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making my way downtown, walking fast

vgmoose vgmoose

making my way downtown, walking fast
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vgmoose /
Last active September 19, 2023 02:51
Pokémon Red and Blue ROM Patches with Slowed Down Music

These are patches for Red/Blue that are built with their music tempo slowed down 2x and 4x. This is done by changing this line in the decompilation (to HIGH(\1 * 2), LOW(\1 * 2) or HIGH(\1 * 4), LOW(\1) * 4).

This creates a slightly better experience if you use 2x or 4x speed up / fast forwarding in an emulator, so that the sound isn't just a cacophony of sped up noises. It's not perfect though!


vgmoose / en.txt
Last active December 10, 2022 23:32
All English strings as of Homebrew App Store 2.3. If you'd like to contribute a translation for the upcoming localization support, please edit this file and make sure the 115 lines in the new language's file match up with the number of lines here. Then post the file to gist and link to it in a comment below-- and thank you!
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Without the contributions to open-source libraries and projects by these people, much of the functionality within this program wouldn't be possible.
vgmoose /
Last active May 12, 2024 01:02
Yet another How to Create a Windows 11 Install USB from Ubuntu Linux or Mac

Creating a Windows 11 Install USB in 2022

I have been installing Windows for a long time. Does it get easier? I want to say it gets easier, but it seems like there's always some new wrinkle! These instructions are as much a note to my future self as they may be useful to anyone else.

For me, I was not able to get any exfat-based installs, or even any of the GUI helpers to make this process any more straightforward. Maybe on your target Windows / host OS those helpers will work, but the below process (as of current year) is consistent, and not overly complicated.


  1. Downloading an official ISO image from MS:
  2. Formatting the drive (at least 8GB) as GPT, and one FAT-format partition (aka MS-DOS)
vgmoose / parse_id3.cpp
Last active September 7, 2022 09:32
Parsing id3 title, album, artist info using mpg123
// returns a size-3 vector of: (title, artist, album)
std::vector<std::string> CST_GetMusicInfo(Mix_Music* music) {
std::vector<std::string> info;
// these three methods require a recent (late 2019) sdl_mixer verison
// info.push_back(Mix_GetMusicTitle(music));
// info.push_back(Mix_GetMusicArtistTag(music));
// info.push_back(Mix_GetMusicAlbumTag(music));
// adapted from
auto m = mpg123_new(NULL, NULL);
vgmoose /
Created July 18, 2022 02:46
Python script to relatively adjust the volume of a roku TV, can be used in combination with
import os, sys
# You can hardcode the IP here if it does not change much
ip = ""
args = sys.argv
del args[0]
if len(args) == 0:
print("Needs one or two arguments, eg:")
vgmoose /
Created June 24, 2022 22:06
Multiprocessing pool equivalent for python threading (use like: ThreadRunner(5).parallelize(func, [data]), similar to Pool(5).map(func, [data])
# for multiple cores stuffs
import threading
from collections import deque
# NUM_CORES = 62
class ThreadRunner:
def __init__(self, num_cores=NUM_CORES):
self.num_cores = num_cores
s1 = "@Jam this campaign is actually made by gad, is he aware that's going out to all tempers?".lower()
s2 = "@jm it has a new logo is probably why you didn't recognize it!".lower()
x, y = 0, 0
out = ""
while x < len(s1) and y < len(s2):
if s1[x] == s2[y]:
out += s1[x]

You are correct. This is an older thread, but I'm going to respond to some common stuff people have said here. Before I get into it, I want to lead with this petition, which already has almost 14,000 signatures from other people who also want a standalone browser app on the Switch.

It's a lot of development work that they won't maintain

Actually, the development work is already done. The Switch already internally includes a webkit-based browser, and it is updated frequently. It can be accessed and used to browse other sites using custom DNS settings or through the social media applets. One such DNS server is (Switchbru DNS).

3522558f03aebc2681ebe0e070401bd0947eaf341caed0bf52b1a7e8cb57c41c6b06fcfca8ad6a0f369d7d05b51e30efa501c23b10e0da1e332cb9f561462f6b to.txt
"kanji": "願",
"deps": [
"kanji": "原",
"deps": [
"kanji": "厂",
"deps": [