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Last active September 5, 2022 16:48
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# Source:
# Tekton vs. Argo Workflows #
# Kubernetes-Native CI/CD Pipelines #
# #
# Referenced videos:
# - Tekton - Kubernetes Cloud-Native CI/CD Pipelines And Workflows:
# - Argo Workflows and Pipelines - CI/CD, Machine Learning, and Other Kubernetes Workflows:
# - Argo Events - Event-Based Dependency Manager for Kubernetes:
# - Automation of Everything - How To Combine Argo Events, Workflows & Pipelines, CD, and Rollouts:
# - Kustomize - How to Simplify Kubernetes Configuration Management:
# - GitHub CLI - How to manage repositories more efficiently:
# - Kaniko - Building Container Images In Kubernetes Without Docker:
# Setup #
# Create a k8s cluster
# Watch if you are not familiar with GitHub CLI
gh repo fork vfarcic/argo-workflows-vs-tekton-demo \
cd argo-workflows-vs-tekton-demo
# Replace `[...]` with the registry username
export REGISTRY_USER=[...]
# Replace `[...]` with the registry password
export REGISTRY_PASS=[...]
# Replace `[...]` with the registry email
export REGISTRY_EMAIL=[...]
cat argo-workflows-pipeline.yaml \
| sed -e "s@vfarcic/devops-toolkit@$REGISTRY_USER/devops-toolkit@g" \
| tee argo-workflows-pipeline.yaml
cat tekton-pipeline.yaml \
| sed -e "s@vfarcic/devops-toolkit@$REGISTRY_USER/devops-toolkit@g" \
| tee tekton-pipeline.yaml
cat kustomize/base/deployment.yaml \
| sed -e "s@vfarcic/devops-toolkit@$REGISTRY_USER/devops-toolkit@g" \
| tee kustomize/base/deployment.yaml
git add .
git commit -m "Changed the registry user"
git push
kubectl create namespace staging
kubectl create namespace production
# Setup Argo Workflows #
# Watch if you are not familiar with Kustomize
kustomize build \
argo-workflows/overlays/production \
| kubectl apply --filename -
# You might need to repeat the previous command if the output contains `unable to recognize` errors.
kubectl --namespace workflows \
create secret \
docker-registry regcred \
--docker-server $REGISTRY_SERVER \
--docker-username $REGISTRY_USER \
--docker-password $REGISTRY_PASS \
--docker-email $REGISTRY_EMAIL
# Setup Tekton #
kustomize build \
tekton/overlays/production \
| kubectl apply --filename -
# You might need to repeat the previous command if the output contains `unable to recognize` errors.
kubectl --namespace tekton-builds \
create secret \
docker-registry regcred \
--docker-server $REGISTRY_SERVER \
--docker-username $REGISTRY_USER \
--docker-password $REGISTRY_PASS \
--docker-email $REGISTRY_EMAIL
# Templates #
# Argo Workflows
cat argo-workflows/overlays/workflows/templates.yaml
# Tekton
cat tekton/overlays/builds/tasks.yaml
# Pipelines #
# Argo Workflows
cat argo-workflows-pipeline.yaml
# Tekton
cat tekton-pipeline.yaml
# Argo Workflows
argo --namespace workflows submit \
# Tekton
kubectl apply \
--filename tekton-pipeline.yaml
# Tekton
cat tekton-run.yaml
# Tekton
kubectl create --filename tekton-run.yaml
# Argo Workflows
argo --namespace workflows list
# Tekton
tkn --namespace tekton-builds \
pipelinerun list
# Argo Workflows
argo --namespace workflows \
get @latest
# Tekton
tkn --namespace tekton-builds \
pipelinerun describe --last
# Argo Workflows
argo --namespace workflows \
logs @latest --follow
# Tekton
tkn --namespace tekton-builds \
pipelinerun logs --last --follow
# Web UI #
# Argo Workflows
argo server
# Tekton
kubectl --namespace tekton-pipelines \
port-forward svc/tekton-dashboard \
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