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Forked from jedypod/
Last active August 31, 2017 01:31
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OpticalZDefocus is a physically accurate ZDefocus, which controls circle of confusion (coc) size based on lens geometry using the depth of field equation. Set your lens and film-back characteristics, your focus distance, and adjust the size of your bokeh with the aperture size, just like a real lens.
# forked from Jedediah Smith
# modified by Rafal Kaniewski
set cut_paste_input [stack 0]
version 9.0 v8
push $cut_paste_input
Group {
name ZDefocusOptik
help "<b>OpticalZDefocus</b> is a physically accurate ZDefocus, which controls circle of confusion (coc) size based on lens geometry using the depth of field equation. \n\nSet your lens and film-back characteristics, your focus distance, and adjust the size of your bokeh with the aperture size, just like a real lens."
tile_color 0xff802bff
selected true
xpos -581
ypos 8368
addUserKnob {20 OpticalZDefocus l ZDefocusOptik}
addUserKnob {41 channels T _ZDEFOCUS_.channels}
addUserKnob {41 useGPUIfAvailable l "Use GPU if available" T _ZDEFOCUS_.useGPUIfAvailable}
addUserKnob {26 ""}
addUserKnob {41 depth_channel l "depth channel" t "Choose the channel that contains your Z-Depth" T CHANNEL_CHOOSER_DEPTH.Zchan}
addUserKnob {26 spacer l " &nbsp; &nbsp; " -STARTLINE T " "}
addUserKnob {6 unpremult_z l " &nbsp; &nbsp; <b>unpremult</b> by" t "Unpremultiply the depth layer by the selected channel" -STARTLINE}
addUserKnob {41 depth_alpha l "" -STARTLINE T CHANNEL_CHOOSER_ALPHA.Zchan}
addUserKnob {26 spacer2 l "" t " " -STARTLINE T " "}
addUserKnob {41 math l " depth math" T Expression2.math}
addUserKnob {4 depth_unit l " unit" t "Set the unit of your zdepth." -STARTLINE M {mm cm dm m inch ft "" ""}}
depth_unit dm
addUserKnob {41 outputSW l output T _ZDEFOCUS_.outputSW}
addUserKnob {26 txt01 l "protect in-focus" T " "}
addUserKnob {41 protectinfocus l "" t "protect in-focus" -STARTLINE T _KeymixSafe_.protectinfocus}
addUserKnob {26 txt_2 l "<b>lens geometry" t "Set the focus parameters here. These are overriden if there is a camera node connected to the 'Cam' input."}
addUserKnob {41 lens_mode T Switch1.lens_mode}
addUserKnob {26 txt_1 l "" -STARTLINE T "- if 'cam input' the local lens below is ignored."}
addUserKnob {26 txt l " " t "Set the focus parameters here. These are overriden if there is a camera node connected to the 'Cam' input."}
addUserKnob {26 txt_3 l "Import Cam:" T " "}
addUserKnob {22 bakeconnectedcamera l "Connected Node" -STARTLINE T "from __future__ import with_statement\n\ndef get_cameraConnected():\n ozdef = nuke.thisNode()\n inNode = ozdef.input(2)\n if inNode == None:\n nuke.message('Please connect camera node.')\n else:\n topnode_name = nuke.tcl(\"full_name \[topnode %s]\" %\n topnode = nuke.toNode(topnode_name)\n nuke.tprint(topnode.Class())\n with nuke.root():\n if 'Camera2' not in topnode.Class():\n nuke.message('Please connect camera node.')\n return\n else:\n cam = topnode\n ozdef\['f'].setValue(cam\['focal'].getValue())\n ozdef\['N'].setValue(cam\['fstop'].getValue())\n ozdef\['haperture'].setValue(cam\['haperture'].getValue())\n ozdef\['s'].setValue(cam\['focal_point'].getValue())\n if ozdef\['lens_mode'].getValue()==1:\n if nuke.ask(\"switch 'lens mode' knob to 'local node values'?\"):\n ozdef\['lens_mode'].setValue(0)\n \n\nif __name__ == \"__main__\":\n get_cameraConnected()"}
addUserKnob {22 get_selected_camera l "Selected Node" t "Set the parameters using the selected camera." -STARTLINE T "from __future__ import with_statement\n\ndef get_camera():\n ozdef = nuke.thisNode()\n with nuke.root():\n cam = nuke.selectedNodes()\n if len(cam) != 1:\n nuke.message('Please select a single camera node.')\n return\n elif len(cam) == 0:\n nuke.message('Please select a single camera node.')\n return\n else:\n cam = cam\[0]\n if 'Camera2' not in cam.Class():\n nuke.message('Please select a camera node.')\n return\n ozdef\['f'].setValue(cam\['focal'].getValue())\n ozdef\['N'].setValue(cam\['fstop'].getValue())\n ozdef\['haperture'].setValue(cam\['haperture'].getValue())\n ozdef\['s'].setValue(cam\['focal_point'].getValue())\n\nif __name__ == \"__main__\":\n get_camera()"}
addUserKnob {22 ExrMetadata l "Exr Meta-data (abc)" t "import the camera settings from the Arnold meta-data that loads it from abc file." -STARTLINE T "\ndef createAbcStereoCameraFromExrMetadata(thisNode):\n\n #### metaData\n\n\t\tmetas = thisNode.metadata()\n\t\tabcFile = metas\['exr/CameraAbcFile']\n\t\tshotPath = metas\['input/filename']\n\t\tfocal_point = metas\['exr/CameraFocusDistance']\n\t\tfstop = metas\['exr/CameraFStop']\n\t\tfocal = metas\['exr/CameraFocalLengthMM']\n\t\thaperture = metas\['exr/CameraHorizontalApertureMM']\n\t\tcamList = \[\['focal_point', focal_point], \['fstop', fstop], \['focal', focal], \['haperture', haperture]]\n\t\tshot = shotPath.split(\"/\")\[6]\n\t\tversion = shotPath.split(\"/\")\[11].split(\"-\")\[-1]\n\t\tlayer = shotPath.split(\"/\")\[12]\n\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t### Camera Creation\n\t\tposX = thisNode.xpos()\n\t\tposY = thisNode.ypos()\n\t\tnuke.selectAll()\n\t\tnuke.invertSelection()\n\t\tcamBake = nuke.createNode('Camera2', 'file '+abcFile+' read_from_file true')\n\t\tcamBake.setXpos(posX + 200)\n\t\tcamBake.setYpos(posY)\n\t\tcamBake.setName('CameraBakeFrom_'+shot+'_'+version+'_')\n\t\tcamBake\['label'].setValue(abcFile.split('/')\[-1])\n\t\t\n\t\t## select view\n\t\tp = nuke.Panel('select camera')\n\t\tcameraViews = camBake\['fbx_node_name'].value().split(' ', 1)\[1]\n\t\tnuke.tprint(cameraViews)\n\t\tp.addEnumerationPulldown('camera View', cameraViews)\n\t\tret =\n\t\tcamBake\['fbx_node_name'].setValue(ret)\n\t\tcamBake\['read_from_file'].setValue(False)\n\t\t\n\t\t## check if abc is different to metadata\n\t\tfor x in camList:\n\t\t\tabcVal = float(camBake\[x\[0]].getValue())\n\t\t\texrVal = float(x\[1])\n\t\t\tif not abcVal == exrVal:\n\t\t\t\tret = nuke.ask(\"<b>\"+str(x\[0] +\"</b>\\nThe abc camera is different to the exr metadata\\n\\nabc: \"+str(abcVal)+\"\\nmetadata: \"+str(exrVal)+\"\\n\\nUse the metadata values?\"))\n\t\t\t\tif ret:\n\t\t\t\t\tcamBake\[x\[0]].clearAnimated()\n\t\t\t\t\tcamBake\[x\[0]].setValue(exrVal) #does not work on lens pulls as not animated\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\tnode=nuke.thisNode()\n\t\tnode\['f'].setValue(camBake\['focal'].getValue())\n\t\tnode\['N'].setValue(camBake\['fstop'].getValue())\n\t\tnode\['haperture'].setValue(camBake\['haperture'].getValue())\n\t\tnode\['s'].setValue(camBake\['focal_point'].getValue())\n\t\tnuke.delete(camBake)\n\n\ncreateAbcStereoCameraFromExrMetadata(nuke.thisGroup())\n"}
addUserKnob {20 samplefocalpoint l "sample focal point" n 1}
samplefocalpoint 0
addUserKnob {22 set_z l "Sample Z" t "Sets the focal distance to the Z channel value at the current focal point on the current frame." -STARTLINE T "from __future__ import with_statement\n\nn = nuke.thisNode()\ns = n\['s']\nz_coord = n\['sample_z']\n\nwith n:\n ds = nuke.toNode('DepthSampler')\n zsample = ds.sample('red', z_coord.getValue(0), z_coord.getValue(1))\n\nif s.isAnimated():\n s.setValueAt(zsample, nuke.frame())\nelse:\n s.setValue(zsample)"}
addUserKnob {12 sample_z l "&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; sample position: " t "Allows you to sample the Z channel at a specific 2d position." -STARTLINE}
sample_z {576 666}
addUserKnob {20 endGroup n -1}
addUserKnob {7 s l "focus point" t "Set the focus distance" R 10 1000}
s 14.60000038
addUserKnob {7 f l "focal length" t "Set the focal length of the camera" R 0 500}
f 40
addUserKnob {7 N l f-stop R 0 44}
N 2.200000048
addUserKnob {7 haperture t "Horizontal aperture of the film-back / sensor" R 0 50}
haperture 23.74900055
addUserKnob {26 txt_5 l "<b>quality control"}
addUserKnob {20 txt_g l settings n 1}
txt_g 0
addUserKnob {41 constant_defocus l "constant defocus" t "If enabled, depth-varying defocus is disabled and defocus amount is controlled directly by the max defocus slider." T _ghost_whisper_.constant_defocus}
addUserKnob {41 max_size l "max defocus" t "Set the max defocus size allowed" T _ZDEFOCUS_.max_size}
addUserKnob {7 min_zdepth l "min zdepth" t "If ZDepth = 0, ZDepth will be set to the specified value.\n\nThe ZDefocus node can be very slow to calculate if you have zero values in your zdepth, for example if you have areas that have transparent alpha. \n\nSet min zdepth to a value slightly smaller than the nearest object in your scene to speed up processing time." R 0 20}
min_zdepth 0.1
addUserKnob {41 autoLayerSpacing l "automatic layer spacing" T _ZDEFOCUS_.autoLayerSpacing}
addUserKnob {41 layerCurve l "layer curve" T _ZDEFOCUS_.layerCurve}
addUserKnob {41 layers l "depth layers" T _ZDEFOCUS_.layers}
addUserKnob {20 endGroup_1 l endGroup n -1}
addUserKnob {20 Filter}
addUserKnob {26 txt_8 l <b>kernal}
addUserKnob {41 filter_type_1 l "filter type" T _ZDEFOCUS_.filter_type}
addUserKnob {7 aspect_ratio R 0 2}
aspect_ratio 1
addUserKnob {7 filter_shape}
filter_shape 1
addUserKnob {3 blades}
blades 7
addUserKnob {7 roundness}
addUserKnob {26 txt_10 l "<b>filter image"}
addUserKnob {41 filter_channel l "filter channel" T _ZDEFOCUS_.filter_channel}
addUserKnob {41 use_input_channels l "use input channels" t "This uses a colour convolve, so the bokeh can be coloured. This is slow and has a bug that if the filter input is unpluged it can crash nuke." -STARTLINE T _ZDEFOCUS_.use_input_channels}
addUserKnob {26 txt_9 l <b>highlights}
addUserKnob {26 txt_11 l "Use gamma correction" T " "}
addUserKnob {41 gammaCorrection l "" -STARTLINE T _GammaDefocus_.gammaCorrection}
addUserKnob {41 gamma T _GammaDefocus_.gamma}
addUserKnob {41 bloom T _ZDEFOCUS_.bloom}
addUserKnob {41 bloom_threshold l "bloom threshold" T _ZDEFOCUS_.bloom_threshold}
addUserKnob {41 bloom_gain l "bloom gain" T _ZDEFOCUS_.bloom_gain}
addUserKnob {26 txt_4 l "<b>bokeh distortion "}
addUserKnob {26 txt_6 l "Use Bokeh Distortion" t "- this will soften the edges of the image nicley" T " "}
addUserKnob {41 useDistortedBokeh l "" t "- this will soften the edges of the image nicley" -STARTLINE T _LensDistortion_.useDistortedBokeh}
addUserKnob {26 txt_7 l "Maintain Original BBox" T " "}
addUserKnob {41 maintainOriginalBBox l "" -STARTLINE T _LensDistortion_.maintainOriginalBBox}
addUserKnob {41 lensType l "Lens Type" T _LensDistortion_.lensType}
addUserKnob {41 filter T _LensDistortion_.filter}
addUserKnob {41 distortion1 l "Radial Distortion 1" T _LensDistortion_.distortion1}
addUserKnob {41 distortion2 l "Radial Distortion 2" T _LensDistortion_.distortion2}
addUserKnob {41 distortionCenter l "Distortion Center" T _LensDistortion_.distortionCenter}
addUserKnob {41 anamorphicSqueeze l "Anamorphic Squeeze" T _LensDistortion_.anamorphicSqueeze}
addUserKnob {41 asymmetricDistortion l "Asymmetric Distortion" T _LensDistortion_.asymmetricDistortion}
addUserKnob {20 Info}
addUserKnob {26 forked l forked: T "17/05/31 Jedediah Smith <a href=\\\"\\\">jedypod Github</a>"}
addUserKnob {26 modified l modified: T "v2.1(beta) 17/06/05 Rafal Kaniewski"}
BackdropNode {
inputs 0
name BackdropNode1
tile_color 0xaaaaaa00
label DEPTH
note_font_size 72
xpos -1946
ypos -110
bdwidth 546
bdheight 2660
BackdropNode {
inputs 0
name BackdropNode3
tile_color 0x388e8e00
label Filter
note_font_size 42
xpos 212
ypos 274
bdwidth 332
bdheight 749
BackdropNode {
inputs 0
name BackdropNode4
tile_color 0x8e4b37ff
label bloom
note_font_size 42
xpos -412
ypos 1791
bdwidth 142
bdheight 124
BackdropNode {
inputs 0
name BackdropNode5
tile_color 0x8e4b37ff
label bloom
note_font_size 42
xpos -401
ypos 815
bdwidth 127
bdheight 92
BackdropNode {
inputs 0
name BackdropNode6
tile_color 0x8e8e3800
note_font_size 42
xpos -604
ypos 596
bdwidth 356
bdheight 161
BackdropNode {
inputs 0
name BackdropNode7
tile_color 0x8e8e3800
note_font_size 42
xpos -604
ypos 1496
bdwidth 344
bdheight 172
BackdropNode {
inputs 0
name BackdropNode8
tile_color 0x7171c600
note_font_size 42
xpos -492
ypos 2139
bdwidth 203
bdheight 160
Input {
inputs 0
name Input
label "\[value number]"
xpos -375
ypos -453
Dot {
name _ghost_whisper_
knobChanged "\nk = nuke.thisKnob()\nn = nuke.thisNode()\nif == 'constant_defocus':\n is_const = n\['constant_defocus'].getValue()\n knob_list = \['min_zdepth', 'get_selected_camera', 'f', 'N', 'haperture', 'scale']\n nuke.root().begin()\n parent_node = nuke.toNode(n.fullName().split('.')\[0])\n for knob in knob_list:\n knob = parent_node\[knob]\n if is_const:\n knob.setEnabled(False)\n else:\n knob.setEnabled(True)\n"
tile_color 0x129000ff
note_font_size 42
note_font_color 0x7f7f7f01
xpos -341
ypos -24
addUserKnob {20 User}
addUserKnob {6 constant_defocus +STARTLINE}
set N3c80cdc0 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot7
note_font_size 42
note_font_color 0x7f7f7f01
xpos -1673
ypos -30
set N3c8093b0 [stack 0]
push $N3c8093b0
Copy {
inputs 2
to1 rgba.alpha
bbox B
xpos -1707
ypos 50
disable {{"!\[exists parent.input0]"}}
Expression {
channel0 rgba
expr0 z==0?0:1/z
channel1 none
channel2 none
name Expression2
xpos -1707
ypos 123
disable {{math}}
addUserKnob {20 User}
addUserKnob {4 math M {"1/z (nuke, rMan)" "far=-1 (arnold, maya)" "" "" ""}}
Shuffle {
green red
blue red
name Shuffle1
xpos -1705
ypos 184
set N3c7f92d0 [stack 0]
NoOp {
name DepthSampler
xpos -1837
ypos 184
addUserKnob {20 User}
addUserKnob {7 sval R 0 1000}
Input {
inputs 0
name cam
label "\[value number]"
xpos -126
ypos -427
number 2
Scene {
name _Scene_
xpos -116
ypos -322
addUserKnob {20 User}
ZBlur {
inputs 0
channels rgba
shape 1
xpos -1592
ypos 38
disable true
ZBlur {
channels rgba
Zchan rgba.alpha
shape 1
xpos -1592
ypos 77
disable true
push $N3c7f92d0
Unpremult {
xpos -1707
ypos 259
disable {{!parent.unpremult_z}}
Multiply {
channels rgb
value {{"parent.depth_unit == 1 ? 10 : parent.depth_unit == 2 ? 100 : parent.depth_unit == 3 ? 1000 : parent.depth_unit == 4 ? 25.4 : parent.depth_unit == 5 ? 304.8 : 1"}}
xpos -1707
ypos 307
addUserKnob {20 User}
addUserKnob {7 depth_unit_divider R 0 500}
depth_unit_divider {{"parent.depth_unit == 1 ? 10 : parent.depth_unit == 2 ? 100 : parent.depth_unit == 3 ? 1000 : parent.depth_unit == 4 ? 25.4 : parent.depth_unit == 5 ? 304.8 : 1"}}
set N35d4b4b0 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot33
xpos -1568
ypos 311
set N388366e0 [stack 0]
Expression {
temp_name0 zdepth
temp_expr0 "r < parent.min_zdepth ? parent.min_zdepth : r"
temp_name1 focus_dist
temp_expr1 "\[value \[topnode this.parent.input2].focal_point] * _UNIT_MULTIPLIER_.value"
temp_name2 coc
temp_expr2 "(fabs(focus_dist - zdepth) * pow(f,2) / (\[value \[topnode this.parent.input2].fstop] * zdepth * (focus_dist - \[value \[topnode this.parent.input2].focal] )))"
temp_name3 coc_px
temp_expr3 "fabs(coc / \[value \[topnode this.parent.input2].haperture] * input.width / 2)"
channel0 rgba
expr0 "parent.constant_defocus ? parent.max_size : coc_px"
channel1 none
name Generate_Direct_Z_CAM
xpos -1602
ypos 367
disable {{"!\[exists parent.input2]" x1041 0}}
push $N388366e0
Dot {
name Dot32
xpos -1477
ypos 311
Expression {
temp_name0 zdepth
temp_expr0 "r < parent.min_zdepth ? parent.min_zdepth : r"
temp_name1 focus_dist
temp_expr1 "s * _UNIT_MULTIPLIER_.value"
temp_name2 coc
temp_expr2 "(fabs(focus_dist - zdepth) * pow(f,2) / (N * zdepth * (focus_dist - f)))"
temp_name3 coc_px
temp_expr3 "fabs(coc / haperture * input.width / 2)"
channel0 rgba
expr0 "parent.constant_defocus ? parent.max_size : coc_px"
channel1 none
name Generate_Direct_Z
xpos -1511
ypos 369
addUserKnob {20 Optical l "Optical Characteristics"}
addUserKnob {7 f l "focal length" R 0 500}
f {{parent.f x1041 40}}
addUserKnob {7 N l f-stop R 0 44}
N {{parent.N x1041 1.39999998}}
addUserKnob {7 haperture R 0 50}
haperture {{parent.haperture}}
addUserKnob {7 s l "focus distance" R 0 1000}
s {{parent.s}}
Switch {
inputs 2
which {{lens_mode}}
name Switch1
xpos -1554
ypos 424
addUserKnob {20 User}
addUserKnob {4 lens_mode M {"local values\t" "cam input" "" "" ""}}
add_layer {opticalzdefocus}
AddChannels {
channels opticalzdefocus
name AddChannels2
xpos -1554
ypos 455
Dot {
name Dot3
note_font_size 42
note_font_color 0x7f7f7f01
xpos -1520
ypos 503
set N314ee260 [stack 0]
push $N3c80cdc0
AddChannels {
channels opticalzdefocus
name AddChannels3
xpos -375
ypos 402
Copy {
inputs 2
bbox B
name _Copy_ZDepth_
xpos -379
ypos 493
Dot {
name Dot27
xpos -345
ypos 550
set N3c7f4350 [stack 0]
LensDistortion {
serializeKnob ""
serialiseKnob "22 serialization::archive 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0"
lensType Anamorphic
distortion1 {{parent._LensDistortion_.distortion1.left}}
distortion2 {{distortion1.left/2}}
distortionCenter {{parent._LensDistortion_.distortionCenter.left} {parent._LensDistortion_.distortionCenter.left}}
anamorphicSqueeze {{parent._LensDistortion_.anamorphicSqueeze.left}}
asymmetricDistortion {{parent._LensDistortion_.asymmetricDistortion.left} {parent._LensDistortion_.asymmetricDistortion.left}}
cardScale {0.8201987147 0.8201987147 1}
a -0.0007762224413
b 0.07789592445
c 0.1700654477
name _LensDistortion_child_
xpos -379
ypos 664
disable {{parent._LensDistortion_.disable}}
set N3376ec90 [stack 0]
push $N3c7f4350
Dot {
name Dot13
xpos -139
ypos 550
STMap {
inputs 2
uv forward
filter {{parent._LensDistortion_.filter}}
name STMap2
xpos -173
ypos 658
disable {{parent._LensDistortion_.disable}}
push $N3376ec90
BlackOutside {
name BlackOutside1
xpos -379
ypos 715
disable {{parent._LensDistortion_.disable}}
Dot {
name Dot12
xpos -345
ypos 788
set N3c0e2980 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot22
xpos -476
ypos 788
Dot {
name Dot18
xpos -476
ypos 868
Dot {
name Dot23
xpos -940
ypos 868
set N3cab3140 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot17
xpos -929
ypos 1558
Input {
inputs 0
name InputFilter
label "\[value number]"
xpos 222
ypos -424
number 1
Constant {
inputs 0
channels rgb
name Constant1
xpos 442
ypos 306
postage_stamp false
Dot {
name Dot1
label " Default Filter Input"
note_font "Helvetica Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold"
note_font_size 24
note_font_color 0xff000000
xpos 476
ypos 394
Reformat {
type "to box"
box_width 256
box_height 256
box_fixed true
name Reformat1
xpos 442
ypos 425
Flare {
position {{width/2} {height/2}}
radius {73.5 88.78 91.25}
name Flare3
xpos 442
ypos 518
Switch {
inputs 2
which {{"\[exists parent.input1]"}}
name Switch3
xpos 222
ypos 518
Remove {
operation keep
channels {{{parent._ZDEFOCUS_.channels}}}
name Remove3
xpos 222
ypos 897
Reformat {
type scale
scale {{parent.aspect_ratio} 1}
resize distort
black_outside true
name _aspect_ratio_2
xpos 222
ypos 923
Reformat {
type "to box"
box_width 256
box_height 256
box_fixed true
black_outside true
name Reformat2
xpos 222
ypos 956
Dot {
name Dot6
label " "
note_font "Helvetica Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold"
note_font_size 24
note_font_color 0xff000000
xpos 256
ypos 988
push $N3c0e2980
Gamma {
channels rgb
value {{1/gamma}}
name _GammaDefocus_
xpos -379
ypos 879
disable {{!gammaCorrection x1041 1}}
addUserKnob {20 User}
addUserKnob {7 gamma R -1 3}
gamma 1.1
addUserKnob {6 gammaCorrection +STARTLINE}
ZDefocus2 {
inputs 2
channels rgba
math direct
output {{outputSW x1041 0}}
focal_point {16540 12700}
dof 1
size 1
max_size 100
legacy_resize_mode false
show_legacy_resize_mode false
clamp_image_filter true
aspect {{parent.aspect_ratio}}
blades {{parent.blades}}
roundness {{parent.roundness}}
inner_feather 0.28
catadioptric_size 0.375
bloom_threshold 0.5
xpos -379
ypos 978
addUserKnob {20 User}
addUserKnob {4 outputSW l output M {result "focal plane setup" "layer setup" "filter shape setup" coc}}
CopyBBox {
inputs 2
name CopyBBox2
xpos -379
ypos 1554
disable {{"ZDefocusOptik._LensDistortion_.maintainOriginalBBox==1? ZDefocusOptik._LensDistortion_.useDistortedBokeh ==1?0:1:1"}}
set N3ba68fd0 [stack 0]
LensDistortion {
serializeKnob ""
serialiseKnob "22 serialization::archive 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0"
lensType Anamorphic
distortion1 -0.1
distortion2 {{distortion1.left/2}}
anamorphicSqueeze 0.5
asymmetricDistortion {0 0.1}
invertDistortion true
distortionScaling "Choose Format"
cardScale {1.296943784 1.296943784 1}
a -0.2804687619
b -0.1616714299
c 0.3005080819
name _LensDistortion_
xpos -567
ypos 1601
disable {{"\[exists parent.input0]==1? _LensDistortion_.useDistortedBokeh ==1?0:1:1"}}
addUserKnob {20 User}
addUserKnob {6 useDistortedBokeh +STARTLINE}
addUserKnob {6 maintainOriginalBBox +STARTLINE}
maintainOriginalBBox true
set N3ba6ebb0 [stack 0]
push $N3ba68fd0
STMap {
inputs 2
channels rgba
uv forward
name _STMap_
xpos -379
ypos 1601
disable {{parent._LensDistortion_.disable}}
push $N3cab3140
Dot {
name Dot9
xpos -1112
ypos 865
push $N314ee260
Dot {
name Dot2
note_font_size 42
note_font_color 0x7f7f7f01
xpos -1536
ypos 2229
set N3ccb5230 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot28
xpos -1536
ypos 2454
Dot {
name Dot37
xpos -438
ypos 2454
push $N3c7f4350
Dot {
name Dot10
xpos -707
ypos 550
Remove {
operation keep
channels alpha
name Remove2
xpos -741
ypos 580
AddChannels {
channels forward
name AddChannels1
xpos -741
ypos 618
Dot {
name Dot14
xpos -707
ypos 1605
Dot {
name Dot24
xpos -707
ypos 1644
push $N3ba6ebb0
CopyBBox {
inputs 2
name CopyBBox1
xpos -379
ypos 1640
disable {{"ZDefocusOptik._LensDistortion_.maintainOriginalBBox==1? ZDefocusOptik._LensDistortion_.useDistortedBokeh ==1?0:1:1"}}
Dot {
name Dot30
xpos -345
ypos 1753
set N3ccc2220 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot31
xpos -1652
ypos 1753
Dot {
name Dot36
xpos -1652
ypos 2389
Dot {
name Dot11
xpos -423
ypos 2426
push $N3ccb5230
Clamp {
name Clamp1
xpos -482
ypos 2219
push $N3c8093b0
Dot {
name Dot19
xpos -2137
ypos -30
Dot {
name Dot20
xpos -2137
ypos 2267
push $N3ccc2220
Gamma {
channels rgb
value {{1/parent._GammaDefocus_.value}}
name Gamma2
xpos -379
ypos 1860
disable {{ZDefocusOptik._GammaDefocus_.disable.left x1041 1}}
Keymix {
inputs 3
invertMask true
bbox B
name _KeymixSafe_
xpos -379
ypos 2257
disable {{!ZDefocusOptik._KeymixSafe_.protectinfocus}}
addUserKnob {20 User}
addUserKnob {6 protectinfocus l "protect in-focus" t "The areas that are infocus are keymixed original pixels" +STARTLINE}
Remove {
channels opticalzdefocus
name Remove1
xpos -379
ypos 2335
Dot {
name Dot39
xpos -345
ypos 2401
set N3c1c2d00 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot5
xpos -312
ypos 2425
push $N35d4b4b0
Dot {
name Dot26
xpos -1768
ypos 311
set N3dc52040 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot25
xpos -1902
ypos 311
Expression {
temp_name0 zdepth
temp_expr0 "r < parent.min_zdepth ? parent.min_zdepth : r"
temp_name1 focus_dist
temp_expr1 "\[value \[topnode this.parent.input2].focal_point] * _UNIT_MULTIPLIER_.value"
temp_name2 coc
temp_expr2 "((1/focus_dist -1/ zdepth) * pow(f,2) / (\[value \[topnode this.parent.input2].fstop] * 1/zdepth * (1/focus_dist - \[value \[topnode this.parent.input2].focal] )))"
expr0 "fabs(fabs((clamp(coc*-1) ) ) /\[value \[topnode this.parent.input2].haperture] )"
expr1 "(abs(1/(coc*-1)) / \[value \[topnode this.parent.input2].haperture] )"
expr2 "fabs(fabs(clamp(coc) ) /\[value \[topnode this.parent.input2].haperture] )"
name Generate_Direct_Z_CAM1
xpos -1936
ypos 363
disable {{"!\[exists parent.input2]" x1041 0}}
addUserKnob {20 Optical l "Optical Characteristics"}
push $N3dc52040
Expression {
temp_name0 zdepth
temp_expr0 "r < parent.min_zdepth ? parent.min_zdepth : r"
temp_name1 focus_dist
temp_expr1 "s * _UNIT_MULTIPLIER_.value"
temp_name2 coc
temp_expr2 "((1/focus_dist -1/ zdepth) * pow(f,2) / (N * 1/zdepth * (1/focus_dist - f)))"
temp_name3 coc_px
temp_expr3 "fabs(coc / haperture * input.width / 2)"
expr0 "fabs(fabs((clamp(coc*-1) ) ) /haperture)"
expr1 "(abs(1/(coc*-1)) / haperture )"
expr2 "fabs(fabs(clamp(coc) ) /haperture )"
name Generate_Direct_Z2
xpos -1802
ypos 364
Switch {
inputs 2
which {{parent.Switch1.which.left}}
name Switch2
xpos -1860
ypos 425
Dot {
name Dot4
xpos -1826
ypos 2486
Dot {
name Dot38
xpos -460
ypos 2486
push $N3c1c2d00
Dot {
name Dot29
xpos -379
ypos 2424
Switch {
inputs 5
which {{_ZDEFOCUS_.outputSW}}
name _SWITCH_
xpos -378
ypos 2482
Output {
name Output1
xpos -378
ypos 2589
Copy link

jedypod commented Aug 31, 2017

There are some good ideas in here! I think I'll add an option for ScanlineRender style 1/z defocus in the original tool as well... It's been a desired feature a few times...

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