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Last active February 20, 2024 21:37
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# Source:
# How To Manage Applications With Databases Using Helm, Crossplane, And Schemahero #
# #
# Additional Info:
# - Crossplane - GitOps-based Infrastructure as Code through Kubernetes API:
# - How To Shift Left Infrastructure Management Using Crossplane Compositions:
# - How To Manage Kubernetes Applications Using Crossplane Compositions:
# - Terraform vs. Pulumi vs. Crossplane - Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Tools Comparison:
# - SchemaHero - Database Schema Migrations Inside Kubernetes:
# - Bitnami Sealed Secrets - How To Store Kubernetes Secrets In Git Repositories:
# Setup #
# Using Rancher Desktop for the demo, but it can be any other Kubernetes cluster with Ingress
# If not using Rancher Desktop, replace `` with the base host accessible through Ingress
git clone \
cd devops-toolkit-crossplane
kubectl create namespace a-team
kubectl create namespace crossplane-system
cat charts/sql/values.yaml \
| sed -e "s@host: .*@host: devops-toolkit.$" \
| tee charts/sql/values.yaml
cat examples/app/backend-gcp-mysql.yaml \
| sed -e "s@host: .*@host: devops-toolkit.$" \
| tee examples/app/backend-gcp-mysql.yaml
# Setup GCP #
export PROJECT_ID=devops-toolkit-$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)
gcloud projects create $PROJECT_ID
echo "$PROJECT_ID"
# Set the billing account
echo "$PROJECT_ID"
# Open the URL and *ENABLE API*
export SA_NAME=devops-toolkit
export SA="${SA_NAME}@${PROJECT_ID}"
gcloud iam service-accounts \
create $SA_NAME \
--project $PROJECT_ID
export ROLE=roles/admin
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding \
--role $ROLE $PROJECT_ID \
--member serviceAccount:$SA
gcloud iam service-accounts keys \
create gcp-creds.json \
--project $PROJECT_ID \
--iam-account $SA
kubectl --namespace crossplane-system \
create secret generic gcp-creds \
--from-file creds=./gcp-creds.json
cat crossplane-config/provider-config-gcp.yaml \
| sed -e "s@projectID: .*@projectID: $PROJECT_ID@g" \
| tee crossplane-config/provider-config-gcp.yaml
# Setup Crossplane #
helm repo add crossplane-stable \
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install \
crossplane crossplane-stable/crossplane \
--namespace crossplane-system \
--create-namespace \
kubectl apply \
--filename crossplane-config/provider-sql.yaml
kubectl apply \
--filename crossplane-config/config-sql.yaml
kubectl apply \
--filename crossplane-config/config-app.yaml
kubectl apply \
--filename crossplane-config/provider-kubernetes-incluster.yaml
kubectl apply \
--filename crossplane-config/provider-gcp.yaml
kubectl apply \
--filename crossplane-config/provider-config-gcp.yaml
# Please re-run the previous command if the output is `unable to recognize ...`
# Setup SchemaHero #
kubectl krew install schemahero
kubectl schemahero install
# Demo #
helm upgrade --install \
sql-demo charts/sql/. \
--namespace a-team \
kubectl --namespace a-team \
get pods
kubectl --namespace a-team \
describe pod --selector app=sql-demo
cat charts/sql/templates/app.yaml
kubectl get managed
kubectl --namespace a-team \
get pods
curl "http://devops-toolkit.$"
kubectl --namespace a-team logs \
--selector app=sql-demo
kubectl --namespace a-team \
get secrets
export DB_ENDPOINT=$(kubectl \
--namespace a-team \
get secret sql-demo \
--output jsonpath="{.data.endpoint}" \
| base64 -d)
export DB_PASS=$(kubectl \
--namespace a-team \
get secret sql-demo \
--output jsonpath="{.data.password}" \
| base64 -d)
helm upgrade --install \
sql-demo charts/sql/. \
--namespace a-team \
--set schema.endpoint=$DB_ENDPOINT \
--set schema.password=$DB_PASS \
curl "http://devops-toolkit.$"
curl "http://devops-toolkit.$"
curl "http://devops-toolkit.$"
cat charts/sql/templates/db.yaml
cat charts/sql/templates/schema.yaml
cat charts/sql/templates/app.yaml
cat charts/sql/templates/crossplane-app.yaml
helm upgrade --install \
sql-demo charts/sql/. \
--namespace a-team \
--set crossplaneApp=true \
--reuse-values \
kubectl --namespace a-team get appclaims
kubectl --namespace a-team get all,ingresses
curl "http://devops-toolkit.$"
helm delete sql-demo --namespace a-team
cat examples/app/backend-gcp-mysql.yaml
kubectl --namespace a-team apply \
--filename examples/app/backend-gcp-mysql.yaml
kubectl --namespace a-team \
get all,ingresses,appclaims,cloudsqlinstances
cat packages/sql/definition.yaml
cat packages/sql/gcp.yaml
# Destroy #
kubectl --namespace a-team delete \
--filename examples/app/backend-gcp-mysql.yaml
kubectl get cloudsqlinstances
# Repeat the previous command until all the resources are deleted
gcloud projects delete $PROJECT_ID
# Destroy or reset the management cluster
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