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vhbit / gist:874549
Created March 17, 2011 15:44 — forked from anonymous/gist:867690
OpenCV iPhone
# This script will create universal binaries for OpenCV library for
# iOS-based devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod, etc).
# As output you obtain debug/release static libraries and include headers.
# This script was written by Eugene Khvedchenya
# And distributed under GPL license
# My site, where you can get support:
vhbit /
Created May 6, 2011 07:50
Git versioning for iOS project sample
version=`git describe --long`
commit=`echo $version | sed 's#.*g\([a-z0-9]\{7\}\)#\1#'`
version=`echo $version | sed 's#[a-zA-Z]*##'`
versionNum=`echo $version | sed 's#\-[0-9]*\-[a-zA-Z0-9]*##'`
echo "#define BUILD_VERSION $version" > InfoPlist.h
echo "#define PRODUCT_VERSION $versionNum" >> InfoPlist.h
echo "#define GIT_COMMIT $commit" >> InfoPlist.h
vhbit / twitter.m
Created May 6, 2011 10:34
Follow us on Twitter button for iOS
- (BOOL)openTwitterClientForUserName:(NSString*)userName {
NSArray *urls = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
@"twitter:@{username}", // Twitter
@"tweetbot:///user_profile/{username}", // TweetBot
@"echofon:///user_timeline?{username}", // Echofon
@"twit:///user?screen_name={username}", // Twittelator Pro
@"x-seesmic://twitter_profile?twitter_screen_name={username}", // Seesmic
@"x-birdfeed://user?screen_name={username}", // Birdfeed
@"tweetings:///user?screen_name={username}", // Tweetings
@"simplytweet:?link={username}", // SimplyTweet

Mutt/Gmail/OS X Keychain

Create a new keychain item, enter the Keychain Item Name as mutt, the Account Name as your gmail email address and then enter your password, then add the keychain item.

2-step auth

If you're using Google 2-step auth, you'll need to generate an Application-specific password from your Google Account settings and enter that as the password.

vhbit / gist:5167804
Created March 15, 2013 06:07
libxml & pkg-config on OS X under brew
Homebrew's libxml-2.0 2.8.0 has pkgconfig support. For anyone coming here for answers, you only need to do the final steps:
Create symbolic link.
sudo ln -s BREW_PATH/Cellar/libxml2/2.8.0/lib/pkgconfig/libxml-2.0.pc \
Check with pkg-config:
vhbit /
Last active December 17, 2015 18:59
Pallet plugin debug
lein pallet lift differ.pallet/fullstack
# -or-
lein pallet up
vhbit /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
Russian input method for Dvorak keyboard on Mac

Put ru-mac-dv.el into $SHARE_DIR/emacs/$version/lisp/leim/quail

If Emacs is installed from Homebrew, SHARE_DIR will look like HOMEBREW_DIR/share, which in most cases is either /usr/local/share or ~/homebrew/share

For activation, put the following snippet into your custom.el:

   "russian-md" "Russian-Mac Dvorak" 'quail-use-package
   "RU-MD" "ЙЦУКЕН Russian Mac Dvorak layout"


static NSString *SQLNullValueString = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"NULL"];
/* Prototypes */
NSString *SQLWhereClauseForPredictate(NSPredicate *predicate);
NSString *SQLExpressionForNSExpression(NSExpression *expression);
/* Implementation */
vhbit /
Created June 11, 2014 08:51
Comment on error handling example
fn result_from_option<T, E>(a: Option<T>, f: || -> E) -> Result<T, E> {
match a {
Some(a) => Ok(a),
_ => Err(f())
fn slurp_file(file: &Path) -> Result<Vec<LabelPixel>, SlurpError> {
use std::{result, option};
let file: File = try!(File::open(file).map_err(|e| FailedIo(e)));
# Some things taken from here
# Set the colours you can use