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Last active February 17, 2023 02:54
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# Source:
# If macOS
brew tap jenkins-x/jx
# If macOS
brew install jx
# If Linux
mkdir -p ~/.jx/bin
# If Linux
curl -L \
| tar xzv -C ~/.jx/bin
# If Linux
export PATH=$PATH:~/.jx/bin
# If Linux
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:~/.jx/bin' \
>> ~/.bashrc
# If Windows
choco install jenkins-x
jx create cluster help
jx install --help | grep "provider="
# If GKE
# If GKE
jx create cluster gke \
--cluster-name jx-rocks \
--project-id $PROJECT \
--region us-east1 \
--machine-type n1-standard-2 \
--min-num-nodes 1 \
--max-num-nodes 2 \
--default-admin-password admin \
--default-environment-prefix jx-rocks
# If EKS
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=[...]
# If EKS
# If EKS
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1
# If EKS
jx create cluster eks \
--cluster-name jx-rocks \
--node-type t2.large \
--nodes 3 \
--nodes-min 3 \
--nodes-max 6 \
--default-admin-password admin \
--default-environment-prefix jx-rocks
# If EKS
ASG_NAME=$(aws autoscaling \
describe-auto-scaling-groups \
| jq -r ".AutoScalingGroups[] \
| select(.AutoScalingGroupName \
| startswith(\"eksctl-jx-rocks-nodegroup\")) \
# If EKS
echo $ASG_NAME
# If EKS
aws autoscaling \
create-or-update-tags \
--tags \
ResourceId=$ASG_NAME,ResourceType=auto-scaling-group,,Value=true,PropagateAtLaunch=true \
# If EKS
IAM_ROLE=$(aws iam list-roles \
| jq -r ".Roles[] \
| select(.RoleName \
| startswith(\"eksctl-jx-rocks-nodegroup\")) \
# If EKS
echo $IAM_ROLE
# If EKS
aws iam put-role-policy \
--role-name $IAM_ROLE \
--policy-name jx-rocks-AutoScaling \
# If EKS
mkdir -p charts
# If EKS
helm fetch stable/cluster-autoscaler \
-d charts \
# If EKS
mkdir -p k8s-specs/aws
# If EKS
helm template charts/cluster-autoscaler \
--name aws-cluster-autoscaler \
--output-dir k8s-specs/aws \
--namespace kube-system \
--set autoDiscovery.clusterName=jx-rocks \
--set awsRegion=$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION \
--set sslCertPath=/etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt \
--set rbac.create=true
# If EKS
kubectl apply \
-n kube-system \
-f k8s-specs/aws/cluster-autoscaler/*
# If AKS
# If AKS
jx create cluster aks \
--cluster-name $CLUSTER_NAME \
--resource-group-name jxrocks-group \
--location eastus \
--node-vm-size Standard_D2s_v3 \
--nodes 3 \
--default-admin-password admin \
--default-environment-prefix jx-rocks
jx compliance run
jx compliance status
jx compliance logs -f
jx compliance results
jx compliance delete
# If existing cluster
# If existing cluster and you already have a domain
# If existing cluster and you do NOT have a domain
# If existing cluster
jx install --help | grep "provider="
# If existing cluster
# If existing cluster
kubectl get ns
# If existing cluster
# If existing cluster
kubectl --namespace $INGRESS_NS get deployments
# If existing cluster
# If existing cluster
# If existing cluster
jx install \
--provider $PROVIDER \
--external-ip $LB_IP \
--domain $DOMAIN \
--default-admin-password admin \
--ingress-namespace $INGRESS_NS \
--ingress-deployment $INGRESS_DEP \
--default-environment-prefix jx-rocks
kubectl --namespace jx get pods
hub delete -y \
hub delete -y \
rm -rf ~/.jx/environments/$GH_USER/environment-jx-rocks-*
# If GKE
gcloud container clusters \
delete jx-rocks \
--region us-east1 \
# If GKE
gcloud compute disks delete \
--zone us-east1-b \
$(gcloud compute disks list \
--filter="zone:us-east1-b AND -users:*" \
gcloud compute disks delete \
--zone us-east1-c \
$(gcloud compute disks list \
--filter="zone:us-east1-c AND -users:*" \
gcloud compute disks delete \
--zone us-east1-d \
$(gcloud compute disks list \
--filter="zone:us-east1-d AND -users:*" \
# If EKS
LB_ARN=$(aws elbv2 \
describe-load-balancers | jq -r \
# If EKS
echo $LB_ARN
# If EKS
aws elbv2 delete-load-balancer \
--load-balancer-arn $LB_ARN
# If EKS
IAM_ROLE=$(aws iam list-roles \
| jq -r ".Roles[] \
| select(.RoleName \
| startswith(\"eksctl-jx-rocks-nodegroup\")) \
# If EKS
echo $IAM_ROLE
# If EKS
aws iam delete-role-policy \
--role-name $IAM_ROLE \
--policy-name jx-rocks-AutoScaling
# If EKS
eksctl delete cluster -n jx-rocks
# If AKS
az group delete \
--name jxrocks-group \
# If AKS
kubectl config delete-cluster $CLUSTER_NAME
# If AKS
kubectl config delete-context $CLUSTER_NAME
# If AKS
kubectl config unset \
# If existing cluster
jx uninstall \
--context $(kubectl config current-context) \
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