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Bash [ Commands / Scripts ] Tricks
# Encoding and Decoding a string with Base64 command.
# Note: you cant pass string directly to Base64 in below example we pass string as output string with pipe.
# Note: $# holds numbers of argument that passed to ShellScript. inside function scope it also holds number of argumant that
# passed to function.
e64() {
if [[ $# == 0 ]]; then
echo ""
printf '%s' $1 | base64
d64() {
if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then
echo ""
printf '%s' $1 | base64 -d
e64 "Please-encode-me"
d64 "UGxlYXNlLWVuY29kZS1tZQ=="
# Let's using of Bash Variables in Bash script, these are variables used by Bash that we can using them while of automation :)
# let's using chmod command in the Bash script. chmod help us to change files permission in Unix base system.
# we using this command to privilege some permission to users, groups, and other type
# base syntaxt :
# chmod ([u as user][g as group][o as other]) ([+ as add] or [- as remove]) ([w as write][r as read][x as executable]) [filename]
# let's add a user permission to execute a file
chmod u+x ./filename
# let's remove a user permission to execute a file
chmod u-x ./filename
# let's privileged user and group permission to execute a file
chmod ug+x ./filename
# let's remove privileged user and group permission to execute a file
chmod ug-x ./filename
# let's privileged user and group and other permission to execute a file
chmod ugo+x ./filename
# let's remove privileged user and group and other permission to execute a file
chmod ugo-x ./filename
# user permission read,write,execution
chmoe u+rwx ./filename
# user remove permission read,write,execution
chmoe u-rwx ./filename
# user permission read,write
chmoe u+rw ./filename
# user remove permission read,write
chmoe u-rw ./filename
# user and group permission read,write
chmoe ug+rw ./filename
# remove user and group permission read,write
chmoe ug-rw ./filename
# user and group and other permission read,write
chmoe ugo+rw ./filename
# remove user and group and other permission read,write
chmoe ugo-rw ./filename
# Counting number of files inside a directory
# "find ." print list of files in current directory
# "wc -l" count number of files in this directories
find . | wc -l
# Creat help menu with cat and function in bash script
print_help() {
cat <<EOF
Simple description paragraph here,
And another lines
List of Command :
- this is one
- this is two
- this is three
# Display file size with du
# -s option show apperent file size
# -h option show as humand readable
du -bh ./sample-file.jpg
# dd command :
# is a linux useful command line tools that help us to read and write a binary file.
# we use it to read a binary file and export a part of it or (dump a part of it)
# Example :
# somtimes we encounter with a binary file that contained multiple file. how we could export a part of these files ? dd is our answer
# Real Example :
# If you did install cmake manually you should encounter with a cmake installer file like :
# is a binary file that countained multiple part.
# we check it with binwallk tool to recognize structure of it.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 0 0x0 Executable script, shebang: "/bin/sh"
# 577 0x241 Copyright string: "Copyright (c) Kitware""
# 2041 0x7F9 Copyright string: "Copyright 2000-2023 Kitware, Inc. and Contributors"
# 2313 0x909 Copyright string: "copyright"
# 2446 0x98E Copyright string: "copyright"
# 6628 0x19E4 Copyright string: "copyright and license notice applies to distributions of"
# 6813 0x1A9D Copyright string: "copyright notices"
# 9482 0x250A gzip compressed data, from Unix, last modified: 2023-04-04 19:10:59
# as you can see "gzip compressed data" contained all cmake files and we want dump it. we use dd command like this :
# if -> input file name
# bs -> block size to read
# skip -> skip from 0 to 9482 address and read from 9482 then write
# of -> output file name
dd bs=1 skip=9482
# Get current file name with ${0}
# Find the path with file name
# Create path
# return current file directory
# ${0} : return name of current file
# dirname return current file path
echo $(dirname ${0})
echo $(dirname "/usr/bin")
echo $(dirname "/usr/local/bin")
# Find and check binary path
# To find path in bash script it is good to use [ command -v binfile ] command
# This command return path of binfile if this file is exist than return empty string
FUSE2FS_PATH=$(command -v fuse2fs)
RESIZE2FS_PATH=$(command -v resize2fs)
# Checking path with if statement and -z option
# -z option useful to check a empty string
if [ -z "$FUSE2FS_PATH" ]; then
# if command -v filename cant return file path we set correct path manualy
if [ -z "$RESIZE2FS_PATH" ]; then
# if command -v filename cant return file path we set correct path manualy
# Print path
# Using id command inside if statement to find user id
if [ $(id -u) != 0 ]; then
echo $(id -u)
# define a function in bash script
# $* = show all input args in a line
# $1 = select first arg
# $2 = display secound arg
# $3 = display third arg
# and so on...
die() {
echo "die: $*"
echo "name : $2"
echo "family : $3"
echo "email : $4"
exit 1
#call a function and send arguments to it
die "show me in die funciton" "name" "family" ""
# Get current file name inside bash script
# ${0} -> returned current file name
# nproc : /bin/nproc is really usefull, this littel boy command retrun number of process that current
# cpu on our machine can run. some time this command help us when we work with make command
# make :
# make can run multiprocess jobs, to running make with multi process task 'nproc' help us to
# running build process with make in multiprocess task : make -j $number_of_process
echo "number of process that current machine support : $number_of_process"
# lets use of the "cat" command to create and write to a file.
cat > filename.txt << 'EOF'
this is a text that will be write with cat command to the filename.txt
# Get name of file as first argument that passed to bash script
# Edit and remove file extions with sed
# Get file name as input argument
# Check file is exist with -e option inside if
if [[ -e "./$FILE_NAEM"]]; then
# Remove .asm from endof string with sed and replace it with ''
# Then store it inside FILENAME_WITHOUT_EXT
FILENAME_WITHOUT_EXT=$(sed '/s/.asm//' <<<"$FILE_NAME")
# Print file name without ext
# Get wget binary file path
WGET_PATH=$(command -v wget)
# Check WGET_PATH is executable
if [ -x "$WGET_PATH" ]; then
# Using "/dev/null" device and redirection ">" and -x options in if statement
# We use "-x" option to check a executable is exist
# Using "&&" to assurance binary file is exist
# Using 2>&1 help us to redirect any error on $WGET_PATH --help ro stream output
# Using "| grep prxoy" get proxy from stream output
# Using "> /dev/null" redirection stream output to /dev/null device. we now when redirect anyting to /dev/null
# It return EOF, when we need to avoid print stream out put redirect stream output to /dev/null
# Totally this command : $WGET_PATH --help 2>&1 | grep proxy > /dev/null
# Check proxy for output of wget --help then redirect out put to /dev/null
if [ -x "$WGET_PATH" ] && $WGET_PATH --help 2>&1 | grep proxy > /dev/null; then
# Check file is exist with "-f" option
if [ -f "$TEXT_PATH" ]; then
echo "text.txt file is exist"
echo "text.txt file isn't exist"
SCRIPT_DIR="$(dirname "${0}")"
echo ${0}
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