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Last active August 4, 2022 23:14
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# Source:
cd k8s-specs
git pull
minikube start --vm-driver=virtualbox
kubectl config current-context
kubectl create \
-f ingress/go-demo-2-deploy.yml
kubectl get \
-f ingress/go-demo-2-deploy.yml
kubectl get pods
IP=$(minikube ip)
PORT=$(kubectl get svc go-demo-2-api \
-o jsonpath="{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}")
curl -i "http://$IP:$PORT/demo/hello"
kubectl create \
-f ingress/devops-toolkit-dep.yml \
kubectl get \
-f ingress/devops-toolkit-dep.yml
PORT=$(kubectl get svc devops-toolkit \
-o jsonpath="{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}")
open "http://$IP:$PORT"
curl "http://$IP/demo/hello"
curl -i \
-H "Host:" \
minikube addons list
minikube addons enable ingress
kubectl get pods -n kube-system \
| grep ingress
curl -i "http://$IP/healthz"
curl -i "http://$IP/something"
cat ingress/go-demo-2-ingress.yml
kubectl create \
-f ingress/go-demo-2-ingress.yml
kubectl get \
-f ingress/go-demo-2-ingress.yml
curl -i "http://$IP/demo/hello"
kubectl delete \
-f ingress/go-demo-2-ingress.yml
kubectl delete \
-f ingress/go-demo-2-deploy.yml
cat ingress/go-demo-2.yml
kubectl create \
-f ingress/go-demo-2.yml \
curl -i "http://$IP/demo/hello"
cat ingress/devops-toolkit.yml
kubectl delete \
-f ingress/devops-toolkit-dep.yml
kubectl create \
-f ingress/devops-toolkit.yml \
kubectl get ing
open "http://$IP"
curl "http://$IP/demo/hello"
cat ingress/devops-toolkit-dom.yml
kubectl apply \
-f ingress/devops-toolkit-dom.yml
curl -I "http://$IP"
curl -I \
-H "Host:" \
curl -H "Host:" \
curl -I -H "Host:" \
cat ingress/default-backend.yml
kubectl create \
-f ingress/default-backend.yml
curl -I -H "Host:" \
minikube delete
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