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Last active February 1, 2021 20:04
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  • Save vfarcic/505aedf2cb268837983132d4e4385fab to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save vfarcic/505aedf2cb268837983132d4e4385fab to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
git clone \
cd k8s-specs
# Create a Kubernetes cluster
cat sts/jenkins.yml
# Only if minishift
oc create -f sts/jenkins-oc.yml --record --save-config
kubectl create \
-f sts/jenkins.yml \
--record --save-config
kubectl -n jenkins \
rollout status sts jenkins
kubectl -n jenkins get pvc
kubectl -n jenkins get pv
# Only if GKE
CLUSTER_DNS=$(kubectl -n jenkins \
get ing jenkins \
-o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}")
# Only if kops or Docker for Mac/Windows
CLUSTER_DNS=$(kubectl -n jenkins \
get ing jenkins \
-o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}")
# Only if minikube
CLUSTER_DNS=$(minikube ip)
# Only if minishift
CLUSTER_DNS=jenkins-jenkins.$(minishift ip)
open "http://$CLUSTER_DNS/jenkins"
kubectl delete ns jenkins
cat sts/go-demo-3-deploy.yml
kubectl create \
-f sts/go-demo-3-deploy.yml \
--record --save-config
kubectl -n go-demo-3 \
rollout status deployment api
kubectl -n go-demo-3 get pods
DB_1=$(kubectl -n go-demo-3 get pods \
-l app=db \
-o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
DB_2=$(kubectl -n go-demo-3 get pods \
-l app=db \
-o jsonpath="{.items[1]}")
kubectl -n go-demo-3 logs $DB_1
kubectl -n go-demo-3 logs $DB_2
kubectl get pv
kubectl delete ns go-demo-3
cat sts/go-demo-3-sts.yml
kubectl create \
-f sts/go-demo-3-sts.yml \
--record --save-config
kubectl -n go-demo-3 get pods
kubectl -n go-demo-3 get pods
kubectl -n go-demo-3 get pods
kubectl -n go-demo-3 get pods
kubectl get pv
kubectl -n go-demo-3 \
exec -it db-0 -- hostname
kubectl -n go-demo-3 \
run -it \
--image busybox dns-test \
--restart=Never \
--rm sh
nslookup db
nslookup db-0.db
kubectl -n go-demo-3 \
exec -it db-0 -- sh
kubectl -n go-demo-3 get pods
diff sts/go-demo-3-sts.yml \
kubectl apply \
-f sts/go-demo-3-sts-upd.yml \
kubectl -n go-demo-3 get pods
kubectl delete ns go-demo-3
cat sts/go-demo-3.yml
kubectl create \
-f sts/go-demo-3.yml \
--record --save-config
# Wait for a few moments
kubectl -n go-demo-3 \
logs db-0 \
-c db-sidecar
kubectl delete ns go-demo-3
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