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Last active January 18, 2022 00:54
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  • Save vfarcic/cb0ececf6600745daeac8cc3ae400a86 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save vfarcic/cb0ececf6600745daeac8cc3ae400a86 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
cd k8s-specs
git pull
cd ..
git clone$GH_USER/k8s-prod.git
cd k8s-prod
cat helm/Chart.yaml
cp helm/requirements-orig.yaml \
cat helm/requirements.yaml
cat helm/values-orig.yaml
ls -1 helm/templates
cat helm/templates/ns.yaml
echo $ADDR
cat helm/values-orig.yaml \
| sed -e "$ADDR@g" \
| tee helm/values.yaml
git add .
git commit -m "Address"
git push
helm dependency update helm
ls -1 helm/charts
# Only if minishift
oc patch scc restricted -p '{"runAsUser":{"type": "RunAsAny"}}'
helm install helm \
-n prod \
--namespace prod
kubectl -n prod \
create secret generic \
jenkins-credentials \
--from-file ../k8s-specs/cluster/jenkins/credentials.xml
kubectl -n prod \
create secret generic \
jenkins-secrets \
--from-file ../k8s-specs/cluster/jenkins/secrets
helm ls
kubectl -n prod \
rollout status \
deploy prod-chartmuseum
# Only if minishift
oc -n prod create route edge --service prod-chartmuseum --hostname cm.$ADDR --insecure-policy Allow
curl "http://cm.$ADDR/health"
kubectl -n prod \
rollout status \
deploy prod-jenkins
# Only if minishift
oc -n prod create route edge --service prod-jenkins --insecure-policy Allow --hostname jenkins.$ADDR
open "http://$JENKINS_ADDR"
JENKINS_PASS=$(kubectl -n prod \
get secret prod-jenkins \
-o jsonpath="{.data.jenkins-admin-password}" \
| base64 --decode; echo)
cd ..
git clone \$GH_USER/go-demo-5.git
cd go-demo-5
cat helm/go-demo-5/deployment-orig.yaml \
| sed -e "s@vfarcic@$DH_USER@g" \
| tee helm/go-demo-5/templates/deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f k8s/build.yml --record
helm init --service-account build \
--tiller-namespace go-demo-5-build
cat Dockerfile
cat Jenkinsfile.orig
cat KubernetesPod.yaml
The output is as follows.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
# Only if minishift
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user hostmount-anyuid -z build -n go-demo-5-build
# Only if minishift
cat Jenkinsfile.oc \
| sed -e "$ADDR@g" \
| sed -e "s@vfarcic@$DH_USER@g" \
| tee Jenkinsfile
# Only if NOT minishift
cat Jenkinsfile.orig \
| sed -e "$ADDR@g" \
| sed -e "s@vfarcic@$DH_USER@g" \
| tee Jenkinsfile
git add .
git commit -m "Jenkinsfile"
git push
cd ..
git clone$GH_USER/jenkins-shared-libraries.git
cd jenkins-shared-libraries
git remote add upstream \
git fetch upstream
git checkout master
git merge upstream/master
cd ../go-demo-5
open "http://$JENKINS_ADDR/configure"
open "http://$JENKINS_ADDR/blue/organizations/jenkins/"
curl "http://cm.$ADDR/index.yaml"
helm repo add chartmuseum \
helm repo list
helm repo update
helm inspect chartmuseum/go-demo-5 \
--version $VERSION
cd ../k8s-prod
cat helm/requirements.yaml
echo "- name: go-demo-5
repository: \"@chartmuseum\"
version: $VERSION" \
| tee -a helm/requirements.yaml
cat helm/requirements.yaml
echo "go-demo-5:
host: go-demo-5.$ADDR" \
| tee -a helm/values.yaml
cat helm/values.yaml
git add .
git commit -m "Added go-demo-5"
git push
helm dependency update helm
ls -1 helm/charts
helm upgrade prod helm \
--namespace prod
kubectl -n prod get pods
# Only if minishift
oc -n prod create route edge --service prod-go-demo-5 --hostname go-demo-5.$ADDR --insecure-policy Allow
kubectl -n prod rollout status \
deployment prod-go-demo-5
curl -i "http://go-demo-5.$ADDR/demo/hello"
kubectl -n prod \
describe deploy prod-go-demo-5
open "http://$JENKINS_ADDR/blue/organizations/jenkins/go-demo-5/branches"
cd ../go-demo-5
git add .
git commit -m "Version bump"
git push
open "http://$JENKINS_ADDR/blue/organizations/jenkins/go-demo-5/branches"
cd ../k8s-prod
cat Jenkinsfile.orig
cat Jenkinsfile.orig \
| sed -e "$ADDR@g" \
| tee Jenkinsfile
git add .
git commit -m "Jenkinsfile"
git push
open "http://$JENKINS_ADDR/blue/pipelines"
helm history prod
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