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Created January 25, 2017 04:00
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# Generic LaTeX Makefile.
# $ID$
# This makefile is to be specifically used for LaTeX documents only.
# makeindx and BiBTeX extensions are supported.
# To use this makefile you must be using GNU make. If you are
# not sure what make is installed ask your system administrator.
# You can also try running GNU make explicitly by running gmake.
# REQUIRED FILES, these are common on most linuxy systems.
# - latex
# - bibtex
# - makeindex
# - dvips
# - ps2pdf
# - echo
# - grep
# Vincent Filby Copyright (c) 2001
# The base latex program and latex commandline flags
# The BiBTeX extensions.
# makeindex
# DVI to postscript converter, if you are
# using a different converter you will have to
# change the syntax in the rule and the %.all rule.
# Postscript to pdf converter, if you are
# using a different converter you will have to change
# the syntax in the %.pdf rule and the %.all rule.
# Other programs
.PHONY: clean
@echo "Please specify a rule."
@echo "Here are the rules using 'file.tex' as an example."
@echo " 'file' to run LaTeX"
@echo " 'file.bib' to run BiBTeX"
@echo " 'file.ind' to run makeindex"
@echo " '' to generate post-script"
@echo " 'file.pdf' to generate portable document format"
@echo " 'file.all' to itelligently run LaTeX, makeindex and BiBTeX"
@echo " 'clean' to remove temporary, dvi, ps and pdf files"
%: %.tex
$(LATEX) $*.tex
%.bib: %.aux
$(BIBTEX) $<
%.ind: %.idx
$(PS2PDF) $< $@ %.dvi
$(DVIPS) -f $< > $@
rm -f *.ps *.pdf *.ind *.ilg *.dvi *.xref *.toc\
*.idx *.log *.aux
# This is a special rule which will process the LaTeX
# files and bibtex or makeindex if necessary.
%.all: %.tex
# Process the tex file
@echo "Processing $<..."
@$(LATEX) $(LATEXFLAGS) $< > /dev/null
@echo "================================================================================"
@echo "Warnings: see $*.log for more details"
@echo "================================================================================"
-@grep "Warning" $*.log
# Process index if present
$(if $(wildcard $*.idx), \
@echo "================================================================================";\
echo "$*.idx is present -- Generating index."; \
echo "================================================================================";\
echo ">>> Re-running LaTeX silently to update index (See $*.log for errors).";\
$(LATEX) $(LATEXFLAGS) $< > /dev/null;,\
@echo "================================================================================";\
echo "$*.idx is not present -- INDEX NOT GENERATED"; \
echo "================================================================================";\
# Process bibtex if present
$(if $(wildcard $*.bib), \
@echo "================================================================================";\
echo "$*.bib is present -- Generating bibliography"; \
echo "================================================================================";\
$(BIBTEX) $*.bib;\
echo ">>> Re-running LaTeX silently to update bibliography (See $*.log for errors).";\
$(LATEX) $(LATEXFLAGS) $< > /dev/null;,\
@echo "================================================================================";\
echo "$*.bib is not present -- BIBLIOGRAPHY NOT GENERATED"; \
echo "================================================================================";\
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