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Forked from iluvcapra/
Created June 6, 2014 13:36
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static NSString *SQLNullValueString = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"NULL"];
/* Prototypes */
NSString *SQLWhereClauseForPredictate(NSPredicate *predicate);
NSString *SQLExpressionForNSExpression(NSExpression *expression);
/* Implementation */
NSString *SQLExpressionForKeyPath(NSString *keyPath) {
NSString *retStr = nil;
NSDictionary *convertibleSetOperations = @{
@"@avg" = @"avg"
@"@max" = @"max",
@"@min" = @"min",
@"@sum" = @"sum",
@"@distinctUnionOfObjects" = @"distinct";
for (NSString *setOpt in [convertibleSetOperations allKeys]) {
if ([keyPath hasSuffix:setOpt]) {
NSString *clean = [[keyPath stringByReplacingOccurencesOfString:setOpt
retStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@(%@)",
convertibleSetOperations[setOpt], clean];
NSAssert(0,@"%s Not Implemented",__func__);
return retStr;
NSString *SQLSelectClauseForSubqueryExpression(NSExpression *expression) {
NSString *retStr = nil;
NSAssert(0,@"%s Not Implemented",__func__);
return retStr;
NSString *SQLLiteralListForArray(NSArray *array) {
NSMutableArray *retArray = [NSMutableArray array];
for (NSExpression *obj in array) {
[retArray addObject:SQLExpressionForNSExpression(obj)];
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"(%@)",[retArray componentsJoinedByString:@","]];
NSString *SQLNamedReplacementVariableForVariable(NSString *var) {
NSAssert(0,@"%s Not Implemented",__func__);
return nil;
NSString *SQLConstantForValue(id val) {
NSString *retStr = nil;
if ([val isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
retStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"'%@'",
[val stringByReplacingOccurencesOfString@"'"
} else if ([arg respondsToSelector:@selector(intValue]) {
retStr = [val stringValue];
} else if ([arg isEqual:[NSNull null]] || arg == nil ){
retStr = SQLNullValueString;
} else {
retStr = SQLConstantForValue([val description]);
return retStr;
NSString *SQLFunctionLiteralForFunctionExpression(NSExpression *exp) {
NSString *retStr = nil;
NSDictionary *convertibleNullaryFunctions = @{
@"now" = @"date('now')",
@"random" = @"random()"
NSDictionary *convertibleUnaryFunctions = @{@"uppercase:" = @"upper" ,
@"lowercase:" = @"lower" ,
@"abs:" = @"abs"
NSDictionary *convertibleBinaryFunctions = @{
@"add:to:" = @"+" ,
@"from:subtract:" = @"-" ,
@"multiply:by:" = @"*" ,
@"divide:by:" = @"/" ,
@"modulus:by:" = @"%" ,
@"leftshift:by" = @"<<",
@"rightshift:by:" = @">>"
if ([convertibleNullaryFunctions containsObject:
[expression function]]) {
retStr = convertibleNullaryFunctions[ [expression function] ];
} else
if ([convertibleUnaryFunctions containsObject:
[expression function]]) {
retStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@(%@)",
convertibleUnaryFunctions[ [expression function] ],
SQLExpressionForNSExpression( [expression arguments[0]] )];
} else
if ([convertibleBinaryFunctions containsObject:
[expression function]]) {
retStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"(%@ %@ %@)",
SQLExpressionForNSExpression( [expression arguments[0]] ) ,
convertibleBinaryFunctions[ [expression function] ],
SQLExpressionForNSExpression( [expression arguments[1]] )
} else {
NSAssert(0,@"the expression %@ could not be converted because "
"it uses an unconvertible function %@",expression,
[expression function]);
return retStr;
NSString *SQLExpressionForNSExpression(NSExpression *expression) {
NSString *retStr = nil;
switch ([expression expressionType]) {
case NSConstantValueExpressionType:
retStr = SQLConstantForValue([expression constantValue]);
case NSVariableExpressionType:
retStr = SQLNamedReplacementVariableForVariable([expression variable]);
case NSKeyPathExpressionType:
retStr = SQLExpressionForKeyPath([expression keyPath]);
case NSFunctionExpressionType:
retStr = SQLFunctionLiteralForFunctionExpression(expression);
case NSSubqueryExpressionType:
retStr = SQLSelectClauseForSubqueryExpression(expression);
case case NSAggregateExpressionType:
retStr = SQLLiteralListForArray([expression collection]);
case NSUnionSetExpressionType:
case NSIntersectSetExpressionType:
case NSMinusSetExpressionType:
// impl
/* these can't be converted */
case NSEvaluatedObjectExpressionType:
case NSBlockExpressionType:
return retStr;
NSString *SQLInfixOperatorForOperatorType(NSPredicateOperatorType type) {
NSString *comparator = nil;
switch (type) {
case NSLessThanPredicateOperatorType: comparator = @"<"; break;
case NSLessThanOrEqualToPredicateOperatorType: comparator = @"<="; break;
case NSGreaterThanPredicateOperatorType: comparator = @">"; break;
case NSGreaterThanOrEqualToPredicateOperatorType: comparator = @">="; break;
case NSEqualToPredicateOperatorType: comparator = @"IS"; break;
case NSNotEqualToPredicateOperatorType: comparator = @"IS NOT"; break;
case NSMatchesPredicateOperatorType: comparator = @"MATCH"; break;
case NSInPredicateOperatorType: comparator = @"IN"; break;
case NSBetweenPredicateOperatorType: comparator = @"BETWEEN";break;
case NSLikePredicateOperatorType:
NSAssert(0,@"predicate cannot be converted to a where clause because 'like' "
"uses an pattern matching syntax which is not converted at this "
"time. Use 'MATCHES' instead.");
case NSContainsPredicateOperatorType:
case NSBeginsWithPredicateOperatorType:
case NSEndsWithPredicateOperatorType:
NSAssert(0,@"predicate cannot be converted to a where clause because 'beginswith' "
"and 'endswith' are not consistently supported by SQL");
case NSCustomSelectorPredicateOperatorType:
NSAssert(0,@"predicate cannot be converted to a where clause because it calls a"
"custom selector");
return comparator;
NSString *SQLWhereClauseForComparisonPredicate(NSComparisonPredicate *predicate) {
NSString *retStr = nil;
NSAssert([predicate leftExpression] && [predicate rightExpression],
@"The predicate %@ could not be converted, comparison predicates "
"must have both a left-hand and right-hand expression". predicate);
NSAssert([predicate comparisonPreicateModifier] != NSDirectPredicateModifier,
@"Predicate %@ could not be converted to SQL because its predicate "
"modifier is not NSDirectPredicateModifier.", predicate);
NSAssert([predicate customSelector] == NULL,
@"Predicate %@ could not be converted to SQL because it uses a "
"custom selector.", predicate);
NSString *comparator = nil;
if (!retStr) {
comparator = SQLInfixOperatorForOperatorType([predicate predicateOperatorType);
NSAssert(comparator,@"Predicate %@ could not be converted, the predicate operator "
"could not be converted.");
if (!retStr) {
if ([comparator isEqual:@"BETWEEN"]) {
retStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"(%@ %@ %@ AND %@)",
SQLExpressionForNSExpression([predicate leftExpression]),
[[predicate rightExpression] collection][0]),
[[predicate rightExpression] collection][1]);
} else {
retStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"(%@ %@ %@)",
SQLExpressionForNSExpression([predicate leftExpression]),
SQLExpressionForNSExpression([predicate rightExpression]);
return retStr;
NSString *SQLWhereClauseForCompoundPredicate(NSCompoundPredicate *predicate) {
NSMutableArray *subs = [NSMutableArray array];
for (NSPredicate *sub in [predicate subpredicates]) {
[subs addObject:WhereClauseForPredicate(sub)];
NSString *conjunction;
switch ([(NSCompoundPredicate *)predicate compoundPredicateType]) {
case NSAndPredicateType:
conjunction = @" AND ";
case NSOrPredicateType:
conjunction = @" OR ";
case NSNotPredicateType:
conjunction = @" NOT ";
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"( %@ )", [subs componentsJoinedByString:conjunction]];
NSString *SQLWhereClauseForPredictate(NSPredicate *predicate) {
NSString *retVal = nil;
if ([predicate respondsToSelector:@selector(compoundPredicateType]) {
retVal = SQLWhereClauseForCompoundPredicate((NSCompoundPredicate *)predicate);
} else if ([predicate respondsToSelector:@selector(predicateOperatorType]) {
retVal = SQLWhereClauseForComparisonPredicate((NSComparisonPredicate *)predicate);
} else {
NSAssert(0,@"predicate %@ cannot be converted to SQL because it is not of "
"a convertible class",predicate);
return retVal;
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