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Last active November 8, 2022 16:15
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File Handling from an Xcode Playground
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
import PlaygroundSupport
func setUpDemo() {
let testContents = """
This is a test
Emojis follow:
let testFileUrl = playgroundSharedDataDirectory.appendingPathComponent("testFile.txt", isDirectory: false)
try! testContents.write(to: testFileUrl, atomically: true, encoding: .utf8)
// MARK: Reading
let testFileUrl = playgroundSharedDataDirectory.appendingPathComponent("testFile.txt")
var fileContents: String?
do {
fileContents = try String(contentsOf: testFileUrl)
} catch {
print("Error reading contents: \(error)")
let testFileContents = try? String(contentsOf: testFileUrl)
// MARK: Writing to a new file
let newFileUrl = playgroundSharedDataDirectory.appendingPathComponent("newFile.txt")
let textToWrite =
I didn't choose the pup life 🐕
The pup life chose me 🐶
do {
try textToWrite.write(to: newFileUrl, atomically: true, encoding: .utf8)
} catch {
print("Error writing: \(error)")
let proofOfWrite = try? String(contentsOf: newFileUrl)
// MARK: Updating a file in a not so great way
let catsLine = "\nCats are cute too 🐯"
if let currentContent = try? String(contentsOf: newFileUrl) {
let newContent = currentContent + catsLine
do {
try newContent.write(to: newFileUrl, atomically: true, encoding: .utf8)
} catch {
print("Error writing: \(error)")
let newContent = try? String(contentsOf: newFileUrl)
// MARK: Updating a file in a much more efficient way
let monkeyLine = "\nAdding a 🐵 to the end of the file via FileHandle"
if let fileUpdater = try? FileHandle(forUpdating: newFileUrl) {
fileUpdater.write( .utf8)!)
let contentsAfterUpdatingViaFileHandle = try? String(contentsOf: newFileUrl)
// MARK: Deleting a file
let fileManager = FileManager()
do {
try fileManager.removeItem(at: newFileUrl)
} catch {
print("Error deleting file: \(error)")
fileManager.fileExists(atPath: newFileUrl.path)
If error handling is not necessary, any of the do-try-catch blocks can be replaced with `try? _ACTION_HERE_`
eg. deletion without error handling would become:
try? fileManager.removeItem(at: newFileUrl)
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