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vgmoose/ Secret

Last active December 18, 2022 21:53
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class Trie(object):
# this program implements a Trie using a dict,
# by treating sub-dictionaries as sub-trees,
# eg. {"d": {"o": {"g": "END"}, "a": "END"}}
# ^ the Trie accepts the words "dog" and "da"
# (and not "do", since there's no "END" at root["d"]["o"])
def __init__(self):
# initialize dict of words in the Trie
self.words = {}
# insert should insert a given word into the Trie
def insert(self, word):
# the root "node" is the dictionary itself
node = self.words
# for every character in the incoming word
for char in word:
# if doesn't already exist in current node
if not char in node:
# make an empty entry for it at this node
node[char] = {}
# update the current node to point to the next node
# for the given character (will be another dict)
node = node[char]
# we're at the end of the node/dict chain, so insert
# a character that signifies the END of the word is here
# (and the word should be accepted) (this uses "\0", can be any word)
node["END"] = True
# search should return True if the given word is in the Trie
def search(self, word):
# get the root node/dict
node = self.words
# go through incoming characters
for char in word:
# if the character isn't in the current node, the word isn't in here
if not char in node:
return False
# advance the current node to the next node for this char
node = node[char]
# finally, return true if "END" is at the last node
return "END" in node # end token
# returns true if the given prefix is in the Trie
# very similar to search, but no longer cares about "END"
# (in this method, "do" would return True)
def startsWith(self, prefix):
node = self.words
for char in prefix:
if not char in node:
return False
node = node[char]
return True
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