1;
time2 = TARIH2;
time = TARIH2;
time2 = TARIH1;
if (((DateTime.IsLeapYear(time.Year) && !DateTime.IsLeapYear(time2.Year)) && (time.Month == 2)) && (time.Day == 0x1d))
time3 = new DateTime(time2.Year, time.Month, time.Day - 1);
time3 = new DateTime(time2.Year, time.Month, time.Day);
numArray[2] = (time2.Year - time.Year) - ((time3 > time2) ? 1 : 0);
numArray[1] = (time2.Month - time.Month) + (12 * ((time3 > time2) ? 1 : 0));
numArray[0] = time2.Day - time.Day;
if (numArray[0] < 0)
if ((time2.Day == DateTime.DaysInMonth(time2.Year, time2.Month)) && ((time.Day >= DateTime.DaysInMonth(time2.Year, time2.Month)) || (time.Day >= DateTime.DaysInMonth(time2.Year, time.Month))))
numArray[0] = 0;
if ((DateTime.DaysInMonth(time2.Year, time2.Month) == DateTime.DaysInMonth(time.Year, time.Month)) && (time2.Month != time.Month))
int num = ((time2.Month - 1) > 0) ? DateTime.DaysInMonth(time2.Year, time2.Month - 1) : 0x1f;
numArray[0] = num + numArray[0];
numArray[0] = DateTime.DaysInMonth(time2.Year, (time2.Month == 1) ? 12 : (time2.Month - 1)) + numArray[0];
string str = "";
if (numArray[2] > 0)
str = str + numArray[2] + " YIL ";
if (numArray[1] > 0)
str = str + numArray[1] + " AY ";
if (numArray[0] > 0)
str = str + numArray[0] + " G\x00dcN";
return numArray;
internal class GunAyYilBul
private DateTime dtAge;
private DateTime dtDob;
private DateTime dtNow;
private int intAgeDays;
private int intAgeHours;
private int intAgeMinutes;
private int intAgeMonths;
private int intAgeYear;
private int intDay;
private int intHour;
private int intMinute;
private int intMonth;
private int intYear;
private DateTime İşlemTarihi;
private TimeSpan tsAge;
public void createDateObjects()
this.dtDob = new DateTime(this.intYear, this.intMonth, this.intDay, this.intHour, this.intMinute, 0);
this.dtNow = this.İşlemTarihi;
if (DateTime.Compare(this.dtNow, this.dtDob) == 1)
this.tsAge = this.dtNow.Subtract(this.dtDob);
this.dtAge = new DateTime(this.tsAge.Ticks);
public int getAgeInDays()
if (this.dtDob.Year == this.dtNow.Year)
this.intAgeDays = this.dtNow.DayOfYear - this.dtDob.DayOfYear;
if (DateTime.IsLeapYear(this.dtDob.Year))
this.intAgeDays = 0x16e - this.dtDob.DayOfYear;
this.intAgeDays = 0x16d - this.dtDob.DayOfYear;
for (int i = this.dtDob.Year + 1; i < this.dtNow.Year; i++)
if (DateTime.IsLeapYear(i))
this.intAgeDays += 0x16e;
this.intAgeDays += 0x16d;
this.intAgeDays += this.dtNow.DayOfYear;
return this.intAgeDays;
public int getAgeInHours()
this.intAgeHours = this.getAgeInDays() * 0x18;
this.intAgeHours += this.dtNow.Hour - this.dtDob.Hour;
return this.intAgeHours;
public int getAgeInMinutes()
this.intAgeMinutes = this.getAgeInHours() * 60;
this.intAgeMinutes += this.dtNow.Minute - this.dtDob.Minute;
return this.intAgeMinutes;
public int getAgeInMonths()
this.intAgeMonths = this.intAgeYear * 12;
if (((this.İşlemTarihi.Year >= this.intYear) && (this.intMonth == this.İşlemTarihi.Month)) && (this.intDay > this.İşlemTarihi.Day))
this.intAgeMonths += this.dtAge.Month;
this.intAgeMonths += this.dtAge.Month - 1;
return this.intAgeMonths;
public int getAgeInYears()
this.intAgeYear = this.dtAge.Year - 1;
return this.intAgeYear;
public int getDayDiff()
int year;
int month;
int num = this.getAgeInDays();
int intDay = this.intDay;
if (this.dtNow.Year != this.dtDob.Year)
if (1 == this.dtNow.Month)
year = this.dtNow.Year - 1;
month = 12;
if (this.dtNow.Day < intDay)
month = this.dtNow.Month - 1;
month = this.dtNow.Month;
intDay = 1;
year = this.dtNow.Year;
if ((1 == this.dtNow.Month) || (this.dtDob.Month == this.dtNow.Month))
return this.getAgeInDays();
if (this.dtNow.Day < intDay)
month = this.dtNow.Month - 1;
month = this.dtNow.Month;
intDay = 1;
year = this.intYear;
this.dtNow = new DateTime(year, month, this.intDay);
int num2 = this.getAgeInDays();
return (num - num2);
public void getDob(DateTime DogumTarihi, DateTime Tarih)
this.İşlemTarihi = Tarih;
this.intDay = DogumTarihi.Day;
this.intMonth = DogumTarihi.Month;
this.intYear = DogumTarihi.Year;
this.intHour = 0;
this.intMinute = 0;
public int getMonthDiff()
return (this.getAgeInMonths() % 12);
public static double TarihCevir(TarihCeviriTur CevirilecekTur,int CevirilecekMiktar,TarihCeviriTur SonucTur)
///Tamamlanmamıs metot
double sonuc = -1;
if (CevirilecekTur==TarihCeviriTur.Dakika)
if (SonucTur==TarihCeviriTur.Saat)
sonuc = CevirilecekMiktar / 60;
if (SonucTur==TarihCeviriTur.Gun)
if (SonucTur == TarihCeviriTur.Dakika)
return sonuc;
public enum TarihCeviriTur
public static string YasHesapla(DateTime DogumTarihi)
int [] YasArray=TARIHFARKI(DogumTarihi,DateTime.Now);
return (YasArray[2].ToString() + " Yaş " + YasArray[1].ToString() + " Ay " + YasArray[0].ToString() + " Gün");
//public static double Ondalik2Sıfırlı(string Deger)
// double sonuc = -1;
// string ondalik ="";
// string tamsayi="";
// for (int i = 0; i < Deger.Length; i++)
// {
// if (Deger[i].ToString()==","||Deger[i].ToString()==".")
// {
// if (Deger.Remove(0,i).Length>2)
// {
// for (int j = 1; j < 3; j++)
// {
// ondalik += Deger[i + j].ToString();
// }
// }
// else
// {
// if (Deger.Remove(0, i).Contains(",")||Deger.Remove(0,i).Contains("."))
// {
// ondalik = Deger.Remove(0, i).Replace(",", "").Replace(".", ""); ;
// }
// else
// {
// ondalik = Deger.Remove(0, i); ;
// }
// }
// break;
// }
// else
// {
// tamsayi += Deger[i].ToString();
// }
// }
// sonuc = double.Parse(tamsayi + "." + ondalik);
// return sonuc;
public static double OndalikSayiliSıfırlı(string Deger,int OndalikSayisi)
//Tamamlanmamış fonksiyon
double sonuc = -1;
string ondalik = "";
string tamsayi = "";
for (int i = 0; i < Deger.Length; i++)
if (Deger[i].ToString() == "," || Deger[i].ToString() == ".")
if (Deger.Remove(0, i).Length > 2)
for (int j = 1; j < 3; j++)
ondalik += Deger[i + j].ToString();
if (Deger.Remove(0, i).Contains(",") || Deger.Remove(0, i).Contains("."))
ondalik = Deger.Remove(0, i).Replace(",", "").Replace(".", ""); ;
ondalik = Deger.Remove(0, i); ;
tamsayi += Deger[i].ToString();
sonuc = double.Parse(tamsayi + "." + ondalik);
return sonuc;
public static string MetinBelgesindeSatirDegistir(string BelgeYolu, int SatırNumarası, string YeniYazı)
string sonuc = "";
if (File.Exists(BelgeYolu))
string[] dosya = File.ReadAllLines(BelgeYolu);
for (int i = 0; i < dosya.Length; i++)
if (i != SatırNumarası-1)
File.AppendAllText(BelgeYolu, dosya[i].ToString());
else if (i == SatırNumarası-1)
File.AppendAllText(BelgeYolu, YeniYazı);
File.AppendAllText(BelgeYolu, Environment.NewLine);
sonuc = "İşlem Başarılı.";
catch (Exception ex)
sonuc = ex.Message;
sonuc = "Dosya yok veya silinmiş.";
return sonuc;
public static byte[] imageToByteArray(System.Drawing.Image imageIn)
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
imageIn.Save(stream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
return stream.ToArray();
return null;
public static bool Sayımı(object Deger)
return Microsoft.VisualBasic.Information.IsNumeric(Deger);
public static void killProcess(string processName)
foreach (Process p in System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName(processName))
p.WaitForExit(); // possibly with a timeout
// process was terminating or can't be terminated - deal with it
public static string [] EbatAyir(string Ebat)
string[] sonuc = new string[2];
for (int i = 0; i < Ebat.Length; i++)
if (Ebat[i].ToString() == "x" || Ebat[i].ToString() == "X"|| Ebat[i].ToString() == "*")
sonuc[0] = Ebat.Remove(i);
sonuc[1] = Ebat.Replace(sonuc[0], "").Replace("x","").Replace("X","").Replace("*","");
return sonuc;
public static class NETWORK
//İnternet bağlantısı varmı yokmu
private static extern bool InternetGetConnectedState(out int Description, int ReservedValue);
public static bool IsConnectedToInternet()
int num;
return InternetGetConnectedState(out num, 0);
//Bilgisayarın internetteki Ip Adresi
public static string voidInternetIp()
string sonuc = "";
string url = "";
System.Net.WebClient wc = new System.Net.WebClient();
sonuc = wc.DownloadString(url).ToString();
catch (Exception ex)
sonuc = ex.Message;
catch (Exception ex)
sonuc = ex.Message;
File.Delete(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\IPStoraged.ini");
File.AppendAllText(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\IPStoraged.ini", DateTime.Now.Day.ToString());
return sonuc;
//Tüm Gelişmiş FTP İşlemlerinin Yapıldığı Class
public sealed class FTP
#region "FTP client class"
/// <summary>
/// A wrapper class for .NET 2.0 FTP
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This class does not hold open an FTP connection but
/// instead is stateless: for each FTP request it
/// connects, performs the request and disconnects.
/// </remarks>
public class FTPclient
/// <summary>
/// Blank constructor
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Hostname, username and password must be set manually</remarks>
public FTPclient()
/// <summary>
/// Constructor just taking the hostname
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Hostname">in either or form</param>
/// <remarks></remarks>
public FTPclient(string Hostname)
_hostname = Hostname;
/// <summary>
/// Constructor taking hostname, username and password
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Hostname">in either or form</param>
/// <param name="Username">Leave blank to use 'anonymous' but set password to your email</param>
/// <param name="Password"></param>
/// <remarks></remarks>
public FTPclient(string Hostname, string Username, string Password)
_hostname = Hostname;
_username = Username;
_password = Password;
#region "Directory functions"
/// <summary>
/// Return a simple directory listing
/// </summary>
/// <param name="directory">Directory to list, e.g. /pub</param>
/// <returns>A list of filenames and directories as a List(of String)</returns>
/// <remarks>For a detailed directory listing, use ListDirectoryDetail</remarks>
public List<string> ListDirectory(string directory)
//return a simple list of filenames in directory
System.Net.FtpWebRequest ftp = GetRequest(GetDirectory(directory));
//Set request to do simple list
ftp.Method = System.Net.WebRequestMethods.Ftp.ListDirectory;
string str = GetStringResponse(ftp);
//replace CRLF to CR, remove last instance
str = str.Replace("\r\n", "\r").TrimEnd('\r');
//split the string into a list
List<string> result = new List<string>();
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Return a detailed directory listing
/// </summary>
/// <param name="directory">Directory to list, e.g. /pub/etc</param>
/// <returns>An FTPDirectory object</returns>
public FTPdirectory ListDirectoryDetail(string directory)
System.Net.FtpWebRequest ftp = GetRequest(GetDirectory(directory));
//Set request to do simple list
ftp.Method = System.Net.WebRequestMethods.Ftp.ListDirectoryDetails;
string str = GetStringResponse(ftp);
//replace CRLF to CR, remove last instance
str = str.Replace("\r\n", "\r").TrimEnd('\r');
//split the string into a list
return new FTPdirectory(str, _lastDirectory);
#region "Upload: File transfer TO ftp server"
/// <summary>
/// Copy a local file to the FTP server
/// </summary>
/// <param name="localFilename">Full path of the local file</param>
/// <param name="targetFilename">Target filename, if required</param>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <remarks>If the target filename is blank, the source filename is used
/// (assumes current directory). Otherwise use a filename to specify a name
/// or a full path and filename if required.</remarks>
public bool Upload(string localFilename, string targetFilename)
//1. check source
if (!File.Exists(localFilename))
throw (new ApplicationException("File " + localFilename + " not found"));
//copy to FI
FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(localFilename);
return Upload(fi, targetFilename);
/// <summary>
/// Upload a local file to the FTP server
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fi">Source file</param>
/// <param name="targetFilename">Target filename (optional)</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool Upload(FileInfo fi, string targetFilename)
//copy the file specified to target file: target file can be full path or just filename (uses current dir)
//1. check target
string target;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty( targetFilename))
//Blank target: use source filename & current dir
target = this.CurrentDirectory + fi.Name;
else if (targetFilename.Contains("/"))
//If contains / treat as a full path
target = AdjustDir(targetFilename);
//otherwise treat as filename only, use current directory
target = CurrentDirectory + targetFilename;
string URI = Hostname + target;
//perform copy
System.Net.FtpWebRequest ftp = GetRequest(URI);
//Set request to upload a file in binary
ftp.Method = System.Net.WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile;
ftp.UseBinary = true;
//Notify FTP of the expected size
ftp.ContentLength = fi.Length;
//create byte array to store: ensure at least 1 byte!
const int BufferSize = 2048;
byte[] content = new byte[BufferSize - 1 + 1];
int dataRead;
//open file for reading
using (FileStream fs = fi.OpenRead())
//open request to send
using (Stream rs = ftp.GetRequestStream())
dataRead = fs.Read(content, 0, BufferSize);
rs.Write(content, 0, dataRead);
} while (!(dataRead < BufferSize));
catch (Exception)
//ensure file closed
ftp = null;
return true;
#region "Download: File transfer FROM ftp server"
/// <summary>
/// Copy a file from FTP server to local
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sourceFilename">Target filename, if required</param>
/// <param name="localFilename">Full path of the local file</param>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <remarks>Target can be blank (use same filename), or just a filename
/// (assumes current directory) or a full path and filename</remarks>
public bool Download(string sourceFilename, string localFilename, bool PermitOverwrite)
//2. determine target file
FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(localFilename);
return this.Download(sourceFilename, fi, PermitOverwrite);
//Version taking an FtpFileInfo
public bool Download(FTPfileInfo file, string localFilename, bool PermitOverwrite)
return this.Download(file.FullName, localFilename, PermitOverwrite);
//Another version taking FtpFileInfo and FileInfo
public bool Download(FTPfileInfo file, FileInfo localFI, bool PermitOverwrite)
return this.Download(file.FullName, localFI, PermitOverwrite);
//Version taking string/FileInfo
public bool Download(string sourceFilename, FileInfo targetFI, bool PermitOverwrite)
//1. check target
if (targetFI.Exists && !(PermitOverwrite))
throw (new ApplicationException("Target file already exists"));
//2. check source
string target;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty( sourceFilename.Trim()))
throw (new ApplicationException("File not specified"));
else if (sourceFilename.Contains("/"))
//treat as a full path
target = AdjustDir(sourceFilename);
//treat as filename only, use current directory
target = CurrentDirectory + sourceFilename;
string URI = Hostname + target;
//3. perform copy
System.Net.FtpWebRequest ftp = GetRequest(URI);
//Set request to download a file in binary mode
ftp.Method = System.Net.WebRequestMethods.Ftp.DownloadFile;
ftp.UseBinary = true;
//open request and get response stream
using (FtpWebResponse response = (FtpWebResponse)ftp.GetResponse())
using (Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream())
//loop to read & write to file
using (FileStream fs = targetFI.OpenWrite())
byte[] buffer = new byte[2048];
int read = 0;
read = responseStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
fs.Write(buffer, 0, read);
} while (!(read == 0));
catch (Exception)
//catch error and delete file only partially downloaded
//delete target file as it's incomplete
return true;
#region "Other functions: Delete rename etc."
/// <summary>
/// Delete remote file
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filename">filename or full path</param>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <remarks></remarks>
public bool FtpDelete(string filename)
//Determine if file or full path
string URI = this.Hostname + GetFullPath(filename);
System.Net.FtpWebRequest ftp = GetRequest(URI);
//Set request to delete
ftp.Method = System.Net.WebRequestMethods.Ftp.DeleteFile;
//get response but ignore it
catch (Exception)
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Determine if file exists on remote FTP site
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filename">Filename (for current dir) or full path</param>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <remarks>Note this only works for files</remarks>
public bool FtpFileExists(string filename)
//Try to obtain filesize: if we get error msg containing "550"
//the file does not exist
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
//only handle expected not-found exception
if (ex is System.Net.WebException)
//file does not exist/no rights error = 550
if (ex.Message.Contains("550"))
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Determine size of remote file
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filename"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <remarks>Throws an exception if file does not exist</remarks>
public long GetFileSize(string filename)
string path;
if (filename.Contains("/"))
path = AdjustDir(filename);
path = this.CurrentDirectory + filename;
string URI = this.Hostname + path;
System.Net.FtpWebRequest ftp = GetRequest(URI);
//Try to get info on file/dir?
ftp.Method = System.Net.WebRequestMethods.Ftp.GetFileSize;
return GetSize(ftp);
public bool FtpRename(string sourceFilename, string newName)
//Does file exist?
string source = GetFullPath(sourceFilename);
if (!FtpFileExists(source))
throw (new FileNotFoundException("File " + source + " not found"));
//build target name, ensure it does not exist
string target = GetFullPath(newName);
if (target == source)
throw (new ApplicationException("Source and target are the same"));
else if (FtpFileExists(target))
throw (new ApplicationException("Target file " + target + " already exists"));
//perform rename
string URI = this.Hostname + source;
System.Net.FtpWebRequest ftp = GetRequest(URI);
//Set request to delete
ftp.Method = System.Net.WebRequestMethods.Ftp.Rename;
ftp.RenameTo = target;
//get response but ignore it
return false;
return true;
public bool FtpCreateDirectory(string dirpath)
//perform create
string URI = this.Hostname + AdjustDir(dirpath);
System.Net.FtpWebRequest ftp = GetRequest(URI);
//Set request to MkDir
ftp.Method = System.Net.WebRequestMethods.Ftp.MakeDirectory;
//get response but ignore it
catch (Exception)
return false;
return true;
public bool FtpDeleteDirectory(string dirpath)
//perform remove
string URI = this.Hostname + AdjustDir(dirpath);
System.Net.FtpWebRequest ftp = GetRequest(URI);
//Set request to RmDir
ftp.Method = System.Net.WebRequestMethods.Ftp.RemoveDirectory;
//get response but ignore it
catch (Exception)
return false;
return true;
#region "private supporting fns"
//Get the basic FtpWebRequest object with the
//common settings and security
private FtpWebRequest GetRequest(string URI)
//create request
FtpWebRequest result = (FtpWebRequest)FtpWebRequest.Create(URI);
//Set the login details
result.Credentials = GetCredentials();
//Do not keep alive (stateless mode)
result.KeepAlive = false;
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Get the credentials from username/password
/// </summary>
private System.Net.ICredentials GetCredentials()
return new System.Net.NetworkCredential(Username, Password);
/// <summary>
/// returns a full path using CurrentDirectory for a relative file reference
/// </summary>
private string GetFullPath(string file)
if (file.Contains("/"))
return AdjustDir(file);
return this.CurrentDirectory + file;
/// <summary>
/// Amend an FTP path so that it always starts with /
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path">Path to adjust</param>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <remarks></remarks>
private string AdjustDir(string path)
return ((path.StartsWith("/")) ? "" : "/").ToString() + path;
private string GetDirectory(string directory)
string URI;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty( directory))
//build from current
URI = Hostname + this.CurrentDirectory;
_lastDirectory = this.CurrentDirectory;
if (!directory.StartsWith("/"))
throw (new ApplicationException("Directory should start with /"));
URI = this.Hostname + directory;
_lastDirectory = directory;
return URI;
//stores last retrieved/set directory
private string _lastDirectory = "";
/// <summary>
/// Obtains a response stream as a string
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ftp">current FTP request</param>
/// <returns>String containing response</returns>
/// <remarks>FTP servers typically return strings with CR and
/// not CRLF. Use respons.Replace(vbCR, vbCRLF) to convert
/// to an MSDOS string</remarks>
private string GetStringResponse(FtpWebRequest ftp)
//Get the result, streaming to a string
string result = "";
using (FtpWebResponse response = (FtpWebResponse)ftp.GetResponse())
using (Stream datastream = response.GetResponseStream())
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(datastream))
result = sr.ReadToEnd();
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the size of an FTP request
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ftp"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <remarks></remarks>
private long GetSize(FtpWebRequest ftp)
long size;
using (FtpWebResponse response = (FtpWebResponse)ftp.GetResponse())
size = response.ContentLength;
return size;
#region "Properties"
private string _hostname;
/// <summary>
/// Hostname
/// </summary>
/// <value></value>
/// <remarks>Hostname can be in either the full URL format
/// or just
/// </remarks>
public string Hostname
if (_hostname.StartsWith("ftp://"))
return _hostname;
return "ftp://" + _hostname;
_hostname = value;
private string _username;
/// <summary>
/// Username property
/// </summary>
/// <value></value>
/// <remarks>Can be left blank, in which case 'anonymous' is returned</remarks>
public string Username
return (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_username )? "anonymous" : _username);
_username = value;
private string _password;
public string Password
return _password;
_password = value;
/// <summary>
/// The CurrentDirectory value
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Defaults to the root '/'</remarks>
private string _currentDirectory = "/";
public string CurrentDirectory
//return directory, ensure it ends with /
return _currentDirectory + ((_currentDirectory.EndsWith("/")) ? "" : "/").ToString();
if (!value.StartsWith("/"))
throw (new ApplicationException("Directory should start with /"));
_currentDirectory = value;
#region "FTP file info class"
/// <summary>
/// Represents a file or directory entry from an FTP listing
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This class is used to parse the results from a detailed
/// directory list from FTP. It supports most formats of
/// </remarks>
public class FTPfileInfo
//Stores extended info about FTP file
#region "Properties"
public string FullName
return Path + Filename;
public string Filename
return _filename;
public string Path
return _path;
public DirectoryEntryTypes FileType
return _fileType;
public long Size
return _size;
public DateTime FileDateTime
return _fileDateTime;
public string Permission
return _permission;
public string Extension
int i = this.Filename.LastIndexOf(".");
if (i >= 0 && i < (this.Filename.Length - 1))
return this.Filename.Substring(i + 1);
return "";
public string NameOnly
int i = this.Filename.LastIndexOf(".");
if (i > 0)
return this.Filename.Substring(0, i);
return this.Filename;
private string _filename;
private string _path;
private DirectoryEntryTypes _fileType;
private long _size;
private DateTime _fileDateTime;
private string _permission;
/// <summary>
/// Identifies entry as either File or Directory
/// </summary>
public enum DirectoryEntryTypes
/// <summary>
/// Constructor taking a directory listing line and path
/// </summary>
/// <param name="line">The line returned from the detailed directory list</param>
/// <param name="path">Path of the directory</param>
/// <remarks></remarks>
public FTPfileInfo(string line, string path)
//parse line
Match m = GetMatchingRegex(line);
if (m == null)
throw (new ApplicationException("Unable to parse line: " + line));
_filename = m.Groups["name"].Value;
_path = path;
Int64.TryParse(m.Groups["size"].Value, out _size);
//_size = System.Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups["size"].Value);
_permission = m.Groups["permission"].Value;
string _dir = m.Groups["dir"].Value;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( _dir) && _dir != "-")
_fileType = DirectoryEntryTypes.Directory;
_fileType = DirectoryEntryTypes.File;
_fileDateTime = DateTime.Parse(m.Groups["timestamp"].Value);
catch (Exception)
_fileDateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(null);
private Match GetMatchingRegex(string line)
Regex rx;
Match m;
for (int i = 0; i <= _ParseFormats.Length - 1; i++)
rx = new Regex(_ParseFormats[i]);
m = rx.Match(line);
if (m.Success)
return m;
return null;
#region "Regular expressions for parsing LIST results"
/// <summary>
/// List of REGEX formats for different FTP server listing formats
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The first three are various UNIX/LINUX formats, fourth is for MS FTP
/// in detailed mode and the last for MS FTP in 'DOS' mode.
/// I wish VB.NET had support for Const arrays like C# but there you go
/// </remarks>
private static string[] _ParseFormats = new string[] {
"(?<timestamp>\\d{2}\\-\\d{2}\\-\\d{2}\\s+\\d{2}:\\d{2}[Aa|Pp][mM])\\s+(?<dir>\\<\\w+\\>){0,1}(?<size>\\d+){0,1}\\s+(?<name>.+)" };
#region "FTP Directory class"
/// <summary>
/// Stores a list of files and directories from an FTP result
/// </summary>
/// <remarks></remarks>
public class FTPdirectory : List<FTPfileInfo>
public FTPdirectory()
//creates a blank directory listing
/// <summary>
/// Constructor: create list from a (detailed) directory string
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dir">directory listing string</param>
/// <param name="path"></param>
/// <remarks></remarks>
public FTPdirectory(string dir, string path)
foreach (string line in dir.Replace("\n", "").Split(System.Convert.ToChar('\r')))
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( line))
this.Add(new FTPfileInfo(line, path));
/// <summary>
/// Filter out only files from directory listing
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ext">optional file extension filter</param>
/// <returns>FTPdirectory listing</returns>
public FTPdirectory GetFiles(string ext)
return this.GetFileOrDir(FTPfileInfo.DirectoryEntryTypes.File, ext);
/// <summary>
/// Returns a list of only subdirectories
/// </summary>
/// <returns>FTPDirectory list</returns>
/// <remarks></remarks>
public FTPdirectory GetDirectories()
return this.GetFileOrDir(FTPfileInfo.DirectoryEntryTypes.Directory, "");
//internal: share use function for GetDirectories/Files
private FTPdirectory GetFileOrDir(FTPfileInfo.DirectoryEntryTypes type, string ext)
FTPdirectory result = new FTPdirectory();
foreach (FTPfileInfo fi in this)
if (fi.FileType == type)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty( ext ))
else if (ext == fi.Extension)
return result;
public bool FileExists(string filename)
foreach (FTPfileInfo ftpfile in this)
if (ftpfile.Filename == filename)
return true;
return false;
private const char slash = '/';
public static string GetParentDirectory(string dir)
string tmp = dir.TrimEnd(slash);
int i = tmp.LastIndexOf(slash);
if (i > 0)
return tmp.Substring(0, i - 1);
throw (new ApplicationException("No parent for root"));
public string ftpServerIP { get; set; }
public string ftpUserID { get; set; }
public string ftpPassword { get; set; }
public void DownloadFile(string filePath, string fileName, string ftpPassword, string ftpUserID, string ftpServerIP)
FtpWebRequest reqFTP;
//filePath = <<The full path where the file is to be created.>>,
//fileName = <<Name of the file to be created(Need not be the name of the file on FTP server).>>
FileStream outputStream = new FileStream(filePath + "\\" + fileName, FileMode.Create);
reqFTP = (FtpWebRequest)FtpWebRequest.Create(new Uri("ftp://" + ftpServerIP + fileName));
reqFTP.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.DownloadFile;
reqFTP.UseBinary = true;
reqFTP.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(ftpUserID, ftpPassword);
FtpWebResponse response = (FtpWebResponse)reqFTP.GetResponse();
Stream ftpStream = response.GetResponseStream();
int bufferSize = 2048;
int readCount;
byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
readCount = ftpStream.Read(buffer, 0, bufferSize);
while (readCount > 0)
outputStream.Write(buffer, 0, readCount);
readCount = ftpStream.Read(buffer, 0, bufferSize);
//public static void voidShutcut()
// try
// {
// IWshRuntimeLibrary.WshShellClass class2 = new IWshRuntimeLibrary.WshShellClass();
// IWshRuntimeLibrary.IWshShortcut shortcut = class2.CreateShortcut(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) + @"\E-Hekim Destek Sistemi.lnk") as IWshRuntimeLibrary.IWshShortcut;
// shortcut.TargetPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\destek.exe";
// shortcut.WindowStyle = 1;
// shortcut.Description = "E-Destek";
// shortcut.WorkingDirectory = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
// shortcut.IconLocation = Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\veico.ico";
// shortcut.Save();
// string[] dosya = File.ReadAllLines(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\Environment.ini");
// File.Delete(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\Environment.ini");
// for (int i = 0; i < dosya.Length; i++)
// {
// if (i != 1)
// {
// File.AppendAllText(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\Environment.ini", dosya[i].ToString());
// }
// else if (i == 1)
// {
// File.AppendAllText(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\Environment.ini", "Shutcut 1");
// }
// File.AppendAllText(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\Environment.ini", Environment.NewLine);
// }
// }
// catch (Exception ex)
// {
// voidSetExceptionMessage(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace);
// }
//public static string hataBildir(Exception ex)
// string sonuc = "1";
// try
// {
// sonuc = webservis.ExceptionAl(SINIF.LISANS.GetProgramNo(), ex.Message, ex.Source, ex.StackTrace, ex.TargetSite.Name);
// }
// catch
// {
// sonuc = "0";
// }
// return sonuc;
public static class GELISMIS_SQL
public static class TABLO
public static string TabloSil(string TabloAdı)
string sonuc = "";
sonuc = mysqlg.executeQuery("drop table "+TabloAdı);
return sonuc;
public static bool TabloVarmi(string TabloAdı)
bool sonuc=false;
DATABASE.VeriTabaniDegistir("information_schema", false);
if (Conn.Database == "information_schema")
sonuc= mysqlg.checkRecord("TABLE_SCHEMA='"+GecerliSunucu.GecerliVeritabani+"' and TABLE_NAME='"+TabloAdı+"'", "TABLES");
DATABASE.VeriTabaniDegistir(GecerliSunucu.GecerliVeritabani, false);
return sonuc;
public static class COLUMN
public static class DATABASE
public static string DbYolu = Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\settings\db.ini";
public static string VeriTabaniDegistir(string YeniVeritabani, bool KaliciOlarakDegistir)
string sonuc = "";
if (KaliciOlarakDegistir)
GecerliSunucu.GecerliVeritabani = YeniVeritabani;
return sonuc;
public static class GecerliSunucu
public static string GecerliVeritabani
string[] cstr2 = File.ReadAllLines(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\settings\db.ini");
return cstr2[3];
UTILITY.MetinBelgesindeSatirDegistir(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\settings\db.ini", 4, value);
public static string GecerliServer
string[] cstr2 = File.ReadAllLines(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\settings\db.ini");
return cstr2[0];
UTILITY.MetinBelgesindeSatirDegistir(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\settings\db.ini", 1, value);
public static string GecerliSifre
string[] cstr2 = File.ReadAllLines(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\settings\db.ini");
return cstr2[2];
UTILITY.MetinBelgesindeSatirDegistir(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\settings\db.ini", 3, value);
public static string GecerliKullanici
string[] cstr2 = File.ReadAllLines(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\settings\db.ini");
return cstr2[1];
UTILITY.MetinBelgesindeSatirDegistir(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\settings\db.ini", 2, value);
public static string GecerliPort
string[] cstr2 = File.ReadAllLines(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\settings\db.ini");
return cstr2[4];
UTILITY.MetinBelgesindeSatirDegistir(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\settings\db.ini", 5, value);
public static DataTable getDifferentRecords(DataTable FirstDataTable, DataTable SecondDataTable)
//Create Empty Table
DataTable ResultDataTable = new DataTable("ResultDataTable");
//use a Dataset to make use of a DataRelation object
using (DataSet ds = new DataSet())
//Add tables
ds.Tables.AddRange(new DataTable[] { FirstDataTable.Copy(), SecondDataTable.Copy() });
//Get Columns for DataRelation
DataColumn[] firstColumns = new DataColumn[ds.Tables[0].Columns.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < firstColumns.Length; i++)
firstColumns[i] = ds.Tables[0].Columns[i];
DataColumn[] secondColumns = new DataColumn[ds.Tables[1].Columns.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < secondColumns.Length; i++)
secondColumns[i] = ds.Tables[1].Columns[i];
//Create DataRelation
DataRelation r1 = new DataRelation(string.Empty, firstColumns, secondColumns, false);
DataRelation r2 = new DataRelation(string.Empty, secondColumns, firstColumns, false);
//Create columns for return table
for (int i = 0; i < FirstDataTable.Columns.Count; i++)
ResultDataTable.Columns.Add(FirstDataTable.Columns[i].ColumnName, FirstDataTable.Columns[i].DataType);
//If FirstDataTable Row not in SecondDataTable, Add to ResultDataTable.
foreach (DataRow parentrow in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
DataRow[] childrows = parentrow.GetChildRows(r1);
if (childrows == null || childrows.Length == 0)
ResultDataTable.LoadDataRow(parentrow.ItemArray, true);
//If SecondDataTable Row not in FirstDataTable, Add to ResultDataTable.
foreach (DataRow parentrow in ds.Tables[1].Rows)
DataRow[] childrows = parentrow.GetChildRows(r2);
if (childrows == null || childrows.Length == 0)
ResultDataTable.LoadDataRow(parentrow.ItemArray, true);
return ResultDataTable;
//public static DataTable GetTableOfSelectedRows(DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.GridView view)
// DataTable table = new DataTable();
// DataTable table2 = null;
// if (view.DataSource is DataView)
// {
// table2 = ((DataView)view.DataSource).Table;
// }
// else if (view.DataSource is BindingSource)
// {
// table2 = ((DataView)((BindingSource)view.DataSource).List).Table;
// }
// if (table2 != null)
// {
// table = table2.Clone();
// for (int i = 0; i < view.RowCount; i++)
// {
// DataRow dataRow = view.GetDataRow(i);
// table.Rows.Add(dataRow.ItemArray);
// }
// table.AcceptChanges();
// }
// return table;
public static class WinApi
public const int AW_BLEND = 0x80000;
public const int AW_CENTER = 0x10;
public const int AW_HIDE = 0x10000;
public const int AW_HOR_NEGATIVE = 2;
public const int AW_HOR_POSITIVE = 1;
public const int AW_SLIDE = 0x40000;
public const int AW_VER_NEGATIVE = 8;
public const int AW_VER_POSITIVE = 4;
[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern int AnimateWindow(IntPtr hwand, int dwTime, int dwFlags);
public static void Open()
if (Conn.State != ConnectionState.Open)
string[] cstr = new string[5];
Conn.ConnectionString = "Server=myServerAddress;Port=1234;Database=myDataBase;Uid=myUsername;Pwd=myPassword;";
if (komut==null)
komut = new MySqlCommand();
komut.Connection = Conn;
public static void OpenWithoutDb()
if (Conn.State != ConnectionState.Open)
string[] cstr = new string[5];
cstr = File.ReadAllLines(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\settings\db.ini");
Conn.ConnectionString = "Server=" + cstr[0].ToString() + ";Uid=" + cstr[1].ToString() + ";Password=" + cstr[2].ToString() + ";Port=" + cstr[4];
if (komut == null)
komut = new MySqlCommand();
komut.Connection = Conn;
public static bool checkRecord(string WhereStr,string TableName)
bool flag = false;
if (Conn.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
if (TableName.Trim().Length > 0)
object c = dataCell("select * from " + TableName + " where " + WhereStr);
if (c != null)
if (c != null || c.GetType().ToString() != "System.DBNull")
flag = true;
flag = false;
return flag;
public static object dataCell(string SelectCommandText)
object obj2 = null;
if (Conn.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(SelectCommandText, Conn);
command.CommandText = SelectCommandText;
obj2 = command.ExecuteScalar();
command = null;
obj2 = null;
return obj2;
public static DataRow dataRow(string SelectCommandText)
DataRow row = null;
if (Conn.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
new MySqlDataAdapter(SelectCommandText, Conn).Fill(dataTable);
if (dataTable.Rows.Count > 0)
row = dataTable.Rows[0];
dataTable = null;
return row;
public static DataTable dataTable(string SelectCommandText, string TableNameUsing)
DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
if (Conn.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
new MySqlDataAdapter(SelectCommandText, Conn).Fill(dataTable);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( TableNameUsing))
dataTable.TableName = TableNameUsing;
catch(Exception ex)
string q = ex.Message;
return dataTable;
public static string executeQuery(string Sql)
string sonuc = "İşlem başarılı.";
if (Conn.State!=ConnectionState.Open)
if (Conn.State!=ConnectionState.Open)
komut = new MySqlCommand();
komut.Connection = Conn;
Sql.Replace("'", @"\'");
komut.CommandText = Sql;
komut = null;
catch (Exception ex)
sonuc = "İşlem Başarısız.Hata Kodu : " + ex.Message;
return sonuc;
public static void disposeFromMemory()
public static string DegerArtir (string Tablo,string Kolon,string Where)
return mysqlg.executeQuery("update "+Tablo+" set "+Kolon+"="+Kolon+"+1 where "+Where );
public static string DegerArtir(string Tablo, string Kolon, string Where, int ArtmaSayisi)
return mysqlg.executeQuery("update " + Tablo + " set " + Kolon + "=" + Kolon + "+" + ArtmaSayisi + " where " + Where);
public static void voidSetExceptionMessage(Exception message)
File.AppendAllText(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\ErrorLog.ini", Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);
File.AppendAllText(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\ErrorLog.ini", "-----Hata Oluşma Zamanı-----" + Environment.NewLine + DateTime.Now.ToString() + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);
File.AppendAllText(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\ErrorLog.ini", "-----Mesaj------" + Environment.NewLine + message.Message + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);
File.AppendAllText(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\ErrorLog.ini", "-----Stack Trace------" + Environment.NewLine + message.StackTrace + Environment.NewLine);
File.AppendAllText(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\ErrorLog.ini", "-----Target Site------" + Environment.NewLine+message.TargetSite + Environment.NewLine);
File.AppendAllText(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\ErrorLog.ini", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
public static string voidKullanici()
string[] a = new string[1];
a = File.ReadAllLines(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\Settings\user.ini");
return a[0];
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