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Created March 27, 2021 00:23
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# Gatekeeper #
# Open Policy Agent (OPA) For Kubernetes #
# #
# Referenced videos:
# - How to run local multi-node Kubernetes clusters using kind:
# - Kustomize - How to Simplify Kubernetes Configuration Management:
# Setup #
git clone
cd opa-gatekeeper-demo
export KUBECONFIG=$PWD/kubeconfig.yaml
# Feel free to use any other Kubernetes cluster
# You might want to watch if you are not familiar with kind
kind create cluster
kubectl apply \
# You might want to watch if you are not familiar with Kustomize
kustomize build \ \
| kubectl apply --filename -
kubectl apply --filename opa
# Repeat the previous command if the output states that it has `no matches for kind`.
cp app/orig.yaml app/app.yaml
kubectl create namespace production
# Disallow NodePort #
cat app/app.yaml
kubectl apply --filename app/app.yaml
cat opa/block-node-port.yaml
# Open it
# Open `app/app.yaml` and change Service `spec.type` to `ClusterIP`
kubectl apply --filename app/app.yaml
# Require resource limits #
kubectl get pods
kubectl get deployments
kubectl describe deployment \
kubectl get replicasets
# Replace `[...]` with the ReplicaSet name
kubectl describe replicaset
# Open `app/app.yaml` and add `spec.template.spec.containers[].resources` with limits set to `10000m` CPU and `10Gi` memory.
kubectl apply --filename app/app.yaml
kubectl get replicasets
# Replace `[...]` with the ReplicaSet name
kubectl describe replicaset [...]
cat opa/container-must-have-limits.yaml
# Open `app/app.yaml` and change `spec.template.spec.containers[].resources.limits` to `500m` CPU and `512Mi` memory.
kubectl apply --filename app/app.yaml
kubectl get pods
# Disallow latest tag #
kubectl --namespace production apply \
--filename app/app.yaml
kubectl --namespace production get pods
kubectl --namespace production \
get replicasets
# Replace `[...]` with the ReplicaSet name
kubectl --namespace production \
describe replicaset
cat opa/image-not-latest.yaml
# Open `app/app.yaml` and change `spec.template.spec.containers[].image` to `vfarcic/devops-toolkit-series:2.7.0`
kubectl --namespace production apply \
--filename app/app.yaml
kubectl --namespace production get pods
# Destroy #
kind delete cluster
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