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Last active January 18, 2022 00:46
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# Create a cluster #
# Install gcloud CLI ( and make sure that you have GCP admin permissions
# Open to create a new GCP project if you do not have one available already. Make sure to enable billing for that project.
PROJECT=[...] # Replace `[...]` with the name of the GCP project (e.g. jx).
echo "nexus:
enabled: false
" | tee myvalues.yaml
# The command that follows uses `-b` to run in the batch mode and it assumes that this is not the first time you create a cluster with `jx`.
# If that's not the case and this is indeed the first time you're creating a `jx` cluster, it will not have some of the default values like GitHub user and the installation might fail.
# Please remove `-b` from the command if this is NOT the first time you're creating a cluster with `jx`.
jx create cluster gke \
--cluster-name jx-rocks \
--project-id $PROJECT \
--region us-east1 \
--machine-type n1-standard-2 \
--min-num-nodes 1 \
--max-num-nodes 2 \
--default-admin-password=admin \
--default-environment-prefix tekton \
--git-provider-kind github \
--namespace cd \
--prow \
--tekton \
# If asked for input, use the default answers unless you're sure you want a non-standard setup.
# Destroy the cluster #
gcloud container clusters \
delete jx-rocks \
--region us-east1 \
# Remove unused disks to avoid reaching the quota (and save a bit of money)
gcloud compute disks delete \
--zone us-east1-b \
$(gcloud compute disks list \
--filter="zone:us-east1-b AND -users:*" \
--format="value(id)") --quiet
gcloud compute disks delete \
--zone us-east1-c \
$(gcloud compute disks list \
--filter="zone:us-east1-c AND -users:*" \
--format="value(id)") --quiet
gcloud compute disks delete \
--zone us-east1-d \
$(gcloud compute disks list \
--filter="zone:us-east1-d AND -users:*" \
--format="value(id)") --quiet
# Remove container images from GCR
for TAG in $(gcloud container images \
list-tags$PROJECT/$IMAGE \
gcloud container images \
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