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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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Podfile post hook
post_install do |installer_representation|
workDir = Dir.pwd
xcconfigFilesPath = "#{workDir}/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods/Pods.*.xcconfig"
xcconfigFiles = Dir[xcconfigFilesPath]
xcconfigFiles.each do |xcconfigFilename|
next if xcconfigFilename
puts "----------- Post hook will modify #{xcconfigFilename}"
xcconfig =
newXcconfig = xcconfig
prefix = "PODS_"
regexString = "^(?!#{prefix})(.*)( = .*)$"
regex = /#{regexString}/
keys = xcconfig.scan(regex)
keys.each do |row|
key = row[0]
pods_key = prefix + key
newXcconfig = newXcconfig.sub(key, pods_key)
newXcconfig += "\n\n\n\n// Create association, just in case the the values are not overriden anywhere else\n// If you need to override the following xcconfig keys, make sure to add the respective `POD_` prefixed key\n"
keys.each do |row|
key = row[0]
next if keys_to_keep_intact.include? key
newXcconfig += key + " = $(inherited) $#{prefix + key}\n"
newXcconfig = xcconfig_string_modifier_hook(newXcconfig), "w") { |file| file << newXcconfig }
puts "-----------"
# An array with the keys that shouldn't be mofidied,
# because you are modifying it yourself and is
# including the respective `PODS_` key
def keys_to_keep_intact
return ["OTHER_LDFLAGS"]
def xcconfig_string_modifier_hook(string)
# Remove reference to Reveal lib otherwise it will fail when building for device
string = string.sub(" -framework \"Reveal\"", "")
return string
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