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Last active February 5, 2022 21:36
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# Source:
# Create a Cluster #
# This script assumes that you followed the instructions from the "Creating And Managing Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Clusters With Terraform" section" section.
# It assumes that you have:
# * The resource group *devops-catalog-aks*
# * The storage account *devopscatalog*
# * The storage container *devopscatalog*
# Make sure that you are inside the local copy of the devops-catalog-code repository
cd terraform-aks/minimal
terraform init
az aks get-versions --location eastus
# Replace `[...]` with a valid orchestratorVersion from the previous output
export K8S_VERSION=[...]
terraform refresh \
--var k8s_version=$K8S_VERSION
terraform apply \
--var k8s_version=$K8S_VERSION
export KUBECONFIG=$PWD/kubeconfig
az aks get-credentials \
--name \
$(terraform output --raw cluster_name) \
--resource-group \
$(terraform output --raw resource_group) \
--file \
kubectl get nodes
cd ../..
# Deploy Ingress Controller #
kubectl apply \
export INGRESS_HOST=$(kubectl \
--namespace ingress-nginx \
get svc ingress-nginx-controller \
--output jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}")
# Repeat the `export` command if the output is empty
# Destroy The Cluster #
cd terraform-aks/minimal
terraform destroy \
--var k8s_version=$K8S_VERSION \
--target azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.primary
cd ../..
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