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Last active April 12, 2023 20:23
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# Source:
# What Are Kubernetes Network Policies And How To Use Them? #
# #
# Additional Info:
# - Kubernetes Network Policies:
# Setup #
git clone
cd network-policies-demo
# Create a Kubernetes cluster with an Ingress controller
# Any cluster should do, including local Kubernetes clusters
# like Docker Desktop, Minikube, KinD, or Rancher Desktop.
kubectl get ingressclasses --output name
# Replace `[...]` with the short name of the Ingress class
# (e.g., `treafik`)
export INGRESS_CLASS=[...]
yq --inplace ".spec.ingressClassName = \"$INGRESS_CLASS\"" \
# Replace `` with the external IP of the Ingress service
yq --inplace \
".spec.rules[0].host = \"silly-demo.$\"" \
kubectl apply --filename namespaces.yaml
# Applications Without Network Policies #
kubectl --namespace production apply --kustomize kustomize/base
kubectl --namespace staging run other-app \
--image alpine --restart Never --rm --stdin --tty \
-- sh
apk add -U curl
curl "http://silly-demo.production:8080"
# Kubernetes Network Policies In Action #
kubectl explain networkpolicy --recursive
cat np-ingress.yaml
kubectl --namespace production apply --filename np-ingress.yaml
kubectl --namespace production describe networkpolicy silly-demo
kubectl --namespace staging run other-app \
--image alpine --restart Never --rm --stdin --tty \
-- sh
apk add -U curl
curl "http://silly-demo.production:8080"
kubectl --namespace production run other-app \
--image alpine --restart Never --rm --stdin --tty \
-- sh
apk add -U curl
curl "http://silly-demo:8080"
curl "http://silly-demo.$"
cat np-ingress2.yaml
# You might need to rewrite that manifest if Ingress Service is
# in a different Namespace
kubectl --namespace production apply --filename np-ingress2.yaml
curl "http://silly-demo.$"
# Destroy #
# Delete or reset the cluster
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