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Last active August 5, 2022 15:12
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# Source:
cd k8s-specs
git pull
minikube start --vm-driver=virtualbox
minikube addons enable ingress
kubectl config current-context
cat ns/go-demo-2.yml
cat ns/go-demo-2.yml \
| sed -e \
"s@image: $IMG@image: $IMG:$TAG@g" \
| kubectl create -f -
kubectl rollout status \
deploy go-demo-2-api
curl -H "Host:" \
"http://$(minikube ip)/demo/hello"
kubectl get all
kubectl get ns
kubectl --namespace kube-public get all
kubectl --namespace kube-system get all
kubectl create ns testing
kubectl get ns
kubectl config set-context testing \
--namespace=testing \
--cluster=minikube \
kubectl config view
kubectl config use-context testing
kubectl get all
cat ns/go-demo-2.yml \
| sed -e \
"s@image: $IMG@image: $IMG:$TAG@g" \
| sed -e \
"s@host: $DOM@host: $TAG\.$DOM@g" \
| kubectl create -f -
kubectl rollout status \
deploy go-demo-2-api
curl -H "Host:" \
"http://$(minikube ip)/demo/hello"
curl -H "Host:" \
"http://$(minikube ip)/demo/hello"
kubectl config use-context minikube
kubectl run test \
--image=alpine \
sleep 10000
kubectl get pod test
kubectl exec -it test \
-- apk add -U curl
kubectl exec -it test -- curl \
kubectl exec -it test -- curl \
kubectl delete ns testing
kubectl -n testing get all
kubectl get all
curl -H "Host:" \
"http://$(minikube ip)/demo/hello"
kubectl set image \
deployment/go-demo-2-api \
minikube delete
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