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# Terraform vs. Pulumi vs. Crossplane #
# Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Tools Comparison #
#    #
# Setup #
# Install Terraform CLI, Pulumi CLI, and Crossplane `kubectl` plugin
git clone git clone
cd terraform-vs-pulumi-vs-crossplane
# The examples are designed for Google Cloud.
# Using a different provider requires changes to the manifests and code.
gcloud auth application-default login
export PROJECT_ID=dt-$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)
gcloud projects create $PROJECT_ID
echo "$PROJECT_ID"
# Open the link
# Enable the API
export SA_NAME=devops-toolkit
export SA="${SA_NAME}@${PROJECT_ID}"
gcloud iam service-accounts \
create $SA_NAME \
--project $PROJECT_ID
export ROLE=roles/admin
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding \
--role $ROLE $PROJECT_ID \
--member serviceAccount:$SA
gcloud iam service-accounts keys \
create creds.json \
--project $PROJECT_ID \
--iam-account $SA
# Open 3 terminal sessions
# Terminal 1 (Terraform)
cd terraform
# Terminal 2 (Pulumi)
cd pulumi
# Terminal 3 (Crossplane)
cd crossplane
# In all 3 terminals
# Replace `[...]` with the project ID (output from `echo echo $PROJECT_ID`)
export PROJECT_ID=[...]
# Terminal 2 (Pulumi)
pulumi config set gcp:project $PROJECT_ID
# Terminal 3 (Crossplane)
minikube start
# Terminal 3 (Crossplane)
helm repo add crossplane-stable \
# Terminal 3 (Crossplane)
helm repo update
# Terminal 3 (Crossplane)
helm upgrade --install \
crossplane crossplane-stable/crossplane \
--namespace crossplane-system \
--create-namespace \
# Terminal 3 (Crossplane)
kubectl --namespace crossplane-system \
create secret generic gcp-creds \
--from-file key=../creds.json
# Terminal 3 (Crossplane)
kubectl crossplane install provider \
# Terminal 3 (Crossplane)
kubectl get providers
# Repeat the previous command until `HEALTHY` column is set to `True`
# Terminal 3 (Crossplane)
echo "apiVersion:
kind: ProviderConfig
name: default
projectID: $PROJECT_ID
source: Secret
namespace: crossplane-system
name: gcp-creds
key: key" \
| kubectl apply --filename -
# Requirements #
# Terraform:
# - `terraform`
# - storage or Terraform Cloud account
# Pulumi:
# - `pulumi`
# - Pulumi account
# Crossplane:
# - `kubectl`
# - Crossplane `kubectl` plugin
# - Kubernetes cluster
# Syntax #
# Terminal 1 (Terraform)
# Terminal 2 (Pulumi)
cat main.go
# Terminal 3 (Crossplane)
cat k8s.yaml
# Terraform
# - HCL
# - Declarative with optional imperative logic or templating
# Pulumi
# - General purpose languages
# - Depends on how we use it
# Crossplane
# - Pure YAML
# - Declarative only
# - Can be combined with other Kubernetes CLI tools like Helm, Kustomize, JSONNet.
# Plan and preview #
# Terminal 1 (Terraform)
terraform init
# Terminal 1 (Terraform)
terraform plan
# Terminal 2 (Pulumi)
pulumi preview --diff
# Terminal 3 (Crossplane)
# Create, update, and destroy #
# Terminal 1 (Terraform)
terraform apply \
--var project_id=$PROJECT_ID
# Terminal 2 (Pulumi)
pulumi up --diff
# Terminal 3 (Crossplane)
kubectl apply --filename k8s.yaml
# Terminal 3 (Crossplane)
kubectl describe gkecluster dt-crossplane
# Terminal 3 (Crossplane)
kubectl describe nodepool dt-crossplane
# Terminal 3 (Crossplane)
watch kubectl get gkeclusters,nodepools
# All terminals
export KUBECONFIG=$PWD/kubeconfig.yaml
# Terminal 2 (Pulumi)
gcloud container clusters \
get-credentials dt-pulumi \
--region us-east1 \
--project $PROJECT_ID
# Terminal 3 (Crossplane)
gcloud container clusters \
get-credentials dt-crossplane \
--region us-east1 \
--project $PROJECT_ID
# All terminals
kubectl get nodes
# Drift detection and sync #
# Delete the node pools
# All terminals
watch kubectl get nodes
# Terminal 1 (Terraform)
terraform apply \
--var project_id=$PROJECT_ID
# Terminal 2 (Pulumi)
pulumi refresh
# Terminal 2 (Pulumi)
pulumi up --diff
# Destroy #
# Terminal 1 (Terraform)
terraform destroy \
--var project_id=$PROJECT_ID
# Terminal 2 (Pulumi)
pulumi destroy --diff
# Terminal 3 (Crossplane)
# Terminal 3 (Crossplane)
kubectl delete nodepools dt-crossplane
# Terminal 3 (Crossplane)
kubectl delete gkecluster dt-crossplane
gcloud projects delete $PROJECT_ID
minikube delete
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