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Created October 17, 2019 17:43
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# Links to gists for creating a Kubernetes cluster with Jenkins X
rm -rf environment-$ENVIRONMENT-staging
git clone \$GH_USER/environment-$ENVIRONMENT-staging.git
cd environment-$ENVIRONMENT-staging
cat env/requirements.yaml
echo "- name: postgresql
version: 5.0.0
repository:" \
| tee -a env/requirements.yaml
git add .
git commit -m "Added PostgreSQL"
git push
jx get activities \
--filter environment-$ENVIRONMENT-staging \
NAMESPACE=$(kubectl config view \
--minify \
--output 'jsonpath={..namespace}')
kubectl \
--namespace $NAMESPACE-staging \
get pods,services
cd ..
rm -rf environment-$ENVIRONMENT-production
git clone \$GH_USER/environment-$ENVIRONMENT-production.git
cd environment-$ENVIRONMENT-production
echo "- name: postgresql
version: 5.0.0
repository:" \
| tee -a env/requirements.yaml
helm inspect values stable/postgresql
echo "postgresql:
enabled: true" \
| tee -a env/values.yaml
git add .
git commit -m "Added PostgreSQL"
git push
jx get activities \
--filter environment-$ENVIRONMENT-production \
kubectl \
--namespace $NAMESPACE-production \
get pods,services
cat env/requirements.yaml \
| sed '$d' | sed '$d' | sed '$d' \
| tee env/requirements.yaml
git add .
git commit -m "Removed PostgreSQL"
git push
cd ../environment-$ENVIRONMENT-staging
cat env/requirements.yaml \
| sed '$d' | sed '$d' | sed '$d' \
| tee env/requirements.yaml
git add .
git commit -m "Removed PostgreSQL"
git push
cd ..
# If using Jenkins X Boot
kubectl get pods
# If using Jenkins X Boot
# If using Jenkins X Boot
cd environment-$CLUSTER_NAME-dev
# If using Jenkins X Boot
cat env/requirements.yaml
# If using Jenkins X Boot
kubectl get ingresses
# If using Jenkins X Boot
NEXUS_ADDR=$(kubectl get ingress nexus \
--output jsonpath="{.spec.rules[0].host}")
# If using Jenkins X Boot
open "http://$NEXUS_ADDR"
# If using Jenkins X Boot
git pull
# If using Jenkins X Boot
ls -1 env
# If using Jenkins X Boot
cat env/nexus/values.yaml
# If using Jenkins X Boot
cat env/nexus/values.yaml \
| sed -e \
's@enabled: true@enabled: false@g' \
| tee env/nexus/values.yaml
# If using Jenkins X Boot
git add .
# If using Jenkins X Boot
git commit -m "Removed Nexus"
# If using Jenkins X Boot
git push
# If using Jenkins X Boot
jx get activity \
--filter environment-$CLUSTER_NAME-dev/master \
# If using Jenkins X Boot
kubectl get ingresses
# If using Jenkins X Boot
open "http://$NEXUS_ADDR"
# If using Jenkins X Boot
kubectl get pods
open ""
jx add app jx-app-prometheus
# If using Jenkins X Boot
jx get activity \
--filter environment-$CLUSTER_NAME-dev/master \
kubectl get pods \
--selector app=prometheus
kubectl get ingresses
# If NOT using EKS
LB_IP=$(kubectl --namespace kube-system \
get service jxing-nginx-ingress-controller \
--output jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}")
# If using EKS
LB_HOST=$(kubectl --namespace kube-system \
get service jxing-nginx-ingress-controller \
--output jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}")
# If using EKS
export LB_IP="$(dig +short $LB_HOST \
| tail -n 1)"
echo $LB_IP
# If using Jenkins X Boot
git pull
# If using Jenkins X Boot
echo "prometheus:
enabled: true
- prometheus.$" \
| tee env/jx-app-prometheus/values.yaml
# If using Jenkins X Boot
git add .
# If using Jenkins X Boot
git commit -m "Prometheus Ingress"
# If using Jenkins X Boot
git push
# If using Jenkins X Boot
jx get activity \
--filter environment-$CLUSTER_NAME-dev/master \
# If using Jenkins X Boot
kubectl get ingresses
# If using Jenkins X Boot
open "http://prometheus.$"
# If using Jenkins X Boot
jx delete app jx-app-prometheus
# If NOT using Jenkins X Boot
jx delete app jx-app-prometheus \
--namespace $NAMESPACE
# If using Jenkins X Boot
jx get activity \
--filter environment-$CLUSTER_NAME-dev/master \
kubectl get pods \
--selector app=prometheus
jx add app istio-init \
# If using Jenkins X Boot
jx get activity \
--filter environment-$CLUSTER_NAME-dev/master \
kubectl get crds | grep ''
# If using Jenkins X Boot
git pull
# If using Jenkins X Boot
cp -r env/istio-init env/istio
# If using Jenkins X Boot
cat env/istio/templates/app.yaml
# If using Jenkins X Boot
cat env/istio/templates/app.yaml \
| sed -e 's@istio-init@istio@g' \
| sed -e \
's@initialize Istio CRDs@install Istio@g' \
| tee env/istio/templates/app.yaml
# If using Jenkins X Boot
cat env/requirements.yaml
# If using Jenkins X Boot
echo "- name: istio
version: 1.3.2" \
| tee -a env/requirements.yaml
# If using Jenkins X Boot
git add .
# If using Jenkins X Boot
git commit -m "Added Istio"
# If using Jenkins X Boot
git push
# If using Jenkins X Boot
jx get activity \
--filter environment-$CLUSTER_NAME-dev/master \
# If using Jenkins X Boot
kubectl get pods | grep istio
jx get apps
# If using Jenkins X Boot
git pull
# If using Jenkins X Boot
jx delete app istio
# If using Jenkins X Boot
git pull
jx delete app istio-init
# If using Jenkins X Boot
cd ..
rm -rf environment-$ENVIRONMENT-staging
hub delete -y \
rm -rf environment-$ENVIRONMENT-production
hub delete -y \
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